Chapter 2: My "new" school

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Pix's P.O.V
Ok I'm finally on school grounds. Wow this school looks like it's straight out of high school musical... (A movie that I uber hate!) Can't believe how (un)lucky I am!
Time skipping...
Okay, so Me and Kath been here about two months and no one has even seen me yet. There are so many kids there that I am literally one in 2645 students. Oh, and if I didn't mention it before, Kath knows over 50% of the whole school. I almost hate her. Almost. I dunno, maybe it's just me being jealous. It's just... no one has spoken to me and she is seriously invited to EVERY SINGLE PARTY!!! I don't know how we turned out so different but when I find out I will be impressed. It's kind of funny. I have perfect scores on every test no matter the subject, but for kath it is still the opposite.
I'm writing... scribbling this down as I study algebra in the library. Me and the librarians have worked up a deal that if I help out the occasional customers to find what book(s) they want, in exchange I can stay over hours and study, which is a good plan since I am a natural born book worm. Today I just feel like writing and since I am already done studying for next semester I had might aswell help out the two customers who have been here quite a while. That and also if librarians keep giving me the death stare, I might just burst out in laughter because they look uglier than two dried out fishes. I don't think our little agreement would withstand that!
Let's see who is in here today...
There is a girl approximately my age in the 'Fantasy' section and a boy from my science class in the 'Natural Disaster' section. Let's see what the girl in the fantasy section wants first. Hold on a bit...
Time flying by...
Well that was 'fun'. Oh, for future reference, her name was Kayleen. I should stay away from her unless I want my IQ to drop. What was 'fun' was that we spent ten minutes looking for a book named "Starlit" when the book that she actually wanted was in front of us the whole time. It had never been "Starlit" at all, she was actually "Twilight". And then, when we actually found it she said she didn't want it because she thought it was going to be about ponies... (ULTIMATE FACE-PALM!!!!!)

Anyway, time to go and help that guy that is surprisingly still in the 'Natural Disaster' section. (Must be SOME book!) I think they call him Justy. His real name might be Justin. What a wonderful name...UGH!!! I hate when I go all "Mushy"! Anyway, he kept going up and down the aisle pulling out the occasional book. Most of them were some pretty thick books. For someone who is a guitarist, he's kind of, how would you put it... Wise! You know, other than the fact that he's wearing a baseball cap in the library (it's silly looking!).I really hope he isn't trying to impress someone like the last few jocks who came in here! I thought to myself a little worried about how dumb his pick-up line might be. Nah! They don't usually stay this long for something like that... Do they? I approached him and tapped his shoulder.

Justy's ??? P.O.V
I've been looking for this book for , like, two hours! I thought to myself, frustrated. Suddenly, my thoughts were Interrupted by a light tapping on my shoulder. "Go away Mark. I'm not coming to your stupid party so don't waste your breath." My frustration grew as he tapped again. "I told you to stop!" I said while spinning to face him. "I..." I muttered both confused and amazed. I was facing a cute girl who I didn't know. It didn't really matter who she was, she was so stunning. Blond hair, true blue eyes and an amazing smile... Argh!!! I don't like zoning out like that. It makes me feel hopeless. Uh-oh...

Pix's P.O.V.
He spun around. Who did he think was tapping him? He is handsom! Justy has dark brown shaggy hair and emerald green eyes... I think we had both blacked out for a minute or two before I finally snapped out of it. "Um... what book are you looking for?" I asked. "Hellooo? You there?" I said."Aww... not again..." As soon as I snapped my fingers in front of his nose he left his "zone space". "Umm... sorry I thought you were s..." he tried to explain. "Someone else? It's okay... I get that a lot..." I said,once again feeling a little nervous. "Uh yeahhhh...that" He said and chuckled nervously.
"Need any help?" I said a little shyer than usual. "Ummm.... m-maybe a l-l-little..." he stuttered. "I'm Pix. I make an effort to help out people to find books in the library, since I'm here a lot... Anyway, what book are you looking for?" I said in an confident tone. "Umm, you probably don't know it..." he said. I stared at him expectantly for a few seconds. Then I turned and walked a few steps towards the table I was at before. "Wait... maybe you can help... I've just been looking for a while and I'm a little frustrated. Please..." he said while pointing to the book shelf. I walked back torwards him until I was a few feet away.

Justy's ??? P.O.V
She was walking away. "Wait...maybe you can help... I've just been looking for a while and I'm a little frustrated... please..." I said super nervously. Geez. What is it about this girl??? I've never been like this before.... She walked until she was a few feet away from me... "Sorry..." I muttered. She stared at me a little more. "Oh, the book... it's, umm...". I gasped. I couldn't believe what I saw behind her...

Hey guys! Ultimate cliffhanger! What do you think he saw? Let me know in the comments. I've been having fun with the chapters so far. Hope you liked chapter 2. Thrilling moments in chapter 3 coming up! I'm SOOOOOO EXCITED!!! Anyway, C ya!!! ( (1003 words) not including bold letters)

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