Chapter 1: THE MOVE

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Yes it's a photo I took on my way home! I heart my life! It is not a big city... Anyway. *Drumroll (coincidence that i am a drummer)* Welcome to my first book!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!

Hi my name's Pix, Pix Willows.I will be writing in this diary for as long as I need to because of the horrible thing that my dad told me. I can't even believe that i fell for a chick-flick idea like starting a diary. I'm lucky I have someone to confide in since my sister is the spawn of Satan and my dad is a nut-job. I'm getting ahead of myself. This is MY story. Here we go...

It's funny, Today was both the best and worst day of my life so far. A really cute boy,the popular daddy's boy,Mack, took interest in me. I had a crush on him for three years, since the 7th grade. Meaning that in two...three years I will graduate. Its only been a week that i'm in my tenth grade. In my school, ages rank from kindergarden to 12th grade. I know, it's wierd. Any way, that was the good part of my day.

When I got home along with my 12th grader sister,Kath, I was suprised my father was standing in front of the door waiting for us. He hadn't done this since we were in preschool. He lead us into the living room and told us to take a seat on the couch. We both sat and this is what happened:

Me: So, what's up dad?
Dad: umm... well, you know how I've been having a hard time finding a job in my range?
Kath: Yeah, so what?
Me: Did you find a job?
Dad: Yeah...but...
Me: Dad I'm so proud of you!
Kath: umm... sis... I don't think this is going the way you hoped Pix...
I looked over to dad and suddnly realised what was going on...
My dad and kath were startled by how much rage I was emmiting. So was I...
Me: You said that we would never ever move after last time DAD!!!
Kath: Dad, I know that you need this but... everything that Pix said is true... but let me add one more... this SUCKS!!! NO WAY!!!
My dad had never seen us more disapointed in his life but he kept going...
It was our turn to be startled. Now he was yelling.
Dad: Now i know how much all this means to you...
His tone of voice went back to normal...
Dad: but, you both know, if i could do anything to stay here i would, but there is no other way. You both know i would do any thing to make both of you smile and be happy but... i dont know what to do any more. I dont have any other choice. The music industry is all i know. I had sent a resume to a store called "Musician at heart" and they responded... I start next week but it takes a week to get there.
Me and my sister had never heard our father talk like this before. We exchanged looks and I knew we were thinking the same thing i nodded in response.
Me: where is it?
He looked down.
Him: it's in a place called greenwood. Its in the country and even i dont like it but its our only chance at a better life.
Me & Kath: fine... whatever you gotta do.
Dad: we pack up tonight and leave in the after noon after your last day of school. I already told your teachers about it and you can say your goodbyes to all your friends in peace. The teachers won't bother you all day.
Me: thanks for keeping your promise
I rose and walked up the stairs to my... old... room (starting tommorow).

I started by folding all my clothes and putting them in the boxes that my dad must have left in my room. In the bottom of th first box there was a post-it with the word "Sorry" scribbled in my dads hand writing. "Clearly not enough"I muttered to myself still enfuriated by the position he put us in. I continued to pack up all of my belongings followed by my sheets and pillows. After that i started to pack all of the knick-knacks off of my antique-looking dresser. I was avoiding one object until i had cleared the top of my dresser completely leaving patches in the dust that had accumulated on it. I finally held up my last photo of my mom and dusted it off. It was in a silver frame that had been carved into waves. Aquarius had been her astrological sign. The picture featured my mom and dad, my mom holding my sister in her arms. My dad had an arm around mother and his hand on her stomach. My mom was pregnant with me when they took that photo. I barely remembered her, and i still missed her more than anything in the world. I can't talk about this anymore because it will break my heart if i do...


I had managed to get all of my friends to come, including Mack. My sister had done the same.I hugged all of my friends and hopped in the back seat. I turned around and waved goodbye. As we were driving away i rolled down the window and screamed "KEEP IN TOUCH GUYS!!! MISS YOU ALREADY!!!" I saw a few of them roll their eyes and others fake a yawn. Only two or three were waving back to me, including Mack. Tiff was crying and waving goodbye, she had been my best friend since I was 4 years old. As soon as the other two thought i was gone i saw Mack wrap his arm around Stacey,my other friend, and pull her near his chest.
Great! So, out of my dozen friends, only Tiff will miss me. What a great week this will be(NOT!!!)

This is my first book so pls don't be a hater!!!
Thanks for reading chapter one! I will release chapter 2 whenever I can publish on the Internet. Got any Ideas of what will happen next? Well go on... enjoy and READ ON!!!!! Thanks for this opportunity to write for you! See ya in chapter 2!!!!!
(Just for reference, I am typing all of this on my tablet, so this might take a while! ;^D )

((1008 words)not including bold letters)

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