Chapter 4: Prisoner

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I stood in my room and studied the book shelf. A knock sounded on my door but I wasn't even able to answer it before Mathias came charging in. "They're trailing us (nickname) just like ye planned" he jeered, I could feel the smile as it etched up on my face "Antonio and his men where the worst at keeping their mouths shut, seems they still are" I laughed. "So what's the plan cap?" Mathias questioned "we wait... Till they strike , pack away early tonight and ready the men, make sure they act completely normal ye hear ?" I ordered "yeh but that ain't explaining much" he pouted not liking to be kept in the dark. "Mathias all we have to do is wait , I'm sure they'll underestimate us" I stated knowing most pirates did at this point because of my father's illness we hadn't done anything rememberable to strike up a fuss nows the time we become know once more.

~diffrent point of view~

I sat at the top of the crows nest and stared out, there she was, she stood at the wheel a man stood next to her all the men scurrying about the deck. They didn't seem to at all notice we where trailing them. Spouse it's for the best,  sneak attacks are always easiest. We waited till dark.

"go to barracks,  don't take any prisoners!" I order as my boat started lining up with their's. "what about me ?" Francis asked "look for the first man" I sighed. It was pitch black I took off my patch so I could see clearer and checked my belt making sure my sword was safely secured. This was going to be easy I wish this would be a  challenge for once. I walked the wood plank that connected the two boats I'm surprised nobody's noticed us yet. I quietly made my way to the main door that lead on to a hallway I followed the walls,  a humming loomed, one door held light under it. I stopped by it and peeked through the key hole a figure of a women stood at a desk studying a map. This was the room. I knocked on the door seeing if she was as bad as I suspected "come in" she sighed. I lightly opened the door but she didn't look away from the map or move she stood like a statue I quickly unsheved my sword which made her trun quickly she moved so fast I didn't noticed intill she spoke that a sword was pressed against my throat. "Do you like my little trap kirkland?" she qouestioned a smirk clear on her face as 3 men appeared blocking  the exit. She's a new captain surely she couldn't pull off something like this "What?!" I growled glaring her down. "well ye see Spain and his crew haven't been the best at keeping secrets, it was only a matter of time before ye came hunting us down " she spoke in a matter of factly way as if she knew my plan all along.  Well this'll be more fun then I  expected.

~normal pov~

His once scowling lips where replaced with a cocky smirk. He took a bold step forward the knife jabbing into his neck slightily "so would you mind telling me what a pretty lass like you is doing on a boat full of pirates?" he asked his intense emerald eyes burning into me "Ye do know there isn't a bigger killer then curiosity " I smiled at him which only caused him to frown "also prisoners don't get their qouestions anwsered sorry to say" I smirked causing him to thrown even deeper "such a grumpy sod... Aren't we?" I sighed lifting up his chin with my sword . "A lady raised like a lad.... Ye wouldn't stand a chance off this ship" he growled "That's why I'm not planning on leaving " I shrugged "any more insults you want to throw my way before I throw you in the jail?" I qouestioned having enough of the bitterness "you should never trap a pirate love, espically a captain " he warned seriousiness dripping from his tongue. "take him" I ordered drawing my sword back into its sheath. Marcus and Gen held him in their overly muscled arms and took him off "Woah that was amazing" Mathias beamed as soon as the door shut "ye goanna be one of the best captains ever! Ye just took down the best in the seas!" he ranted grinning as he pulled me into a hug "I wasn't that good all it took was a bit of planning and a bad reputation" I smiled "I'm surprised he fell for it so easily, and unesstimated us that badly he even knocked on the bl###y door, what a twit" I sighed. "well tonight calls for a celebration!" he jeered "Of course but we still need at least 5 crew members to watch the jail" I reminded "we'll worry about that later" he replied the smile never leaving his face as he let me go. "Cap! We court his crew their all tied up on the main deck!" a little lad poked his head round the door "I'll be right there" I called back as he disappeared. I strode out my quarters matthias following right behind me I open up the main door to be met with many glares and stares as I walked up to the unknown crew. They all followed my moments "Ok let me put this in perspective for ye all" I looked over their glum faces ones outfit stood out form the rest light blue fancy clothes,  must be the first mate. I walked up to him and lent infront of him "ye Kirk's first mate?" I qouestioned not expecting such a fancy, clean man to be a pirate "Oui masmeralle" he smiled sweetly a womaniser too huh? I took the ropes that bound him he looked at me hopefully as if I was going to set him free but unluckily for him his face hit the deck in secounds I dragged him out infront of all the crew. "I'll throw ye over board, shoot ye to death,  slit ye throats" I placed my sword to the fancy man's neck making him squirm "or....." I dragged "What?what" the man asked at my feet "you pledge yourselves to me and if I dare see,  hear or find you betraying me, you'll be killed without qouestion" I smiled seeing all the looks of shock on their faces "so what do ye chose boys? " I asked "never !"the first mate pouted I pointed the sword at his fore head "What did you say?" I hissed he contemplates for a secound a thrown spread across his lips "I'll Jion" The first man  rephrased giving in,  I wonder what his game is? "and the rest of ye?" I raised my eyes to them, all of them nodded " Also just so you know I don't take lightly to being underestimated so I would watch your backs if I where you" I smiled cutting the bindings of the man before me, then helped him up "(F/N) (L/N)" introduced to his surprise "Francis Bonnefoy " he replied with a smile "it's lovely to meet a strong women for once" he smiked "there's plenty of strong women... You just need to know where to look" I stated sourly "if you'll excuse me I'll be going back to my cabin,  I want half of your crew to man your ship and half mine same with my ship I'm counting on you to take the wheel of your ship if you even try and get away you get shot immediately understood? " I ordered "Yes ma'am" he nodded "call me Cap, rest the men we set sail tomorrow sunrise " and like that we parted ways I jestured Matthias to follow as soom as I shut the door he let out an outburst "you don't really trust them do you?" he throwned "No of course not" I scoffed "but my crew alone wouldn't be able to cater to both ships, I'm planning on selling it at the next port and ditching his crew" I explianed "just make sure the crew know to watch their backs and always keep and eye out and I want you to stay on deck watching them as much as possible" I informed "Okie dokie cap" he saluted childishly then left. Well I better check on that new prisoner of mine.

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