Chapter 6: Maps

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I woke up with a pounding head ache. I could hardly remember anything form last night all that was left was the sound of music. I sat up and chucked my legs of the side of the bed. Rubbing at my temples I decided to get dressed, I stumbled from my room and out on deck everyone was working and Mathias and Francis where leading the ships. That reminds me I really need to start searching for that map. The other ship was sailing right beside use but there was still a big gap between the boats I let out a sigh no point wasting time and stopping the boats. I climbed the mast using my dagger for help I felt eyes from the other crew on me but I tried to ignore them soon I reached the middle sials rig I took and extra long rope swung it round my arm and took a tight hold of it I placed my dagger in its sheath took a few steps back and took in a deep breath.

"You can do it Cap!" I turned my head to a smiling Mathias at the wheel I gave him a small smile then looked over to the other ship.I really did hate doing these kinda jumps because I always use to hurt myself when I was training as a child. In a flushter of energy I started sprinting to the end of the mast as soon as my feet left the last stretch of wood I tucked them in and let both hands hold onto the rope soon I was over my target. Bearing my knees  I prepared myself . landing perfectly I straightened my back and chucked the rope back to the other deck with relief. "Morning Ma'am " I turned my head to a smiling Frenchman. "Where do ye keep the maps? " I qouestioned "Captian quarters and some are in storage" he anwsered bluntly I nodded at him and headed to where I suspected the captian quarters where.

I was met with a stained glass door decrypting a mermaid how cliché , opening it I  was greeted with a massive room. A big queen bed sat in the middle green drapes hung around it. bookshelves lined the walls and a big window looked out to the sea that we were leaving behind. A desk sat in the corner a map and equipment spread apon it. Tubs of rolled up maps surrounded the desk. I walked over and stared down at the familiar map of England a page of notes sat beside it. The writing was big and fancy and was hard to read but I was able to figure out the main points. new captian, girl, heading to England, so this was his notes for finding me.

Walking up to the line of bookshelves; I trialed my fingers along the spines of the books that lined the shelves each name as intruging as the next I would always read in my spare time on the boat when young but I'd ran out of books to read and I'd never had time to go out looking for more espically considering there definitely where no libraries in pirate docks or towns. I turned my attention back to the maps knowing I could always come back for the books later.

Taking out a hand full I  chucked them on the floor I then knelt down by them and went through all of them individually. I had searched through all but one I opened it up praying it was Redskull's but alas it was just another map. Anger flared as I flung it to the ground. He must of hidden the map somewhere I searched the room top to bottom, I found a few maps here and there but I couldn't find the one I was looking for I was about to give up when my eyes wondered to the book case again. Every space was fulled except one. So that's his game huh? hidden compartments I couldn't say I could blame him there was at least 20 on my ship alone. I picked up the green book that sat on his bed side table and pushed it into the remaining place I could here little bangs and clicks behind the book case and then a like tap sound I looked down to find the the bottom panel of the book case was now out of place and lose. I pulled it open to find it on hinges. Inside was a collection of sparkling gems stacked apon a small pile of gold coins I'm guessing his this is his secret stash behind the pile of treasure I spotted 3 maps and a single book I pulled the book and maps out the shut the door causing the book I placed in the place earlier to fall form it's position and fall on my head.

Groaning in slight pain I chucked it on the bed in anger. Flicking open the book I found it was filled with his writting, symbols and pulled out pages of other books he seemed to be  translating the symbols. Placing the book to the side I opened each of the three maps all belonged to Redskull his name scratched at the bottom corner of each. They all where diffrent but were all covered in the same symbols. Pirates would normally make decoy maps to confuse other pirates if they ever got looted this was no exception. I sighed knowing this would take alot of time and brain power and at this moment in time I was tired enough form just look for the damn things.

I tucked them in the inside pocket of my coat and held the book under my arm. Leaving his room in a mess not really in the mood to clean it, it's not like it's going to be used anytime soon. "Did you find what you where looking for Ma'am?" Francis asked I nodded "I'll be back later keep the ship going" I ordered he nodded leaving in the crew quarters. Now how to get back I could do the same as last time but I'm not sure if the ropes on this ship where made for swinging it was darker now too so it would be harder to see what I was doing. I took the wheel form the lad and turned it slightly the boat responded much slower then mine but I was able to handle it. I pulled the ship really close "Ok turn it slightly to right once I've hoped over " he nodded and took the wheel again I ran down the steps and pulled myself up to stand up on the railing it was about a meter or so jump.

I spotted one of the little lads by the railings on my ship "Ay catch" I throwed the book luckily he court it I then went to jump over. I misjudged... I almost got footing on the side but my foot slipped I could feel my stomach drop in dread. luckily I had grabbed hold of the railing I pulled myself up before I was to tired and jumped over the railing and took the book from the lad "Cheers" I walked back to my quarters getting a little smuge look from Mathias for messing up. Which I stuck a finger up at. Making sure the maps and book were put into a secret hiding place only Mathias knew I let out a sigh of relief.

Then headed to the cells. Marcus and Gen where sat by the cell playing poker with some of the other crew. They all stopped when they saw me seeming frightened like I was goanna tell them off "Up deck I'll call you back in a bit Marcus, Gen guard the door " saying my orders sternly they all left the door slowly creaked shut. I looked over at my caged prisoner, he was slouched with a plate of untouched food by his feet. He didn't move, really is a grumpy sod after all. "Hey kirk why ain't ye eating?think it's poisoned" I asked a bit annoyed, most pirates hardly feed there prisoners some don't even at all. He let out a small grunt tapping it away more with his feet. I opened up the cage "Marcus, Gen" they came in "dress him in some crew clothes and chuck his captain ones in my room, then meet me in the kitchen make sure he's bound at all times" I gave them my list of orders they dragged him up on his feet he struggled; I could see him glaring at me as he was dragged past me. "He can work for his own meal I'm sure Havock won't be to happy to know his food has gone to waste".

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