I THOUGHT I WASNT YOUR TYPE! 3 (bc im runnin outta ideas)

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"Oh gods, he's here." Will squealed nervously to his half-sister Kayla as Nico entered the cafeteria.

"Go ask him, scardy cat." Kayla said, uninterested. 

"Anemic loser." Will muttered under his breath, then made his way over to nico.

"Hey sunshine!" He said. Nico just stared at him.

"I was wondering if you wanna... you know... go out for dinner tonight??" Will asked.

"Sure why not." Nico shrugged. "Just don't take me somewhere that peasants go."

That night, Will took Nico to a fancy seafood place. 

"Not bad, Solace. Not bad." Nico said once they sat down at their table. "I kinda like seafood anyways."

Suddenly, there was a loud commotion near the entrance of the restaurant, and a boy shoved his way through the crowd and dashed towards Nico and Will's table.

"What did I just hear you say??" The boy, Percy Jackson, laughed, an evil grin on his face.

Nico shrunk in his seat. "Oh gods."

"I never knew you liked seafood, Nico di Angelo!" Percy chided. Will looked from Percy to Nico, confused and a bit frightened.

"Don't finish that thought. We're leaving." Nico groaned, standing up.


Nico blinked. Percy just stood there with a smug look on his face, like he'd accomplished something. 

Nico's mouth opened and closed as he struggled for words. Finally, he blurted:

"How the heck do you keep finding me whenever I say something related to water??"

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