Chapter Eight:

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Thank you for 500 reads!! Can't do it without you!!
Do not own them.
I am very open to working with people who have ideas and/or drawing cause Im thinking of a new cover.
Thank you again.
With every minute passing I was starting to question my insanity.
After he asked, I immediately asked to go back. Not to stay, hell no. To retrieve something my father cannot have.
We had rested below the cliff, most likely how this mess all started. We were under the cover of night, the stars gleaming above. Due to the probability of increased guards, me and the captain were going in alone.
"I can do this myself," I hissed quietly. We were currently pressed against the stone side of the castle, near the garden entrance. The captain looked at me like I was crazy.
"With hundreds of guards? I'm not losing a new crew mate," he took my hand and pulled me inside, going quickly into the shadows.
"I know my way better," I whispered, he let go and motioned me to lead. I took quick glances before sprinting across the hall to the other side, the captain right behind me. It felt weird being stealthy in my old home. It didn't feel right. I'd rather die than face my father though.
Once nearing my room, I turned to face the captain, pausing us.
"You stay here," I commanded, he let out a huff.
"To keep guard," I explained, rolling my eyes in annoyance, "just stay."
Without checking, I went in, looking around a seeing nothing had changed from when I left. I made my way to my desk, popping open a secret compartment.
Seeing the item missing.
My first thoughts were panic, scrambling through other drawers to find it. It wasn't there, someone had taken it.
"Shit shit shit," I mumbled under my breath, my searching becoming more frantic and less quiet.
"What the hell are you doing," I heard The captain come in and stand in annoyance.
"I can't find it," I half whispered, my voice full of fear.
"Calm down. Maybe I can help," he started to offer but I cut him off."
"No," I practically yelled that, leaving a dead silence to follow. We both looked at each other in fear as small footsteps were heard. Without a word I pushed him into a closet, closing the doors as my maid walked in, a mixture of shock and fear plastered her face.
"Taylor," her voice was just above a whisper.
"Listen I can," before I could say she had a grip like iron on my ear.
"What do you think you're doing?!? You're father has been all over the kingdom looking for you!! The girl left for another kingdom!! He's furious and taking it out on us," she started dragging me out. I couldn't leave!!
"No I can't see him," I argued, grabbing her hand and trying to get free.
"What do you mean?? You can fix all this!! Now stop moving and."
"He can't go."
She froze and looked over and the now visible captain. He had a knife in hand, which made me freak. I was able to snake out of her grip and go over to him, taking it.
"We're not harming her."
"She'll give us away," he argued, volume not over a whisper.
"Master Taylor what is going on," she joined in, closing the door and looking at both of us. We gave each other a quick glance before looking at her.
"Can I speak to her in private," I asked the captain, he nodded and went out to keep watch. I looked back ather to see that she was completely in shock.
"I can explain all of this," I stated once again, trying to at least calm her down. It didn't work.
"Maybe you should at first explain why the most savage captain is listening to you! Did he bribe you? Oh dear if he laid one finger on you," she was rambling again, and most likely going to get us both killed.
"I promise you he didn't touch me. He's not that bad really," I tried to reason, she wasn't having none of it.
"You don't know what he's capable of master Taylor. What he was done."
"Then kindly explain."
"If I did, you'd be putting us in a lot of danger. My best advice is to have him hanged immediately."
What she said confused me, first the mage was hostile to him, now the maid. I can see why, he is a pirate. Spending time with him, I couldn't see why.
"He doesn't kill anyone, he makes them crew members," I tried to argue, her face went straight to panic.
"Don't tell me you're with him, he'll manipulate you and kill us all," she grabbed my ear and once again pulled me close, "listen here and listen close. Come with me to the king and I'll make sure you'll live through this. They'll all be hanged and we can live in peace."
Now she was getting my nerves, I yanked myself away, clearly surprising her.
"No, you listen. I just came her for the amulet. And I'm not letting neither of us leave until I have it. Then I'll be leaving with him. I don't want to hear another word against him do you hear?"
The maid looked at me like I had just hit her, it was starting to make me regret it but she just sighed.
"Alright master Taylor."
She reached into her pocket and pulled out what I needed. It was a purple gem encased in gold, a matching chain strung through it. I took it gently, placing in around my neck and tucked into my shirt.
"Just, be careful," she pulled me into a hug, making me stiffen up.
"Lemme tell you one thing," she spoke once she pulled back, "he's really-"
She wasn't able to finish her sentence as he came in, panic in his face.
"Guards are coming. They heard us," he whispered hastily, "we need to go now."
We got out of there quickly and quietly as possible, not alerting anymore guards. The captain hadn't questioned what I had needed but I was glad of it, since it was a secret between me and the maid. She'd given it to me from my mom, who I had never met.
We made it to the edge of the water where Sky was waiting with the boat. He looked between us with a raised eyebrow.
"Thought you'd be longer," he mumbled as we stepped in.
(Yadda running out of things to saaay)
I kept a tight grip on where the amulet was, thinking back to just moments before. I never heard her that scared before, or worried for my life. My eyes trailed to him, thinking over my thoughts once again.
He doesn't want to hurt me, I'm apart of the crew now. How everyone is acting though.. It sounds like he can start wars... Which isn't true...
"You alright? You look sick," his voice broke my thoughts as he inched closer to sit by me.
"Yeah I'm fine," I lied, digging my nails into my skin.
"Alright. We're stopping at the port in a few days. To get supplies," he informed, a little louder so Sky heard.
I just nodded, looking back down to see I had made nail marks.
He wasn't bad... Was he?
Ending it here. Enjoys!!

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