Mario and Sonic VS Crash and Spyro

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Boomstick: Next time on Death Battle...

1???: Here we go!

2???: Born to do this!

Tuck and Ella: (gasps and howls)

Rainbow Dash: (blushes)

Sonicboy and Gadget: Alright!

3???: Come on, Crash! Let's go!

Gecko: Wait! That sounded like...

Foxwolf: And that sounded like...


Tuck: Mario?!

Sonicboy: Sonic?!

Foxwolf: Crash Bandicoot?!

Gecko: Spyro the Dragon?!

Catboy: So the next battle will be with those characters?

Owlette: Looks like it, tomorrow we will see it

Next night...

Catboy: Okay, are you ready for the next episode?

Foxwolf: Estoy listo!

Gecko: Me too!

Tuck and Ella: We're ready!

Sonicboy and Gadget: Yeah!

Vampirina: Okay! Let's see it!

Wiz: The console wars. The early 1990's played host to one of the biggest battlegrounds the world had ever seen, each time companies would duel it all out for the gaming throne

Boomstick: And these four mascots have a long rivalry history against one another, but today the mascots will put their differences aside and team up with their rival to duel the other team in a fight to the bitter end

Poppy: This is getting interesting...

Wiz: Mario and Sonic, Nintendo and Sega's popular icons

Tuck and Ella: (howls)

Sonicboy: Go for it, guys!

Gadget: You can win this!

Boomstick: And Crash and Spyro, Sony's former PlayStation mascots

Foxwolf: Go Crash!

Gecko: You are in fire, Spyro! You can win this!

Boomstick: He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick

Wiz: And is our job to analize who will win a Death Battle

Owlette: Let's see the retro rivals first

Mario and Sonic

Wiz: In 1981 Nintendo made a game called Donkey Kong where the protagonist was named Jumpman
who would eventually be named Mario who became Nintendo's mascot, and boy they became
popular, however a competitor emerged from the shadows named Sega. Since 1986 Sega's been trying to rival Nintendo but due to Mario's
popularity, Sega was struggling but in 1991 they dropped the bomb on Nintendo with their own mascot Sonic the Hedgehog. After Sonic's
appearance a war has raged between Mario and Sonic. In 2001 however Nintendo and Sega
development a good relationship between one another and Sega became a 3rd party. Nowadays
Mario and Sonic had many friendly rival companions

Boomstick: Who knew these two rivals will became friends?

Sonicboy: I don't know, but Mario is cool!

Tuck: Same with Sonic, he is cool as well!

Catboy: Yeah! I'm a fan of both of them!

Background (Mario)
Height:5'1" | 155 cm
Weight:-200 lb | 90.7 kg
Species: Human
Age: 24
Originally named Jumpman
Has so many jobs
Mascot of Nintendo
Favorite food: Pasta
Competed in the Olympics alongside Sonic

Wiz: Born as one of the 7 Star Children with incredible powers, Mario was destined for greatness. When he was a baby his brother Luigi was kidnaped by Kamek leaving Mario falling into the ocean, until a group of Yoshis came in saved the baby and journeyed to save his baby brother from Bowser the prince of the Koopas. Years later Mario grew up and became a plumber, alongside Luigi they
worked together cleaning pipes and defeating monkeys like Donkey Kong. But everything changed after meeting Princess Peach Toadstool,
her kingdom had been conquered by Bowser who grew up and became the King of the Koopas. It's
up to Mario and his friends to save the day. With his abilities, Mario battled Bowser, saved the princess and her people

Boomstick: Needless to say the Mushroom Kingdom was in good hands

Chase: Yep! In very good hands!

Background (Sonic)
Height: 3'3"| 100 cm
Weight: 77 Ib | 35 kg
Species: Hedgehog
Age: 15
Drove a car once
Mascot of Sega
Favorite food: Chill Dogs
Competed in the Olympics alongside Mario

Wiz: There was a world where humans coexists with anthropomorphic animals. But this world has been in danger by an evil fat egg-shaped like scientist named Dr. Ivo Robotnik otherwise known as who people call him "Eggman." But hope came through a blue anthropomorphic hedgehog speeds through to save the day his name is Sonic the Hedgehog. While he does have other abilities overall speed is his favorite. In his quest to stop Eggman from taking over the world, Sonic weaponized his speed. With this he battled Eggman and his robot army

Boomstick: The world can rest easy as long as Sonic is around to save the day

Sonicboy: That's right!

Powers and arsenal (Mario)
Ultra Jump
Super Jump Punch
Ultra Hammer
Bottomless Gloves
Lazy Shel
Fireballs, Ultra Flame, Firebrand
Ground Pound
Long Jump

Wiz: As one of the 7 Star Children, Mario has the power he has to take the turtle terror down. Mario can
jump over 20 times his height, strong enough to punch through sold bricks and can break through
even tougher ones with the Ultra Hammer, can smash enemies and objects with a Ground Pound,
and can jump even further with the Long Jump. He also has Cappy which he uses to possess enemies
and objects, F.L.U.D.D he can shoot out water, run at high speeds even across water, and can rocket in
the air, however if he runs out water he can't use those abilities unless he refuels. He can shoot out
fire balls with his Fire Flower and increase it to a powerful attack but he has been shown using Pyrokinesis without the flower

Boomstick: *cough* That's *cough* cool...

Batarina: Hey! What's wrong with Boomstick?

Catboy: I don't know...

Wiz: Boomstick, are you alright?

Boomstick: *cough* I think I have a cold *cough* and I can't talk *cough*

5 minutes later...

Wiz: Well... Boomstick is in bed now, so I will continue the show...

Ladybug: Pobre Boomstick...

Gecko: Well... let's continue...

Abilities & Equipment (Sonic)
Spin Dash
Homing Attack
Light Speed Attack
Self-taught martial arts
Power Sneakers
Light Chip
Ancient Light
Flame Ring
Crystal Ring
Magic Gloves
Golden Gloves
Ring Time
Blue Tornado
Time Stop
Sonic Wind

Wiz: During his adventures, Sonic has weaponized his speed as we said before. He can crush his enemies with the Spin Attack, strike multiple times with the Homing Attack, go zero to sonic boom instantly with the Super Peel Out, and plow through hordes of Badniks with the Spin Dash. He also can do a Insta-Shield which briefly protects him and destroy his enemies. It's been stated multiple times that Sonic's faster than light but he has yet to prove this in canon without the aid of equipment or power ups, he can go faster than light with Light Speed Dash, can create tornadoes with the Blue Tornado and Sonic Wind, and he can stop time with Time Stop which last for 10 seconds, yes yes I know it's technically non canon but he and his teammate are fighting someone who also has time manipulation powers so I decided to include it just to be fair

Chase: Fair enough!

Marshall: Yep! They have to have something in connection to the other duo

Power ups (Mario)
Super Mushroom
Boo Mushroom
Mega Mushroom
Fire Flower
Ice Flower
Gold Flower
Superball Flower
Super Bell &Lucky Bell
Tanooki Suit
Metal Cap
Wing Cap
Vanish Cap
Frog Suit
Earlier Times
Retry Clock
Red Star
Propeller Mushroom
Double Cherry
Rainbow Star

Wiz: Aside from his own abilities Mario has access to some power ups. Mario's lce Flower can freeze enemies, the Lucky Bell turns him into a cat, and the Super Mushroom is the one that increases his power. With his Frog Suit, his swimming ability increases dramatically. With the Vanish Cap he turns invincible and goes though walls, Metal Cap turns him into metal can protects him from fire and being crushed plus it's invincible, with the Wing Cap, Cape Feather, Tanooki Suit, Propeller Mushroom, and Red Star he can fly into the sky. The Acorn Mushroom let's him glide and stick on walls. Even though it's non canon but he can freeze time with the Stop Watch. With the Boo Mushroom he can go though walls and turns into a Boo. With the Double Cherry, he can create clones of himself with no power decrease. The Mega Mushroom turns him into a giant and is completely invincible. With the Gold Flower he can turn enemies into gold coins and be filthy rich, and with the Starman or Rainbow Star, he becomes totally invincible...for a short time around 10 seconds, it can increase if given another star. While he can carry several power-ups at once, Mario doesn't always need them to prove his potential

Tuck: Yeah! Mario is still cool without those power-ups!

Ella: That's right, bro!

Power ups (Sonic)
White Boosts
Cyan Laser
Ivory Lightning
Pink Spikes
Purple Frenzy
Red Burst
Violet Void
Yellow Drill
Crimson Eagle
Black Bomb
Blue Cube
Crimson Eagle
Green Hover
Gray Quake
Indigo Asteroid
Magenta Rythm
Orange Rocket
Final Color Blaster
Chaos Emeralds
Super Emeralds
Super forms
Super Sonic
Vastly increases all of Sonic's statistics
Almost completely invincible
Faster than light
Increases strength, speed, and durability
Positive Aura
Chaos Control
Arrow of Light
Bolt of Lightning
Can purify negative energy
Energy Projection
Requires gold rings to maintain
Hyper Sonic
Has all of Super Sonic's abilities
Completely invincible
Massively faster than light
Increases all of Sonic's stats to a max
Hyper Flash

Wiz: Much like his friendly rival, Sonic also has power ups including elemental shields, they protect him
from blocking a deadly blow

Daisy: Wow! That's a lot of things Sonic has!

Wiz: With power-ups or not, these mascots are two of the best heroes in the world

Catboy: That's right!

Mario and Sonic are scene shaking hands as the look at the camera which zooms out to show the mascots on the clock in London.

Vampirina: Okay, let's see the other duo

Gecko and Foxwolf: Alright!

Crash and Spyro

Wiz: After Nintendo and Sega's war ended a surprise third challenger was rising to the top. The Sony
PlayStation, and it didn't have just one mascot, it had two. Crash and Spyro. Sony design Crash's series (which at the time was jokingly codenamed "Sonic's Ass Game") for the Sony PlayStation was Sony's lack of an existing mascot character that could compete Mario and Sonic. But ultimately
Crash ended up losing the console wars. Later on Sony created Spyro who was also a mascot alongside Crash and their rivalry was similar to Mario and Sonic. Eventually their relationship improved too. Crash and Spyro even had a
crossover together

Poppy: Wait! They did?

Gecko: Yes! They did it a long time ago

Poppy: Woah...

Background (Crash)
Height:5 ft | 37 cm
Weight: 45 kg
Age: 13
Species: Eastern Barred Bandicoot
Birthplace: Wumpa Islands
Residence: N. Sanity Island
Adopted by Aku Aku
Expert driver
Likes dancing and pancakes

Wiz: Dr. Neo Cortex was making a mutant Aussie army of animals to take over the world. But when it came time to assign a general for this "army", Cortex chose, of all things, a bandicoot. With the Evolvo-Ray, Cortex did successfully mutate it into a powerful beast. However, when he tried to brainwash the creature, he utterly failed to create his fearsome general, instead, he got Crash Bandicoot. After being thrown out Crash became Cortex's worst enemy. But despite his plans Crash manages to stop Cortex and defeated him

Pj Robot: (beeps intrigued)

Gecko: He is just like you, Pj Robot

Foxwolf: Crash is the best!

Background (Spyro)
Height: 4 ft/1.2 cm
Weight: Unknown
Age: 12
Species: Purple Dragon
Nationality: Dragon Realm
Adopted by dragonflies
Adoptive brother to Sparx
Said to have A.D.D
Trained by 4 Dragon Guardians
Reincarnated every 10 generations

Wiz: Prophecy tells of a special purple dragon born every ten generations, destined to be a hero of his age, this was the legend of Spyro. But, when the ancient dark master Malefor learned of this, he swore to destroy Spyro before he even hatched. But Spyro was saved from Malefor's wrath by Ignitus, a Guardian dragon. Spyro was put in a basket and let's him float away in the sea. Spyro was found and adopted by a family of Dragonflies, and even without fellow dragons around, Spyro grew up to be a pretty good fighter. He's strong, tough, and makes good use of his horns, tail, and claws. But one fateful day, everything changed. During a game of hide and seek with his quote unquote "brother", Sparx, they got into a bit of monkey business, and in desperation, Spyro unexpectedly breathed fire, this was Spyro's first hint that he was adopted. This "revelation" prompted Spyro to go on a journey in search of his true home among other dragons, oh, and Sparx tagged along to help find treasure and protect his dragon brother from harm

Bridget: I have to say Spyro looks so cute!

Spike: Purple dragons rule!

Gecko: Yep! He is cool!

Skills (Crash)
Cyclone Spin
Crash Dash
Super Body Slam
Death Tornado
Rocket Jump
Norris Roundhouse
Triple Dragon

With his abilities, Crash can double jump in mid-air, slide incredible distances, and use Crash Dash
to boost his speed. He's also tapped into Mojo, a magical substance that's basically life energy, to
enhance his battle techniques. He's got his Norris roundhouse and triple dragon, but his favorite
move is the Cyclone Spin. He can even give this move a boost for the Death Tornado technique, though this can leave him dizzy and prone to counterattacks. Still, these brutal moves proved incredibly useful for rescuing his fellow mutant bandicoot girlfriend, Tawna

Poppy: I didn't knowed he had a girlfriend

Foxwolf: Now you know...

Skills (Spyro)
Claw Combos
Air Launch
Wing Shield
Stun Charge
Comet Dash
Ibex's Dash
Dragon Kata
Horn Jab
Tail Hammer
Chi Wings

Wiz: As a purple dragon, Spyro was not limited to just his fire breath, after finding and rescuing four great dragon guardians, they each became his teachers in the arts of elemental combat. Ignitus taught
Spyro how, to control fire and focus it into huge blasts. Volteer showed him how to use electric breath to stun enemies and toss them through the air. Cyril taught him to freeze foes solid and fire ice shards, and Terrador showed him how to use earth breath to split rocks and roll up into a ball. Spyro
also honed his physical and chi combat with the martial art of Dragon Kata with it he can slide, do a Tail Hammer, stab, swing, punch, and even roar. And he finally learned to fly however Spyro learned how briefly slow down time to improve his reactions

Catboy: So Spyro can breathe not only fire?

Gecko: No, he can also breathe ice, earth and electricity

Chase: That's incredible!

Arsenal (Crash)
Jet Board
Space Motorcycle
Fruit Bazooka
Mech Suit
Aku Aku

Wiz: Aside from Crash's own abilities he can also use his tools. The Copter Pack he can fly and even maneuver in the air. he's even got himself the unicorn of motor sports, the Space Motorcycle. The
Jetpack unlike the Copter Pack It's much faster and allows him to fly at high speeds. To increase his firepower, he carries a special bazooka that uses a naturally occurring, and easily obtainable
form of ammunition, Wumpa Fruit. Can use Power Crystals to create a temporary protective shield
around himself. Though not as a weapon, Crash can use it on his Sky-Chi to ensnare enemies around him. The same kind of fruit shooter that's on his power loader suit his Mech Suit which can shoot out some more fruit. With the assistance of Aku Aku he becomes completely invincible

Owlette: Wow! Crash really can impress us

Sonicboy:(thinks) Now I'm worried about Mario and Sonic...

Magic (Spyro)
Elemental Furies
Dragon Time
Dark Spyro
More violent
Increased strength and speed
Can fire Aether Breath that can destroy nearly everything
Can't turn back into base form without the aid of his friends

Wiz: Aside from Fire, Ice, Lightning and Earth, Spyro can also use water breath alongside invincibility. With
Dragon Time he can slow down time. But all of this led to Spyro learning the ultimate element: Aether. Purple dragons like Spyro can use a mysterious energy, that is essentially the spiritual life force of the universe. While it's never officially named in canon, lead concept artist Jared Polin has gone on record to clarify its name and properties, and he calls it Aether. Aether is an extremely powerful
element which binds the fates of the living and the dead. With Aether, Spyro pulls from the four
elements to create energy which, according to Polin, has power comparable to that of an atom
smasher. It can be shot out at around light speed. But Aether is dependent on a balance between light and dark. Should a purple dragon fall prey to their own anger and hatred, they risk being consumed by Dark Aether, or Nether. Transforming into a
blackened, rage-filled form called Dark Spyro. In this form he becomes more violent his strength
and speed increases, and his Aether Breath can destroy nearly everything

Catboy: Man! Why everyone has a dark side?

Owlette: Well... some of us doesn't have dark sides for good...

Wiz: Overall while Crash and Spyro have been rivals since the 90s they still made cameos in their respective franchises and even teamed up with them. Don't mess with Sony's powerful mascots

Crash and Spyro are scene standing next to each other as Spyro says...

Spyro: Come on, Crash let's go!

Boomstick: Hey Wiz!

Wiz: Boomstick? I thought you were in bed!

Boomstick: It was just a short cold, I'm fine now

Catboy: Good...

Wiz: All right the combatants are set let's end this debate once and for all

Boomstick: It's time for a Death Battle!

Gecko: Good that he didn't say it to loud...

Vampirina: Let's see the battle!

In Tokyo, Japan Mario and Sonic get prepared for the 2020 Olympic Games which is happening
tomorrow as they take a little walk.

Mario: I can't-a wait for the Olympics, aren't you Sonic?

Sonic: You bet Mario

Skye: I bet this battle is before the Olympic Games

Everest: Maybe...

It was 12:00 in the afternoon as Mario and Sonic take a walk until Sonic gets tired.

Sonic: Man I'm tired. Mario let's find a spot to stay before we had over to the Olympics tomorow

Mario: Okay

Before they can leave Sonic and Mario heard something from the bushes.
They turn around to see what was going on. Crash and Spyro appears out of the bushes. After that
they absurd their surroundings.

Crash: Wow! What a city

Spyro: Yep. I can't wait to explore

Gecko: We all love Tokio, right?

Aquafish: Yep! We do!

As the Sony mascots talk they turned around and spotted Mario and Sonic. Crash and Spyro looked
at them with angry faces.

Crash: Wait a second you two were the ones who have been getting in our way earlier

Spyro: Yeah you guys really have some nerf trying to mess with the wrong people

Mario and Sonic looked at them in anger as well.

Mario: Whatever maybe if you two stay out of our things would be fine

Sonic: Exactly. Sorry to break it to you but we don't have time for this. let's get outta here Mario

Mario and Sonic walk away much to Crash and Spyro's rage. Crash tackles Mario and Spyro tackles Sonic, knocking them down.

Ella, Rainbow and Owlette: (gasps)

Tuck: Uh oh!

Sonicboy: Not good...

Crash: Don't you dare turn our backs on us!

Spyro: Yeah we're not done yet!

Mario and Sonic than kicked Crash and Spyro off of them and got back up and faced them.

Gecko: What the--?!

Foxwolf: Oh my gosh...

Mario: Okay then so that's how we're gonna do it, huh?

Sonic: You want it, you asked for it, losers

The mascot teams then face each other

Mario and Sonic: Alright!

Crash and Spyro: Bring it on!

The Retro Rivals and the PlayStation rivals get into their stances as each team faces each other.


Mario and Sonic charge at Crash and Spyro and do several combos on them. Mario goes for Crash shooting out fireballs at the bandicoot who counters with a few spin attacks. While Sonic is seen doing some punches at Spyro while creating a tornado around him.

Sonic: Is that all ya got dragon?

Sonicboy: Bad luck, Spyro!

Spyro shoots out some fire at the speedy hedgehog who quickly dodges them. Sonic then spots a Cyan Wisp come by. Meanwhile Mario uses and ice flower and shoots ice balls at Crash who dodges them.

Crash: You're gonna have to do better than that you red--

Before he could continue, Mario shoots and ice ball at him freezing him in the process. Mario then
pushes him and sends him sliding straight through town, by passing a bunch of people, bumps into
the Cabbage Merchant's cabbage cart knocking it down and destroying the cabbages...

Cabbage Merchant: Ah! My cabbages! (kneels in desperation as he sees his cabbages being destroyed)

Rayman: Poor merchant...

Tuck: Good move, Mario!

...and to a nearby beach as the ices melts freeing Crash. Mario then notices Sonic who turned into a
laser hit Spyro and sends him flying to the beach where Crash is at as well. Crash and Spyro managed to recover.

Crash: Spyro, these guys are tougher than thought

Spyro: So what are we gonna do, Crash?

They notice Mario and Sonic charging at them but Crash has an idea.

Crash: Wait! I got an idea!

Crash runs to his Mech Suit and jumps in it. Soon the Red Plumber and the Blue Hedgehog started as
they charge the Orange Bandicoot and the Purple Dragon does the same thing.

Sonic: Mario I got the dragon, you get the bandicoot!

Mario: Okay, Sonic let's do this thing!

Sonicboy and Tuck: Get them, guys!

Sonic attempts to do a homing attack on Spyro but Spyro dodges it and shoots Electricity Breath at his
enemy knocking him into the ocean in the process. While in the ocean Sonic sinks and struggles to swim back up but couldn't. As the Blue Blur was on the verge of drowning he closes his eyes and seven Chaos Emeralds surrounds him.

Gecko: Spyro... I think it's not over...

Somicboy: It's not the end for him...

Meanwhile Crash shoots out fruits like bullets and managed to shoot Mario back to which knocked him into the trees knocking down a bunch if Double Cherries. Mario recovers and sees a bunch of Double Cherries much to his joy. Crash celebrities his victory dance while in his Mech Suit, however his victory was short lived as he saw a
bunch of Marios jump out of the forest, charging at him.

Crash: Oh you gotta be kidding me!

Ella: You're done, Crash!

Gecko: Oh no...

Crash tiredly falls to his knees while multiple Marios are jumping towards him. Crash's mech is destroyed and Crash gets his body heavily beaten by multiple Marios much to Spyro's shock.

Spyro/Foxwolf: Oh No, Crash!

Gecko: Save him, Spyro!

Crash is punched in his belly, slapped in his face, kicked in his groin, headbutted head on and punched in the back. The one-sided beating continues much to Spyro's anger. Determined to save his fellow PlayStation mascot from the one-sided ambush created by Mario's clones, Spyro then gets angry and transforms into Dark Spyro and lands in from of Crash knocking the clones back.

Dark Spyro: I'm done with this!

Spyro easily kills all the clones while the real Mario backs up, Crash gets his Jetpack and hovers in the air. Crash and Spyro then charge at Mario but all of the sudden a yellow light appears out of the water and heads towards the Sony mascots. The yellow light turns out to be Super Sonic, the yellow hedgehog grabs Crash and Spyro's fists.

Sonicboy: Good that you are back, bro!

Rainbow Dash: Go for it, Sonic!

Super Sonic: Let's do this Super Sonic style!

Super Sonic and Dark Spyro fly over to the ocean and fight each other there while Mario and Crash
fight each other on land. Eventually Mario grabs a Red Star.

Mario: Let's-a go!

Mario advances the Red Star and he and Crash fly up in the sky, soon Sonic and Spyro followed. The
flying teams clash attacks countering one by one before eventually going into outer space at high speeds and they all fly into a forest of meteors as they fight they all end up hovering over a large
platform away from the meteors. The two teams each land on each side of the platform staring each
other down. Sonic charges at Spyro, while Crash shoots out fruits at Mario while in the air who
dodges them.

Mario: Fruits really?

Crash: Yeah and ones about to come at your face!

Pinkie Pie: We will like to see you try!

Crash shoots a fruit only for Mario to do it and shares a few combos at Crash who is angered. Meanwhile during his fight against Spyro, Sonic notices his super form is about to run out.

Super Sonic: Uh oh

Dark Spyro: What's the matter? Losing power?

Gecko: This is their chance...

Owlette: Sonic! No!

Super Sonic and Dark Spyro continue clashing but the power of the Chaos Emeralds wears off turning the hedgehog back into base form, thus giving Spyro the advantage.

Sonic: Oh crap!

Sonic then starts falling and screaming as Spyro watches.

Dark Spyro: Sayonara, hedgehog!

Sonicboy: NO!

Spyro charges his Aether Breath and prepares to finish off Sonic, however a rainbow light appears
and knocks Spyro back and inside it was Sonic who with the power form the Super Emeralds turns into Hyper Sonic.

Hyper Sonic: Now I'll show you!

Sonicboy: Phew...

Gecko: Watch out!

Spyro flies to the hedgehog but as they fight Sonic was way too fast for him.

Dark Spyro: Grrr he's too fast!

Hyper Sonic: You're too slow!

Rainbow Dash: Not fast enough, dragon!

Sonic ends up speed blitzing Spyro while Mario and Crash continue their fight in the air. Mario than uses a star and becomes Rainbow Mario. As the fight continues Crash and Spyro decided that they've had enough of Mario and Sonic and decided to end the fight.

Crash: That's it! No more games! Let's finish this Spyro! (Uses an invisibility power up)

Dark Spyro: I agree!

Sonicboy: Get them!

Foxwolf: Vamos!

Crash and Spyro grab Mario and Sonic who attempted charge at them and slam them on the platform. Sonic notices Mario's super form is out and is turned back into base form. Than they notice Crash and Spyro diving at them at full speed while yelling much to Mario and Sonic's shock.

Hyper Sonic: Mario, grab my hand I got an idea on how we can get out of this

Mario: Okay Sonic I hope this idea of yours works because even you are running low on your hyper form

Hyper Sonic: Trust me l've done this before and I'll do it again

Mario: Okay

Catboy: Let's hope it works...

Mario grabs Sonic's hand as Crash and Spyro continue diving full speed ready for the final blow as Spyro charges his Aether Breath. Sonic prepares to use the last of his super form's power for one last move.

Hyper Sonic: Chaos...

Sonicboy: Hurry, bro!

Crash prepares his fruit cannons while Spyro charges his Aether Breath to a max as they get in
close. Crash and Spyro then fire a combination between Crash's fruit and Aether Breath as Sonic says one last word.

Hyper Sonic: Control!

The Aether Breath and fruit combination hit Mario and Sonic and causes a massive explosion splitting the platform in half in the process. Crash and Spyro land on the platform as they killed Mario
and Sonic.
Spyro and Crash celebrate their victory as Dark Spyro turns back into base form with the help from
Sparx and they celebrate and Crash takes off his Jetpack which breaks apart duo to some damage. The Sony mascots high five.

Crash: Yes! We did it! That was awesome Spyro!

Spyro: That's right, Crash! Those guys never stood
a chance against us!

Crash and Spyro: Ohhhhhhhh yeah!

Gecko: Woohoo! They won!

Sonicboy: Uh... I wouldn't be so sure Gecko...

Foxwolf: Wait! What do you mean by that?

Owlette: Didn't you guys heard Sonic yelling... Chaos Control?

Gecko: Then that means...

Just as they were celebrating they see a blinding light in front of them much to their confidence. The blinding light stops and shockingly Sonic and Mario (Hyper Sonic who turned back into his base form) reappears from the light and lands on the platform as it turns out Sonic used Chaos Control to get him and Mario to safety from their
opponents' massive attack, thus proving Mario and Sonic are still alive. Crash and Spyro are surprised and shock to see that their attack didn't work.

Gecko and Foxwolf: They are still alive?!

Mario: Geez we almost felt that

Sonic: Tell me about it

Crash and Spyro dropped their jaws after finding out Mario and Sonic are alive.

Crash: What?! That's impossible!

Spyro: How did you guys survive?!

Mario: Okay. Please-a pay attention! Watch and learn losers because we did something you never knew about!

Sonicboy: Yeah! You goys never see it!

Tuck: That's right!

Sonic: Yeah because we're about to school you! I used Chaos Control to get us both to safely! Pretty handy really!

Mario and Sonic laughed but that only made Crash and Spyro mad.

Crash: Now you guys crossed the line!!

Spyro: Let's end this thing! No more tricks!!

Mario: You'll lose though but bring it on!

Sonic: Okay we're ready when you are!

Catboy: You can do it guys!

The teams prepared their stances one last time until... the platform that they were standing on
started cracking.

Mario/Tuck: Mamma Mia!

Sonic/Sonicboy: Oh shoot!

Crash/Foxwolf: Uh oh!

Spyro/Gecko: That's not good!

The platform breaks far apart sending all four mascots plummeting down to Earth while
Screaming. The two teams are on separate sides as the hit re-entry, but Crash and Spyro decides to dive at Mario and Sonic.

Crash: No way we're gonna lose to them!

Spyro: That's right, we're not losing this not today!

Mario and Sonic notices Crash and Spyro coming at them. Mario throws a punch at Crash while
Sonic throws a kick at Spyro pushing them back in the process. The PlayStation mascots whip out the blood stain and charges once again at the Nintendo and Sega mascots while attempting to
do a fiery attack only for them to be knocked down even further as the two team combatants keep filling to Earth in Come in at atmospheric re-entry. While Crash and Spyro continuing falling further down, Mario and Sonic prepare for one last attack.

Mario: You ready Sonic?

Sonic: You bet Mario!

Tuck and Ella: Get them, guys!

The Italian Plumber sets his hands on tire via Firebrand and the Blue Blur does a Spin Dash and charges it up at a max.
Suddenly, the re-entry fire turns red and blue. Red on on side and blue on the other one much to Crash and Spyro's horror. Mario and Sonic then dive towards Crash and Spyro at full speed while yelling. and while both Aku Aku and Sparx tried to protect them they quickly turned into dust from the flaming attacks of the video game icons. The plumber and the hedgehog then catches the bandicoot and the dragon in their hands sending them screaming, then Mario and Sonic slammed Crash and Spyro into the ground in a nearly forest causing a massive explosion covered in red and blue with Mario and Sonic's symbols on it and all the animals that lived there flied from the impact. Mario and Sonic slowly walk out of the explosion so epic-like without a scratch. Once the explosion stops blooming the two turned around and see Crash and Spyro's burnt corpses.
The Retro Rivals smile and looked at each other.

Mario: We make a pretty great team, Sonic!

Sonic: Yep we sure did Mario, we sure did!

Mario and Sonic: Yeah! We are unstoppable together!

Mario and Sonic shake hands then they walk away leaving the burnt bodies of Crash and Spyro behind as they crumble to dust.


A day later after defeating Crash and Spyro, the victorious duo Mario and Sonic are at the stadium ready to start the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games.

Tuck and Ella: (howls)

Sonicboy: Alright!

Gecko and Foxwolf: (groans)

Boomstick: Now that's what I call team battle. Even the greatest rivals can become the best of friends

Tuck: I actually never expect this, now I think Sonic is awesome

Rainbow Dash: Same to Mario

Wiz: While this matchup was pretty close and that both teams have amazing teamworks, Crash and Spyro did have impressive gadgets and magic, and were also quite powerful but Mario and Sonic had the skills and tools needed to insure a victory. Keep in mind this analysis was done with the focus on the games, crossovers, and closely tied media. And alternate sources are not included because both
teams are entirely different characters from their gaming counterparts

Vampirina: He has a point...

Boomstick: Their top strength feats was very very clear. Mario and Sonic's lifting castle and 200 kiloton feat makes it very clear who's stronger

Wiz: In terms of speed, while Crash and Spyro can dodge lightning, move over 159 miles per hour, and can lasers, Mario and Sonic can move as fast as electricity and lasers piloted the Star Driver and nearly outrunning black holes, this means that they can move at Crash and Spyro's reactionary feats. Since Mario and Sonic are tough enough
tank almost anything Crash and Spyro can throw at them, it's only a matter of time before the plumber and hedgehog tagged the bandicoot and dragon with a deadly blow

Luna Girl: Yep! They did!

Wiz: Now let's move on to their arsenal. Mario and Sonic's arsenal can counter Crash and Spyro's in
almost every way. They even had plenty of options like their invincibility forms to counter and defend against Spyro's dark form. But they also have a verity of power ups giving them options to
overpower Crash and Spyro for example Mario can freeze them or Sonic can suck them in the black
hole with the Violet Wisp. Their arsenal will always outlast Crash and Spyro cause they can use them
anytime at any day

Rocky: He's right

Boomstick: And finally Mario and Sonic's durability blew Crash and Spyro's out of the water

Wiz: And here's some proof. Mario managed to survive an explosion that was calculated at 2.4 megatons of TNT, Sonic survived breaking a stalactite which requires 200 kilotons of TNT. Now Crash did survive a re-entry with no injury which was calculated at 2 million tons of TNT, and Spyro survived a hit which was about 1.9 megatons of TNT. The stadium explosion and shattering the stalactite that Mario and Sonic survived was far more powerful. Simply put Crash and Spyro didn't have a lot of viably options that can take Mario and Sonic down for good

Gecko: Yeah... they have a point... it took some time to try to defeat them...

Boomstick: They are even in great teamworks cause both teams get along with their rival really well yeah Crash and Spyro are amazing but Mario and Sonic are ridiculous tough. Even if this fight was no power ups, no super forms, no magic and no gadgets, no dark forms, no nothing and it was just
their base forms in hand to hand combat the results would still be the same

Wiz: Crash and Spyro had some impressive gadgets and magic to put up a good fight and prove themselves a worthy team however they couldn't complete with Mario and Sonic's superior strength, speed, durability, and verity arsenal

Ryder: That's totally true

Boomstick: Looks like Crash and Spyro got Mari-owned at Sonic speed

Everyone (except Gecko and Foxwolf): (laughs)

Catboy: The best pun I ever heard!

Gecko: Not for us...

Foxwolf: Yeah...

Wiz: The winners are Mario and Sonic

Tuck and Ella: Mario! Mario!

Sonicboy and Owlette: Sonic! Sonic!

Armadylan: Best. Battle. EVER!

Batarina: This was the best!

Ladybug: Next peleadores

Boomstick: Next time on Death Battle...

1???: I'm not gonna be your worthless punching bag Deku forever... Kacchan. I'm... I'm the Deku who always does his best!

2???: Let me make this promise to you. No matter who wants to harm you, Ladybug and Cat Noir will do everything in our power to keep you safe!

Episode ends

Marinette: Wait! That was me!

Owlette: This is your fight Marinette!

Next episode: Ladybug VS Deku

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