Chapter 87: Treasure hunt

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Nami: WOOHOOH !! THANK YOU, OH GOD ! Ah... the place we tried so hard to reach... Was actually the golden city... This must be my reward for being so good.

"Weren't you afraid of the 'God' on this island ?"

Nami: God ? Who cares about god ?! Are they worth more than money ?!

"That's a trick question, isn't it ?"

Robin: Weren't you just saying "Thank you, oh god"... ?

Zoro: Straighten your thoughts...


Zoro: The mast of the Going Merry is gone... What kind of weird repair did he do ?


Robin: ... Did the attacker chop him into pieces ?

"Chopper getting chopped... Now's not the time, but I'm noting this one for later."

Nami: Don't make up scary thoughts like that !!


Chopper: N... Nothing ! I wasn't scared ! *Sob*

"... I get it. You were really strong. Now tell us everything that happened."


Zoro: Oh.

Sanji: NAMI-SAN~ ! ROBIN-CHAN~ ! I have finally passed the trial of love !! Ahahahaha~ !!

Luffy: What... That was the trial we needed to pass ?

Usopp: Were you scared ?! Well Captain Usopp is here. You can relax now !!

Nami: They seem full of spirit... That's good.

Usopp: The mast... It's gone... !!

Chopper: That... Usopp, I'm sorry... I was fighting very hard... But they burned a bunch of things...

Usopp: Are your wounds okay ?

Chopper: Eh ? Oh... yeah.

Usopp: A lance that burns stuff ? That's one tough opponent... !! Good thing the one that got burned wasn't you ! Hahahaha ! we'll deal with the ship later.


"Did he got hit by that lance, or is he just getting all fired up ?"

Luffy: Hey, Chopper ! Where's that weird old man ?! He was hurt too, wasn't he ?

Chopper: Yeah !! The knight of the sky... !!

"He would try that hard... Just for a free whistle he gave us ?"

Chopper: If the knight of the sky didn't come, the ship and I would've been goners.

Luffy: There are a lot of things I want to ask him... I'll just wait until he wakes up !

Sanji: Thanks to you, too.

Pierre: Pieh...

Sanji: With the ship like this, and the sky getting dark... We'll have to wait until tomorrow to go back to Angel Beach.

"Let's just go ashore in the forest then. We'll go camping next to the lake. And if something happens, it'll be a better place to fight, too.


Chopper: PARTY !!

Usopp: Eh ?! Wait, we're in enemy territory !! How can we go camping... ?!

Usopp: Ooookay... Thanks for everyone's report. Good work !! With everyone's information, many things became clear. However, the most important information is this !! This island is actually the golden city that the Saruyama alliance had been trying to find !

Luffy: WOW !! REALLY ?!!

Nami: Uh... I was reporting that earlier !

"What about that 'Mantra' thing ?"

Sanji: I only know that he used it to predict our next moves.

"Predict moves..."

Zoro: Something ?

"Nah, forget that."

Sanji: Chopper, should it be finer for the knight ?

Chopper: Yes. Make it so that he can drink it... Because his gullet has been injured.

Luffy: Gold, eh ?! I've been waiting for an adventure like this !!

Nami: Yup. If you're interested, makes things easier.

Usopp: Hey, hey, Luffy !! Did you forget... That raider's warning ?!!

Chopper: The god will be angry !!

"If it's the same kind of 'God' I'm used to, this will be fun."

Robin: Heheh... Sounds interesting... !

Sanji: Nonetheless, with treasure up for grabs, pirates won't stay silent. Yeah ?!

Zoro: With plenty of enemies... !! This is a game of survival !


Luffy: This job is so boring !

Sanji: You don't have to keep staring at it. When you see water in the container, pour it into the bottles. That's all you need to do ! We have to make sure everyone has water tomorrow !

Chopper: Sanji ! We found a lot of stuff !

Sanji: Ah ! Good work.

Chopper: There are walnuts, aloe, bananas, garlic...

Zoro: rats and frogs.

Sanji: Great. Throw them all into the stew.

Nami: Hold it !! There's some weird ones mixed in there !

Sanji: That's true... I was careless. You don't like garlic ?

Nami: No, no, no !! Not that !!

"I think I'm the one who don't like garlic. But on the other hand, we found this."

Nami: Wow, what's that blue rock ?! Is it a gemstone ?!!

Robin: Haha, it's pretty, right ? But no, that's not what it is.

Sanji: Oh !! Is that crystallized salt ? What a good find !

Robin: We found it by the shore, and thought it would be useful...

Sanji: of course ! In the game of survival, salt is very important~ !!

Chopper: I'll take aloe and some garlic. Aloe for burn wounds, and garlic for disinfectant... these will be helpful to the knight of the sky.

Zoro: Uh- Huh. What about the frogs ?

Chopper: Don't need frogs.

Sanji: hey, Y/n ! get over here and help !!

"Uh... 'K."

"Some more ?"

Sanji: We're using a rock to cook, not lava. Obey the cook or starve.

"Okay, okay..."

Luffy: Eeeeeeeeh ?! We eat the rock too ?! Does it tastes good ?

Sanji: Of course not ! This is "Scorched-stone stew". That is, we use the heat from the rock to cook the food in the pot. Stew is great ! All the nutrients are retained in the broth.

Nami: Okay... Finished !! Alright, everyone ! Let's do a mission-briefing and make a battle plan for tomorrow !!

Sanji: Okay~ !!

Luffy: This is delicious !! This stew !!

"Didn't you just eat an entire roasted sky shark ?"

Luffy: Yeah, but that was just a snack !

Nami: Everyone here ? Okay, firstly, let's review the contents of Norland's picture book.

Luffy: Sky island's lunches are tasty, too !


"Listen, this is important."

Nami: He first discovered the golden city 400 years ago. Then a few years later, he revisited Jaya, but the golden city had vanished without a trace. In other words, this island was a part of Jaya, and in those few years between Norland's visits, it had come up into the sky.

"On the Knock-up Stream, right ?"

Nami: yes, that's the best guess. Since Mr.Cricket said that the location of the explosion varies every time.

Zoro: Just one thing: We went to the forest in Jaya before, and those two forests are too different to have been the same forest.

Robin: That is likely due to the strange substances inside the sea clouds and island clouds. It seems to abnormally enhance the plants' and animals' growth rates.

"if that's so, this theory can justify the ruins of civilization that were swallowed by the forest."

Chopper: The Southbird that saved us was this big !!

Sanji: yeah, about that... Why did those Southbirds save you ?

Chopper: I don't know, but those birds were calling the knight of the sky "God"...

Luffy: GOD ?! So then, I just have to beat up that old guy ?!

"Of course not, you idiot !!"

Nami: Anyways, let's think back on the information on the golden city that we read on Norland's diary.

Luffy: HE SAW GOLD !!

Usopp: Duh, moron !!

Sanji: There was something about some huge "Bell-shaped gold". Then something about the Southbird...

Robin: On the last page of the diary, there was something very unclear, the things he wrote before he died.

"... 'I saw gold in the right eye of the skull'."

Nami: That's it !! Take a look at this ! I combined the map that Robin found in Jaya, with the ancient map of Skypiea. When I combine them at the point of Cricket's home... Look!! This is Jaya, 400 years ago !!

"Ohh ! It does looks like a skull ! So then, the 'Right eye of the skull'..."

Nami: This place ! Norland meant the whole of the island's body !! But the island was split in half, so it was impossible to solve the riddle.

Usopp: ... What ? So that's it...

Zoro: I see... !!

Luffy: TREASURE !!

Nami: We'll just go straight to this point tomorrow. But we can't just leave the ship here, so we'll split into two groups. There is no doubts about it !! There's some huge amount of gold waiting for us here !!!

Luffy: Phew~ I'm full, I'm full ! Tomorrow's gold !!

Usopp: Will it be sunny ?!

"I guess, we're above the clouds after all."

Robin: It's getting late. If we don't put out the fire we're not using, we will only expose our position to the enemy.

Luffy: Stupid... Did you hear that, Usopp ? She wants to put out the fire !

Usopp: Don't say it like that. Robin has been living a dark life, so she couldn't have known.

Robin: ... What do you mean ?

Luffy: Lighting a campfire is an obvious thing, yeah ?!

Usopp: It's the way of life to have campfire on a camping night, even if we die tonight !

Nami: You're the ones who are stupid. That's enough !! You know very well how dangerous this forest is, no ?!

Luffy: No.

Nami: There are those prelates ! Guerillas, too !! Plus, forests are always very dangerous at night !! There are beasts and monsters !!

Chopper: MONSTERS ?!!

"Hey ! Luffy ! How's this for a woodpile ?"


Sanji: Don't worry, Nami-San. Those beasts are afraid of fire.

Nami: Behind you, behind you !! There are some things here already !!!

Luffy: OOOOH !! You guys dance well, too !!




Usopp: Dance ! Dance ! This is pre-gold-hunting dancing ritual !! The treasure will be ours !!

Luffy: GOLD !!

Gan-fall: Even the cloud wolves have been tamed... haha. There is probably nobody else that would dare to cause so much noise in Enel's home...

"Should you really be moving around ?"

Gan-fall: Sorry to cause you trouble... I intended to be helpful, but...

Zoro: What do you mean ? You've helped enough. Thank you.

Robin: There is some food left. Want some ?

Gan-fall: Thank you, but I really don't have the appetite.

"I understand... He added garlic."

Luffy: Oooh ?! Weird old man !! You're awake !! Thanks for earlier !! Come dance with us !!

Chopper: yeah ! Come dance, Knight of the sky !!

"Aren't you supposed to be the doctor ?"

Sanji: Oh !! Mister, where is Conis ?! Is she safe ?! Is she alright ?!

Gan-fall: She and her father are in my home. Worry not.

Sanji: Really ? Great ! I had been worrying about them !

"... What happened while we were gone ?"

Gan-fall: ... I overheard your conversations earlier... So this island was originally called Jaya. However, do you know why it is now called the Holy land ? For your people, having ground like this is quite typical...

Zoro: ... Oh ? Well, yeah... It's just ground...

Gan-fall: However, in the sky, this thing was unheardof. Island cloud can nurture plants, but it can't give birth to them. Greenery and soil are not things of the sky. We call this, Vearth. For us, it will forever be, admiration itself.

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