Chapter 5: The Wild Captain

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I walked down the creaky steps of stairs and soon found myself face to face with the emerald eyed man. He was slouched in a corner his hat and over coat gone and his arms tied behind his back. I stepped closer to the bars his gaze never leaving mine. "Ye really think ye can hold me here?" he hissed "well to be totally honest I belive I'm more then capable" I sighed he raised a brow but didn't speak a word. He lowered his head breaking eye contact. I moved my arm jesturing Marcus and Gen to leave. The only light that came in the dark room was from a small port hole. I sat on a nearby barrel.

"To be honest, you didn't live up to my expectations, I thought you where the best around" I teased "Well a women like you shouldn't even be on a ship" he argues a useless point. I clenched my jaw. I opened the cell and stepped in he seemed surprised. Standing infront of him, I looked down as he glared up at me. "So your saying because I'm a women I can't lead a ship and beat ye" I spoke venom dripped from my words. "well sorry to say kirk but I already bl###y have" I hissed the anger slowly diminishing as the look on his face became more and more twisted with hatred. "Don't call me that!" he spat his glare became sharp as he attempted to stand up. I placed my foot on his chest so he couldn't move. He let out a low growl "Get off" he shouted I didn't move he struggled. I had enough of him thinking he can control me even though he has the lower hand. "Don't ye get it ye twit! I'm the one in charge you're my prisoner!" I bellowed back he stoped scurming he quickly moved I toppled backwards losing my footing he was up within secounds. He was now looking down at me I stood my ground knowing he couldn't do much with his hands bound. "Your stronger then I expected but that doesn't mean I'll bow down to you" he stepped closer intill our noses where nearly touching his eyes burrowed into me, challenging me. "Your really are a grumpy stubborn sod eh?" I sighed having enough of his disobedience for one day, I pushed him away He let out a grunt, I left the cell locking it behind me. He sat back down with a huff. I left him and made Marcus and Gen go back down to monitor him. I walked out back on deck to find it empty a small boy at the wheel. "Where is matthias?" I qouestioned him "He's down in the barracks cap" he anwsered his face stern and stiff. "urh! Keep on stirring till I get back" I order as I stomped down to the men's quarters I could hear laughter and singing from the hall I slammed open the door furious everything fell slient well except for a certain blond who was giggling away rum in his hand as he stumbled about. "Mathias here!" I seethed. "what you doing down here cap goanna join us?" he slurred loudly. "why is a small lad driving the ship? " I sighed "he needs to learn one day and we won! we need to celebrate.!" he reasoned "well I haven't touched rum in a while" I pondered I hadn't been down here for a celebration in a while "Come on you use to be the life of the party!" he whined I did use to be quite wild. "you three keep cheek on top, no arguments" I pointed at three of my men they all growned but did as said. I tilted my hat as a grin spread across my face "Are ye Lads ready for the celebration?" I qouestioned in a strict tone looking quite menacing they all jeered a yes an within moment the noise started up again . "Hey get that music going"I smiled chugging down a whole mug of rum. "Let's show em how it's done (F/N)!" (started to play youtube video up top) matthias held out his hand to me I took it as the accordion started to play a lively tune. Matthias jumped on the table draging me up with him. He spun me like when I was a child we danced apon the table my feet clicked against the wood with every step as all my crew jeered and clapped. We trotted to one end of the table laughing then all the way the other only to do a sharp turn and started dancing once more all my worry melted away as I danced to the enticing tune. I was spun 3 time in a row then we did the line move we learned in Scotland I taped my right foot down then clicked my left heel to its side linked arms with the Dane beside me and did a full on Irish tap dance I could see the many shocked faces of the other crew as we flew across the table carelessly only caring about the tune under our feet and the happiness in the pit of our stomaches. "Don't look so flabbergasted ye lot the captain ain't all orders and death threats" one man laughed I couldn't help but laugh at the statement. As I let the Dane lead the mad dance. Soon enough the new crew joined in the clapping and jeers. "How can he dance when he's that drunk " one asked "he always dances better drunk!" I called over mathias's shoulder "Because I don't have a care in the world" Matthias finished grinning. Soon enough I was able to lead, boy was I going to give a show. We held hands like you would for a tango and flew across the table dipping every so often I spun the drunk dane out and brought him back in. He picked my up spinning me apove some of the crews heads only to quickly bring me back down . After some more reckless moves we both decided to stop bowing at eachother in a mocking manner atop the table both grinning as the crew clapped and cheered. If there was anything I enjoyed while living with pirates it was the celebrations. Sitting down at the head of the table, I chugged down some rum "That's was magnificent!" a familiar voice called. The man I believe was called Francis held on to my free hand that wasn't held onto the rum his eyes sparkling "How did you learn to dance so freely and wildly like a flame?" he qouestioned. "My farther and Mathias taught me" I sighed taking my hand back from him. He let out a little huff but still seemed happy "You really are different " he mumbled I didn't bother to qouestion what he meantto busy enjoying the moment as everyone celebrated our victory.

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