The Tinfoil Catastrophe

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Milo and his friend Zack were hanging out in the backyard, starting out how they did most days, under a big tree. It was nice, relaxing, but both boys felt it was quite boring, and that was something they did not like one bit.

 Milo looked up at the sky, thinking long and hard, before looking over at his friend. "Well Zack, what do you wanna do today" Milo asked.

Zack, who was currently playing a wizarding RPG on his phone, answered with a defeated "No idea" before going back to playing.

"How about you Diogee, have an idea?" Milo asked the small, oddly proportioned dog sitting between the kids.

The dog only gave a few puppy-like barks.

Milo Chuckled, patting the dog on the head.

Milo got a thoughtful look, "what about Cavendish, he's probably doing something neat" he said with a smile.

He and Zack walked over to the fence and peaked over the wall. From the other side one would only be able to see their eyes and hair.

Next door, sat a man in a patio chair, reading a red book. He had fairly short grey hair with a handlebar mustache to match, the kind that curled up at the ends. frameless glasses sat at the rim of his rather long nose. He wore a pair of brown pants, and a dark green cardigan, buttoned almost all the way, just enough to be able to see the white button up shirt he wore underneath. It was odd he wore such attire in the summer, but hey, everyone in Danville was a little odd in some way or another.

The man, who you may have assumed already to be Cavendish, looked up from his literature and waved to the children looking over at him, "Hello boys" he said cherrily.

The boys waved right back, returning the greeting "Hi Cavendish."

They walked to their spot under the tree. Zack looked at Milo, "You know, I don't know what we were expecting" he said blandly

Milo shrugged awkwardly, admitting that he didn't really know either. "he is just Cavendish, he doesn't do much"

Meanwhile on the other side of the fence, Cavendish just smiled and shook his head, listening to Milo's annual beginning of summer speech, about how he hates boredom and he and his friends had to do something to make the most of summer.

"I mean, our lives should be a roller coaster, and a good one at that, not like that one new ride at Lard World..." Milo paused, most likely having a flashback "That was not as enjoyable as the poster implied it to be, IF I WERE TO BUILD A ROLLER COASTER-"

Cavendish grinned to himself, and there was the idea for the first project of the summer.

"Zack! that's it, we should build a roller coaster!" Milo exclaimed.

Cavendish listened to the scribbling on paper and getting supplies. Though then came in the voice of Sara, talking about busting them, as she did everyday.

(Hi, just for future notice Sara won't be this way in future chapters she's more going to be about sometimes wanting to show her mom the inventions because she thinks they're cool and deserve recognition, just wanted to bring this to everyone's attention)

"When is that girl going to learn," Cavendish thought, "she should be enjoying her summer" he shook his head.

Back at Milo's house:

"Hey guys" came the voice of Mellisa, through the fence gate she walked into the backyard of the Flynns.

"Oh, Hi Mellisa" Milo said, digging through a toolbox.

"Hey" Zack greeted, currently working on the beginning rails of the coaster.

"What are you guys doing" Mellisa asked.

"Just making a roller coaster" Milo said, as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

"In your backyard?" Mellisa asked, skeptical.

"Some of it" Zack called down.

"Cool... isn't that kind of impossible though?" She questioned smugly.

"To some people" Milo chirped.

"Alright, well, I was going to go to the pool, you guys wanna come?" Mellisa asked.

Milo and Zack looked at her apologetically "Uhh, kinda doing something right now" Milo said.

"Oh, right, well, see you later then" Mellisa said, leaving.

"See ya" Milo and Zack said together.

"HEY ZACK! YOU GOTTA ENOUGH RIVETS UP THERE?" Milo yelled up to his friend.

"YUP" Zack yelled back, applying said rivets to the boards with his rivet gun (I don't know what it's called).

Back at Cavendish's backyard, he heard a beeping sound from his watch, it could only mean one thing, his call to work. Cavendish quickly got up and went to the side of his house. Look to his left and right, when he deemed it safe, he took what looked to be a remote from his pocket, pressing a button on it. The side of his house began to open a space, just big enough to fit his body in.

From behind him Cavendish pulled a brown fedora hat, customized with some goggles strapped around it, quickly placing the hat on his head, he walked inside the entrance. The secret door slowly closed in front of him as the floor beneath him began to sink downward. Cavendish pressed a button on his watch, his clothing reverted and changed, dressing him in a black suit, with the slightest shimmer of juniper, and a stylish pine green tie.

Eventually his elevator reached its destination, a sleek and modern looking room, with all sorts of high tech gadgets. Cavendish stepped off the floor he was standing on. After straightening out his tie he walked over to a comfortable looking black chair in front of a monitor.

On the monitor flashed the words "INCOMING MESSAGE" in red.

As soon as Cavendish had sat down on the chair the words on the screen disappeared, replaced with the face of a pale man with curly hair, his face vaguely resembling an angry falcon.

"Good morning Agent C" He said

"Mr. Block" Cavendish greeted, pulling out what appeared to be an electrical notepad to take, well, notes.

Mr. Block, continued as if Cavendish had never spoke "The evil Dr. Dakota is up to his old tricks,"

Next to Mr. Block appeared a profile picture of a tan man wearing a pair of orange tinted sunglasses. He had poofy light brown hair and his nose was shaped very similar to parrot's beak. In the photo he was doing the 'both thumbs pointing at yourself' pose, his face a big open mouthed smile and his eyes were just beaming with life.

"For reasons unknown to us he's bought up 80% of the country's tinfoil," Mr. Block said

Cavendish jotted it down, his eyes growing wide, Dr. Dakota was known to make odd purchases for his schemes, but this was definitely one of his more bizarre and random.

"I want you to go to his 'hideout'" Mr. Block made big air quotes "right away, find out what he's doing, and put a stop to it."

Cavendish nodded

"Like always it is imperative that you keep your cover identity as a boring and average neighbor intact, now get out there, and don't screw it up" Mr. Block said harshly.

Cavendish exhaled sofly "Of course sir" he gave a saloot and ran out, hopping on his vehicle, a somewhat lemon shaped hovercraft. Once on it, he made his way out to above the ground, exciting underneath a hatch disguised as a bolder.

As he passed Milo's house Cavendish used his hat to cover his face, in an attempt to hide it from the boys currently working on their roller coaster.

Those boys were like nephews to him, in their younger days, on his days off he would sometimes look after them when their parents couldn't. He felt it was most important to keep his identity secret from those children more than anyone else, not only because of his orders, but also because he didn't want them getting tangled up in his life as a secret agent.

As soon as he was far enough from the neighborhood, he was off to Dr. Dakota's lair.

As Cavendish flew he finally reached the city, he saw the familiar sight of a blood orange colored building, shaped somewhat like a head, all it really needed was eyes and hair. Near the top of the building was a red sign, written on it, in large yellow letters was "DAKOTA FOUL INSTITUTION"

When Cavendish reached the building, he jumped from his hovercraft to the roof, which was a large metal dome-like thing that looked to be made to to open. Looking down into the glass he couldn't really see very well, but looking over to the side of the building he... he quickly averted his eyes from looking directly downward, and turned his head to look at one of the walls. He saw what had to be an unlocked window. He carefully slid down to the rim of the building.

He got a long rope out of his pocket and quickly tied a strong not around a thick bolt. Cavendish then tightly grabbed onto said rope and jumped off, swinging around the building to best get in through the window.

Out of the corner of his eye he saw Milo and Zack, much ahead of him, building their coaster track, using their coaster cart with a mechanical arm attached to it.

Putting his legs front of him Cavendish prepared to kick open the window. 3 seconds later he had arrived, the feet pushed the window open allowing him to swing right through. He let go of the rope and dropped to the ground, a few feet away from his entrance, making what felt to a heroic pose. He straightened himself up and looked around, seeing if he could spot any sign of Dr. Dakota.

From the shadows came a voice, a somewhat rasper croaky voice, with some kind of accent, though Cavendish was not sure what. "Well, if it isn't Agent Cavendish,"

out from the shadows stepped a man from the profile picture, except at the moment he was wearing orange tinted goggles instead of sunglasses. He was also wearing a black T-shirt, along with a long white lab coat, that kind of gave him the appearance of a pharmacist. Along with that he wore a pair of red track pants and white sneakers.

"Hello, Dakota" Cavendish said.

Dakota smiled, and continued "What an unexpected surprise, you being here," He pressed an iron button and out from the floor sprung robotic arms that quickly took hold of Cavendish's limbs before he could properly react.

"And by that I of course mean, it was well, completely expected, I mean... we do this everyday, and I don't really see this going any other way, given you just, come through my windows and stuff" Dakota said, with a small shrug.

Cavendish gave Dakota a glare "what are you doing, you fiend" he spat

"I'm glad you asked," Dakota grinned, "I, Dr. Vincent Dakota, have covered the entire eastern seaboard in tinfoil!" he declared.

"And, why, exactly?" Cavendish asked, with a tilt of his head and a thoroughly confused expression.

"Well, when I put my giant magnet," Dakota gestured to a large black magnet "next to my ingenious magnetism magnifier," he gestured now to a board depicting a blueprint of said "ingenious" invention "It's going to pull the east into a westward direction, and will reverse the direction of the earth" Dakota gave an even bigger smile, nodding his head to Cavendish, as if he was trying to say "yeah? Yeah? Pretty evil, amiright?"

"Okay...? But what purpose does that serve to you?" Cavendish asked skeptically.

Dakota gained a sheepish expression "Um, well I haven't actually worked out all the bugs yet heheheh... This, this was really expensive, if I'm being completely honest, but, it'll probably do something, like... uh" Dakota went on a tangent about the possible benefits to him when the earth rotation was reversed the earth's rotation, though most were large leaps that did not make much sense. Meanwhile Cavendish looked down and saw a screw, right next to his foot.

After a few minutes, Cavendish heard the screams of children... must have been the roller coaster, he had spotted a few quickly moving patches of hair out the window. "Definatly the roller coaster" he thought.

Dakota was now on a new, yet still related tangent on how he could make his money back, and what he could do once he made his it back.

Cavendish brought his attention back to the screw, after looking back and forth between it and Dakota, he had an idea. Cavendish smiled lightly to himself. He was thankful he used to play football as a child (or soccer depending on where you're from, I mean, I'm in america where it's called soccer, but Cav probably knows it as football). He positioned his food just behind the screw, tested carefully how exactly he was going to do this, before taking a quick and sudden kick at it.

The screw rocketed through the air towards Dakota. Once the nail was within a few inches of him, Dakota quickly jumped to the side "HA, YOU MISSED! What purpose did that serve you!" Dakota taunted.

The screw had hit a monitor, flying up into the air, finding its way onto a band which bounced it into a new direct, rocketing its way, sharp side down, right into Dakota's foot.

"OWW!! ow ow ow ow owww" Dakota screeched, jumping around holding his foot. Fortunately he hopped his way right into the button that had activated Cavendish's trap. Once pressed, the robotic arms retracted, enabling Cavendish to be able to fight.

He wasted no time, Cavendish quickly ran forward, socking Dakota in the face. Dakota fell to the floor, grabbing a wrench and attempted to hit Cavendish in the side, but Cavendish had already grabbed a wrench of his own off a nearby table, and easily blocked the attack. Cavendish then stepped hard on Dakota's foot, the one that still had the nail in it, making Dakota scream out in pain.

Dakota grabbed hold of some wheeled contraption and pushed it into Cavendish, sending Cav far back. Cavendish climbed on top of the contraption and jumped off before it wheeled right into a window, breaking the glass, and falling to the city below.

Dakota pulled out the screw, wincing slightly and ran over to a lever, pulling it, the roof began to open, "YOU'RE TOO LATE NOW CAVENDISH!" Dakota yelled, once the roof fully opened the magnetism... something or rather slowly rose from a trap door in the ground. "Watch! WATCH! And look on as the eastren seaboard is pulled, and reverses the rotation, OF THE-"

On a monitor, that was depicting what was happening to the city, it showed that the city had in fact, not been pulled, only the tinfoil had...

Both Dakota and Cavendish started at the monitor, blinking a few times in surprise.

"Huh, well, that didn't go, as I thought" Dakota muttered.

Cavendish walked over and stood next to Dakota. In silence the 2 men looked at the screen, which was depicting what was happening to the tinfoil. "How does he get this footage" Cavendish thought to himself.

In a few moments the tinfoil appeared to be forming a giant ball.

"Annnnd now we have a 2 ton ball of tin foil traveling at 200 miles perhour directly at us..." Dakota stated blandly.

"WHAT?!" Cavendish cried out in disbelief

"Yeah, you heard me we have a 2 ton...." The danger of the situation appeared to hit Dakota just then "ohhh, wait.... QUICKLY WE HAVE TO SEPARATE THE MAGNET FROM THE MAGNIFIER BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!!!!!" Dakota screeched!

The 2 frantically tried to push and pull the 2 objects from their positions, but they were stuck firmly in place.


Although Cavendish was not really listening, overhead he had seen a helicopter. "I might just have an idea, it's a longshot, but it might just work" he muttered.

Quickly he got onto the magnet, from his hat he pulled a grappling hook, he shot it at the helicopter and tied it around the magnet. When the helicopter turned back around it pulled the magnet right out from its place, right along with Cavendish.

"YOU DID IT CAV, YOU SAVED US-" Dakota hollered only to be cut off when hit by the giant tinfoil ball that though him into the distance "CURSE YOU AGENT CAVENDISH" he yelled.

Cavendish's eyes bulged a little, he was not expecting that to happen, he awkwardly looked away, Dakota was going to be fine, he could take quite a bit before being knocked down. It was actually quite impressive.

As the helicopter flew the magnifier, attracted to the magnet, rose into the air, to be firmly attached onto the magnet, that ended up attracting the rollercoaster. "Huh" was all that came from Cavendish.

He saw the boys and their friends were coming around on the coaster, thinking quickly Cavendish took out a pair of scissors and snipped the rope of the rollercoaster, causing it to fall right into the middle of town. Cavendish dropped down, causing him to fall right into one of the seats of the rollercoaster.

Milo turned around "Oh, Hi Cavendish" He smiled.

Cavendish, was in his recreational clothes, and looked nothing like his secret agent persona.

"Hello, Milo, this is a rather impressive rollercoaster you've built" Cavendish said happily.

"Thanks!" Milo exclaimed

Looking slightly over to the left Milo saw Mellisa "Nice hat, Mellisa" he complimented

Mellisa reached on to her head and pulled off a fedora with goggles. Mellisa looked at it confused, "weird" she muttered.

"oh , sorry, that's mine" Cavendish said nervously, taking it back and stuffing it in his pocket.

Suddenly the roller coaster flew off the rails and into the street. They rode down the road for a while, everyone screaming, including Cavendish. The roller coaster cart went through a construction site, being tossed into the air in a series of events too fast for Cavendish to realize.

"IIIIIII, don't remember this in the blueprints" Zack commented.

The coaster was soon caught onto the wing of a plane passing by.

"Pretty sure this is new too" Milo added

The coaster cart soon fell off the plane, falling onto the statue of liberty, "how did we get to NewYork so quickly!?" Cavendish thought "We can't be that close to it!"

The statue bent, which defied all known laws of physics, they were propelled to Mnt. Rushmore, where the coastercart did loop-de-loops (no idea how else to describe it) on Teddy Rosevelt's glasses before spiralling right off and landing on a tree.

The tree bent down slowly to the front of a Mr. Slushy Burger stand.

"Welcome to Mr. Slushy Burger, can I take your order" blandly asked the teenager behind the counter.

"Let me see, Anyone want fries?" Milo said, before anyone could answer, the coaster was propelled backward.

Somehow they ended up in FRANCE, in fact they landed on the Eiffel Tower, which much like the tree and statue of liberty bent downward. Cavendish was thoroughly confused and slightly terrified to say the least.

The tower bent down right in front of a croissant stand.

"Croissant?" asked the man behind the counter.

Milo looked behind him again saying "anyone want a croissant?"

Although before anyone could answer, again, much like the tree, the tower sprung back up which caused the coaster to be flung right into the air and into the atmosphere. A satellite passed them by, everyone stared at it wide eyed.

Milo looked over to a terrified Zack saying calmly "You know, if that thing crashes into my yard, Sara's in charge."

Just as Milo finished his sentence the coaster began to fall, quickly gaining speed, and even begging to burn up a little.

Screams were heard from all around as they began to plummet to the city.

Mellisa looked up into the sky grumbling "I should've charged more."

Zack gained a confused expression, turning to Mellisa he said "We weren't charging anyone."

Mellisa smirked saying "You weren't"

A few moments later they had all fallen into a tree, the tree of Milo's backyard to be exact. Milo, Zack, and Mellisa were the first to fall, landing right underneath the tree.

Sara busted through the fence gate "see mom, I told you they weren't there!" she exclaimed.

"Hi kids" Milo's mom, Bridgette, greeted.

"Hi Mom" Milo said.

"hey Mrs. Flynn" Mellisa said.

"Hello Mrs. Flynn" Zack said.

Diogee, who had apparently stayed barked and ran around in circles, just happy to have everyone home.

"Come on Sara, help me put away the groceries" Bridgette said, pulling her daughter away.

Sara just sputtered in shock and disbelief.

After they left the rest of the kids began to fall from the tree, all chatting about how cool that Roller Coaster was.

Cavendish too dropped down.

"That was very... very exciting, I better be off though, I'm getting to a rather good part of my book" Cavendish Beamed walking out the backyard.

"Sooo, what are you guys doing tomorrow?" Mellisa asked

"Not sure yet" Zack said

"Maybe you could get Cavendish to do something cool" suggested Mellisa

"Eh, he's just Cavendish, he doesn't do much" Milo said.

Cavendish made his way next door to his home, getting back to his patio chair, picking up his book and reading where he left off.

All the sudden he heard what sounded to be an explosion, he looked up in shocked surprise to see the tree next door had it's top half exploded off.

"MOOOOM!" he heard Sara yell.

"Give it a rest Sara!" Bridgette yelled back.

While his head was up, Cavendish also saw a giant tinfoil ball rolling by in the distance. He slowly hid behind his book, pretending he never saw anything, hoping that Mr. Block would not blame the tinfoil ball on him.

A/N: I just want you all to remember that for the most part, none of this chapter is canon, I mean, in a general sense it is, like the Roller Coster and plot, that's canon, but the characters may change a bit over time, and different roles may be assigned, like for example, I have recently decided that Bradley is going to be taking on a bit of a Bufferd and Candace role, rather Sara being the Candace of the story. This is still the beginning of the story and I can't stress enough it's going to change little by little until I get a stable footing of what it's going to be, so for now, just think of this as the pilot

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