Ladybug VS Deku

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(This is a battle from the Wiki Fandom. It doesn't belong to ScrewAttack or Wattpad)

Catboy: Alright! The episode is going to start

Marinette: Man! I'm so nervious

Adrien: Relax Marinette... is going to be okay...

Owlette: Yeah! We know you can win this

Gecko: Let's see if that's true

Wiz: All heroes have a power of some sort. Whether they were born with these powers, gained them by accident or were able to use their own personal skills as a superpower, they strive to use them in the best way possible

Boomstick: Let me guess, we are doing another Goku vs Superman?

Sonicboy: Uh... no...

Wiz: No. Today we are talking about about two warriors who have powers that weren't any of these. They were given them

Boomstick: Izuku Midoriya, the tearful wielder of the mysterious One For All

Leopard: One For All? I know that anime... that's from My Hero Academia...

Wiz: And Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Wielder of the Miraculous of the Ladybug

Girls: Go Marinette!

Boomstick: He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick

Wiz: And it is our job to test their weapons, armor and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle!

Marinette: Let's see who is my rival

Izuku Midoriya

Wiz: Imagine a world where superpowers are an everyday thing. A world where people could be born with abilities called 'Quirks' without having to worry about being an alien or a cyborg

Boomstick: Basically, it's like the X-Men, only without everyone hating the people with the metant/quirk genes

Aquafish: That's true

Wiz: But some people are born without a quirk. Among the unfortunate 20% who didn't get this everyday gift was Izuku Midoriya, or, as some of his friends call him, Deku


Real Name- Izuku Midoriya

Height- 5'5"


Favorite Hero- All Might

High School- U.A. High School

Hobbies- Fan boying, crying, Working out, Muttering

Boomstick: Are you sure he doesn't have a quirk? Because if he did, I'm pretty sure it would be crying! I mean, look at the size of those tears!

Zuma: Poor Deku...

Wiz: Very funny, Boomstick. Despite this, and everyone he knows telling him he can't be a hero, Deku never stopped pursuing his dream

Boomstick: Then, one fateful day, Deku met the World's #1 Hero, All Might

Marshall: So he met his idol?

Rocky: Looks like it

Wiz: All Might saw something special in Deku that no one else saw- a remarkably heroic spirit that wouldn't stand by and watch others get hurt. So All Might decided to give him his Quirk- One For All

Batarina: That's nice of All Might...

Armadylan: Good that he helped him

Boomstick: This quirk allowed him to go to U.A. High School, where he studied under All Might's watchful eye. And it was a good thing, too, since this power was very new to him. It gave him superhuman strength, speed, durability and stamina

Wiz: The only downside was that Midoriya couldn't control it. However, thanks to some help from All Might's former teacher,  Gran Torino, Izuku Midoriya was able to master One For All and come up with his own variation- One For All, Full Cowling

Boomstick: This technique allows him to use 20% of his power, thus allowing him to avoid breaking his bones. And thanks to his training at U.A. Academy, he learned some amazing attacks named after- The United States? I thought this crybaby was Japanese?

Catboy: Not all the animes are in Japan, they can also be in the USA

Wiz: It's probably a nod to how the U.S. made the modern superhero, like Superman. We have a bit of a superhero monoply going on

Boomstick: That reminds me, I made my own fighting style. Now, with just mere punches, I can strike my enemies with the same amount of force of any gun I named it after

Wiz: Really?

Boomstick: Cannon Smash!

Boomstick punches Wiz, and the young scientist goes flying into a wall.

Everyone: (laughs)

Gecko: Did you see that?

Luna Girl: I did, that was unexpected from him

Armadylan: That was strong, Boomstick! Seriously!

Rip: Totally strong!


-Keen Intellect

-Superhuman Prowess


Detroit Smash

Deleware Smash 

St Louis SMash

Manchester Smash

1,000,000% Deleware Detroit Smash

Boomstick: What do you think of that?

Wiz- I can't wait until the day we get to fight each other

Vampirina: Wait, they are going to fight each other?

Chase: Well... it's said that they will fight each other at the end of this series...

Catboy: We won't miss that one...

Boomstick: Well, Deku has all kinds of smashes, each one with a different effect. His go to is the Detroit Smash- a strong uppercut that is capable of breaking entire floors with one blow. The Deleware Smash is a strong flick that propels a strong wind current that can send him flying into the air

Wiz: He can also use the Deleware Smash to send up to four air bullets at a time. He also can use use the Saint Louis Smash, a flying roundhouse kick with devastating force, and the Manchester Smash, a downward punch that can make craters on the ground

Armadylan: I also do craters in the ground with my punch

Gecko: Same here!

Boomstick: But his most powerful attack is the 1,000,000% Deleware Detroit Smash! That's a long name

Owlette: It doesn't look like a long name

Wiz: Technically speaking, Deku isn't using 1,000,000% of his power. This is just the way he feels when he uses this attack. However, it is certainly equivalent to him using all of his power

Boomstick: Which means it is probably equivalent to him using something like a Double Detroit Smash like he did against the villain Wolfram in that movie

Leopard: I already watched that movie

Catboy: We always watch animes

Gecko: Me too

Owlette: Me three, but not this one


-Got to Final Four In U.A. Sports Festival

-Destroyed four Floors of a building with a strong uppercut

-created Shoot Style

-Stunned All Might

-Out Manuevered Todoroki

-Defeated Overhaul, Muscular, Gentle Criminal

Wiz- That punch, which he did while using Melissa Shield's Full Gauntlet,  allowed him to stop this thing. Thanks to a few measurements, we were able to find out that this cube would weigh almost 38,000,000 tons. Since he did this with All Might, this means he could lift possibly 19,000,000 tons

Armadylan: That's very strong!

Gecko: Tell me about it...

Boomstick- And he could dodge attacks from the villain Shigaraki. This man-child was fast enough to catch Eraser Head off gaurd, who could move fast enough to catch the hot-head Bakugou off gaurd.

Wiz-Who could keep up with Todoroki, who froze an entire building in the blink of an eye. This means Deku could likely react to speeds of about 385 meters per second

Catboy and Sonicboy: So fast...

Boomstick- Wow! Not the fastest speed we seen, but still, that is impressive!

Adrien: I guess Connor and Pablo agree on that

Catboy: Yeah!

Sonicboy: True...

Wiz- He even survived an explosion from Bakugou, which definetally looks painful

Chase: Wow! That's amazing

Kevin: I can't believe he survived that

Boomstick- Looks like an "oh s***, we're dead" explosion!

Wiz- His greatest strength, however, is his intelligence, as he memorized the strengths and weaknesses of every heroes Quirk. However, he does have his fair share of weaknesses

Boomstick- Yeah, he tends to be a bit of a crybaby, and even though he mastered how to use his quirk, using it 100% can seriously injure him.  Despite this, Deku has proven himself to be an amazing hero who  has taken down multiple villains,  and will one day take All Might's place as the Symbol of Peace

Boys (except Adrien): Cool!

Deku- 'I'm not gonna be your worthless punching bag Deku forever... Kacchan. I'm... I'm the Deku who always does his best!

Adrien: I guess is your turn, my lady

Marinette:(blushes) A-Adrien... not in front of them...

Girls: (giggles)

Boys: Oh guys...


Wiz- Many centuries ago, magical jewels that could bestow amazing superpowers onto others were created. These were the Miraculous

Luna Girl: Those Miraculous look interesting

Marinette: Me and Adrien always carry our Miraculous. Now where's Tikki?

Adrien: Hey! Did anyone saw Plagg?

Catboy: No, we didn't saw-- hey!

???: Oh! You found me, Connor

Marinette: There you are, Tikki!

Plagg: Ahem!

Adrien: You too Plagg

Owlette: Okay, now we can continue

Boomstick- And throughout the years they were used to defend humanity from all kinds of crap. But one guy wanted to use two of them for a selfish purpose

Wiz- Yes. In order to gain absolute power, fashion designer Gabriel Agreste sought the Miraculous of the Ladybug and the Black Cat. Since he somehow gotten ahold of another Miraculous, one that enables him to give others superpowers, Gabriel decided to take the idenity of Hawk Moth and lure the Miraculous into the open

Gecko: Wait... Gabriel is Hawk Moth?

Adrien: My dad?!

Batarina: You don't know?

Adrien: No, but now yes...

Catboy:(thinks) I guess that kinda hurt his feelings... he loves his father a lot...

Boomstick- All of this for a woman. Doesn't he know that there are plenty of flavors to try?

Aquafish: That "woman" was his wife!

Wiz- Now I can't tell if I'm hungry or horny

Boomstick- Anyway, the wise Gaurdian of The Miraculous, Master Wang Fu, thought it would be best to give the Miraculous that Hawk Moth desired to two, how did Zardon describe his chosen warriors?

Zardon- Teleport to us five over-bearing and over-emotional humans!

Alpha 5- No! Not that! Not Teenagers!

Boomstick- Clearly we have our fans of Power Rangers writing this!

Wiz- He gave the Miraculous of the Black Cat to Hawk Moth's overprotected son, Adrien, and the Ladybug Miraculous to his obsessed fan, Marinette Dupain-Cheng

Adrien: I can't believe I was fighting with my dad this whole time...

Marinette: What a man he was untill that happened...

Boomstick- Who goes by the hero moniker, Ladybug

Owlette: You and Marinette have the same hero name, Lily

Ladybug: Yeah... tal vez...


-Real Name- Marinette Dupain-Cheng

-Height- 4'11"

-Age- 14

-Favorite Hero- Gabriel Agreste

-High School- College Dupont Francoise

-Hobbies- Designing clothes, daydreaming about Adrien, baking, fighting crime

Owlette: You always daydreamed about Adrien before you became a couple now

Marinette:(blushes) You did the same with Pablo, you always daydreamed about him

Catboy: Me about Leopard...

Vampirina: Me about Shadow...

Poppy: Me about Espio...

Bridget: Me about Silver...

Luna Girl:(thinks) Me about Gecko...

Batarina:(thinks) Me about Guntz...

Ladybug: Me about Rock...

Rip:(thinks) Me about the armadillo...

Aquafish: Me about Ratchet...

Skye: Me about Chase...

Everest: Me about Marshall...

Ella: Me about Zuma...

Kit: Me about Tails...

Callie: Me about Knuckles...

An-Yu:(thinks) Me about Leo...

Katie: Me about Ryder...

Mothsuki:(thinks) Me about Vector...

Fluttershy: Me about Klonoa...

Rainbow Dash:(thinks) Me about Sonic...

Rocky: All of the girls can daydream about their boys all day...

Wiz- Marinette is the leader of the Miraculous superhero team and chosen successor to Master Fu. With her kwami, Marinette has defeated multiple enemies.

Boomstick- Kami. Like Dragon Balls Kami?

Tikki: No... not that...

Plagg: Well... kind of...

Wiz- Sort of. A kwami is a quantic deity which represents a certain aspect of humanity. Things like destruction, Time, Second Chance, and the like are all gaurded by the Kwamis. Marinette wields the kwami of Creation, Tikki, who can turn her into a superhero any time she says spots on



-Miraculous of the Ladybug

Superhuman Prowess

Lucky Charm

Miraculous Ladybug


Purification of Akumas and Amoks

-Other Miraculous

Dragon- Control over wind, lightning and water + Sword

Mouse- Multiplication + Jump rope

Boomstick- And thanks to Tikki, she gains incredible strength, speed, agility and skill. She also gains a yoyo, which is not the most typical weapon that someone would be given

Callie: Sometume a yoyo can be useful...

Wiz- Boomstick, that yoyo is a very versatile weapon. It can used as a telephone, GPS, grappling hook, storage container, and a way to purify akumas and amoks

Katie: Callie was right... a yoyo like that one can be useful

Boomstick- I know. It can even be used to summon any object that can lead to victory with the Lucky Charm and fix any damage caused since the akuma's creation with the Miraculous Ladybug

Wiz- And that isn't the only Miraculous she can access. Thanks to Master Fu, she has learned how to unify two miraculous together, creating a new superhero

Boomstick- Fusion-Ha!

Wiz- Yes, very similar in concept to the fusion technique in Dragon Ball

Marinette: Kind of...

Boomstick- By unifying the Ladybug Miraculous with the Dragon Miraculous, Marinette can become Dragonbug, an expert swordswoman with control over water, lightning and wind!

An-Yu: That's impressive...

Tikki: Well, you have dragon powers, of course you will be impressed

An-Yu: That's true...

Wiz- With these forms, and her intelligence, Marinette has won multiple battles against multiple villains

Boomstick- She fought against Cat Noir a couple of times, and, apparently, Hawk Moth tends to reuse old villains, so we can definetally scale Ladybug to many of these opponents

Leopard: You fought with Adrien?

Marinette and Adrien: Sometimes...

Wiz- That is true. We can reasonably scale Ladybug to her enemies not by their powers, but by their physical abilities. The reason is this: Hawk Moth empowers them in a way using their Miraculous, and since Ladybug can be scaled to Hawk Moth, why can't we scale Hawk Moth's powers to villains like The Mime since he made them

Boomstick-  The Mime was able to hold up the Eiffel Tower, by the way

Gecko: Isn't that a little bit heavy?

Marinette: Yeah... but The Mime has a lot of streight...

Gecko and Armadylan: Oh...


- Outsmarted Hawk Moth

-Saved Paris Multiple Times

-Saved the Future

-Dodged an energy blast that reached the moon in under a second

-Defeated Cat Noir, Puppeteer, Princess Fragrance and other akumatized villains

Wiz- She also went to the future and fought Cat Blanc- an akumatized version of Cat Noir who could blast energy beams of destruction that reached the moon in under one second. This means Ladybug could dodge attacks that travel about 384,000,000 meters per second, at least 85,000,000 meters faster than light

Sonicboy: Just wait untill Sonic knows that...

Vampirina: I can't believe your father akumatized you, Adrien!

Adrien: Me either... I can't believe he did that to me...

Boomstick-  She was even tough enough to survive being hit by Ikari Gozen, who struck her with enough force to create a shockwave

Wiz - Which, judging from it's size, would be equal to about ten tons of tnt. However Ladybug isn't a big fan of getting hit, relying more on her speed and intelligence to win a battle. Also, once she uses the Lucky Charm, she'll transform back in five minutes

Luna Girl: Strange...

Marinette: I know...

Boomstick- Still, any woman who can beat a dragon even in a skin tight suit, is definetally a bad-ass in my book

Night Ninja: Put dragon breath as an example...

An-Yu: (eyes glow red)

Catboy: Just ignore him, An-Yu...

An-Yu: (calms down)

Ladybug- Let me make this promise to you. No matter who wants to harm you, Ladybug and Cat Noir will do everything in our power to keep you safe!

Owlette: Marinette, you have this battle in the bag!

Catboy: For me Deku may win...

Leopard: You're right... besides he is a hard opponent...

Batarina: Let's see what happens...

Wiz- Alright the combatants are set. Let us end this debate once and for all.

Boomstick- It is time for a Death Battle!

Aquafish: Here we go!

In the city of Paris, young Izuku Midoriya fights against the akumatized villain known as the Mime. Dodging each of the attacks, Deku  delivered a Detroit Smash, then jumped into the air and delivered a St.  Louis Smash. The Mime crashed into the merry-go-round, unconcious.

Deku- I know that I still got a long way to go, but if I want to be a pro, I need to help others no matter what!

Ladybug- Thanks, kid

Deku turned around and stared at the young woman who has just arrived. She was beautiful, with blue hair tied into a pigtail, and a confident smile remarkably similair to All Might's, reassuring him that everything was okay. She wore a tight red-body suit with black polka-dots, and a red mask with a similair design.

Tikki: Here we are!

Ladybug- It's alright now. I can handle this from here

Deku- Who are you?

Ladybug- I'm Ladybug. I am the hero who protects this city from harm

Deku- Aren't you a bit young to be a Pro?

Ladybug- What do you mean? I have been doing this for a while now

Deku looked at her, and suddenly realized something.

Deku- You're a vigilante! That's against the laws considering Quirks!

Adrien: Uh oh...

Ladybug looks at him curiously, then realizes that he might be a problem.

Ladybug- Listen, I am here to capture that villains Akuma. If you let me do that, then I...

Deku- Why are you breaking the law like a criminal?

Ladybug perks up, then glares at him. She pulls out her yoyo and begins spinning it around.

Ladybug- Alright, I'll handle the Mime later! You need to learn some respect!

Deku takes a stance and braces himself for combat.

Deku- Give me your best shot! I won't back down against someone like you!


Deku charges at Ladybug. Jumping into the air, Ladybug grabs one of the horses on the merry-go-round and pulls herself forward. The amount of speed she propelled herself at allowed her to land a flying kick on Deku. Deku grabs her leg, and slams her to the ground.

Deku- My turn! Manchester Smash!

Marinette: Man! He's tough!

Chase: Come on, Deku!

He strikes the ground with incredible strength, but Ladybug manages to roll away from the attack. The shockwave created from the attack sends her flying into the fence. Deku charges at her and throws another punch, but the Miraculous superhero dodges the attack.

Ladybug- You're talking to me about being a criminal? Look at the damage you caused!

Batarina:(laughs) Good one!

She whips her yoyo at him, striking him in the cheek. Deku steps back, stunned, giving Ladybug the time she needed to get away from him. Wrapping her yoyo around his waist, she swings him around and throws him over the fence and into the Tom and Sabine Boulanngerie Patisserie. She winces as she hears her mom scream.

Sabine- Look at this mess!

Ladybug- Sorry, Mom

Owlette: She's not going to be happy...

Marinette: I know...

Deku walks out of the resteraunt, brushing himself off. Despite his wounds, he didn't look that hurt.

Deku- I must admit, your powers are fascinating. I can't identify the exact description of your quirk, but I'm thinking it is some form of Muscle Enhancement. Of course, it could also be string manipulation, since you seem to be able to manipulate the strength and length of your yoyo. And the costume! It is definetally very inspiring! I should see if I could-

Ladybug bonks him in the head with her yoyo.

Deku- Oww!

Ladybug- Weren't we just fighting?

Skye: He was totally distracted...

Deku- Oh, yeah. Right. Sorry!

Leopard: Focus, Izuku...

Deku takes a stance. Red energy begins to cover his body, causing Ladybug to look at him in shock!

Deku- One For All: Full Cowling!

Ladybug- What?

Deku charges at Ladybug with much greater speed than he did originally. He began throwing faster attacks, causing Ladybug to try to move faster. Though she managed to dodge most of his attacks, Ladybug was eventually caught off gaurd and was given two punches to the face.

Deku- Detroit Smash!

Deku delivers a strong uppercut, sending Ladybug into the air. Spinning around, she grabs a chimney with her yoyo and runs along the roofs as quickly as possible. Turning around, she sees Deku following her.

Ladybug- Who is this guy?

Tikki: Maybe someone really tough for us...

She jumps onto a bus on the ground and rides it like a surfboard. Deku eventually catches up and gets onto the bus'roof with her. He chanrges and the two continue sparring.

Ladybug- I must admit, you're pretty good. If you and I weren't struggling like this, you would have made a great ally against Hawk Moth!

Deku- Thanks! You would have made a good Pro Hero!

Ladybug smirks. The two continue sparring, but are stopped when the Mime catches up to them. He charges forward and swings his blade. Deku pushes Ladybug out of the way and, dodging an attack from the Mime, grabs his arm and flips him over his shoulder. As his hat flies off, Ladybug catches it and and rips it in half, revealing a black butterfly. She uses her yoyo to capture it, and then releases it, only now it was a white butterfly.

Deku- Purification? How many quirks do you have?

Ladybug- None

Vampirina: She doesn't have a quirk! She has a Miraculous!

She throws her yoyo into the air as the bus stops at the Eiffel Tower.

Ladybug- Lucky Charm!

The yo-yo release a pink energy, and from it is formed... a candy apple.

Marinette: What?!

Sonicboy: Now what are you going to do?

Deku- Creation. Just like Yaoyorozu!

Ladybug looks around. She sees a dragon design on it showing her a man being blown away being trapped in a ball of water, then the water being struck by lightning. She smiles. She begins liking away the plan until it disappears. She then throws it at Deku, and it gets stuck to his costume.

Deku- Hey!

Girls: (laughs)

Adrien: There we go!

He pulls the candy apple off, then looks at where Ladybug was, but she disappeared. Looking around, he sees the young woman escaping onto the Eiffel Tower.

Deku- So she has the power of Creation. Judging by the way she ran to the top of the building, this must mean she has a limit of one object per transformation. This makes her considerably vulnerable, though she must have some kind of plan, judging from the amount of time she took eating that candy apple

Boys: (groan)

He looks up.

Deku- Time to finish this fight! All For One: Full Cowling! 

He runs up the Eiffel Tower, now using about twenty percent of his power.

Gecko: You can win this, Deku!

Poppy: Come on, Marinette!

Once he got to the top, he finds himself facing Ladybug, but her suit had changed dramatically. The right side was red with black spots, with a yellow outline with a black line with a yellow outline wrapping around the leg and the forearm and ending on the foot and the hand, respectively. The left side is essentially black with red spots with a yellow outline, but with the leg and the forearm being red with the same line, but ending on the ankle and wrist, respectively.  Around her neck was a chocker, and at her side was a sword.

Deku- Nice costume change, Ladybug.

Dragon Bug- It's Dragon Bug to you, and this fight ends now! Wind Dragon!

She points her sword at Deku and blows him into the air.

Dragon Bug- Water Dragon!

She raises her blade up, and a bubble of water surrounds Deku!

Dragon Bug- Lightning Dragon!

She points her sword at the bubble of water and strikes it with a bolt of lightning. Deku screams. When it was over, Deku landed on the ground, completely wet

Dragon Bug- It's over

Owlette: Yeah! It's over, Deku!

Deku- Never... give up. That is something I learned from... All Might!

Dragon Bug gives a look of shock as Deku stands up. He then activates all 100% of his power.

Catboy: Finish the fight, Deku!

Dragon Bug- It cannot be!

Deku then charged forward.

Deku- 1,000,000% Deleware Detroit Smash!

With a single blow, he strikes Ladybug in the chest, striking her heart. The shockwave was so strong that it caused the entire top half of the Eiffel Tower to explode.

Girls: (gasps)

Marinette: What... in the world?!

Adrien: Oh my gosh...

Deku lands on the ground, followed by Ladybug. He looks at her with great sorrow, while holding his broken arm.

Deku- You would have made an excellent Pro


While Deku was walking away, Cat Noir is mourning after discovering Ladybug's corpse

Adrien: I always worry about Marinette...

Marinette: I lost it...

Batarina: Aw man! I thought Marinette have this battle!

Leopard: Well... Deku was much stronger than her...

Marinette: Adam has a point...

Boomstick- Ouch! That was definetally a blow that didn't matter if you went for the head or the chest

Marinette: This one was in my chest for good...

Wiz- With the feats these two have preformed in the past, and the intelligence they both possessed, this fight could have gone either way

Boomstick- It was obvious from the beginning that Deku had a clear advantage over Ladybug in strength. Even scaling her to the Mime is nothing like the time when Deku and All Might stopped that giant cube

Gecko: That's true...

Wiz- However, Ladybug was much faster. Even if Deku went 100% against Ladybug, he would still be leagues behind her lightspeed feat against Cat Blanc. However, despite this, only one of them could actually kill the other

Boomstick- Wouldn't Deku have been killed by lightning?

Everest: Yeah! Why didn't Marinette's dragon lighting defeat him?

Wiz- A lightning bolt contains about one billion volts, which is equal to about 10 tons of tnt, but Deku can definetaly survive that if he went at a certain percentage

Boomstick- Yeah, especially considering that explosion Deku survived against Bakugou. Judgin from it's size, I'd say it was worth 1.28 tons of tnt.  This means that, if Deku only fought at about 50% of his power, he would be able to survive the lightning

An-Yu: He's right... Deku survived that...

Wiz And Ladybug, on the other hand, never faced an attack that could compare to the 1000000% Deleware Detroit Smash. Since it can be compared to the double detroit smash, I would say it is worth almost 4 megatons of tnt-  about four million times stronger than anything Ladybug could hit him with

Boomstick- The final thing we had to consider was intelligence and experience. Ladybug has faced many opponents, but none had powers like One For All. Deku, on the other hand, had someone with similar powers to Ladybug in his universe, Momo Yaoyorozu

Wiz- This means that he could have deduced that she had a limit to how much she can create. Plus, don't forget, Ladybug is more of a planner than a fighter, preferring to out think her opponents than fight them

Marinette: Actually... he's right...

Boomstick- While Deku has been training himself to fight against opponents and to think of ways of how to out think Ladybug

Wiz- Ladybug's speed and powers made this a challenging match for Midoriya, but her luck was no match for  Deku's experience, power and intelligence

Boomstick- Deku smashed this bug with a single hit

Boys (except Adrien): (laughs)

Marinette: Not funny!

Wiz- The Winner is Izuku Midoriya

Adrien: For me you did your best, Marinette...

Marinette: Thanks Adrien... I hope next time I can be lucky enough...

Batarina: Alright! Let's see the other combatants...

Boomstick: Next time on Death Battle...

1???: Did you see this muscles?!

Callie:(gasps) Knuxie?

Peck and Toby: (gasps)

Gecko: I guess we know who is it...

Callie: (blushing hard)

2???: You've made so many decisions I didn't expect: giving yourself up to Homeworld, coming back through Lion's mane. The future that you created was so improbable that I didn't see it coming at all, and now I can't understand where this timeline is going. We're on the outskirts of the possible, following trickles to who knows where

Chase: That sounds familiar...

Catboy: It looks like Knuckles is fighting this battle...

Armadylan: Then you better cheer for him, Callie

Callie: I hope you win this one, Knuckles...

Next episode: Knuckles VS Garnet

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