A Deflating Day

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Cavendish was sitting in the backyard as usual, happily relaxing in the shade of his house, and sipping on some lemonade he had made early. He was startled by the sound of racing cars in the distance. He nearly jumped from his chair at the noise, fortunately he did not fall, but his lemonade (and shirt I should mention) were not quite as lucky.

He frowned at the spill on his shirt "looks like I'll have to clean this up" he muttered to himself, as he got up and began to walk inside.

As he left he heard the familiar string of words "Hey Zack, I know what we're gonna do today."

Cavendish smiled to himself, he had an idea of what those boys were planning on doing, he just hoped they wouldn't do anything too reckless, although, thinking about it, what they were most likely going to do was a lot tamer than their usual activities.

Cavendish climbed up the stairs to his room, so that he could change out of his shirt and cardigan and into another.

Through his walls, even over the loud noises of the race track Cavendish could hear the familiar workings of metal hitting metal and chatty older siblings.

Once in his new clothes, the agent heard the beeping of his watch, guess it was time for work "just when I got dressed too" Cavendish thought bitterly.

Cavendish made his way outside and to the side of his house, when he had concluded the coast was clear he pressed the button on his watch, changing him into his secret agent uniform. He reached behind his back and pulled out his hat, placing it firmly upon his head. He held out his wrist and pressed a different button, opening up a secret door in the wall.

Stepping in, the door closed, and he shot downward like a bullet into his underground base.

He walked to his chair and sat down as the screen turned on to reveal the face of Mr. Block.

"Hello Cavendish" The curly haired man greeted. Next to him a file photo of Dakota appeared on screen "the Evil Dr. Dakota is up to his old tricks"

As if Cavendish couldn't have figured that out himself.

"For reasons we can't figure out he has purchased an airship, or 'blimp' as kids are calling it"

"An Airship?" Cavendish question in his head

"Your mission is to find out why and if necessary, which I am sure it will be, put a stop to it," Mr. Block concluded "Don't mess this up" he growled."

"I shan't sir" Cavendish said.

Getting up he ran over to his hovercraft and flew out the exit.

For some reason the exit led into the tree next door to his house, aka Milo's Home. He flew out as the tree's top opened giving him access to the outside. He traveled over the neighborhood to Dr. Dakota's lair, which apparently was a... blimp.

He soon caught sight of the airship, which was currently flying over the racetrack he had been hearing early.

The machine was a rusty red, with huge yellow letters on the side reading "DAKOTA'S FOUL INST." The part of the blimp that was meant for people to be in was orange with lighter yellow tinted windows.

"And with the race about to start, there is the Dakota's Foul Institution blimp" announced an announcer as Dakota's jingle rang out the speakers.

Once Cavendish flew close enough to the aircraft he jumped off his hover vehicle and kicked open a window, gaining him entry into the blimp. He landed on the floor, doing his best to appear heroic and ready for a fight.

"Well, well, well... well, if it isn't Agent C," Dakota grinned, leaning his elbow against what looked like his latest "Erizor." "I'm glad you're here actually, I was, just, getting ready to serve some," as he spoke Dakota walked to a nearby wall and attempted to grab a lever first time, though he miscalculated how close his hand was to it and just swiped at the air a few times before he actually grabbed it. "BRITISH GUY UNDER GLASS" Dakota shouted as he pulled the lever down, causing a large glass dome with large air holes to crash down from the ceiling, effectively trapping Cavendish.

"Do you get it? Cause you're british, and I just captured you unde-" Vinnie explained only to get cut off my Cavendish saying "I get it" in a disgruntled tone, slightly muffled by the glass.

"What exactly are you planning on doing?" Cavendish asked suspiciously.

"Well, as you can see I have a new invention," Dakota began gesturing to the ray he had been leaning on "The Deflaterizor Ray!"

As Dakota spoke the agent attempted to find a way out of his see through prison.

"Which I will be demonstrating at the Jefferson County Motor Speedway," he said, gesturing to a screen showing the race "by deflating all the tires on thei cars, and other things too that can be deflated. Then, after that, I will deflate everything in the TRI-STATE-AREA" Dakota laughed.

Cavendish tried to ignore the man's rambellings as he examined the walls. He measured a hole with a measuring tape he had pulled out of his pocket. "It's rather large, maybe I could use that to my advantage" he muttered to himself.

Dakota stared at the screen for a minute before looking away "You know I never really got the appeal of racing, like sure, there's the food you can eat, but you're just watching cars go around and around and around for like, an hour, and people practically warship the candy colored things, it's crazy." Dakota rambled

Cavendish didn't respond.

"Well, how about we give this thing a test run" Dakota said, walking over to the ray, he gripped the handle bars and squeezed, causing a green light to shoot out from it.

On the screen Cavendish watched as the ray hit a beach ball that was for some reason being tossed around the stadium. (Is that an actual thing people do at races, do they just toss a beach ball around the crowd???)

The ball almost immediately deflated and shot out as the air rushed out to escape. The beachball unfortunately landed on the windshield of a driver's car. Cavendish watched as the person spiraled out of control in surprise, hitting a billboard that fell over, creating a tunnel. A red car with a large orange bow easily drove its way through.

"The Team Milo car is avoiding every obstacle, it's like he can see the entire darn track at once!" The announcer exclaimed.

Cavendish couldn't help but smile a little at that, he hoped they were safe, something told Cavendish things were going to get hectic pretty soon.

As he predicted, the cars not as lucky as Milo hit the billboard head on causing them to fly into the air and hit the ground at full force. Cavendish watched in horror as some got stuck in the pavement bumper first, all while Milo's car easily drifted out of the way, avoiding having the vehicle destroyed.

A majority of the cars soon formed a well stacked and stable structure. The drivers all stuck their heads out the windows saying "We're OK!" as Milo drove through the newly created tunnel the vehicals formed.

Somewhere someone screamed loudly which made Dakota smile widely "Already they fear me!" he exclaimed "they're already screaming, this is great! Imagine the fear once my Deflaterizor Ray is fully charged" Dakota said as he opened a cabinet beneath the ray, revealing a little mouse running on a wheel.

"Your evil invention is mouse powered?" Cavendish asked unimpressed.

"Well, yeah, it's a reliable source of energy, and I don't need to waste money on any resources, except for cheese, speaking of," Dakota said looking at the mouse "You need a reward for all your work" he smiled and walked over to a mini-fridge he had on the other side of the room.

Dakota bent over to search through the back mumbling "I know I have something in here."

When Dakota had bent over, his top half of his clothing rolled up a bit, revealing his backside, which gave Cavendish an idea.

Pulling off his hat he dug around inside, OWCA's technology really was impressive, making storage areas that seemed almost infinite inside small spaces like pockets and standard issue fedoras. He pulled out a small case and placed the hat back on his head. Setting it down, he opened it revealing 6 different cheeses and a futuristic looking crossbow. He never thought he would need this set, but, apparently today was the day he would finally have a purpose for it.

He grabbed a cheese in the bottom right corner of the box labeled "Stinky" and inserted it into the crossbow. "This is sure to get that rodent's attention" he muttered to himself.

He positioned the "weapon" so it would shoot directly out of one of the air holes, aiming it so the cheese would land directly into the scientist's track pants.

Dakota continued to mutter to himself "I used to have some roquefort back here, where is it" Just as Dakota finished his sentence Cavendish pulled the trigger sending the smelly piece of cheese soaring through the air and into Dakota's pants. Fortunately Dakota seemed to be too focused on his task to notice.

The mouse however did, he seemed to smell the cheese right away. He jumped off the wheel and happily trotted to Dakota. Once close enough the rodent jumped up and into where the cheese had been hidden.

Cavendish saw how Dakota noticeably froze for a moment, before letting out a surprised yell, he bugged out like a cartoon character, he jumped around as he hollered and shreeked. He ran around, knocking things over, like a vacuum which crashed into Cavendish's glass dome, causing it to shatter completely, freeing him.

Cavendish wasted no time, jumped forward and pushed Dakota, which knocked the scientist into the Deflaterizor.

The action of having something pushed into it caused the Deflaterizor to activate and shoot a beam. The beam traveled in a downwards direction before hitting a mirror which it richichayed off of. The beam shot back to the blimp, hitting the balloon, and, just like the beachball, the blimp immediately began to deflate.

The mouse had escaped from Dakota's clothing at this point, so he was much much calmer. Upon realizing the aircraft was deflating and falling to the ground, Dakota only muttered, rather uninterestedly "you know I really should have seen that coming..."

The blimp slowly drifted and looped to the ground, causing Dakota and Cavendish to stagger around the machine in a futile attempt to gain some kind of balance. The blimp suddenly hit something outside, which made both the agent and scientist fall to the floor.

Around it screams of terror were heard. From the outside the announcer yelled "OH NO, a blimp is about to hit the broadcasting tower, OH THE HUMANITY."

While Cavendish lay dazed on the floor, Dakota half shouted a little "you okay?" to which the agent gave a small nod and a meek noise.

Dakota smiled, "alright, good" he said. Then he promptly slid out the window closest to the ground and jumped into a red car with a large bow. He stepped on the gas as hard as he could, speeding down the race track and out the entrance. On the way he passed some kids who were getting their picture taken with the trophy.

"Well, looks like we're walking" Milo commented as the 3 made their way out of the stadium.

Cavendish stood up, and slid down too, he heard (and saw a little of) Dakota driving off. Cavendish jumped out the same window as the scientist, looking up, Cavendish saw a car speeding in the distance, dust trailing behind it, "That's got to be him."

Cavendish thought for a moment, how was he going to catch up to him? Then he remembered. Cavendish tapped his right shoulder twice, causing a jetpack to assemble on his back. He held the straps as it took off into the air, launching him in the sky.

"AHHhh" The agent yelped, he was not used to using his jetpack, but he soon regained his control. searching over the land he saw the red car with the bow on it, which meant it had to be Milo's car. Now neither he or his friends couldn't legally drive, but knowing those children, they probably made a remote control. Therefore he could still manage to stop that vehicle.

Now, it was probably at some high vantage point, so that whoever was controlling the car could see where it was going. Looking around, he saw a tower, which had a blocky looking thing with joysticks poking out of it. "There's the control!" Cavendish thought happily.

Cavendish flew over, and grabbed the device, before zooming after the direction of the car.

Cavendish planned to fly over the car, and using the controller he could drive Dakota back to his building, before taking it back to Milo's home. Although that plan didn't really workout...

Just as he was in front of the vehicle, his jetpack began to run out of fuel. It sputtered and shook, and before Cavendish could even do anything, he fell, falling directly onto the car's hood. Cavendish, though he was terrified, tried to make it look like he had done that on purpose.

Dakota screeched, swerving the car slightly, staring wide eyed at the agent. "WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING!?!" he yelled.

Doing his best to keep his composure, the agent took his hands off the hood and held the controller in front of himself, "this" Cavendish stated.

He held onto one of the joysticks and began to steer the car... but not well.

He caused the car to run into a multitude of things, like a trashcan, a mailbox, a streetlight, just to name a few. All this happening while they both screamed their heads off, terrified of what would happen next.

Somehow, Cavendish ended up driving the car right into a car wash.

(Forgive for not knowing much about car washing order, it being ages since I've been to one, and me being too lazy to look up how it works.)

The water came first, hitting the car with jets and showers of it, washing off the paint, and also making Cavendish soaking wet, because shielding his body with his arm did not, in fact, work.

Next came the dryer, drying off the car with immense force, also taking care of the bow, which soon untied itself and fell back. Cavendish was blown back, so much so that he had to grab hold of the car's trunk to prevent himself from being blown away. At least he was dry now.

When the huge dryer stopped Cavendish crawled back to his original spot on the hood, he stood up and tried to think of what he could do. Suddenly he was smooshed between 2 waxers. He let out a sort of panicked, squeal like, humming noise. When the waxers finally receded the agent staggered backward, looking clean, yet disheveled, with his shocked eyes, and now very bushy, untidy mustache and hair.

Dakota simply looked at Cavendish in shock, even though it had not been described, Dakota had been telling Cavendish to get off the hood.

The somewhat dazed Cavendish gave the scientist a means to get him off the car, giving Dakota a clean getaway. All Dakota had to do was push him off and drive away, easy.

Carefully Dakota climbed out the window and got onto the car's roof. He leaned out to the side as far as he could and grabbed hold of a window wiper that was leaning against a wall. Stealthily Dakota crept forward and using his new tool, attempted to push Cavendish to the car's side.

Unfortunately as soon as the wiper came in contact with his leg Cavendish sprung into action. He hopped up into the air, ending up behind Dakota, and positioned himself in a fighting stance.

The two ended up in a full blown fight, with Cavendish trying to push Dakota off the side of the car and Dakota trying to do the same with the added move of blocking the agent's attempts with the window wiper. It wasn't going well for either of them.

Eventually Dakota tried tripping Cavendish by swiping the wiper beneath Cavendish's feet, although as one might assume Cavendish easily jumped over it and avoided an embarrassing trip. Luckily for Dakota this jump put Cavendish at a disadvantage, right at the edge of the car, he could easily be pushed off now. He thrust the window wiper forward to push him off, but then, Cavendish ducked, pressing himself to the roof and putting his hands over his face.

This was slightly uncharacteristic. Cav was stubborn and usually didn't go down without a fight so something like ducking, especially like this, was not something he expected from the agent.

Then Dakota heard an odd sound, he turned around and saw another wazy, this one was horizontal. "AAAAAAAHHHHH" the scientist yelled. As you may expect the waxer rolled right onto him, he caught on the waxter, most likely with his labcoat and spun around and around and around. Until he was flung into the ceiling and was sent flying to who knows where.

After that the car ended up being finished in the car wash and so was driven out easily using the remote control.

Cavendish stood up triumphantly "Ha ha, I hav- what's that noise" the agent looked around confused, there was an odd beeping sound coming from somewhere. He looked down and saw he had stepped on the remote, more specifically on a red button in the center.

The car erupted into the air, far beyond what should of been possible. It looked like he was in space. Up, up, up he went until the car stopped, but only for a moment. In a beat the car began to plummet to the ground, getting close and closer to the inevitable. Suddenly he crashed into the floor. Well, technically a roof, which was crashed into and then he reached into the floor.

He looked around, a little confused. Wait... He knew this place, this was the Flynn Fletchers' garage. "Oh dear, uh" Cavendish fumbled with his watch, eventually pressing the button, which changed him into his civilian clothes, and he changed not a moment to soon.

"See mom, look look, I told you" Sara exclaimed.

Sara's mother gasped "but, who did this?"

"Zack, Milo, and Mellisa" Sara happily.

"You mean..."

Sara could barely contain her excitement.

"They washed my car!" Bridgette grinned.

"Yeah! NO! What?!" Sara looked at the car and saw it looking good as new.

Cavendish, even though he was standing right next to the vehicle, didn't seem to be noticed, so he inched away from it and then proceeded to walk out of the house and into the driveway. As he did so he heard the happy praises of the redhead and the stunned silence of the teen.

A/N Okay guys, so I think I figured out how to fix Sara in this AU, I'm not really a fan of making her a bust crazy teen and I think I know how to remedy that. So instead of wanting to bust her brother and his friends, she is genuinely impressed and fascinated by their inventions and wants to show their mom because it's so cool. This way we'll be able to keep the general B plot, but also not change Sara too drastically, although it might be better to make Sara want to hide it from her mom. Idk, maybe I'll try them both and see which one sticks better.

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