Chapter 85: Upper Yard

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"... God ? God... is there ?"

Luffy: In the place that no one should ever set foot in ?

Conis: Yes, this is "God land" and it is ruled by the almighty god Enel.


Luffy: Yeah ?

"Don't even think about it. You should know what happens, when you mess with those who call themselves 'God'."

Usopp: Yes ! "No one should ever set foot" means nobody may enter !! Luffy ?!

Luffy: Oh, really... There's a place that nobody may enter ? I see... A place that nobody may enter... ?

All: 'He's going for sure...'

Luffy: But even though it's forbidden, god will forgive us, right ? He's really nice, right ?


Conis: Y- Yeah... Breaking the rule set by god is disrespecting god...

Luffy: Really ? Oh well, it doesn't matter.

Chopper: 'He'll go even though he knows he won't be forgiven... ?'

Luffy: Alright ! Let's go find Nami ! Oh ! But first, let me finish eating...

Sanji: What if something happens to Nami while you're wasting time here ? Put it down ! We'll be back soon enough !

Conis: ... Actually, we don't know for sure if she really went there, so please don't act recklessly... If we anger God Enel, this will become very problematic...

Pagaya: Ah, by the way, you said you have a broken waver. If it's not too much trouble, please let me look at it. I will repair it if I can.

Conis: Yes, my father is a dial boat engineer.

Luffy: Really ?! Thank you !!

Nami: What... ? These trees are gigantic... I wonder how old they are ? I can't even see the top.

Nami: I thought I heard something... Is it a person... ?! Time to go back ! I don't like this place... It's probably better to just leave.


Nami: What ? What ?!

???: Hey.. !! Please help me ! Let me ride... !! On your boat ! Let me get on... !! I beg of you !!!

Nami: "Let me ride"... But there's only one seat... ! Would he fit ? I don't know... !

???: Wah !! A guerilla...

Guerilla: Damn... !! Is it Enel ?! How dare you do that to the Vearth !!

???: ... I think that guy was talking to somebody... ? Was it with the Guerilla that got away just now ?


???: Hey, tell your dog to shut up ! That guy was begging for his life, right ?! But was Enel thinking ? Why did he do it himself ?

???: Time was up, probably.

???: Time was up ?

???: The next group of illegal trespassers has already entered this country.

???: Again ?

???: We received a message from Amazon. It seems eight citizens of the Blue sea came up on a ship.

Nami: 'Eight citizens of the Blue sea... they mean us ? "Illegal trespassers" ?! Is it because we didn't pay the entry fee ? No way !! Does that mean we'll end up like that person earlier ?!'

???: Only eight ? That doesn't sound exciting.

???: Eight heads ? At least it's divisible by four !

Pagaya: This is really old !

"You think you'll be able to fix it ?"

Pagaya: I don't know. I cannot give you an answer until I open up...

Usopp: Hey, hurry up ! Let's go, get aboard !

Luffy: Oh ? Mister, what's that ?

Pagaya: Eh ?

???: That suspicious looking ship ! Stop right there !!

"No, don't tell me, I'm sure I can guess... Problems ?"

"... Um... You guys... You know you aren't being stealthy ? Like, at all..."

McKingley: Squad. Halt !! Heso !!

*White Beret squad captain: McKingley.*

Conis: Heso.

Pagaya: Hello, heso.

"... ... ..."

Luffy: What are you looking for ?

"Where all this crap is supposed to make any sense."

Sanji: Why were they crawling on the ground ?

Usopp: Dunno... maybe they're just perverts...

Chopper: So that's a pervert ?

Usopp: That's why I told them to get on board quickly...

Sanji: Just ignore them ! Let's go get Nami !!

McKingley: You !! You are those citizens of the Blue sea ! The eight illegal trespassers !!

Pagaya: Eh ?! Illegal trespassers ?!

Luffy: Huh ? What's that ?

McKingley: There's no point in denying it. We already received this from the watcher of Heaven's gate, Amazon. This is a picture taken with a vision dial.

Pagaya: ... This can't be !! It's not possible ! There must be a mistake, captain McKingley !! they're not bad people...

Sanji: Why's he calling us trespassers... ?

Robin: Is it about the 1 Billion Extol entrance fee ? We certainly didn't pay it.

Usopp: But, that old lady said... We could pass !!

"I knew it... All along, an omen was her..."

McKingley: Please stop making excuses. Just admit your guilt ! There's no need to panic, though. According to Heaven's Judgement, illegal trespassing, is only a class-11 crime. After serving the punishment, you will immediately become regular tourists.

"Good to know. What exactly is that punishment ?"

McKingley: It's very simple. Just pay a fine that is 10 times the entry fee ! Each person is not 10 Billion Extol... Which means 80 billion for eight people. Pay now and your criminal status will be erased immediately !!

Usopp: Wha- What ?! 80 billion extol... ?! How much is that in Berry ?

McKingley: Berry... That's the currency of the Blue sea, isn't it ? In Berry... 10,000 Extol is 1 Berry.

Usopp: Which means how much ?

"8 Million Berry."

Sanji: Too much !! With that much money I could buy tons of rice !! We risked our lives to get here ! Why do we have to pay that much money ?!

McKingley: If you had paid the entrance fee in the beginning, it would have been only 800,000 Berry.

"That's still a lot !"

Sanji: hey... Forget it, just ignore them. Let's go find Nami. She may be lost somewhere and crying right now !

Nami: Ah !! This is bad ! Somebody's there ! I wonder if they're with those guys from earlier ? Please don't do anything stupid, guys !!

McKingley: This is only a warning, but we are the white berets, the direct servants of the prelates. And if you continue to deny your guilt, your criminal status will become worse ! Also, that waver looks broken ! If you broke it, then it's a class-10 crime. The one about citizens of the Blue sea breaking Sky Island property...

Pagaya: No, no, no, I'm sorry. This was theirs to begin with...

McKingley: theirs ? That's strange. There shouldn't be any wavers on the Blue sea. If this was stolen from Sky island, it's a class-9 crime.

Luffy: I'm gonna kick your ass !

"Calm down."





Luffy: But these guys...

"Luffy, no !"

Usopp: Don't oppose them... ? Hey, Nami !! Can we afford to pay an entry fee of 8 Million Berry ?!

Nami: ... That's good ! So we can still just pay the fee... 7 Million Berry... THAT'S TOO DAMN EXPENSIVE !!!!

Berets: CAPTAIN !!

"... 2, 5, 8... 12 bodies."

Nami: Ah !! Crap ! Because of their ridiculous high fine, I lost it !! Oh, mister, thanks for letting me use the waver. It was very fun !

Pagaya: No, no, don't mention it... However, you are in big trouble... !!

Nami: Let's run now !!

Luffy: What !! Why ? Didn't you already attack them ?!

Nami: If we mess with "God" it'll be a real pain ! Besides, that was just an accident !

McKingley: HOLD IT !!! There is no escape !! Not only were you impolite to us, her action hindered a public official, which is a class-5 crime... WITH THE POWER INVESTED IN ME BY GOD ENEL, I SENTENCE YOU TO CLOUD DRIFTING !!

Conis: Cloud drifting... Thi... This can't be !!

Luffy: What's that ? Cloud drifting sounds comfortable !

Conis: It's not good at all !! It means putting you and your ship on a piece of island cloud so you will drift in the sky until you die ! It's a death penalty !!

"Ooooh... So that explains why that galleon fell onto us from the sky... They probably received the same sentence 200 years ago."

McKingley: GET THEM !!!

Conis: Run !! You guys can't beat them !!

McKingley: Don't say that, miss. You sound like you're trying to help the criminals !

Berets: FIRE !! MILKY ARROW !!

Luffy: Nami !! You're in the way, get back to the ship !!!

Nami: O- OK !!

Luffy: What are those things ?

"At this point... Whatever, let's just wreck them. We're already screwed enough, so what's a little more ?"

Luffy: Oh, I see !! You guys have cool stuff !

Berets: What ?! How did that guy... ?

Conis: Eh ?! His arm stretched...

Pagaya: What ?!

"Luffy ! Need some help ?"

Luffy: It'll be fine ! Gomu gomu no...

McKingley: Could it be... Devil fruit... !!

Luffy: FIREWORK !!!

"That makes me wonder, Nami ? How much money do we have onboard now ?"

Nami: 50,000 Berry.

Zoro: 50,000 ?! That's it ?

Nami: Yeah, normally it would only last us for 1 or 2 days !

Luffy: Why are we so poor ?! I'm the captain, so I'll say something.. You guys should think about how you spend our money !!

All: It's your food expenses that makes us poor !!

Usopp: Good, my "Formation B" battle plan worked perfectly just now.

Chopper: REALLY ?!!

Pagaya: they defeated the...

Conis: ... White Berets... !! Citizens of the Blue sea usually have problems fighting here...

McKingley: Ha... Hahah. You fools... It would have been fine if you had done as I said... We, the White berets, are the nicest law enforcers in God Land. They, on the other hand... Won't be so forgiving... !! With this, you have become class-2 criminals. No matter how much you cry or scream... Hahahahahaha... The prelates of "Upper Yard" Will personally judge you !! HESO !!!

"We've been tricked. We've been backstabbed, and we've been quite possibly, bamboozled."

Nami: D- Didn't that old lady say "You can still go" but once we did, it became "Illegal trespassing" ?! This is a fraud !! They can't do this !!

Usopp: That's true. However, even if she'd said, "You may not pass", we probably would've used force to get through.

"I concur !"

Nami: Shut up !!

Pagaya: Anyways, now things have become really complicated. If you're class-2 criminals, we can't help you...

Nami: Why do you have to Stand so far away to talk ?!

Luffy: oh well, it doesn't matter. We're already used to being chased by the authorities ! Also, why did you come back ?

Nami: Huh ?

Luffy: We were just about to go to "The place that no one should ever enter" for a big adventure... Wait... I meant to go there to find you...

"You really don't know how to lie, Luffy."

Nami: Big adventure ?!! I told you ! There are some really scary guys on that island !! You're just saying that because you didn't see them yourself ! Even though I don't know if they're really gods, their super and illogically immense power is real !! An island like that... I will never go there a second time !!!

Luffy: Ow !! Fine ! We'll go by ourselves. You stay here !

Nami: NO !! Pursuers are coming !! We're leaving this country !

Luffy: LEAVE ?!! Don't talk crap !! Just think ! Which is more important, adventure or your life ?!

Nami: Life, of course ! Followed by money.

Sanji: Ah, then followed by me~ ?

Nami: Shut up !

"Thinking of it... We kept trying to get to sky island, but we never ever thought about how to get back... is there really a way ? Preferably that wouldn't involve us plummeting all the way to the Blue sea, 10,000 meters down from here ?"

Conis: With your current situation... A safe route is almost non-existent, but... there is a way to the Blue sea. You must go back down to the White sea, and then head to the far East... To a place called "Cloud End".

Usopp: Cloud End ?

Conis: Yes. Although... I don't think you should try to run... Sky ocean is very vast...

Usopp: What do you mean ?

Nami: Are you saying we can't escape from those guys ? If that's so, then it's the same wherever we go. And if we stay here, we'll just cause you more troubles. Now that we have no place to hide... Let's just set sail ! Conis ! Mister ! Thanks for everything.

Luffy: Ah ! Mister, can I take the food from earlier ?

Pagaya: Oh, of course.

Luffy: All right ! Sanji, get the lunchboxes ready !!

"You really never miss a thing, do you ?"

Usopp: I have a request, too ! Mister, you're an engineer, right ? Can I have some tools and materials for fixing the ship ?

Pagaya: Oh, no problem... Just come to my place again !

Nami: Wait, where are you going ?

Luffy: I'm gonna get some food. You guys go ahead and prepare for our adventure !!

Nami: Argh !! That idiot... !! He still wants to go ?! It's really scary there !!

"How would we know ? Either way, the amount of shits given from my part is pretty low, so it's no use yelling at me."

Nami: Chopper~ ! You're on my side, right... ?

Chopper: E- Eh... ?

Zoro: Don't scare him. You know it yourself. Once Luffy is set on doing something, he'll do it even if we all protest against it.

Nami: Okay, then I'm not going.

"Fine, do whatever you want."

Nami: "Do whatever you want"... ? You want me to get killed by those pursuers ?!

"I mean, if that's what you want... I would highly appreciate if you ceased that assassination attempt on me."

Nami: Robin !! How about the two of us take them down !

Robin: It's impossible.

McKingley: Hehehehe... Pursuers... ?! Stupid... God and his prelates are like immovable mountains. They wait in the holy land to judge those fools who defy them. You will be guided to... the forbidden holy land, "Upper Yard" !!

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