Gnome Reason

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(A/N: if I'm being honest I'm not exactly proud of this particular chapter, but I figured why not post it, this is just for fun after all :3)

Cavendish sat in his backyard's patio chair, absolutely sweltering, in fact he had taken off his cardigan, which was something he did not do often when undercover.

It was too hot to even read! Cavendish simply laid back uncomfortably, listening to the small portable radio sitting on the stool beside him.

"This is, stanky dog, coming at you on the hottest day of the summer!" The disk jockey said.

"Yes, as if I couldn't have figured tha-" Cavendish muttered only to be caught off by the squawk of a bird. Suddenly, just a few feet away from him, fell a pile of ashes, along with a few feathers, from the sky.

Cavendish stared at the pile, having no words for what he saw before himself.

"Unless you live at the beach, I say just take it easy and do nothing today," The DJ continued

"Just find yourself a shady tree, and maybe a yellow big nosed dog of some kind,"

That made Cavendish think of the kids, this Disk Jockey was nearly describing their usual morning perfectly.

"And blow the whole day off." Stanky finished

Except for that...

"They won't like that one bit" Cavendish thought aloud.

Right as he said that he heard Milo saying "Come on Zack, if we let a little heat stop us from having the best day ever, then the morning DJs win."

Just as Cavendish had thought.

He then heard the sound of rummaging around and rushing water, "what could they be making" Cavendish pondered, his question was quickly answered when Milo's mother had asked the boy's what they were up to.

"We're making a beach" Zack said nonchalantly.

"In the backyard!" Milo added excitedly.

Cavendish continued his attempt at relaxation, which was rather hard in this blasted weather. He listened to what was going on next door, for it sounded much more interesting than the announcements of a random morning DJ.

Just as Milo had commented on the fact they were going to need more sand, Cavendish heard a beeping from his watch.

Quickly he made his way to his backyard's garden and where he stopped in front of a mushroom garden decoration. After making sure no one was watching him he lightly tapped his foot on the mushroom's head. The mushroom, as well as the land surrounding it, removed itself from its location with a buzz, revealing a hole that was large enough for Cavendish to jump down without difficulty.

Cavendish reached into his pocket, pulling out his fedora, and placing it on his head. After that he pressed the button of his watch changing his casual clothing to his secret agent attire. As soon as he had been dressed, he jumped down into the hole.

He fell quickly downward, landing on his feet, his hat, which had rose off his head in the fall, followed landing back onto Cavendish's head not long after his landing.

Cavendish speed walked to his chair, taking a seat as Mr. Block appeared on screen.

"Agent C" Mr. Block addressed, without giving Cavendish a chance to speak he plunged into Cavendish's assignment "Lawn gnomes across the Tri-State area are disappearing, leaving thousands of gardens unprotected from the evils of black magic, we suspect that this is Dakota's doing, your job is to go see what he's doing, and put a stop to it, now go" Mr. Block completed.

"I won't let you down, sir" Cavendish said, salooting, and running his way to an elevador.

"You better not" Mr. Block growled.

The elevador began to move, and Cavendish was soon back in his garden.

"Now, how am I to get to Dakota's lair," he asked himself. He thought for a moment. "Well, he is abducting lawn gnomes, so perhaps, I could dre..." he trailed off. "No, that's ridiculous," he muttered.

Cavendish paced back and forth, "wait" he said, getting an idea. He went inside his house and walked to his closet.

He dug around his closet, muttering "where is it, I could've sworn it was he- Oh! Here we are" he beamed as he pulled out a lawn gnome. It had been a gift he had received a long while ago, he couldn't remember who from though.

From the same closet he grabbed a rope, and proceeded to walk out from his home, and back into his garden.

He tied the rope around the lawn gnome's waist, before taking hold of the other end and hiding in the bushes right behind the gnome. Now all Cavendish had to do was wait.

He didn't have to wait too long. Within a few minutes he saw the Gnome begin to jossle before it was sucked into the ground, Cavendish was quick to follow. With a panicked "ahh!" he was pulled into the dirt after the gnome.

Meanwhile in Dakota's lair, which today was underground:

Dakota ate a bag of chips as he looked around at all the garden gnomes being transported to his hideout. All around him were buckets upon buckets just filled to the brim with ceramic people, it was a sea of pointy hats.

Dakota, stood next to the conveyor belt, examining each gnome that came in. "Never realized how many kinds of Garden Gnomes there are, I mean, this one looks like a platypus, this one has really long legs, this one-" He put down his chips and picked up a lawn gnome, examining it carefully.

"This one looks familiar," he muttered, he turned in his hands, examining every angle "where have I seen you before."

Looking under the beard he saw what looked to be a brown rope "oh, you got a little rope around your waste, what's that for, you bungee jump or something" he asked the decoration with a chuckle.

Suddenly, with no warning, Cavendish shot through the exit of the thing sucking the gnomes, (which looked to be an giant red vacuum cleaner) tightly clutching onto a rope.

"WHAT THE?!" was all Dakota could get out before Cavendish came crashing right into him, causing them both to fall on the floor. "Erf, what was that for" muttered Dakota.

Slightly embarrassed, Cavendish quickly got to his feet, and pointed a finger at the scientist. "I'm here to stop you, Dr. Dakota" Cavendish said in the most confident tone he could muster.

Dakota, got up slowly, making a small groan. He didn't reply at all to Cavendish's statement, rather he just looked between the gnome and the agent. Delightful comprension washed over Dakota's face, and then a large smile formed.

"That's where I remember this gnome from!" he happily exclaimed.

"W-What?" Cavendish asked, he was not sure what Dakota was talking about.

"I gave this gnome to you on your birthday a few years ago," Dakota exclaimed "You kept it! You even put it in your yard, I'm glad you liked it!" he beamed.

Cavendish was not exactly sure what to say, given he did only use it to get into the hideout, so he straightened up a little "Erm, well, it's only polite to keep a gift, and I found it to be quite... useful'' Cavendish said, bobbing his head as if agreeing with himself.

Dakota smiled fondly at the gnome for another moment before gently placing it down next to him. "uh, where were we?" He asked himself "oh yeah, gotta trap youuu, so you don't stop my plans" he explained, in a bored sort of manner.

Cavendish, obviously not wanting to be trapped, he made a run towards Dakota, in an attempt to attack him. Dakota though, quickly thinking, grabbed the long legged gnome and threw it as Cavendish. Cavendish though, moved out the way, just in time to avoid being his, the gnome shattered on the floor behind him.

Dakota grabbed another gnome and threw it at Cavendish. This time the garden ornament hit Cavendish directing in the gut, causing him to fall over onto his back.

Dakota pulled out a remote saying "You are mine NOW!" and pushed down the button

Cavendish looked behind him to see a garage door had opened behind him, causing a few things to fall over, like a keyboard and a few basketballs.

"And what exactly was that supposed to do?" The agent asked, unimpressed.

"Uh, trap you?" Dakota said awkwardly "lemme try again."

Dakota took out another remote "You are mine, now." he said pressing the button.

The TV behind the scientist turned on, showing on a commercial for pistachios.

Cavendish merely looked at Dakota, raising his eyebrow in a questioning mannor.

"One second" Dakota muttered, digging in his pockets, until he pulled out a new, more threatening looking remote.

"You are mine... now" Dakota said blandly, pressing the button.

From the over Cavendish's head came a cage which quickly managed to successfully trap him within it.

Dakota laughed evilly "now you are trapped, you will watch as I steal every gnome in the TRI-STATE-AREA!" he exclaimed

"Why are you doing this?" Cavendish growled

"Uh... huh? I wanted to... do something evil?" Dakota replied, confused.

"That's it? No backstory, nothing, you're just doing this?" Cavendish asked in disbelief.

"Uh, yeah? do I have to have a backstory?" Dakota questioned.

"I should expect so" Cavendish scoffed.

"Alright then, um, one sec" Dakota walked over to a table, pulling out a few papers and a pen.

He scribbled on the papers for a few seconds before walking back to his original spot.

"Soo um, when I was a kid, my parents had a lawn gnome" He showed a poorly drawn picture of his family with a lawn gnome.

"And kids thought it was funny to steal it?" He went to the next picture showing some kids stealing the gnome, and his family looking sad.

"Now I'm stealing lawn gnomes to get revenge on those kids," Dakota showed a final picture of himself on a stack of triangles and the kids looking sad. "are you happy now?" Dakota asked.

"I suppose so..." Cavendish said.

"Alright, good" The scientist replied.

"So, you're just going to steal them, and keep them in this bunker?" Cavendish skeptically asked.

"Yeah... Well I also plan to destroy them all" as he said this, he dragged a curtain down to reveal a big machine that appeared to be designed to destroy. It had saws, a drill, and even what looked to be a few lazers.

Cavendish looked at the machine shock.

"Now! I will activate my invention!" Dakota exclaimed, pulling out a remote and pressing the button.

The trap around Cavendish released him, he quickly jumped out of the cage, preparing to fight.

"...whoops" Dakota said.

Cavendish sprinted over to Dakota, swifty punching him in the face. Dakota, as most would, ran, and Cavendish, ran after him.

"You're not destroying those gnomes!!" The agent hollered.

"Watch me!" Dakota yelled, picking up a garden gnome and throwing it at Cavendish.

Cavendish managed to avoid it easily, but did not manage to save it from hitting the ground and breaking.

As his determination to catch the scientist grew, Cavendish ran faster, all while Dakota threw gnomes in an attempt to get him off his tail.

Eventually Dakota ended up running utop the giant red vacuum. He stopped for a moment, to catch his breath. Though, possibly that was not the smartest decision, because it allowed Cavendish to catch up to him. Climbing over the side of the wall of the vacuum, Cavendish got on top and delivered a swift kick to the scientist's stomach.

Dakota fell backward onto a lever, pushing it to the left, which was marked "blow."

Suddenly the 2 felt a rumbling around them.

"That's not good" Dakota commented

Around them they saw as all the gnomes began to be sucked into the vacuum and presumably blown at the top. From above they heard faint screaming.

"What did you just do?" Cavendish asked in a worried panic.

"What did I just do? Agent C, what you just did was put my Vacuumerizor into blow mode," Dakota clarified bitterly "You've just created a gnome volcano."

"A WHAT?!" Cavendish blurted

"A gnome volcano" Dakota repeated, seeing the agent's expression he said "Don't worry, it's easy to reverse."

Dakota walked over to the lever and pulled it to the "suck" side.

The rumbling stopped for a moment, but then it started again. It appeared that the vacuum, or Vacuumerizor as Dakota put it, was sucking EVERYTHING and, along with that, it seemed it was bringing in almost too much for the machine to handle. Dirt, water, machinery, even a few palm trees began crashing in around them.

Needless to say, both men were screaming and panicking.

When they managed to compose themselves enough to make logical decisions they had found their own exists.

Dakota had decided to make himself scarce by making his way to a tunneling machine he had in the corner.

Cavendish on the otherhand, pressed the button on his watch, changing into his casual wear. He jumped into the water and began to swim up into the hole above.

It took fighting against rushing water, (and also a bit of climbing when all the water had fully escaped into it) but Cavendish made his way quickly out and into the sun where he was greeted by Milo and his friends.

"Oh, Hi Cavendish, what were you doing in there" the boy asked.

Through heavy breaths Cavendish replied "oh... I was just.... Having a swim when, when I was sucked in"

The kids gave him worried looks, "are you alright?" Zack aked.

"Oh, yes, quite alright," he said "I just need to go home and rest I think, good beach, children, wonderful job."

Cavendish waved goodbye, making his way back to his home, sitting where he basically always sat, in his backyard. He turned on his radio and listened to the Disk Jockey on the other side

"I'd like to give a shout out to my new pals, Milo, Zack, and Melissa. They threw one heck of a beach party today. Now everyone, you better put on your sunscreen because tomorrow is predicted to be even hotter tomorrow than it was today" The jockey announced

Cavendish groaned.

Looking around he saw the lawn gnomes that had been scattered during the 'gnome volcano'.

"Well at least... most of gnomes weren't destroyed" he thought to himself.

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