Chapter 86: Heaven's Judgement

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd person POV:

Pagaya: You're the ship's carpenter ?

Usopp: No, that's not it. I'm the sniper. Our ship doesn't have a carpenter yet. But with my almighty resourcefulness to fix things, everyone depends on me. It's a lot of pressure ! If I'm gone, the ship would sink. Even though I'm the sniper, I do most of the captain's duties... So everyone calls me captain...

Pagaya: Ah, the way you place the food. It's quite professional !

Usopp: Captain Usopp !

Sanji: Yes, the placement's also an art. Oh~... That's not right, red should be here... These jade green beans should be here... Now it looks even more delicious ! These ones are for Nami-san and Robin-chan...

Conis: It doesn't look like food anymore ! I've never seen such a beautiful lunchbox.

Sanji: Really ?! This is for you, Conis-Chan !

Conis: Eh ?! For me ?

Sanji: Of course ! The title of this one is "Love is a dilemma, the lunch of a descending angel".

Luffy: Well, after you put it in your stomach, it all becomes the same thing.

Sanji: DON'T SAY STUPID THINGS THAT WON'T BENEFIT ANYONE ! Remember this, "The art of eating" starts with visual enjoyment !!

Usopp: Hey, something's wrong with the ship...

Sanji: What is it, Usopp ?

Usopp: Look ! They're yelling or something !!

Luffy: A party ?!

Sanji: AH ! Nami-san !! Wh... Why did you put on that T-shirt ? AAAAAH... !!!!


Luffy: Ah ! The ship is moving ! Where are they going ?! They're moving backwards, cool !

Usopp: No !! They didn't set the sail !! Look, under the ship !!

Pagaya: That's... Opal sea's special... "Super Express speed lobster" !!!

Your POV:



"Abandon ship ?! And letting them have it ?!"

Zoro: Don't worry !! I'll stay here !!

"You alone on the ship getting taken to an unknown location... if we do that, we're never gonna see either of you again..."

Robin: ... Wait, it looks like they prepared to stop our escape, too.

Robin: Those gigantic sky fish... They're chasing us with their huge mouths open.

"So even if we jump, we won't survive..."

Nami: Can't you make us escape through the air ?!

"You really want to float above a sea filled with those monstrous fish ?"

Nami: ... Don't you dare make us escape through the air !

"I thought so."

Chopper: What if we just take down the big lobster ?!

Robin: It's useless, whatever we do. Maybe... It's started !

"Heaven's Judgement... Instead of sending pursuers, they make us come to them... Cunning."

Nami: Then we're going to that island again ?!! NOOOOOOO !!!

"Yes, that situation is not in the least enjoyable."

Nami: Then why are you so relaxed about it ?!

"If they wanted to kill us, they could've done it from the get-go. No, they want us alive, to act as baits for the others. So now, all we can do is wait to see where all of this is taking us."

Nami: There he is ! Zoro !

Chopper: A shark ! Zoro is losing to a sky shark !!

Nami: Ah... He's not coming up... Did he get eaten... ?!

Chopper: GYA !! ZORO'S BEEN EATEN !!

Robin: .. if he was, the cloud would be turning red by now.


"Hey Zoro, you there ?! One 'Blub' for yes, two for no !"





"He was taking too long to answer."

Zoro: GET OUTTA MY WAY !!! Hah... Hah... Damn !

"How many does that makes ? 7 or so ?"

Zoro: Yeah... Looks like we won't be able to swim ashore... Where in the world are we ?

"All we know for certain is that this is a lake somewhere in Upper yard. Looks like a sacrificial altar..."

Chopper: There's a bunch more sky sharks !

Zoro: Seems like we've been taken to a dangerous place by that damn lobster...

Nami: You're a swordsman, yet you used your fist to kill a shark...

Chopper: You guys are strong...

Robin: I wonder if heaven's judgement is to let us starve in this place ?

Zoro: Would something that normal really be done by god ?

Robin: I don't know... I've never met him.

"If we're talking about gods... I met a few long ago. Even teamed up with a goddess for quite some time."

Chopper: Really ?!

"Yeah. She was pretty useless though."

Nami: ... What exactly did you do ?

"Well, I suppose I could tell you... But I'd have to kill you afterwards."


"Ahahahahahahaha !!"

Zoro: Anyways, with the ship's bottom in this state, we can't put it in the water. Please try to repair it somehow, Chopper !

Chopper: Eh ? Me ? Understood !

Nami: repair it... So what are you going to do ?

Zoro: I'll enter the forest somehow, and use this place as our gathering point. Luffy and the others will come here looking for us for sure. Isn't there an old saying "When you're lost, stay where you are" ?

"You're the one who should apply it the most."

Zoro: Well, god's on this island, right ? I want to go meet him.

Nami: What ?! Why would you want to meet someone scary like that !

"What will you even do once he's in front of you ?"

Zoro: ... I dunno. That will depends on him.

Chopper: Zoro... is more arrogant than god...

Nami: Don't you know there are also prelates here ?! You mustn't anger god ! This is just common sense !

"We're pirates, aren't we ? We recognize no one's authority. No lord, no king, and certainly no god."

Chopper: Wow~ !!

Nami: Oh, god ! I have nothing to do with these guys !

Zoro: ... Looks like we can use that vine.

Robin: Ah... That's not a bad idea. Would you mind if I joined you ?

Zoro: Eh ? Ok, but don't get in my way !

"Zoro... You don't have a way. You'll just wander around forever until we start looking for you."

Nami: Wait, Robin... You're going too ?!

Robin: Take a look around. This altar is at least 1000 years old. Seeing such historical remains... Makes me quite excited... Plus, if we find some gems or treasures, we can use them to repair the ship.

Nami: I'm going, too !

Chopper: HUH ?! But didn't you say it was scary... ?

Nami: We're exploring history~ !

Chopper: 'Her eyes turned into berry...'

Zoro: ... Um ! Ah Uhum !!

Nami: What was that ? A shout of resolve ? This looks pretty high.

Robin: It's probably 50 meters high. If you fall, you'll die.

Nami: Don't say things like that !!

Nami: Waah !! Fast... Too fast !!! I CAN'T STOP !! OOF !

Robin: My, aren't you the brave one ?

Nami: Hah... Hah... !! Sorry to be a bother...

Robin: Don't mention it. This is truly a big forest...

Zoro: Well then, we're leaving the ship to you, Chopper !

Robin: please take care !

Nami: We'll be back soon.

Chopper: Ok ! Don't worry about me !! Come back safely !

"Okay, Zoro, just hold on to this please;"

Zoro: A rope- Hey, why are you tying this to my arm ?!

"Just so you don't get lost."

Chopper: Since Zoro Y/n and Robin are with Nami, she'll be okay... I didn't go because I was scared... It's so cool to have such courage ! Someday, I want to have it, too... !! Anyways, I have work to do ! Leaving me alone in this forest to repair the ship, they must really trust me... !! That's right ! i'm alone in this dangerous place so... Ah...


Nami: Who disagrees ?

Nami: What ?! I'm a feeble little girl ! So I should have the whistle !!

Usopp: Luffy, you just want to blow it for fun !! You can't have it !!

Luffy: I want to call for that mister ! Right now !

Chopper: Let me keep it ! I'm the weakest !

Usopp: No ! I'm the weakest guy here !!

Nami: No, I am the weakest ! Don't talk trash !!

Robin: Your arguments are quite strange...

"Pay it no attention, it's better for your general well-being."

Nami: Then... How's this ? we'll just hang it here on the main mast. Anyone who's in trouble, take it and blow it ! Now this is fair.

Usopp: Fine.

Chopper: I understand.

Nami: Ah, also, you guys have no right to blow it ! Anyone who does, I'll kick you off the edge of the world !

Sanji/Zoro/Luffy/Robin/Y/n: Yes, we understand.

Chopper: This whistle... A- Alright then ! Good thing I still have this... !! If something happens, the Knight of the Sky will save me... Oh ? That's...

???: What ? You're the only sacrifice to kill ?

Zoro: is that well really that significant ?

"Rather than the well itself, what's weird is the fact that massive tree grew right on top of it..."

Robin: Yes... I've never thought that one would be buried under a tree. There is no sense of balance between nature and civilization.

Zoro: Nonetheless, we must cross this river if we want to enter the forest. We won't see god at this rate.

Robin: They didn't predict the growth of that tree... It's the first time I've seen such a thing.

"You think the environment made these trees grow much larger than they should've ?"

Robin: Yes... Maybe it has to do with the composition of these clouds...

Zoro: Hey, Nami ! See anything from up there ?

Nami: ... ... The island where God lives... Upper yard...

"Speak louder, we can't hear you ! Did you find something ?"

Nami: Can it be ? This island is...

Zoro: Oi, Nami ! Just tell us, what did you see ?

Nami: nevermind that, just shut up and follow me ! Somehow, we must get out to the coast ! ... Give me a hand !

"You know, usually people who say 'Follow me', are supposed to lead the way..."

Robin: So we'll know everything once we get to the coast, right ?

Nami: Yes... Anyway, I have to get closer to make sure, because I can't believe what I saw !!

Nami: Haa... Haa... Look ! haven't we seen this before ?

Zoro: What the... ? Wasn't that on the ground... ? Is it the same one ?

"More like the other half of the one down there... Without the cardboard cutout. Now I wish I had one of these picture dials with me..."

Robin: So that island used to be on the ground... it was strange that is wasn't made out of clouds...

Nami: I was wondering at first, because that house was two stories high... But there were no stairs to get to the 2nd floor... And there was no reason to build a house on a seaside cliff like that... Unless that cliff by the sea is the point of connection with this island !

"This is the other half of the island... the other half of Jaya ! It was on the ground... But the golden city Norland found, didn't sink... For 400 years, it had always been floating in the sky... !"

Southbird: JÔOOOOOOOO !!!

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