Aged Like Cheese

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Cavendish had no time to waste today. Almost as soon as he woken up he heard that familiar alert notifying him to go to work. He jumped out of bed, and without a second to lose pressed the button on his watch changing his pajamas into his suit. He reached in his pocket pulling out his fedora and placed it firmly on his head.

He walked to his closet, inserting a code into a hidden keypad. After a few very mechanical and technical sounding noises the closet opened of it's own accord, allowing the agent to step in. The floor flung open beneath him, startling him, but only a little. He fall toward the ground, before landing a little roughly on a pile of throw pillows.

With only a moment of hesitation he flung up and practically threw himself in his chair as the screen turned on.

The familiar face of Mr. Block appeared, looking displeased as ever.

"There you are Agent C, finally" Mr. Block Stated.

"Good Morning Sir" Cavendish replied, trying to sound as professional as possible.

Mr. Block didn't seem to care how good morning Cavendish wished upon him, he just continued with his briefing as if the Agent hadn't said anything at all.

"Something very strange is going on with Dr. Dakota," he began.

A chart depicting a lowing in activity appeared on the screen.

"He's been very quiet lately, too quite,"

Cavendish scribble this down on his notepad. It was very odd, normally Dakota had some variation of evil scheme out nearly twice a day, but recently the scientist had not set off one alarm.

He was actually starting to miss him, wondering if he was alright. Although those were silly thoughts, why would he miss that slob? Cavendish probably just missed the exceileration of their fights or something. He refocused on his instructions.

"I want you to find out what he's really up to and put a stop to it" Mr. Block finished.

Agent C gave a quick nod before turning his chair around and pulling a lever which launched him into the air with a large amount of fire beneath him. The chair self drove itself throughout the interconnected tunnels of OWCA until he finally broke through the surface of road concrete somewhere in town.

Shortly after he broke through, a pepellar grew out the back of the chair and quickly began to fly off.

Cavendish kept a serious look on his face and using the lever that launched him, steered the chair to the scientist's lair.

On the way he looked to be flying over a movie set of some sort, it looked like they were filming some sort of Dr. Zone thing.

Soon enough he was at the building, disembodied voices (which Cavendish was rather confused of) sang Dakota's jingle.

He reached a patio balcony with a door, so he swung off the enhanced chair and broke through the door, unfortunately shattering it. He landed on the floor in a very superhero like manor, simultaneously pulling out a... grappling hook? He wasn't sure what he pulled out, he just grabbed the first gaget he got his hand on.

To the agent's surprise he had not burst in on Dakota doing evil inventing, but reading a book titled "The Art of Cheese."

"Cavendish?" Dakota stared at him confused "Why do you keep breaking down my doors?"

Cavendish stood up straight "Uhm-"

Dakota didn't wait for Balthazar to finish "Why don't you knock for once, it's not even locked" he crossed his arms to show his disgruntlement.

"I'm... sorry?" Cavendish apologized.

"No, this time, you're going to pay" Dakota said in an uncharacteristically menacing tone, "that's right, give it here" he held out one of his hands.

Cavendish reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet, pulling out a few and handing it to the displeased scientist. "Will this do?"

"No, you think this is drywall? This is oak, or I should say WAS, cause you broke it, cause you were being inconsiderate" Dakota guilt tripped.

Cavendish pulled out a few more bills and gave them to Dakota.

"That's better, you can't just go around busting through people's doors for no reason," the scientist lectured.

Cavendish looked down in shame, he was feeling bad for the action.

"Besides, I'm not even doing anything 'evil' today, so why are you here?" Dr. Dakota questioned.

"Er, well, that is actually why I was sent here, you've been rather quiet lately and the agency thinks there is something evil afoot" Cavendish explained "What have you been up to fiend?"

"That all? If they wanted to know they could have just asked," Dakota remarked oviously "I've been practicing the art of, get this.... Cheese making" Dakota gestured to a stand not too far from the two.

The stand held a rather impressive looking cheese.

"Is that..." The agent was at a loss for words.

"Sticky Limberger," Dakota finished for Cavendish "It's a Drowssap family recipe," he proclaimed proudly "Well, technically it belonged to the Doofenshmirtzs first, but uh, what can I say, great, great, great, great Grandma Drowssap was not the nicest lady."

"Uh" The agent was at a loss on what to do, he was sent out here to put a stop to whatever evil Dr. Dakota was participating in, but he was simply enjoying making cheese. What could Cavendish do when there was no evil to thwart?

"Yeah, well, it's not ready yet" Dakota continued "it had to age for 58 and ½ years" He paused for a moment, looking down at a watch under his lab coat sleeve.

After two seconds he rolled the sleeve back up "But who's got that kind of time," Dakota walked over to a draw string and currents pulled the string to reveal a contraption of sorts. "That's why I created, The Age-acceleraterrizor"

"Excuse me, the what?!" Cavendish gawked.

"The Age, Exelerter, rizor" Dakota restated, slowly "It's pretty self explanatory, it accelerates the age, of whatever it hits, age, exelerter, aaaaand rizor, because rizor makes it sound cool."

He slipped on the machine, which happened to be a boxy object with straps on it, like a back pack.

"I'll show you what I mean" He walked to the Balcony and Cavendish followed.

The scientist pressed a button on the device and a green ray shot from it. The zap traveled down to a park where 2 children were currently playing on a seesaw. The ray hit a baby who instantly grew to most likely a 58 ½ year old man. Surprising both the former baby and the girl said baby was playing with, the poor girl was launched into the air due to the sudden addition of weight.

Cavendish looked at the scene in complete shock. "THAT CHILD!! DO YOU- YOU JUST, YOU'VE JUST TURNED A CHILD INTO AN ADULT! THAT COULD HAVE TERRIBLE CONSEQUENCES! SERIOUS PHY-" He shouted only to be cut off by Dr. Dakota.

"Oh they'll be alright, its supposed to were off in a day.... I think... and besides it works," Dakota dismissed "anyways, isn't it great? now time to use it on the cheese" he practically sang as he quickly walked into the living room.

Cavendish followed helplessly.

The Scientist shot a ray at the cheese, which in moments looked much better, more rounded off and finished.

"Perfect, look, look, you can actually SEE the smell, see it, that's something you only ever see in cartoons, that's crazy" Dakota commented as he cut a slice and put it on a plate, he handed it to Cavendish, who looked at the dish somewhat concerned.

"Er, Well, are you sure it's safe to be eating this, I mean you yourself said that this has been aged 58 and ½ years, I can't imagine that would be at all healthy for someone's health" Fretted Cavendish.

"It'll be fine, I'm pretty sure it makes it taste better, you won't die so don't worry Cav," Dakota reassured "but be careful, once you start you won't be able to stop," he cautioned playfully.

Dakota walked out of the room, still talking loudly to Cavendish "I'm gonna go get some ingredients, have you ever had a limburger sandwich? It's delicious, and I happen to know how to make some of the best, an old Drowssap family sandwich making technique... That also used to belong to the Doofenshmirtz, but, you know great great great great gra-"

As Dakota walked back into the living room, he froze. The ingredients, once held by a plate, crashed to the floor, shattering said plate and scattering food everywhere, and yet Dakota still stood in stunned silence.

"What left Dakota in such a state?" You ask?

Well, dear reader, horror upon horrors... THE CHEESE WAS GONE!!!!!

[que horrified screams]

Dakota didn't say a word, though his mouth did drop open. His wide eyes, currently behind glasses instead on his usual goggles, drifted over to Cavendish.

Cavendish's eyes were dilated as he frantically looked around the room, in a feeble attempt to seem like he had done nothing wrong, and possibly to find a way out. He was sweating profusely.

Dakota looked up and down Cavendish's body, seeing a suspiciously cheese looking shape protruding all around the agent's mid section.

"Did... Did you... eat the cheese? All of the cheese" Dakota asked carefully. If one were to listen carefully they would be able to sense the slightest hint of anger.

"Erm" was the only noise that came out of Cavendish.

"Cav, did you eat the ENTIRE cheese?" Dakota restated, just as carefully.

"Well, I-I, that is to say that- uh" The agent stuttered.

"You know what, you don't even need to answer" Dakota inhaled slowly "Well, for eating all of my old cheese, I think it's fair I get to make you old, 's payback, only fair" he added.

He prepared the ray menically, positioning it so it would hit Cavendish. Then the beam shot, narrowly avoiding the agent, only missing because he jumped out of the way just in time. That's when the shorter person began shooting wildly, shouting "Get back here Cav, just stand still so I can shoot you!" and the taller shouting back "ahh, ohh, I think you are overrating!"

Eventually the scientist managed to Corner Cavendish in well... a corner.

"Now I got you, get ready" Dakota leered

"Dakota, don't do this, I would strongly advise against it" Cavendish croaked.

"I'm gonna hit you with everything I've got," The scientist taunted, cranking the back pack's settings all the way to "D A N G E R" "say goodbye Cavendish!" He said, his voice begging to shake due to the vibrating of the machine.

The machine began shooting large blasts in all directions, until finally exploding.

The smoke cleared to reveal two very elderly men.

Cavendish's skin was saggy and wrinkled, he had also balded mostly, and his hair had become a slightly darker gray. His mustache had also grown, and the man now possessed a small beard.

Dakota, had not changed much, he had also grown a little wrinkled, and his hair receded from his forehead, as well as grayed. He had also seemed to gain some extra weight.

Cavendish couldn't help but think "He aged rather well, extremely well... He's actually rather attractive, he was before too... WAIT WHERE DID THAT COME FROM!?" The agent was snapped out of his confused thought when he heard laughing.

"Cav, you're so old!" Dakota hollered, in a voice that was only a little croakier than his younger form's.

"Me old? Look at yourself" Cavendish jabbed right back indignantly.

This only made Dakota laugh more, he seemed to take amusement from both of their elderly forms.

The agent rolled his eyes and began patting around his body, muttering "where is it, where is it" until he finally found "it."

"Hey, hey, what are you doing?" Dakota asked curiously, between breaths.

The agent didn't say a word, he grabbed hold of "it" with both of his hands and seemingly pulled his skin apart! Just to reveal a young Cavendish underneath.

Dakota gasped "You had an Age-acceleraterrizor proof suit on?!"

"Yes I did" Cavendish responded proudly.

"Hey, Why did you even have that? It's so specific, like, I didn't even have the idea until, yesterday, and yet you, had a suit that prevents against it's effects" The scientist ogled.

"Truthfully I don't know" Cavendish acknowledged.

"Huh, well, I should have you know, that I too, have an age-accel...yadayadayda proof suit on too, HA" As he ripped off his clothes, but instead of a young Dakota, there stood a naked except for his boxers and chain necklace old Dakota. "Um... I don't know why I thought that would work"

"I don't know either."

"Well, I better take a nap" Dakota stated blandly walking off

"It's only 4:30" Cavendish argued, looking at his watch

"Yeah, well I'm old now, I can sleep whenever I want, you know what I mean" Dakota explained

Cavendish glared at the scientist "How old do you think I am!?" he asked.

"Uh" Dakota was definitely not prepared for that question. "Um, 60, 50 maybe" He answered awkwardly.

The agent stood incredulously "I'm 37"! he stated.

"Ohh, uhh, okay then, goodnight"

"It's still only 4:30!" Cavendish hollered.

"I said goodnight!" Dakota hollered back.

A/N: I feel like I made Dakota a little out of character for one part of this chapter by mistake, which I am sad about, I try to write everyone as in character as possible, I may have been failing or succeeding on that front, I hope this was a good chapter regardless of possible mistakes.

A/N #2: If your curious what happened in the Milo plot, it was basically a Doctor Strange episode Sara got to write a script for, and Milo Zack, and Melissa helped her with that, and even with all the craziness that Sara was not sure about, they produced a bomb episode that would have done very well if it got passed the test audience. Although they did end up putting the episode online, which unlike the Phineas and Ferb version, this one actually was the moments from the studio. The episode got really popular online and Sara was delighted to see people talking about it.

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