Finale Part 4

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"No vehicles, no backup, no PJ Robot. . ." Those words echoed through Owlette's head as she patrolled the city from the sky. Since the picture player was destroyed, the PJ Masks entrusted Owlette with the task of tracking down the villains.

Owlette activated her Owl Eyes and looked around steadily. On the ground, Catboy, Gekko, and Batarina followed Owlette.

Owlette: *spots smtn* The museum! Luna Girl and Mothzuki!

Batarina: Finally! Some villain action!

Owlette: *keeps looking* That's not all, Griffon's at the power plant! And Romeo's Sky Factory is heading towards HQ!

Gekko: *sighs* So much for our day off.

Batarina: *gets an idea* Maybe we should split up-

Catboy(panicked): NO!!

The other PJs were shocked by Catboy snapping so quickly. Owlette landed on the ground worried.

Batarina: Sorry, didn't mean to freak you out or anything! I just thought since there're a lot of baddies out we should split up and cover more-

Catboy(panicked): No! No, we don't need to split up! We're a team! We stick together!

Owlette and Gekko looked at each other worried, they knew why Catboy was so against splitting up. Ever since the night Luna trapped Owlette and Gekko on the moon, Catboy had always been jumpy around the idea of splitting up again.

Owlette: Catboy, It's not gonna be like last time.

Gekko: Besides, we'll still be working together, just. . . apart!

Catboy: But what if something happens to one of you? No one will be there to help.

Batarina: We're superheroes! We got twice the power and three times the wit as those baddies!

Catboy: Well, I uhh-

Just then, Ninjalinos jump past the PJs and knock Batarina over as they ran.

Batarina(upset): Hey watch it you purple pogo-sticks!!

Gekko: They're heading to Mystery Mountain!

Owlette looks at Catboy for a command. Catboy thought for a moment. "Four villains, four heroes. . ." he thought.  The the team could perfectly split up, almost too perfectly. But there was no time to think about coincidences.

Catboy: Okay, we'll split up. Just be careful.

Owlette(reassuringly): Of course.

Gekko: We will.

Batarina: No promises!

Owlette and Gekko quickly turned their heads back and widen their eyes at Batarina, hinting that her response did not reassure Catboy at all.

Batarina: *shrugs* Am I lying when I say that?

Gekko: *looks at Owlette* She is the one with a jar on her hand.

Catboy: I have a bad few about this. . . 

Later at the Museum,

Luna: *laying on moon board*

Mothzuki: Mothzuki tired of waiting! Eek! Mothzuki wanna steal from museum!

Just then, Gekko deactivated his camouflage and appeared right behind them and in front of the museum.

Gekko: You wanna steal something? You'll both have to get though me! *activates shields*

Mothzuki: Eek! Finally! Lizard boy ready to fight!

Gekko: *gets in ready stance*

Mothzuki fired a moon beam at Gekko, which he easily blocked. Four more beams were fired at the lizard hero, but Gekko dodge or blocked each one. But as he kept block beams fired my Mothzuki, he wondered. . . 

Gekko: Hm? Hey wait. . . where's. . . 

Suddenly, Luna fired a beam at Gekko from behind and lands a hit, trapping Gekko in a moon beam.

Gekko(surprised): Luna!

Luna: Haha! Have a nice flight Gekko! *thrusts magnet up*

Gekko: Uh-oh. . .*goes flying* Ahhhh!

Gekko crashed onto the museum's roof, cracking the skylight windows that were on the roof.

Gekko(dazed): Ow. . . *rubs head*

Luna and Mothzuki then flew up to the roof and above Gekko, make the hero gasp. The two baddies then zapped the skylight windows, shattering the glass and causing Gekko to fall through and into the museum.

Luna and Mothzuki: Hahahaha!

At the Power Plant,

Batarina: HelloooOOO?!! Anybaddie home?! *waits for a bit* Flap it! This better not be one of those things were the hero goes to the wrong place!

Just then, a mild chuckle echoed through the Power Plant, making Batarina's ears perk up. When the chuckle faded, Griffon's voice emits from somewhere.

Griffon: It seems my powers have returned to me for the taking.

Ghosts: *giggle*

Batarina: First of all, these are my powers! Second, where the flap are you?! *starts using sonar*

Just then, Batarina saw a little glowing line run around the ground forming a circle around her. When the glowing line had completed its circle, the circle turned into a portal and Batarina fell through.

Another portal appeared on the wall of the Power Plant and Griffon walked out of it followed by his ghosts. Griffon then took his wand and casually moved the portal to float above the floor. Seconds after, Batarina fell out and onto the ground.

Batarina: *lifts head up* What the? 

Griffon: Impressed? Imagine what else I could do with all the power in this power plant.

Batarina: I'll show you power! *activates powers* Super Bat Screech!

Powerful sound waves emitted from Batarina and hurled towards Griffon, but the evil sorcerer just created another portal and the sound wave flew inside it.

Batarina: *rubs neck* Hm, should've seen that coming. . .

Suddenly, multiple portals appeared and surrounded the bat heroine. The sound wave that Batarina has thrown earlier flew out of one of the portals and at Batarina. The young hero dodged, but the sound wave flew into another portal and then back out another one. 

Batarina tried to make another sound wave to hit the first one, but missed by a hair. Now two sonic sound waves were flying in and out of portals as Batarina barely dodged them.

Griffon: Boo, Hoo, head to the Flying Factor and notify Romeo of Batarina's caupture.

Boo and Hoo gave their master a salute and floated away.

Batarina: You haven't caught me yet you big- Ah! *dodges soundwave*

Meanwhile, up in the Sky Factory, Romeo was watching Gekko and Batarina from little screens in his control room,

Romeo: Everything is going just as planed! The PJ Pest split up, now they don't stand a chance! Victory is in my grasp!

Robot: Horray!!

As Romeo laughed evilly, he he complete missed the owl-themed heroine who had been standing right outside the window then entire time. . . . 

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