Finale Part 3

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The PJ Masks all pressed their bracelets in unison. Energy flowed around them as they PJ Masks transformed. Four beams of light then jumped out of Greg's window then landed on the ground. When the light faded, the PJ Masks were posed in their signature poses.

Batarina: *trying to pull jar off* *grunts*

Gekko: Uh you want me to help with-

Batarina: No, no, I *keeps pulling* got. . . it! *gives up* You know what? It's fine! I can live with a jar on my hand!

Owlette: *facepalms* Oh brother. . . 

Catboy: *chuckles* Alright, playtime's over. Let's head to HQ.

The PJ Masks began to make their way to HQ. Catboy couldn't help but notice again how quiet it was. Even the Alley Cat was asleep on a trash can. Suddenly, a chuckle echoed though the sky that made Catboy's ears twitch. Catboy jerker to a hault as he perked his ears up to try and figure out what he had heard. The other PJs saw Catboy stop and ran back to him confused.

Owlette: Catboy? What is it-

Catboy: Shh! *listens closer*

Batarina: *hears the same sound* What the? Bat Sonar!

Batarina used her sound waves and started looking around the area. Owlette, growing curios and slightly worried, flew up, activated her Owl Eyes, and started looking around as well. Poor Gekko had no idea what was going on and stood there clueless.

Gekko: What is it?

Catboy(eyes closed): Some villain laughing maniacally, big surprise there, and it's getting closer.

Batarina: *ears twitch* Sounds like whoever that is has got some friends with them!

Owlette, still looking around, finally found what was making the evil laughs. Owlette's eyes widened when she saw Romeo and Night Ninja standing on top of one building, and Luna and Griffon standing on one that was on the other side of the street. The four villains had their signature weapons in hand and aimed at her friends bellow.

Owlette: Fluttering Feathers! Guys! On the building!

Batarina(using sonar): Are those Fly Bots?

Catboy, Gekko, and Batarina all look up and see the four villains on top of the buildings. Griffon waved his wand and teleported himself and his fellow villains to the ground, surrounding the PJ Masks. Owlette was still in the air however.

Catboy: Romeo, Night Ninja, Luna, and Griffon?!

Villains: *evil laugh*

Gekko(to Bat): Those look like Fly Bots to you?

Batarina: Huh, not anymore.

The villains begin to walk closer to the pjs, making the PJMs back into each other.

Owlette(still in the air): *presses com* Guys, come in.

Other PJs: *press com*

Catboy: We read you Owlette.

Owlette: Listen, when I give you the signal: Catboy, you and Gekko hold on tight to Batarina's legs.

Catboy and Gekko: Huh?

Owlette: Batarina, get your Bat Wings ready and hold that candy jar tight!

Batarina: That won't be a problem, it's still stuck! By the way what are we even doing-

Owlette: *dives down*

Catboy: What's Owlette doing?

Gekko: Whatever she's doing it better be quick!

Owlette: Get ready for liftoff Batarina!

Batarina: Lift-what?!

Owlette: *lands besides pjs* Now guys!  Owl Wing Wind!

Catboy and Gekko grabbed Batarina's legs as the three brace themselves. Owlette spun around rapidly while blowing gusts of wind in every direction, creating a tornado of Owl Wind that engulfed  the PJs and the villains. Luckily for Catboy and Gekko, Batarina's wings caught the wind quickly and the three flew up and out of the whirlwind, landing on a nearby building. Owlette kept spinning until all four baddies were off the ground and had been whipped around for a good amount of time. 

At this point Owlette lost control of the tornado and got flung out of it as well, surprisingly landing on the same building as her friends.

Owlette: *stands up dizzily* 

Gekko: Cool Chameleons! That was awesome!!

Batarina: You said it!

Catboy: You okay Owlette?

Owlette(dizzy): Yeah, I'm just waiting for everything to stop spinning. *falls over*

The whirlwind began to fade away, causing the four villains to crash into the ground. Or, what they thought were the four villains. . . . 

Catboy: *looks at ground* What? Fly Bots?

Other PJs: Fly Bots?!

Batarina: Ha! I knew it! Wait. . . 

Gekko: But, we saw the villains!

Owlette: That doesn't make any sense. *flies down to Fly Bots*

Other PJs: *follow*

The PJMs examine the Fly Bots. Gekko notices that the Fly Bot's have what looks to be little flashlights on their heads. Gekko tapped the little light, making it glitch and project a hologram video of Romeo laughing maniacally the quickly flickering off.

Gekko: Whoa, you guys see that?

Catboy: A projector?

Owlette: The Fly Bots projected holograms of the villains! 

Batarina: And since the holograms are basically just lights, my sonar just went through them!

Gekko: Which is why you saw the Fly Bots and not the holograms!

Batarina: But, holograms? Really? How long did they think holograms would distract us?

Catboy: "Distract us. . ." *gasps* HQ! Hurry!

The PJ Masks all quickly make their way to HQ. Meanwhile, up in the sky, the Sky Factory hovered above the clouds as the five villains watched.

Griffon(unamused): You insisted on using robots to distract them, and look how long that kept them occupied.

Romeo: How was I supposed to know Bird Brain would do that tornado trick?!

Griffon: If I had used my cloning spell, like we all agreed on, the PJ Masks would not be rushing to their headquarters as we speak.

Romeo: I bet your "magic" would fail even more than my genius invent-

Griffon: Magic has never failed me.

Night Ninja: Huh, what about, gee I don't know, every time the PJs defeated you?!

Griffon: My defeats are a result of my own mistakes, but once I harness the PJ Masks' magic, I too will never fail.

Luna Girl: Urg! So how long are we just gonna sit and watch the PJ Pests!

Mothzuki: Eek! Mothzuki tired of waiting!

Romeo: *rolls eyes* You Moon-Brains! We're waiting for them to split up, then we attack!

Luna Girl: Doesn't mean I'm bored! I wanna do something!

Griffon(slyly): Oh trust me, waiting a few more moments will be very much worth it...

Meanwhile inside HQ, the PJ Masks all gasp in horror of what they saw. The main floor was a train wreak. The Car Car demolished, picture player malfunctioning like heck, and PJ Robot lied on the floor. He had a big hole in his chest with wires ripped out, a missing arm, and his face screen shattered.

The PJs all run to their little robot friend. Gekko was the one to pick him up and hug him tight. Gekko waited, hoped for a response from the little robot, but it was already clear no response was gonna happen. The other three heroes kneeled beside Gekko as tears streamed down the lizard boy's face.

Gekko: PJ Robot. . . . *sniffles* *sets robot down*

Owlette: *puts hand on Gekko*

Batarina: Maybe we could fix him?

Catboy: *staring at PJ Robot* No.

Other PJs: Huh?

Catboy: *stands up* Not now. We need to put a stop to these villains as soon as we can! I'm not letting anymore of my friends get harmed by evil!

Owlette: Catboy's right. We'll do our best to fix PJ Robot. *stands up* But not until we stop these villains!

Batarina: Yeah! *stands up* And stop them once and for all.

Gekko: *still staring at PJ Robot*

Catboy: Gekko?

Gekko: *sniffles* *wipes eye*

Gekko stood up, still teary-eyed, walked up to Catboy and  shoved his head into Catboy's chest and stared crying again. Catboy hugged his friend comfortingly as he started to tear up as well.

Gekko(crying): We have no vehicles, no backup, *sniffles* and no PJ Ro- *tears up more*

Gekko couldn't even finish his sentence. Owlette and Batarina looked at each other, both fealing so bad for their reptilian friend. It was true all theirs other vehicles, even the PJ Rovers and Seeker, were also destroyed. Armadylan, Newton, and Wolfilino were all under the sleep spell as well. But none of the three expected Gekko to react to it all like this. Then again none of them expected to find PJ Robot destroyed either.

Catboy(still hugging Gekko): It's okay. . . it's okay Gekko. We're gonna get him back. But not until-

Gekko: We take down the villains. . . *backs up* Right. I'm okay now.

Owlette: Are you sure?

Gekko: *sniffles* Yeah. I'm just really going to miss him. . .

Catboy: *sighs* Me too. . . Now, which villain thought it was a good idea to enter our headquarters?

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