Architecture Android

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Cavendish was laying on his couch, watching a show called "Dr. Zone." It was... odd, to say the least.

He then heard the familiar beeping of his watch, calling him to action. He stood up, and walked to his bathroom, he shifted his eyes left and right, checking to see if the coast was clear, you can never be too careful as a secret agent, even when you're in your own home.

Once he had confirmed to himself that he was safe he pressed the button on his watch that changed him into his uniform. He took his hat out from behind it and placed it firmly on his head, before proceeding into the bathroom and shutting the door behind him.

Cavendish gave a side glance to the toilet. "No." he said aloud.

Cavendish had been told the first day he got this house that the toilet could be used as one of the entrances to his hideout underneath.

On that same day Cavendish had decided he was NEVER going to use it. Instead he decided to use the other entrance that was located in the bathroom.

The Agent walked over to his sink which had a cabinet mirror just above it. He opened said cabinet, revealing many objects usually found in bathrooms (like spare toothbrushes, toothpaste, a bottle moisturizer, etc.).

In the furthest top right corner of the cabinet sat a bottle of Aloevera. Cavendish reached up, taking hold of it, and pulled it down, although it did not leave the cabinet, for it was actually a lever (that sentence is weird, I know). Upon being pulled, the shelf opened, revealing what appeared to be a shoot.

Cavendish jumped head first and dived down, behind him the doors of both the shelf and mirror cabinet closed, keeping the bathroom looking as it did before.

The agent accelerated quickly downward, taking sudden turns as he did so. Eventually he came to an opening where he rolled out with a somersault. Cavendish got up just as the screen turned on, revealing the face of Mr. Block.

"Good morning, Agent C," Mr. Block greeted.

"Hello, sir" Cavendish greeted back.

"We have just gotten a report that Dr. Dakota has been purchasing construction toys at an alarming rate, we need you to see what he's up to and put a stop to it" Mr. Block said.

Cavendish gave a quick nod and salooted "I will not let you down, Mr. Block" he promised.

The agent ran to an old fashioned black and green moped located near the middle of the room. Jumping onto it, the floor underneath began to rise, taking him to the surface and into the road.

Cavendish began to drive down the road as fast as he legally could, making his way to Dakota's most current lair. Ahead of him a stop light went red, causing him to stop. Right next to Cavendish pulled up an oddly familiar car.

Then realization struck him, he looked to the window just as the woman inside turned and glanced at him. It was just as he had feared, the woman was Bridgette. Fortunately she looked away, but...

If she realized...

Cavendish pulled out a pair of Nose Glasses and hurriedly put them on his face, and not a moment too soon. Though he kept his eyes forward out the corner of his eye he could see the confusion come over Bridgette's face before she quickly looked back at Cav. Once she had (wrongly) confirmed her boring and average neighbor was not the very secret agent looking person on a moped next to her she looked back forward, just in time to see that the light had gone green. She drove off, Cavendish sighed in relief, moving on a few seconds after.

"DAKOTA FOUL INSTITUTION" sang disembodied voices.

At the moment Dr. Dakota was in a building, though not his usual, "that, definitely not be very smart" Dakota had thought to himself. This building was a terracotta orange, very blocky (as most all buildings are), except for where the sides came out at the top. Speaking of the top, right in the center of the roof, an antenna of sorts with a giant triangle shaped hole stuck out.

Dakota stood over his latest blueprints, lightly humming an evil laugh, "everything is ready" Dakota said with a dark conniving smile.

He heard somebody ring the doorbell.

Walking over to the front door, he opened it, revealing a tall man, in a suit with a small shimmer of green, he had a long pine green tie, along with that he was wearing a fedora hat with goggles strapped on them.

He reminded Dakota of his nemesis, Cavendish.

"How lucky was I to get him" Dakota thought to himself wistfully. He knew that it was weird to have feelings for the agent. Cavendish was basically sent over to destroy his plans almost everyday, but Cav couldn't be blamed for that, it was his job, and Vinnie was the one doing quote on quote "Evil."

Plus Cavendish never fought too rough, sure, there was that time with the screw, but that was a rare kind of occasion. Cavendish's punches and kicks were always softer than O.W.C.A. would probably want them to be.

Besides when Cavendish was not trying to fight him, Dakota always had a fun time talking with him, and he knew that Balthazar enjoyed their conversations too.

Dakota shook his head, he was losing his train of thought... Where was he, oh yes, the person kind of looked like his nemesis, except the man's nose was much bigger, and his mustache was much bushier and darker, not to mention the glasses were much too round. This could've been Cavendish, in disguise, but Dakota hated to assume. He was a natralling trusting person. Who could this guy be though if not Cavendish in disguise?

His mind drifted to the wanted ad he had put online for a temp (I have no idea where you go for a temp, I think it may be an agency but it was easier to just say he put a wanted ad online).

"Oh, are you my new temp?" Dakota asked with a grin.

"Uh, yes, I'm your new... temp" the man said.

"Ah, great, well come in, I'll catch you up," Dakota said, leading the "temp" into the apartment. "Sorry it's a little messy, I'm just finishing putting the last touches on my latest plan."

"Are you now?" inquired the man.

"Yeah, see," Dakota climbed up some stairs and onto a platform that rose up so he would be closer to the map he had hung. "In a few minutes, I'm gonna give the people at O.W.C.A. a scare, by giving everyone else a scare with my newest project" Dakota laughed to himself.

"Only wish Cavendish was here, he tends to make things... a little more enjo..." Dakota trailed off as he watched the person he thought was temp take off his glasses with a deadpan expression, revealing he was actually:

"CAVENDISH?! I THOUGHT YOU LOOKED SUSPICIOUSLY LIKE... you... I probably, I probably should've realized earlier" Dakota said awkwardly.

"Yes, you should have" said Cavendish in a disappointed tone.

"Well I'm sorry," Dakota apologized "soo, you're a temp now, time's really that bad?"

"Wha- N-No! I'm not a temp, it was a disguise!" the agent fumed

"Alright alright, you don't have to tell me, that's your business, but if you ever need help, you can ask" Dakota said.

Cavendish merely rolled his eyes.

"Well Cavendish, you're too late!" the scientist exclaimed, hopping down from his platform and pulling a huge lever.

The building began to rumble, from the outside one could see arms and legs extending from the building's sides and base, from the top of the building a head began to rise. This was no ordinary structure, it was a robot!

The robot began to stomp through the city.

"Hahaha, when it comes to havok, nobody reeks it quite like me" Dakota proclaimed.

Cavendish, thinking on his feet, ran over to a panel and pulled it out, revealing all sorts of wires and technology. Looking over them all, the agent pulled out a wire that had been cut in 2. All this happening while Dakota shouted in the background things like "Wait, what are you doing?" "don't do that" "hey, that's not fair!"

Cavendish held the wire (or wires per say) as far away from his face as he could and put them together, causing electrical sparks to fly in all directions.

The building robot stopped, foot midair, in the optional position to crush a building just underneath. Then the robot began to move again and turned around to walk in the other direction.

Cavendish relaxed slightly and separated the wires again. Although his relaxation was short lived. By the movements of the robot he could tell it was destroying much more. The agency frantically went to other panels in an attempt to do what he did again, to try and prevent as much damage as possible.

Dr. Dakota was getting a little annoyed.

"You know, I was trying to ignore you, but you're really getting in the way of my whole, destruction plan so," pressed his hand hard onto a button. Mechanical arms came at cavendish from all sides, quickly restraining him "there you go" Dakota said with a smug smile.

Cavendish deflated angrily and gave the scientist a glare.

"And now I am going to relax with this here delicious deli platter," Dakota said, pleased. He sat down at a chair, located right next to a table holding said deli platter. He was just about to take a bite of a baloney piece when he stopped and realized something.

"Oh, you probably want some too, one second" Dakota spoke, without waiting for a reply, he got together some food off his platter and onto a plate, before walking over to where Cavendish was restrained. A table rose from the floor between the 2, and Dakota placed the plate on it.

"Uh, thank you, I suppose" Cavendish said hesitantly.

"Yeah, don't mention it," Dakota said happily "and you'll probably want some pepper, am I right?" Dakota asked, pulling out a pepper grinder. He began to sprinkle the pepper on the food "just say when."

Cavendish got an idea "alright."

For the next 30 minutes Dakota went on grinding the pepper on the food, while the 2 made conversation about an apparent new Pop Band that had become famous earlier that morning. "

Wow, you really like pepper, I never knew you were such a fan of the stuff" Dakota commented, observing the large black and grey pile that had accumulated.

"Yes, I like it very much" Cavendish said with a straight face, then without warning he sucked in a mouthful of air and blew the pepper right into the shorter man's face.

Dakota began to cough and sputter, fanning his hands around to try and clear the flavorful dust.

"Hey, Hey, what was that for," Dakota coughed out "you really think a little pepper would be, be enough to stop me, well think again!"

Then the 2 men heard a deep low sound, as the building began to tilt back, "ah, Ah, AH, AHHH."

The building learned forward "CHOO" sneezing out the pepper, mechanical arms, and the 2 people out. Dakota and Cavendish shot through the air, behind them they saw the robot fall to the ground.

"Why did I give that robot the robot an allergy to pepper" Dakota mumbled. They broke through the wall of a nearby record company building, Cavendish accidentally grabbed an object a person were holding up."THE TAPE!" the man formerly holding the object shouted.

Once they had broken through to the other side of the building Cavendish and Dakota began to fall, quickly they began getting closer and closer to the ground.

Thinking fast, Cavendish took the tape he had grabbed, and pulled out some of the film. Grabbing hold of the film he threw the plastic box portain on a nearby pole, using it as a grappling hook. It fortunately prevented the agent from falling any further.

The scientist meanwhile continued to fall, closing his eyes, Dakota braced himself for the eventual landing. What he was not expecting was for himself to land on a mattress. Dakota gave a relieved sigh. He stood up and walked off the mattress.

"Well that, was lucky," Dakota stated. Suddenly the mattress folded in on itself with a loud "WHACK." "and that was really lucky" Dakota restated. It was then that Dakota had realized he had actually landed on a truck.

Looking down Dakota saw Cavendish walking by, he must have dropped down from the pole. "Uh, Curse you, Agent C" Dakota said lazily.

Cavendish continued to walk, ducking behind a car he pressed the button of his watch causing his secret agent clothes to revert to his casual wear. He grabbed his hat from his head and stuffed it in his pocket. He then walked out from behind the car and ran into Milo and his friends.

"Oh, Hi Cavendish," Milo said happily.

"Hello Children" said Cavendish right back.

The rest of the kids gave their respective greetings to the older gentleman.

"Come on guys, will still have one thing left to do" Milo stated as a bus with Milo's, Zack's, and Mellisa's faces on it pulled up.

"You need a ride, Cavendish?" Zack asked

"No, I'm fine, I think I'll just go home" Cavendish said.

The kids all gave different versions of "Alright" as they piled onto the bus.

"See ya later" Mellisa smiled.

Cavendish began his walk back home, humming a nice little tune to himself.

(A/N: If I'm being honest I don't really think I gave this chaper a very good ending, but I think it's good enough)

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