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A/N: Hey look, this came out in like, 3 months instead of 4, hooray! I'm sorry guys, this one took a little longer than I wanted it to, but uh, here ya'll go

Cavendish sat on his couch, there wasn't really anything too special about it, it was just a normal couch. He had wanted to get different one for quite some time now, but surprisingly, being an Agent at OWCA didn't pay nearly as well as one would expect.

Anyway, at the moment Cavendish was watching some fashion-show thing on the television. There really wasn't anything else on at the moment, but the designer, Gaston something or rather, did create some very interesting clothes, though they were completely and utterly bizarre.

The designer had just announced that he was going to be arriving in Danville, with the help of a poorly inserted voice over, when Cavendish heard his watch ring.

The agent leapt up and pressed the button on his watch changing him into his suit. He put on his hat and approached his fireplace.

He looked down at where his entrance was supposedly meant to be made. It was... a small fit. It wasn't exactly made for someone of his height.

After a moment of thought, he just decided to go for it, cautiously sitting down in an awkward position atop the logs. He scooched back, trying to get as much of his body inside the spot as he could.

Somehow, he honestly could not belief he managed to, but he had squeezed his entire body into the small space. Just about as soon as he did the logs beneath his began to slowly spin, speeding up gradually, before he knew it he was spinning very rapidly until the fireplace's back opened and he was tossed out through a chute.

And with that, it was like he hadn't been in the room at all.

Cavendish swept down the chute, reaching his destination and headquarters quickly.

For a second he sat on the ground in a daze, trying to regain his sense of direction, but he soon sprung up and began to stride forward to the his desk, from there he could get his mission.

As he approached he saw that the screen was already on and Mr. Block was already on screen as well, though only half decent...

The camera was much further away from the man's face than it usually was, revealing to Cavendish that his boss was currently only wearing a shirt and underwear, which wasn't exactly a sight someone would want to see from their boss.

"One two three, testing testing," Block drawled, "one two three testing tes- AGENT C!"

Cavendish had been noticed the moment he had sat down and took out his notepad.

"Uh- YOU'RE EARLY WHAT'S THE BIG IDEA" Mr. Block raged, clearly embarrassed "Bob! Close up, NOW!" He ordered.

And just like that, He was at his usual spot once more.

Mr. Block coughed awkwardly "um, let's get this over worth, all you need to know is Dr. Dakota is stealing copying machines and stuff that goes with it, get to the bottom of it, yadda yadda, now get out!" He spoke very quickly and aggressively.

Cavendish nodded, frantically scribbling down notes.

The agent didn't even bother with niceties today, Mr. Block wanted him OUT, and he was not going to do anything to get on his bad side. He valued his life too much for that.

So he just ran over to a pipe leading to the surface and slipped on his jetpack, rocketing away and into the clouds.

He soon reached a certain familiar red blimp.

He hovered just about it, thinking of how he should go about entering. Although before he could execute any sort of plan, his jetpack strap snapped, causing him to fall onto the blimp and break through it's balloon.

He landed on his back on the floor with an "uff"

"Huh?" Dakota turned around, he was a few feet away, and looked at the agent "Cavendish! You're here! Wow, and early, wasn't thinking you'd be here for another 5 minutes" He grinned

"Yes, hello" Cavendish groaned.

"-Aaaaaand you broke my balloon" the scientist pointed out, he pressed a large red button on a remote he was holding, which served the very specific purpose of applying tape to the very specific spot where the tear occurred.

"Just got this thing fixed too" he muttered.

He walked over to Cavendish, a kind smile on his face, "Here, Let me help ya" He grabbed the argents arm and they both struggled to get him on his feet.

"There you go" He gave Cavendish a hardy pat on the back, at which Cavendish flinched at, for, you know, just falling onto it moments earlier.

The two stood there for a moment, not really doing much, looking around before Dakota said:

"Oh right! I gotta trap you!" He took a few steps back, pulling out a new remote, this time it had a big red switch, he flipped it, causing from the ground to emerge a mechanical arm holding a wheel of tape.

Before Cavendish could even properly react, or even step out of the way, the arm made haste to wrap the agent in duck tape, leaving him imobile.

"HA HA! I have captured the one and only Caven-tape" Dakota quipped.

"Caven-tape? Really?" Cavendish asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Hey, your name doesn't leave much room for tape themed puns" The scientist defended.

"And for that I am glad" Cavendish retorted.

Dakota rolled his eyes "You've got no sense of fun, you know that?" He asked.

Before the agent could protest that claim Dakota continued "ANYWAY! Behold, my Copy n' Pasterizor!" He declared, opening his arms in the direction of what looked like a tanning bed with tubes and a large copier attached to it.

"Okay, so you know what's annoying?" Dakota asked.


"Lines! At the store, at amusement parks, at bake sales, at the zoo, at the-"

"I think you got your point across" Cavendish interjected.

"Alright alright, well, as you know , lines can be annoying, and can really take a chunk of your time away, when you could be using that for something you actually want to do, like this!" At that last part Dakota threw his arms into the air, referring to everything around them, and supposedly their daily escapades.

"So basically my plan is to clone myself with the copy n' Pasterizor, so that all my copies can wait in line so that I won't have to" Dakota explained.

For a few moments, Cavendish just looked at Dakota before saying "This is idiotic"

"Well I guess we'll see who's laughing when you're stuck still waiting in lines, and I'm doing... things that scientists do" Dakota replied, climbing into the tanning bed and closing the lid.

There was a whole mess of electricity and sparks emitting from the machine, as well of screams amongst the zaps that shot out at random intervals.

It took a minute and twenty eight seconds for Dakota to reamerge.

The lid opened revealing a gray and ash covered Dakota, his hair was sticking out in erratic directions, making it look much poofier than it already was. The man appeared dazed and disoriented.

"Dakota! Are you alright!?" Cavendish cried out.

"Uh, yeah, yeah, I'm fine, just, euagg" Dakota rubbed his eyes, which looked like they were bulging from his head "I think I tanned my eyes" he said with minor shock and shiver.

"That... sounded like it hurt" The agent remarked, a slight bit of worry tugging at him. I shouldn't be worried, he's the bad guy!

"Ah, don't worry, kinda expected, it really just felt weird, I'm fine" Dakota reassured "And I am ready for... Phase 2!" He said menacingly "Dun Dun Dun" and the menacingness was gone.

The scientist walked over to a big copier, and began fiddling with the buttons. He pushed one last final button which produced a terrifying Pale eyless Dakota.

"Ope! Needs more toner" He said nonchalantly, as tossed it to the side.

Dakota played around with the buttons again and produced a new clone. He struggled a bit to pull it out, but managed, and though this one wasn't necessarily as creepy as the first, it certainly wasn't right. It was very jaggity and crumpled.

"Paper jam..." Dakota moaned, tossing it as well.

He fiddled around again, and pulled out a new clone but this one.... This one wasn't right either. With very untidy hair, differently sized eyeballs, and a torn shirt. There was something off about this one, something that screamed "DANGER DANGER DANGER"

"EEE, NOPE!" He tossed that one with the others, which were in a comically sized waste basket. Dakota placed his hands on his hips saying "How come when people make copies of their butts it comes out perfect?"

It took a few more tries, but eventually Dakota had a full army of Dakotas inside the blimp, all chatting amongst themselves. It was mostly compliments directed at each other and bad jokes.

Cavendish noticed how a few of the copies would sneak a glance at him before looking away bashfully, though he couldn't figure out why.

One brave Dakota actually approached the agent, "hi there" he greeted nervously.

"Um, hello? What do you want?" Cavendish questioned.

"Well, I just wanted to ask if your name is google" the clone asked, somewhat sheepishly.

"It's... not" Cavendish said.

"Oh uh, weird" The Dakota chuckled nervously "Cause I think you have every-"

But before he could finish, the clone was yanked back by another Dakota, this one with a fully flushed face, and promptly pushed away.

"Sorry about him" He apologized "I think they are all sort of latching onto bits of my personality, making the part they latch onto more prominent, and all that, he'd- he'd probably do that with everyone" though Cavendish didn't really notice, the scientist seemed extremely embarrassed and was nervously chuckling like mad.

So, Cavendish guessed, given the way this one talked about the others, this was the original Dakota

Cavendish looked at the scientist with confusion on what Dakota was talking about, regarding what that clone was saying. At a loss of what else he could say he simply said "That's alright"

Dr. Dakota smiled nervously, then turned to the clones "ALRIGHT GUYS! HEAD OUT!" He shouted over the sea of white, red, and orange.

In response the clones gave a mighty cheer, walking right out the blimp's door, each equipped with a parachute.

While they walked out, Dakota gave suggestions for what they should wait in line for, getting affirmative responses in return.

Soon the Dakotas had landed at the mall, amongst the people, doing what they were made for, waiting in lines to do stuff.

Getting coffee, track suit stores, chinese food, jewelry stores, uh, one sec, I had a good idea for one more thing and I just lost it, I'm just going to list stuff until I can remember, comic shops, ice cream, antique stores, those mini animal cart ride things you can drive around the mall! That's what I was thinking of, but yeah, if you can think of it, the Dakotas were probably waiting in line to do it.

Funnily enough, upon the sight of seeing all these individuals dressed in white lab coats and red/yellow track pants, the other mall goers, who were currently dressed in the style of a certain trio of friends, thought the Dakotas were all dressing for a new fashion trend, which in turn, though herd brain, caused everyone else to dress similarly, as too keep up with the trends.

Heck, even a few of the Dakota's followed suit, getting himself another lab coat and pants pair.

"Heheh, not bad for a day's work, huh Cav?" the scientist declared, admiring his own work from above.

Cavendish glared at the man from his spot, "I don't know how exactly this is evil, but rest assured, I will stop you" he growled.

Just as the agent finished his threat, he felt two two hands fall on his shoulders. They put a sort of satisfying weight on Cavendish's shoulders. Still though, he jumped slightly with a near silent squeal.

"Hi" he heard a voice whisper right into his ear, it was similar to Dakota's, though, it was higher pitch in a way.

Cavendish made no response, something was telling him not to, like a freeze response.

He felt the breath on his neck, heavy and labored.

"You look tasty..." it muttered "I'm going to have a taste if that alright with you"

A small screech came from the back of the Agent's throat, again not audible enough to heard.

Dakota hadn't taken notice of what was happening, still looking out the blimp at his creation. He smiled to himself saying "Oh, c'mon, don't be like that Cav, you gotta admit, this is pretty brilliant, I mean, think of e-" He turned around mid sentence, as to speak with Cavendish more directly, only to go wide eyed at the sight before him.

Cavendish was frozen in place, with that one weird dangerous defect clone, holding the agent by the shoulders. The clone looked... hungry, and appeared to be drooling as well, with a big lopsided grin on his face.

As if that alone wasn't setting off enough warning alarms in the scientist's head, the clone was beginning to pull his head away from Cavendish's neck, while similtanoiously widening his mouth, looking as if he was about to chomp down on the agent's neck or shoulder.

"NOPE NO NOPE NO STOP, NO" That was all Dakota needed to see, he quickly ran over to his newest invention's control panel "NOT TODAY NOT TODAY NOT TODAY" barely looking at what he was hitting he smacked his hand onto a couple of buttons.

With that, just about as the cannibalistic clone was about to sink his teeth into Cavendish's shoulder, he was gone with a blip of light.

Dakota slouched in relief "Phew, that, could've been bad" he commented.

"NO SHOCK THERE" Cavendish all but shrieked, he had seemed to have gotten over his original freeze, and was now, quite predictably mad "THAT THING COULD HAVE KILLED ME."

Dakota sighed, "I know, I know, maybe building a cloning machine where defects could more than easily occur wasn't a good idea" he thought aloud.

He removed his hand from the panel, looking down, "oh darn, I think I hit the 'Delete All' button, that was incase of a clone uprising in which it would've been our only option to put a stop to it, looks like all the clones are gone now" he said glumby.

Just as he proclaimed this, all the clones began to blip out of existence, shocking any mall-goers standing near.

"That was anticlimactic" Dakota smacked his lips together "Welp, looks like you won, uh good job? Wanna get lunch or something, you have like, 5 extra minutes right."

He looked up to Cavendish, who had a very grumpy looking expression.

"OH! The tape, uh, you need help with that?" Dakota asked.

Cavendish looked to the side with a frown "... yes please"

"Alright alright" Dakota walked forward, and began to help free the agent.

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