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Hey Everyone, I have realized something...

I will not be able to rewrite ever episode, mainly because there are like 190 of them, THAT DOESN'T MEAN I WON'T TRY THROUGH!!!

Believe you me, I am gonna write  this out and finish it, but I am going to take a few shortcuts, let us say.

Now don't worry, most of the episodes will indeed get a rewrite, but a few won't.

The episode won't get a rewrite if it feel like it won't fit the characters, for example this episode was the Mt. Rushmore episode. The Doof n' Perry plot was one where Doof was going to tunnel to the other side of the earth and build a highway or something. This would not work for Dakota, because Dakota is more of a prankster with highly skilled technological abilities in this story, he would not build a highway. Also, Dakota is smart enough to know tunneling into the earth to the other is a bad idea. No shade of Doofenshmirtz, he is indeed a genius, but not in all ways.

The episode won't be getting a rewrite if it feels too much like smut. I have no problem with smut, but I am going to try to keep this PG-13 at least. Now I know you are wondering: "What episodes could be smut???" and with that, I say none, in cartoon form all of the episodes are perfectly safe, wonderful, and funny, BUT when you start writing things down and describing them, it really starts to feel, wrong. There is one episode that comes to mind, it's the one with the "Inflatinator" and I don't want to write Inflation porn. Not to kink-shame, be into whatever, just don't fantasize about rape or pedophilia or murder.

And finally the episode won't get a rewrite if it can't work, there is one episode with several time jumps and stuff, I forget it's name, Carl is in a Squirrel suit though. Anyway, it's really jaring and would be difficult to write, not to mention, Perry is turned into a brainwashed butler, which applies to the second point.

I am sorry if the episode you would like to read applies to any of these categories, it will probably won't get written, but remember, there are still like 190 episodes, so you'll have plenty to read :D

That's all for today, I'll get the next chapter out soon as I can, so expect it in like 4 months (lol, hopefully not, but it's not like I'm keeping a schedule)

Have a wonderful day everyone

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