Chapter 3: Set sails for England

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"We be hunting down captain Kirkland, if any of you are to scared to face this foe leave my ship this instance" I lectured my crew giving them a final chance to leave to my surprise none even flinched "we're on a ship with a lady as captian ye really think their goanna run away that quickly " Mathias smiled leaning apon my shoulder I laughed at his reasoning but if I means they are all not aload of cry babies who am I to complain.

"hoist the anchors,  let down the main sail and untie us from port" I shouted these orders as one of the young lads jumped on the boat with a parcel I had sent him to get earlier from Rupert. "where you planning on leaving without me cap" he gave me a sour look "well ye here ain't yeh" I stuck my tongue out at the sod which he only returned with a laugh. "place the parcel in my quarters will ye" he nodded and ran down the stairs to the deck.

I leaned against the wheel and I aimed the ship in the direction of England, the place that was ment to be my home country but I was all but a stranger to the place now.

We sailed for two days and Engalnd  hasen't been spotted anywhere on our horizon yet.

~diffrent pov~

I kicked opened the door to the familiar pub,  men jeered and gossiped as I ordered my self a pint of beer for a change "move" I grunted to a full table of men they all seemed shocked at my order but after taking one look at me all vacated the table. I placed my pint down and took a seat. "Hey kirkland, mind giving back me back my loot and maps" the annoying Spaniard's voice rang through the pub. "and why would I do that? " I turned in my chair to him throwing a death glare. "because theirs a pretty girl after one of them " he shrugged taking a seat next to me "girl?" I qouestioned  "Oh ye haven't heard yet?" Antonio sneered a fake smile plasted on his face "he's talking about the new bi##h of a captain" Lovino snarled chugging down what looked like one of many pints he'd already had. "a lady captain huh?" how intriguing, I've never meet a single women who dare step foot on a pirate ship out of her own free will, let alone one becoming captain.

"So about that map?" Antonio carried on not seeming to get the message. I pulled out my pistol and placed it to his temple "woah ok ok,  no need for weapons all you had to say is no" he shuffled away. "so who's this lady captian?"  I asked not placing my pistol down, he glared me down for trying to threaten information out of him so did half of his crew who where scattered among the pub. I placed the weapon down no wanting to start a pub brawl. I dug around my pocket and pulled out a couple of gold coins knowing he'd need them considering the shape I left his ship the last time we met. "Here know tell me everything you know" I snarled chucking the coins apon the table, he looked down at the money and didn't seem satisfied with my wager,  he must really not want to sell her out if he isn't accepting money in the shape he's in.

"Her name is (F/N) (L/N) if ye want anymore information ye'll have to pay more" Lovino took the money and shoved it into his pocket. "When was she last here and where is she heading?" I sighed "Lovi don't!" Antonio warned his first mate. "Shut up tomato ba##ard we'll need this if you ever want to sail any time soon" Lovino growled not wanting to be on land or in this place for any longer then he had to. "Her ship left two days ago and she's after you" he bluntly anwsered I stood up getting all the information I needed "never try and get extra money out of me ever again, ye hear" I hissed in his ear as I placed a few more coins in his hand then left all eyes seeming to follow me out.

A lady captian after me? she has no idea what's she's getting herself into.

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