Chapter 84: Angel beach

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 " ": You talking

' ': You Thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Usopp: WHAT'S GOING ON... ?

Nami: The cloud is in the shape of a belt, just like a river... !!

"I highly doubt this is something that naturally formed... No, there's no way it's natural !"

Luffy: There's something written on top !! It's the exit !!

"...'God land... Skypiea'... ? Wait, it's not an exit... It's an entrance !!"

Luffy: There's an island... ! IT'S SKY ISLAND !!

*Opal sea, God land "Skypiea"*



Zoro: Hey, what about the anchor ?! Maybe there's no bottom here, right ?!

Luffy: Don't worry about it !! Hurry ! Look, this beach is so fluffy !!

Zoro: "Don't worry"... You... What do I do ?

"Just throw it. So close of the island, there should be at least a bottom. But this scenery... It's like in a dream..."

Sanji: Yup... Also, seeing their happy faces... Haha, you just can't help it. Yahoo~ !!

Zoro: You're just the same as them.

Southbird: Jôo ! Jôo !! Jôoooooo !!!

Nami: Ouch ! Ouch ! Sorry, sorry !!!

"Looks like there's one not so happy to be here."

Nami: Jeez... Forgot to let him go earlier...

"Meh. This island is inhabited anyway. It's gonna be fine. The anchor ?"

Zoro: I put it down... I don't know what, but it got stuck in something.

Robin: Hey, now that I think about it... Isn't "Skypiea"...

Nami: Yup... It's the same as the name on the map that Luffy found ! That 200 year-old galleon that fell on us really did come here.

"Oh, so that's what has been bugging me. I knew I've read that somewhere before."

Nami: At that time, I didn't really think a world in the sky really existed, but... Look !! Haha ! After experienced it first hand, there's no more doubt about its existence !

Robin: ... What about you two ?

Zoro: Ah, I'll go too.

"Just give me a sec to take that rooster thing off the prow, before I start asking Sanji for jelly-filled donuts..."

Robin: I never thought... That navigating and landing... Could be adventurous, too.


Nami: There's no way the Navy can follow us here, we can finally relax ! It's been so long since we went to the beach.

"Can't really help it, all we've been visiting so far are ports."

Chopper: This is a beach... ?

Luffy: Aah~ This is the captain. Because there's so much fun stuff to do, I don't know what to do first. Over.

Usopp: This is Usopp. How about we take a break here ? Over.

Luffy: Take a break... Not bad ! Rejected !


Luffy: Oh ? What's that strange fruit ?

Luffy: ... What's with this fruit... ? It's as hard as concrete... Hey Usopp, I'll give you some fruit.


Usopp: HA ! You missed !! Hum...

"One Sky island... Two Sky islands... Three Sky islands..."

Usopp: You okay there ?

"My brain kinda wanna commit permanent shutdown."

Nami: Hey, Chopper, look ! What's that ?

Chopper: Oh ?


Zoro: Is this all really cloud ?

Nami: Wow... ! This chair is made of cloud ! They must have crafting techniques to make things out of clouds.

Chopper: Wow ! .. But this is a little different from those fluffy clouds... Like they've been compressed...


Luffy: Huh ? What's that sound ?

"Hey, maybe it's still the concussion talking but... Why is there two foxes right here ?"

Fox: Suu ! Suu !

Zoro: There's just one.

Sanji: What's that ?! There's someone over there !!

Usopp: Is it... Another Guerilleros ?! Whistle !! Where's the whistle ?!

Sanji: Wait, that's not it !! ... It's an angel !"

"Angel... ?"

Luffy: AH ?!!

Angel: Are you guys from the blue sea ? Su, come here.

Fox: Suu !

Luffy: ... We flew up here from the bottom. Do you live here ?

Angel: Yes, I live here. This is Skypiea's Angel Beach. Hehe, do you want to eat that Konash ?

Luffy: Huh ?

Angel: This fruit's skin is like steel, so biting won't do anything. You have to cut open in the bottom...


Angel: Alright, enjoy.

Luffy: ... YUUUUUUUUUUUUUMMM !!!! It tastes so good !!

Usopp: What ?! It's that good ?!

Conis: I'm Conis. If you have any problems, please let me help you.

Chopper: Then... Please open this one, too !

Sanji: Yes, I have a problem. Your gaze burns a hole in my heart and-


"Interesting... So when two does it at the same time, it changes the sound effect..."

Nami: Go away. Both of you.

Nami: There are so many things we want to know. To start with , everything here is so strange to us...

Conis: yes, please ask me anything.

Zoro: Hey, something's coming from the sea !

Luffy: It's a slug !!

"No it's not..."

Conis: Ah, it's my dad.

Pagaya: Conis, Heso !!

Conis: yes ! Heso, father !!

Luffy: Er, what are you saying ?

"More importantly, what is he riding on ?"

Luffy: It looks really cool !

Conis: Ah, you mean the waver ?

Pagaya: I'm sorry, I am going to stop now.

Pagaya: is anybody hurt ?

"Don't you think you should ask yourself that first ?"

Nami: Luffy, didn't you recover that thing from under the sea ?

Luffy: Yah, I did.

Nami: So that's a Waver... ! In Norland's diary, a ship that will sail without wind... !!

Pagaya: Are they your friends, Conis ?

Conis: yes, I just met them, father. They're from the Blue sea.

Pagaya: Really ? They must be really confused about things here then. This is the Opal sea. I'm sorry.

Usopp: Eh?! No, it's not like that...

Pagaya: I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Pagaya. I'm sorry.

Usopp: No, no. It's alright...

Pagaya: Good timing, I just finished fishing. I caught the most delicious food in the Opal sea. These are called "Sky lobsters". Please come to my home, I'll treat you some of the sky's "Happiness."

'I can't tell how, but that sounded wrong in a lot of ways... Must be me."

Luffy: Really ?! Let's go ! Let's go !

Sanji: You're going to make Sky island cuisine ? Please let me help !

Nami: Before we go, may I ask a question first ? How does this work ? There's no sail... Or paddles. How come it can sails on the sea ?

Conis: ... Ah, so you don't know what a "Dial" is ?

"Dial ?"

Luffy: Accelerator ? This ? Just step on this, right ?


Chopper: Wow ! He did it !!

Luffy: UGAH ?! Why is it shaking so much ?! I can't stop !! EEEK !!

Usopp: It flipped.

Zoro: Pretty big flips at that.

"I'd give it a 9."

Conis: Oh no ! Is he hurt ?!

Pagaya: I'm sorry... It's my fault for letting him borrow my waver.

Sanji: I wonder what will happen to those with devil fruit abilities in this sea of cloud...

Zoro: Well, this place is different from normal seas, right ? He may actually float.


"He sank."

Zoro: No good, huh ?

"A good execution, but the reception was really poor. Worth a 7 at most."

Sanji: That was close ! He almost sank all the way to the bottom !!

Zoro: It's all because of your stupid babbling !!

Pagaya: No, it's my fault for lending my waver to a beginner. i'm very sorry.

Luffy: My feet... One of them passed through the cloud...

Usopp: Why did you jump down too ?!

Chopper: Sky Island is scary, sky island is scary.

"I take it those wavers aren't something just anyone can use..."

Pagaya: Well, yes... In order to fully utilize the power, the hulls of the wavers are made very light. So even the smallest wave can cause it to turn. Thus, one must understand the sea very well and be able to predict the waves. i'm sorry !

Chopper: Is it really that hard ? I wanted to try it...

Conis; I've been practicing since I was a child, but I only succeeded recently.

Pagaya: With training, it takes about ten years to learn.

"That's some serious determination you need right there."

Nami: Hey~ !! It's so amazing~ !

Usopp: SHE DID IT !!!

Pagaya: What... !! Unbelievable... !!


Luffy: Why ?! How can she navigate something so difficult to control ?!

Nami: Controlling this really requires a certain level of skills. Careful observation is needed, so Luffy, it's out of your limit !!

Luffy: Hey Nami !! We're going to the mister's house ! Come back now ! Stuuuupid !!

Sanji: Why you...

Nami: You guys go ahead !! Mister, can I play a little longer ?!

Pagaya: Yes, but please be careful !!

Nami: It's like I'm in a dream ! There actually exists such a boat that can sail freely without wind !! I wonder if this works on normal seas... ?! The one that Luffy brought back was broken for sure. I really wish I could bring a waver back with us !

Usopp: How can she navigate it so easily when it shakes so badly ?

"Because she's the navigator. Duh."

Chopper: But it looks so fun...

Luffy: Sink !

Sanji: What are you, a kid ?!

Luffy: Ouch !! I bit my tongue, Sanji !!

Sanji: So I didn't hit hard enough.

Usopp: Hey, there seems to be some sort of construction site on the other side !!

Chopper: Oh ? What, what ?

Pagaya: Are you talking about the Cloud-pit ?

"Isn't it called a stone-pit usually ?"

Pagaya: The factory cuts the cloud into blocks for various purposes.

Usopp: Clouds can be cut into blocks... ? Everything is so illogical.

Pagaya: To get here to the Opal sea, didn't you pass through the "Milky Road" ?

Zoro: Milky... ? Do you mean where the lobster hauled us through... The route that looked like a flat noodle ?

Pagaya: That is an artificial cloud canal. There are two natural cloud types in this place. The kind you sail your ship on is called "Sea Cloud". The fluffy type that you can walk on it is called "Island cloud".

"I wouldn't exactly call them 'normal' clouds."

Pagaya: That's right. This is because the molecular makeup of each cloud is different. On the Blue sea, I heard that there is a mineral called "Seastone".

Usopp: Seastone ?! It's because of that ?

Pagaya: Yes. That mineral contains a special substance... We call it "Pyrobloin"... It's a molecular substance that gets ejected into the air by volcanic eruptions. When it comes in direct with water in the air, sea clouds and island clouds are created.

"I see."

Luffy: Oh... I get it !!

Usopp: yeah ! That's right. When I was little, I often played with it... That "Molecular Substance".

Sanji: You can't play with that !!

Pagaya: Nonetheless, the Milky road I mentioned before, as well as the chairs made of cloud on the beach... Those were originally produced by cutting the island cloud at the cloud cutting factory... And then after some density manipulating, these artificial cloud products were created.

Pagaya: This is my home ! Please come in.

Luffy: Usopp is stupid !

Usopp: Ah, why me ?

Conis: Huhu... Now, please press that button on the shell's apex.

Luffy: What's an apex ?

Usopp: The top of the shell, idiot. But pressing it won't do anything...


Shell: Usopp is stupid ! Ah, why me ? Huhu... Now, please press that...

Luffy: Wow ! Even the shell called you stupid !!

Usopp: No ! That's your voice !!

"It can record sound ? That 'Dial' thing ?"

Conis: Yes. That's a Tone dial. It records sound and then replays it later. It's a special shell found only in the Opal sea. It's mainly used to record music.

Dial: Usopp is stupid !! Ah, why me ?

Luffy: Ahahahaha !

Zoro: But there's no bottom in this sea, how do these things survive ?

Conis: We get them from the shallows of the beach.

Robin: If this is what a dial is... I don't understand how it can make the waver move...

Conis: That's not it. This is the waver's power source. Even though this one's smaller, it is called a "Breath Dial". If you have it face the wind for 30 minutes, it will be able to release 30 minutes worth of wind.

Conis: The size of storage depends on the size of the dial, but by placing it at the stern, it can easily power a light ship.

"So wavers can move using the wind from this little thing..."

Conis: Although the waver is the only one I can handle, there are actually many different types of dial. There are skate and board types as well...

Luffy: That's nice... I want to ride one, too... She's so lucky... We have ano, too...

Usopp: We do, but it's broken. Plus, it's been 200 years. There's no way it can still move !

Conis: Not necessarily. The dial itself is the remains of a shellfish. As long as the shell isn't broken, it will retain it's power.

Luffy: Really ?! Hear that ?!

Usopp: But you still can't ride it. Only Nami can.

Luffy: So lucky...

"Finally, a worthy opponent. Our races will be legendary."

Zoro: Don't get so fired up.

Robin: Other than those two, there seem to be many types of dials. This thing is one, too ?

Conis: yes, this is a lamp dial. It is used to store light.

Chopper: Wah, the shell is shining.

Conis: Although not a direct form of resource, Sky island's culture is one that has evolved to coexist with dial energy. Additional types of dials include the heat storing flame dial, the scent storing flavor dial, and the image recording vision dial, among others.

Chopper: So interesting ! So interesting !

Conis: They are important tools for living in the sky.

Sanji: GUAH !!! *COUGH*

Pagaya: What is it ?

Sanji: *Cough* I've never seen this cyan-colored sauce before, so I tasted it. How do I put it... the flavor is very strong... I can't even feel my tongue...

Pagaya: Ah, it's gone bad already. I'm so sorry.


"Well, Sanji sure sounds like he's having fun."

Usopp: He probably fell in love with Sky island's cuisine.

Sanji: Ok, finished ! This is my "Sky island full course special with fruit and Sky seafood" !

Luffy: Looks tasty !!

Sanji: hey, where did Nami-san go ?!

"Probably still out there messing around with that waver."

Luffy: YUM !! This shrimp ! How can I describe how good it is ?!

Sanji: I don't know, I can't see her anymore...

Luffy: Then she just went out exploring. Just forget about her !

"Luffy, this is Nami we're talking about. She doesn't exactly have the same sense of adventuring than you."

Conis: F... Father, will it be alright ?!

Pagaya: Ooh, Conis, I have a bad feeling about this, too...

"What are you talking about ?

Conis: In Skypiea, there is one place... Where no one should even enter. That place is very close to this island, and can be easily reached with a waver...

Nami: ... So... So huge... What is this ?

Conis: the place no one should ever enter... To us, it's the Holy land... It's where God lives... "Upper Yard".

Nami: There's real land here...

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