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Today, Cavendish had to go to the mall, his toaster had broken a few days ago, and he was in need of a new one. He was getting rather tired of just eggs in the morning, no matter how he seasoned them, it wasn't the same without some perfectly toasted, buttered bread.

As he walked into the mall's lobby and heard a familiar voice.

"Oh, hi Cavendish" Milo greeted cheerily.

It just so happened that Cavendish found himself right next to Milo, Zack, and Mellisa.

"Oh, hello children" Cavendished smiled. "What are you three doing here"

"Milo's mom is doing a work thing and so we're all kinda just hanging out at the mall together" Mellisa explained.

"I see, have you any plans in particular?" Cavendish asked

"Not really, probably just going to hang around the food court, Milo might get us to build some crazy invention, normal teen stuff" Zack shrugged.

"Alright, I'll let you get to that then, I need to go get a toaster" The currently non-agent said, that's when his watch began to beep.

"Hey, what's that?" Milo questioned.

The three of them looked at the man curiously.

"Oh, er, uh, it's, I have a class here, yes, a class, in this mall, it's right now, so I'll be off, GOODBYE" He stammered, walking off quickly as he could, so he could get away from those children's questions and find a secret entrance.

He could have sworn it was somewhere right... there!

When Cavendish was out of the sight of the children he had found his way to a bright pink "out of order" vending machine. He walked over to it, leaning up against its side. He made sure no body was watching him, then pressed the button on his watch which changed him into his secret agent uniform. Discreetly, he placed his foot onto a identification pad disguised as a vent.

A green light scanned over the shoes, after which the wall of the vending machine sunk into the floor, letting Cavendish fall in. When he was fully inside, the wall rose back up again, as if nothing had even happened.

The agent fell off a slide with a "erf" and began his descent to the hideout. Although after a few seconds of sliding he stopped.

The man looked around confusedly for a few seconds, "what" he muttered. He shrugged and began pulling himself down the remainder of the slide with his hands, grumbling all the way.

Soon he reached the end and jumped off, running to the entrance of his base and jumping into the chair. The flickered on to reveal the face of Mr. Block.

Cavendish opened his mouth and pointed a finger to the slide, although before he could say anything, Mr. Block spoke.

"Yeah,our slide waxing guy is on jury duty this weekend," he explained passive aggressively, then without any further explanation he launched into his briefing.

"Anyway, Dr. Dakota has purchased some suspicious items, including," Mr. Blocks face disappeared and a new screen appeared on the TV, depicting helicopter blades, red balloons, and lightbulbs "4 helicopter blades, 2 dozen party balloons, and almost 6000 lightbulbs."

Cavendish jotted this down as he nodded along.

Then Mr. Block's face returned to the screen, although the picture of the lightbulbs with the "x6000" did not go away.

"He's hiding out at the old abandoned cake factory at the edge of t-" The hawk eyed man looked down and spotted the remaining clipart.

"BOB! The lightbulb is still on the screen!" Mr. Block shouted.

"Oh, sorry about that, won't happen again, gramps" apologized a voice that sounded like the embodiment of cologne, from offscreen.

The lightbulb disappeared.

Mr. Block rolled his eyes "grandsons" he muttered, he went closer to the screen, cupping his mouth and whispered "I actually don't know if he is, he just appeared here one day claiming it and I just agreed cause we were low on employees, he's really weird though."

Mr. Block then straightened back up to his original spot.

"Locate Dr. Dakota, and find out what he's up to" ordered Mr. Block.

Cavendish hopped off his chair saying "of course sir" and ran off in the direction he had come from.

"Yeah, don't mess this up Agent C" Mr. Block growled as the agent jumped down a second slide.

He hopped down a shoot which propelled him all through town until he popped up through a barrel on a roof of an old abandoned looking building, in front of him was a smaller boarded up building, with a fake cake decoration on the very top.

"This must be the place" Cavendish muttered to himself.

Very carefully the agent lowered himself to the floor and squeezed himself through an opening in the planks.

Once he was through he stood up and cautiously walked about the room, to find where the scientist may be, and to see if there were any clues to what the fiend was planning.

Cautiously he walked to the center of the room, when the floor began to open up beneath him, he barely had any time to react, and subsequently fell through, into a battery pink substance.

"AH, what in the-" Cavendish was cut off by the sound of a dark chuckle.

"Hey there, Cav" Dakota greeted happily.

"Dakota" The anget snarled back "What is this"

"You, have just been trapped, by me, in a batch of Doonkleberry Cake Mix" Dakota explained.

"And why?" Cavendish asked annoyedly.

"Hey, it's about theming, because today... Are you ready to hear this? I think you are... IS MY BIRTHDAY" The scientist said with a grin that stretched from ear to ear.

"Alright, happy birthday, now what does this have to do with trapping me in cake batter, shouldn't this be the day you are taking a break from all this... evilness?" Cavendish managed to say, while simultaneously trying to escape. The batter had hardened very quickly, so half of the agent's body was completely submerged, with no hope of getting out anytime soon.

Dakota seemed to notice his struggle "Yeah, I wouldn't even try to escape if I were you, that stuff gets impossibly hard when it's not being stirred" He explained "In 30 - 40 minutes the yeast will rise, and you will be entirely covered in cake mix, then you would have to dig your way out of if you want to see daylight again" The scientist let out an evil laugh, "buuut, we both know you're gonna get out somehow so you don't have to much to worry about."

Dakota frisbeed down a plate in front of Cavendish, and lowered a piece of cake down onto it using a fishing rod. "Here, have some cake"

Cavendish took a fork from his hat and poked it into the pink dessert.

"You still haven't answered my question" the agent said, disgruntled.

"Oh, yeah, well I figured that today maybe, you know, today might be a nice day to, have some fun, and hey, I have fun when you're here, and when I'm doing 'evil', so here we are" Dakota explained.

"That's horrendously irresponsible" accused Cavendish


"Doing evil because it entertains you" The agent declared.

"Well excuse me, 'sides, my birthdays are never fun, can't you just let me have this?" Dakota exclaimed.

"No, it is against everything I stand for" Cavendish complained.

"So you're against me having a good birthday" Frowned Dakota.

"That's not what I meant and you know it" Cavendish proclaimed.

The scientist sighed "Yeah, I know, I know, I guess, I'm just bitter, everyone else gets good birthdays, and I feel left out."

Cavendish let out a little cough. "Erm"

Dakota seemed to be in his own world, kind of staring off into space, leaning his back against the railing preventing him from falling into the mix.

"Y'know, there was the time with the ostriches, and that time when my mom got a magician that was definitely not for childrens' party, augh" He cringed to himself "but the worst one was on my tenth birthday."

The world around the two began to dissolve and ripple.

"Wait, are you doing a backstory?" asked a surprised Cavendish through a bite of cake. The world instantly returned to normal.

"Oh, yeah, I am, why, you surprised?"

"Well, yes, quite frankly I am, normally when you have a backstory I have to rangle it out of you, and half the time they aren't even true" The agent explained in a disapproving voice.

"Well, this is your lucky day I guess" said Dakota nonchalantly.

"Anyways" He began, launching into his tale as the world rippled away.

"It was my tenth birthday, and we went on vacation to Drusselstein to visit some relatives I had there, it was where my great great great great grandma was from,"

A tiny Dakota stepped off a boat and was amazed by the rustic and medieval style of the country.

"One of these relatives was my cousin Norbert,"

A curly haired teen in old fashioned clothes was seen talking amongst a group of similarly dressed teens, though the first, Norbert, seemed to stand out the most.

"He was, in my eyes, the coolest,"

The young Dakota ran up to the group so excited he was jumping. The group responded with happy faces, ruffling his hair, generally being nice, Meanwhile Norbert gave a sly grin and a smooth finger gun.

"When my birthday came, he and his friends told me they wanted to throw me a party at Gunter Go Cheese's, it's like a popular chain or something in Drusselstein, look it up. It was at night and they said I had to get the cake myself, and they would bring the rest of the stuff. Oh, and they said it HAD to be Doonkleberry cake, because it was the tradicional birthday dessert in there, they REALLY like tradition over there, it's nuts."

A smiling Dakota is seen buying a large pink cake from an inconsolable crying baker. The child, blissfully unaware of what is about to happen, walks out of the establishment.

"Here's some advice to you Cav, don't walk around the streets of Drusselstein with uncovered Doonkleberry cake, lest the Doonkleberry Bats swarm"

The tiny Dakota screamed into the silent night as he was completely covered in a cauldron of bats.

"And you wanna know the worst part, my cousin planned the whole thing!"

The group of teens were seen standing on a hill above the path, laughing as high fiving each other

"I never liked my birthday very much, but that day was when I figured I was probably never gonna have a birthday that went my way... UNTIL TODAY!" Dakota concluded.

"What do you mean?" Cavendish asked carfulled.

"Well, see earlier I was thinking, of how I could make today go the way I want, then it hit me, mind control" Dakota exclaimed.





"You can't do that!" Cavendish argued.

"Sure I can," Dakota said, taking out what looked like a keyboard as the floor rose beneath him, revealing it actually to be a large screen, with propellers keeping it hovering in the air. "With this, the Mindcontrolerizor." He proclaimed.

"That- That breaks all sorts of ethical laws!" the agent shouted.

"Relax, I'm just gonna mess with people, like this" Dakota began typing on the keyboard, pressing enter. On the screen "CLAP" appeared in bold letters occupied by an air horn noise.

Upon seeing the word, Cavendish fell into a trance, and began to robotically clap his hands far out in front of him.

"I even got a clean up button cause like, I don't know, help the environment?" Dakota claimed, with a shrug, pressing a button, which caused Cavendish to pick up his plate.

"Well, bye Cav!" Yelled Dakota, with a big wave as the screen flew out a large opening in the roof

As soon as Dakota left, Cavendish fell out of his trance and back into reality.

Cavendish wasted no time. With an annoyed scowl he reached for his hat and removed it from his head, reaching in and rummaging around it. He pulled out a fabric holding thing (I don't know what it is called) and placed the fedora back upon his head.

Opening the holder he found an array of whistles, in all sorts of shapes and colors.

"It's one of these, I know" he muttered to himself "ah" he pulled out a blue whistle in a pouch labeled "Bat."

He took a blow on it, causing the wooden instrument to let out a low, song like note.

The world seemed to shake and rumble, and through one of the walls crashed a huge exhausted whale, with water spurting from it's hole.

"What the..." Cavendish looked down and saw another whistle, this time black, in the shape of a bat, located in a pouch named "Whale."

"Who organized this" he grumbled, switching out the whale for the bat, and giving the new whistle a blow, this time much more shrill.

He knew he wouldn't have much time to prepare so quickly as he could. He put the bat in it's correct place and stuffed the holder into his hat.

A huge cocoffenny of bats crashed through a window, shattering it. They settled into the bowl in a swarm and began to eat away at the mix greedily, stuffing facefulls of the pink into their mouths.

As for the agent. He held a somewhat nervous expression, keeping his arms as close to his body as he could, generally not wanting to disturb or provoke them.

Eventually, after perhaps a quick few minutes the entire batch was gone, most of the bats lay content at the bottom of the bowl with full stomachs. Cavendish, quick to get out of the bat pit, pulled a grappling hook from his hat, shooting it at the rim of the bowl, and pulling himself up quickly.

He hopped out and ran to one of the windows. The Mindcontrolerizor was nothing but a tiny square in the distance. Cavendish had to think fast if he was going to get there before Dakota could do any real damage.

He looked all around the building, until he spotted the Doonkelberry Cake he had had a slice of! He ran over to it, maybe he could use it. His mind began to quickly construct a plan, yes, yes this just might work.



"WHAT WAS I THINKING?!" Cavendish screeched.

He had gotten the "brilliant" idea to get on top of the swarm of bats, and use the cake on a fishing rod to lead the bats in the direction he wanted. To say the least, it was extremely terrifying, just knowing he was miles in the air, with only fifty or so bats keeping him up, and any mistake he or they made could cause him to fall to his death. Not a pretty thought.

Miraculously, MUCH TOO MIRACULOUSLY, the bats actually got the agent to the screen. Without a moment's delay Cavendish made a very eager leap of faith to the solid surface, which was a welcome change from the constantly moving furry floor the mammals provided.

Dakota swizzled around, keyboard held around his neck by a strap.

"Agent Cavendish?!" He exclaimed surprisedly, he shifted his eyes around the decorated machine "Well, if you're gonna crash my party, you shouldn't forget your party hat, OF DOOM" He shouted, as he graped a green party hat and launched it in the agent's direction.

The agent avoided the projectile with ease, although it did topple over a bowl filled with party blowers. The fallen objects scattered across the floor, and just Dakota shot another few hats, Cavendished grabbed two party blowers and leaped forward, dodging the hats which stuck themselves firmly in the piller behind him.

Cavendish got within hitting distance of Dakota, but instead of deliver a punch he blew hard on the party favors he had grabbed, using them to deliver swift, small hits to Dakota nose.

"Ow ow, ow, why does this hurt?!" Dakota questioned behind hits from the paper

Dakota eventually can to his senses and ran off grabbing two bounce back paddles, while Cavendish discarded the party blowers in favor of two spinning clackers

"Ha Ha, now I've got the upper hand!" Dakota boasted "well, paddles" he dropped his defensive stance for a more thoughtful one, "and you technically have the upper hand cause well" he gestured to Cavendish, who just stood there in confusion "tall, uh, you're like a tree, a really short tree, but, a tree, that's a lot taller than me, um... and you got, well those, spinning clacking... things too, no idea what they're called, just realized that, isn't that weird. We never really think about the names of these things, but they're so normal in-"

"Would you just get on with" Cavendish interrupted annoyidly.

"Yeah, ok, fine, SORRY, yeesh" ... "where was I, oh yeah, I've got the upper hand now!" Dakota grinned as he launched an onslaught of stringed balls at the older looking man, who skillfully blocked each on with his own party themed weapons.

Unfortunately, he was not able to block one, which hit him directly on the face, and pushed him over the edge, leaving him dangling on the side of the flying platform.

"Oh no!" Dakota yelped, he ran over to Cavendish's aid, trying to pull him up.

As he tried, the keyboard hanging around his neck hit against the wall, which evidently caused the letter "o" to be hit several times

"Ooooooo" mindlessly chanted a large crowd of people from bellow, they appeared to be watching some sort of wrestling-debate match.

"Pull.. harder" Cavendish grunted.

"I'm trying, I'm trying" Dakota gruffed.

After a few moments more of the trying to pull up Cavendish, Dakota stopped with a wheeze.

"You know what, this gives me the perfect chance to..." Dakota took a moment to pull an icecream cone with green icecream from seemingly no where "Smudge your face with icecream" He finished with playful menace

"Don't you dare" Cavendish sneered with a glare.

"Oh, I'll dare" Dakota grinned.

With no other option the agent did the unthinkable. He turned around, and with one hand pulled out the whale whistle, giving it a good hard blow. A replication of a whale song came from it.

Just on the otherside of the machine, a whale jumped over, mimicking the song. Gracefully the whale seemed to fly over the machine, and even gracefully pushed the icecream off the cone, and on to the unsuspecting head of a young boy battling below with a brilliant combination of words and expert jumping skills inside a hacky sack

"Wow, you really didn't want icecream on your face" Dakota marvled

Cavendish only said "Yes" pulling himself up with on hard pull

"Wait how did a whale even get here?" Dakota questioned "we're no where near the ocean right now"

Cavendish paid no mind to the question and simply walked forward.

Dakota got a little nervous, backing up

"Hey hey, no need to do anything too bad" He cautioned, but just as he finished he bumped into a the pillar with the propeller, causing it to twist and turn, which also caused the machine to sway and unhinge, breaking.

Cavendish looked around frantically, grabbing hold of a large bunch of balloons, meanwhile Dakota lunged to the the prepary which was taking off into the sky.

"Well uh, curse you Agent C, and all that" Dakota yelled.

As for the machine: The "Mindcontrolerizor" fell to the ground, right in the middle of the previous match, displaying the message "Clean Up Party Mess"

Which, well, caused the people of the crowd to do so.

"AH!" Dakota shreeked.

Cavendish turned around to see what was going on and saw that Dakota's propeller had run out of fuel, or something like that. Why it was happening did not matter, WHO it was happening too did!

Panicked, and not exactly thinking things through, Cavendish let go of his balloons, and lunged toward's Dakota's direction, catching Dakota, bridal style

"CAV, WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING!?" Dakota yelped, terrified at the prospect of Cavendish, in the process of catching him, get himself killed.

"Saving you!" Cavendish screeched, he frantically pat his shoulder, which cause a new bust of balloons blow up from his sleeve, letting the two float down gently to the ground.

As they got closer and closer they saw Evander Holyfield(?!) talking to a group of kids... that looked shocking familiar to the agent. Then he realized why. Quickly Cavendish tried to spur the balloons forward to avoid being in the children's eyeline, then dropped to the floor, running fully out of sight.

He dashed behind a car, taking a moment to have a breathe.

"Uh, Cav?" Dakota muttered, tapping Cavendish's shoulder.

Cavendish looked down to see Dakota still in his arms, though what he didn't see was Dakota's bright red face.

"Oh, uh, dreadfully sorry" Cavendish peeped, dropping Dakota to the ground with a loud thud in his flustered panic, though Dakota did not seem to notice flusteredness.

Cavendish regained himself quickly, peeking over the car, he then turned to the scientist.


"Huh? Why" Dakota questioned

"Just go, I can't be here looking like this, so neither can you, now, shoo" Cavendish demanded.

"Uh, but-" Dakota was being pushed.

"Go, now!" Violently whispered the agent.

"Okay okay, fine, I'll leave if you want me to" Dakota said, he began to scurry off, but he stopped, "hey uh... thanks"

"It was really no trouble" Cavendish smiled awkwardly.

Dakota then resumed his scampering off.

As Dakota did he couldn't help but think "Maybe this wasn't such a bad birthday"

A/N: If you were wondering, it is Bradly that Milo was fighting, Mort took the place'; of Baljeet, we'll see where these roles take us. I would also like to say I am SO SORRY about how long it took me to get this out, like nearly 4 months, I hope this chapter was worth the wait, I had quite a bit of fun writing the backstory, HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY!

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