Chaptre 93: Let the Sky island sing its song

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:


Usopp: H... HE DID IT !!!

Robin: What a beautiful sound...

Chopper: Wow ! How nice ! What's this sound ? What's this sound ?

Gan-fall: I knew it... I knew this day would come... I knew it would...

Sanji: ... So this is what Norland head back then...

Conis: This is... The Vearth... It is singing...

Elder: It's a miracle... After 400 years of silence, the bell has finally rung again... O great Kalgara... Do you hear it ? The light of Shandora is lit once again !

Citizens: W... What happened... In our country... ? That sound... Can it be... That legendary song... ?

Wiper: Do you hear it ? Montblanc Norland. I'm sorry to be a little late. I only hope your descendant can hear this...

Southbirds: JÔOOOOH !!

Southbirds: JÔOOOH !!

Masira: Boss... Is that...

Cricket: There is no doubt about it... Romantic... Isn't it... ?

Masira: In the sky...

Shoujou: I'm getting on edge with excitement !!

Cricket: The sound of the bell came from the sky... I see. So there is a reason why those "Giants" always appear only when the "Imperornimbus" appears... When the sunlight is blocked by people standing high in the sky... The shadows cast on the fog below will be humongous... Big enough for people to mistaken them as giants in the fog...

Masira: Oh... So those giants were actually... Shadow of people living in the sky ? How's that possible ? How can people stand in the sky ?

Cricket: However difficult it is to believe... The sound of the bell from the sky is the undeniable proof of that fact. If the sound of the bell comes from the sky, the golden city must truly exists and in just floating in the sky.. Norland, my ancestor... he was not a liar !

Cricket: The sound is, the proof he sent us from the sky.

Cricket: Hey, kids... So the golden city is all the way up there, huh ? Thanks for telling us... U...

Masira: Boss ?! Is something wrong ? Are you okay ? Boss ?!

Cricket: I'm glad... You guys are alive and kicking up there. I was worried...

Citizens: Look ! Over there !! it's God's... Airship. And God ! God Enel sank with the ship !!

*The sound of the bell, the proof of the ancient city's once prosperous past... The light of Shandora... It is also the declaration of truce... The song of the island. Though 400 years late, it is also... The sound of a promise kept. No matter how long the journey of the floating island is... The memories of those in the past... Are never forgotten. Using the sound of the bell as a medium of message... Blessing and hope is spread, to the corners of the world.*

Luffy: It rang...


Luffy: Think they heard it ?

"... I'm sure they did."

*"We were... Always here !!"*

Zoro: it's okay. I'm fine.

Chopper: No, no !! I have to patch you up or-

Zoro: Instead of worrying about me, you should take a look at him.

Chopper: Eh ? You mean that person over there ? Wow, you're right. He's wounded really badly !! His arm is in pieces !!

Sanji: hey... isn't he one of the raiders ? Why are we helping him ?

Zoro: Hm... I don't quite understand what he is about, but... I know that he's at least an honorable warrior...

Sanji: What are you saying ? You pity him ?

Zoro: Sort of...

Aisa: ... Can you help him... Mister raccoon ?

Chopper: I'm a reindeer !! See these ?! I have horns !! Don't worry though, he'll be okay.

Sanji: Wait, where's Nami-san ?! And Conis-Chan ? Where are they ?

Usopp: Nami's with Luffy and Y/n, so she's probably okay. But the golden bell, it probably fell down... It's too bad that we couldn't take Enel's golden ship, and the golden city is just a empty shell now, too... We are still stuck being penniless pirates. I want one of those dials a lot more than gold, though. Since you can't find those in the Blue sea.

Luffy: HEEEEEY !!


Usopp: LUFFY !! Y/N !!

Conis: I'm... I'm so glad you are all safe ! I was so worried, but... I couldn't do a thing...

Sanji: Oh, Conis-chan, were you really that worried about me~ ?

Usopp: Stop acting crazy.

Robin: What's in that huge bag ?

"Food. We found the prelates food storage on our way, so Luffy emptied it."

Usopp: But how did you get down from up there ?

"Luffy tried the Gum-gum balloon, and then we remembered we didn't want to die, so I took us down, more slowly."

Zoro: hey, Conis, what happened to your father ?

Conis: Ah... He... He... Tried to protect me... And Enel...

Chopper: You mean...

Sanji: Conis-chan

Pagaya: Conis...




Pagaya: I'm sorry ! I am still alive !

"So... You fell down, all the way to the White sea ?"

Pagaya: Yes. My apologies.

Conis: FATHER !!

Pagaya: I thought I was going to keep falling down, but luckily... I was saved. People who were escaping to Cloud End are coming back to the Opal sea using cloud dials. But since angel island is completely destroyed, everyone is coming to Upper Yard.


Robin: Something wrong ?

"Nothing much... Just felt like some annoying fly finally went away..."

Enel: God... Can never be defeated !! I'll come back some day... I will not allow anything in this world to stand in my way ! You little specks of trash ! Yahahaha... Only I am worthy for this... the land endless like a dream... Go, Maxim ! To the land that glows in the darkened sky...

Enel: The endless land... Fairy Vearth !!

Usopp: Phew... It's nighttime already... What now ?

Nami: back to the ship ?

Luffy: Nami ! How can you say that ?

Nami: Huh ? Why ?

Luffy: Usopp ! How could she say that ?

Usopp: She is inhuman !


Wiper: Where am I... ?

Gan-fall: You are in the ruin of Shandora...

Wiper: Gan-fall !! And you ! You are also from Skypiea !

Conis: No ! You can't move yet !

Elder: Calm down. Don't try to push it with your wounds.

Wiper: C- Chief ! Where's the golden bell ? We still have to guard it from...

Elder: Take it easy, Wiper... Just listen... In the past, the warriors had their reason for war. For our generations, the sky is our home.

Wiper: CHIEF !! Ugh...

Elder: listen, Wiper... The Vearth, had never rejected anyone. It was us who rejected each other.

Gan-fall: yes... Right now, among us... there is not one person, who desires the continuation of the war.

Luffy: PARTY !!!

*The 400 year-long war of Skypiea has finally ended. Everyone in the country celebrated for days without end.*

Luffy: Pssst. Nami ! Wake everyone up.

Nami: Hmm ? What for ?

Luffy: Let's steal all the gold and run away... !

Nami: Ehh ? Gold ?! Really ?!



Usopp: Be quiet ! I can't sleep with all that noise !!

Chopper: GAH !! THAT HURTS !!

Zoro: Morning already ?

Sanji: Nami-San, good morning... ? Huh ? It's still night time !

Nami: Shut up ! Both of you are too loud !!

Chopper: What the heck ?! Usopp hit me !!


"You guys... Better have a good reason for yelling so early in the morning..."

Angel: Those guys from the Blue sea sure party a lot...

Luffy: You guys got that ?

"Make the best out of tomorrow. Don't forget to do anything and regret later."

Zoro: Zzzzzzz...

Warrior: Chief ! We found the golden bell !! It's hanging on the fallen beanstalk ! Now everyone's getting ready to pull it back up !

Elder: Really ? Gather as many men as you can and head to the beach !

Robin: The golden bell... ? 'Finally, the Poneglyph of Shandora that bears the "historical text"... Is within my reach... I almost gave up on it, too...

Warriors: Again ! One... Two... Three !! Put in more effort

Warriors: grr ! We don't have enough men for this ! This is the pride of our ancestors... we must recover it no matter what ! Summon all your strength !!


"Why don't you stop talking and start pulling ?"


Angel: Rubber... band ? You said this thing is called a rubber band ?

Usopp: that's right ! I'll have you know that 90% of the damage that caused the giant beanstalk to fall was dealt by my ultimate "Usopp rubber band missile" ! There is not another people in this world, who can produce these rubber bands !

Usopp: The 2nd item on display is this. It is called a "metal plate". It is also not found anywhere else. This was specially brought here from the ship ! I will accept any dials in exchange for this !

Angel: No thanks. I like the rubber band better ! I will trade for this !


Zoro: You look pretty excited, Usopp. How was trading ?

Usopp: It was a big success ! Check out all these dials ! With so many different dials, "Usopp's factory" will be better than ever ! Hey Zoro ! Want me to upgrade your sword into a "Scent sword" ?

Zoro: Ehh... No, thanks...

Usopp: I can also upgrade Nami's Clima tact ! Even my hammer can... Hehehe... this is awesome !! By the way, where are the others ?

Zoro: No idea about Robin or Y/n, but the others are still inside.

Usopp: Heh, that snake sure is a heavy sleeper...

Zoro: that's probably because it's been dancing so much... I don't know why it was so excited though... Nonetheless, they should get out of there soon. If the snake wakes up, it will be... problematic.

Usopp: But... This snake looks so harmless...

Zoro: idiot ! You sounds like you have no idea how vicious that thing is !!

'Usopp': But... This snake looks so harmless...

Zoro: You're just saying that because you haven't seen it when it is awake. If you have, you won't be standing there so carefree...

'Usopp': But... This snake looks so harmless...

Zoro: Are you listening to me, Usopp... ?

Usopp: Haha !! It's a Tone dial !!

Dial: This snake looks so harmless...


Warriors: We got it !! Hurray ! So that is the golden bell ?! It is marvelous !!

Warrior: Move it over here, the beanstalk isn't very stable !

Angel: It looks even more majestic up close... Too bad one of the pillars broke off...

Warrior: Look ! Over there... The Poneglyph... it's the tablet that our ancestors... sacrificed themselves and the city to protect... ! There seem to be some writings on it, chief...

Elder: I cannot decipher the language on it, but... That is not important, because...

Robin: "Before the heart of truth there is no need for words. We are the recorders of history, existing in harmony with the sound of the great bell."

Elder: W... Where did you learn of those words ?

"We found them written on another Poneglyph in the ruins. Warriors of Shandora, protectors of the text, that's you, right ?"

Elder: Can you... Really decipher... That ancient language... ?!

Robin: ... Hm... the "Ancient weapon" with a power so strong, that it was named after a god... "Poseidon" ?

Warriors: An ancient weapon ?! We have such a thing here... ?!

Robin: 'Another weapon named after a God. Is it just like the "Pluton" of Alabasta ? All these dangerous things are still waiting to be uncovered... ? This is not something I wish to learn about...'

Robin: What a waste of effort...

"We... Came here... Found the text... And... Followed... It's guidance..."

Robin: ... What ?

"Look for yourself. Looks like you missed these ones on the side."

Robin: N- No, that's not... You can read them... ?

"Far from being as fluent as you. Luckily these characters are more recent."

Robin: How... ?

"How do I know that, or how did I learn ? The first, look at that."

Robin: ... "We came here, found the text, and followed its guidance. -Gol D. Roger..."

"Therefore why I could tell they were recent."

Robin: The pirate king... ! So he also came to sky island... furthermore, he also knew this ancient language... ?!

Gan-fall: "Roger", you said ?

"You know him ?"

Gan-fall: 20 years ago, there was such a guest on Sky island. He said that he was a pirate of the Blue sea. Can he be the same person who carved that message ?

"If that's the case, it would mean that he found the golden bell 20 years ago and didn't tell anyone about it..."

Robin: It also means the pirate king also found the text. Those carvings are the proofs...

Robin: 'Come to think of it, there are two types of Poneglyph stones. Those with information, and those that shows the location of the others. This stone... is one with information.'

"We came here, found the text, and followed its guidance..."

Robin: "Followed its guidance..." can it be... That the "True" historical text is actually...

Robin: Chief of Shandora, this piece of historical text, has already served its purpose.

"Served its purpose ?"

Robin: Yes. There are several Poneglyph that hold information scattered throughout the world. i'm sure that by connecting them and reading them they'll become a document that fills in the "Void history" for the first time. Connecting them will complete a text, the Rio Poneglyph, which doesn't yet exist. i'm certain that the pirate king, Gol D. Roger, has delivered this document to its destination.

Elder: In other words, we... No longer... We no longer need... To fight... ? So... The wishes of our ancestors... Have long been fulfilled... ?!

Robin: That is correct... 'This also means that I must follow the guidance given by... The Poneglyph I have read so far... To the ending point of Grand Line, Raftel ! But...'

Robin: How... ?

"Hm ?"

Robin: How did you... Where did you... How can you decipher these, even partially ? That's-

"Shhhhhhh... Don't ask question you don't want to be answered, Robin."

Robin: But-

"Robin. You may have been labeled as a 'demon child' by the world government, but I've done and seen way worse. Way worse than filling a giant tree's basement with forbidden knowledge."

Robin: ... ... ... You...

Elder: Pirates... I heard that your party also desires... Since in the Blue sea, gold is more valuable than Vearth... I cannot give you the bell itself, but how about this broken pillar... ?

Warriors: yeah ! That is a great idea, chief !! Take that as a symbol of our gratitude !!

"Well, everyone will be thrilled by it, I'm sure."

Angels: Ok ! let's carry this to the Blue sea people's ship ! This is a thank-you present for defeating Enel ! Push hard, everyone ! it's heavy ! To the savior of this country !

Angels: I think it's better to wrap it up in cloth ! that's still not feasible...

Gan-fall: Young one... That boy wearing the strawhat... he reminds me of Roger. Are they related ? Or are my sense getting dull with age ?

"No, you're still sharp. His name is Monkey D. Luffy. And for what I know... he reminds a lot of people of Roger."

Gan-fall: "D"... I see, they have the same middle initial... is that why they are so similar... ?

"Who knows ? After all, there are more of them with that letter."

Luffy: They are so slow...

Chopper: this place is deserted ! Where are the raiders and the angels ?

Usopp: It's better this way because we won't have to worry about getting caught.

Sanji: Yeah ! We won't be able to run fast carrying all this gold !! Nami and Conis are already waiting for us on the ship, by the way.

Zoro: Hey, Y/n can easily catch up to us, so let's go back to the ship and leave without that woman.

Usopp: You bastard ! We can't do that !!

Luffy: Stupid !

Sanji: Marimo bastard !!

Chopper: Bastard marimo !


Luffy: Stupid !!

Sanji: When you get lost after taking three steps into a jungle, how would you like it if we don't wait for you ?!

Usopp: Hey ! I can see them !!

Luffy: Hey ! Y/n ! Robin ! Hurry up !! We stole their gold ! We need to hurry up and leave !


Usopp: This isn't good ! They have a huge cannon with them !

Chopper: GYAAAAAAAA !! So many people ! And a huge cannon !!

Zoro: Told you we should've left right away.

Luffy: Let's get back to the ship ! We can't stay here much longer ! Look at all of these !! we're super rich now !! These sacks are filled with treasure !!!

Warriors: Hm ? Hey, hey, it seems that they are leaving already !! hey, wait ! Wait ! Stop right there !

Sanji: SHIT ! We've been found out !!

Luffy: RUN AWAY !!

Warriors: Hey !! All of you, wait !!

Usopp: "Wait", you say ?! Are you trying to command us ?

Luffy: Yeah !! Tell them who we are, Usopp !!


Sanji: Y/n, Robin-chan ! Hurry up, don't get caught by them !

Warriors: "Caught by them" ? But we're just tryingto give them our thank-you gift... hey ! Don't you want this gold as a gift from us ?!

"... I swear, Luffy... But in the end, it can't fit on the ship..."

Robin: Hahaha... It seems that they don't want it anymore.

Angels: EEH ?! BUT... WHY ?!!

Luffy: RUN AWAY !!

Angels: PLEASE WAIT !!!

Angels: Heeeeh... ?! Why did they just leave the island like that ?

Warriors: Yeah... We didn't even have the chance to present our gift...

Elder: I wonder why... Don't they know how grateful we are for their help... ?

Gan-fall: I guess I will never understand the minds of those youths...

Gan-fall: I am the knight of the sky... I am nothing but a neutral henchman... Chief of the Shandia, I believe that you are more suited to lead. After all, your people were the ruler of this land before the war.

Elder: Nonsense... Such ideas are only suited for the time of war, because the land does not "belong" to anyone. The warriors and Shandora are mere guardians of the land, not rulers. But you... You were the "God". For the country, Skypiea and the city, Shandora... Only you deserve to rule them. You were the only one more concerned about the well-being of this land, than the outcome of the war. You chose to passively protect this country by becoming the "Knight of the sky", but now, please become the "God" once again. Actively and directly bring hope to this wounded country.

McKingley: We feel the same way ! Gan-fall-Sama !

Warriors: If it's you, we dig it ! Gan-fall !!

Angels: Please come back to us !! God !!

Gan-fall: ... *Sigh* It seems that I will not be returning to my garden of pumpkins anytime soon...

Luffy: Gold !! Gold !! Gold !! WE GOT GOLD !! We're rich !! What should we buy ? How about a giant bronze statue ? A super awesome one !

Usopp: Idiot ! That's a waste. We should buy cannons !

Sanji: Nami-san ! May I buy a refrigerator that has a lock on it ? Please ?

Chopper: Oh ! Me, too ! Me too ! I want to buy something, too ! I want some medical books.

Zoro: I want rum.

"... No, I'm positive that even if we tried cutting it into pieces, it would never fit."

Nami: What are you talking about ?

"First, allow me to put at least 20 vertical meters between you and me, and then I'll tell you that because of them, we couldn't take the giant pillar of pure gold they wanted to give us as a gift."

Usopp: Wait... that canon... ?

"Was a giant golden pillar."

Nami: ... ... ... ... *Twitch*

Robin: Speaking of, what did you do with that pillar after all ?

"Oh, I found a good use for it."

Cricket: ... ...What is that ?

Masira: You mean that weird yellow thing in the sky ?

Shoujou: is it just me, or is it getting closer ?


Conis: Everyone, please look to the front, we are almost at the exit. I can see it already !

4 plates of ground meat: Aaaaaaaaagh...

Butcher-Nami: Cloud End... So we are getting down from there, eh ?

"Leaving already... The nostalgia is getting at me already."

Robin: It's time to say goodbye to this white sea...

Chopper: Sky Island was fun, but it was kind of scary...

"Do we just go through that tunnel, then follow the milky way all the way down to the Blue sea ?"

Pagaya: Well, this is as far as we can accompany you... take care of yourself, everyone !!

Nami: Thanks for taking us here ! Thanks for everything !!

Luffy: Conis, mister, take care !!

Pagaya: Excuse me ! You must put away your sail immediately !

"Okay everyone, do that ! We don't know how fast we'll be flying down, and we're 7000 meters above the Blue sea !"

Sanji: ... ... ...

"Um, Nami ? Could you..."

Nami: Move all the gold inside the cabin !

Sanji: YES !!

Usopp: Wh- What the hell ?

Chopper: He's saying, "Don't forget me here..."

Nami: Oh yeah... We took him along with us on our way up.. All right, captain, it looks like the Log has locked on to the next island...

Luffy: Okay. This is the start of a brand new adventure !! Alright, crew... Let's... GO BACK TO BLUE SEA !!

Conis: Everyone, be careful, you are going to start falling soon !!

"Fall ?"


Conis: here goes... The sky island special, Balloon octopus whistle !!


Usopp: ... OH MY GOD !! GIANT OCTOPUS !!

Zoro: A monster ?!

"... ... No but at this point, I learned to stop asking questions."

Luffy: Look !! Look ! This is so cool !!

Usopp: Eh ?! It's an "octoballoon" !

Robin: For a second, I was sure we were gonna crash like pancakes 7000 meters below.

Zoro: We slowed down quite a bit...

Luffy: This is so fun !!



*Every time I look at the sky... I think of that "Fairy land"... Hiding in the clouds. 10,000 meters above the ground... the beautiful song of the bell resonate endlessly... It rings today, it will ring for the days to come. That golden bell of that lost land, will forever sings of the pride, of its people...*

Luffy: Woohoo... This is so fun ! I feel so happy !

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