Innocent Boy

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Title: Innocent Boy
Description: (Before The Lightning Thief) Triton goes to the mortal world when he heard a gossip from the nymphs of a new bastard son of his father. He goes to check said gossip and finds it hard to stay mad at the innocent child.

Innocent Boy

Triton was furious.
Gossip around the nymphs were that a son of Poseidon had been born. The first time he had heard, he investigated, coaxing information out from pretty water nymphs around New York. They easily passed the gossip along, eager to please the god and spread the news.

Through polite talk and many annoyances, Triton got the information to visit this so-called brother of his.

He shifted to his human-form and shook his limbs a little. The god grunted displeased. Legs were annoying.
He flashed to a tiny rat-hole because that was all it was. It had the bare necessities - and even those were tiny. Triton had half a mind to punch his dad. No woman - despite the circumstances - should have to raise a child in such a place.

He heard a quiet humming sound coming from one of the rooms. As the god walked over, he noticed that the walls had blue crayon drawn like messy waves with tiny fish swimming around. Then, he looked closer. He saw eyes drawn faintly inside the mess of blue crayon. The kid was no artist, but Triton could tell that the little boy had tried his hardest to depict the water nymphs he had seen.

Triton opened the door slowly. Inside sat a little boy, playing with a Flounder toy by himself. Listening carefully, the god could hear a bit of "Under the Sea."

"Hello," the god grunted.
The boy spun around, and looked at Triton with curious eyes.

He hadn't expected the boy to look so innocent.

His demigod brother looked like his father; no one would be able to argue with the fact that this boy was the sea god's son.
However, while Poseidon's eyes were aged and weary, this toddler had eyes sparkling innocence and curiosity, with a hint of mischief.

"Who you?" The god frowned at the toddler who was now tugging Triton's pants.
The boy giggled. "I Percy. You Twiton."
The god frowned even more. "Triton."
Percy giggled hysterically. "Twiton."

Triton sighed, giving in.
"How old you?" Percy asked next.
"A lot."
"I'm twee!" the toddler announced, holding up three chubby fingers. "Mommy says I'm a big boy now."

It was not Triton's fault that he smiled softly and picked the boy up. Percy laughed joyfully as his brother spun him around.

"I wike you," Percy declared when Triton set him down. "I wike you almost as much as Mommy."
Triton smiled. "Where's your mommy, Percy?"
The toddler frowned sadly. "Mommy at work. She leave me alone sometimes because people don't like me."
The god frowned. "They don't like you?"
Percy nodded his head vigorously.

"At peeschool," he started slowly, "kids tease me because I can talk to fishies and I see people in water." The boy looked at his new friend hurriedly. "It true! I-I don't know why kids don't see them! You believe me, Twiton! Wight?" The way the little child's lip quivered made it obvious that Percy was close to crying.

Triton sighed. There was no easy way to explain this. "You are a very special child, Percy," he began. "Not a bad-special, but a good-special. You can see things others can't."

The way the toddler crossed his eyes was endearing. "Sometimes, teachers call me special when they talk to Mommy. But I think they mean bad thing."
Triton frowned deeply, wondering what was so bad about this boy. Nothing was wrong, except for the fact that he was a demigod.

The boy yawned widely. Triton slowly tucked the toddler into his blue bedsheets.
"Aw you gonna leave?" Percy asked.
"Yes," Triton said, seeing no point in lying.
Percy frowned. "I don't want you to leave."
"I have... work."
The toddler nodded slowly. "But then I never see you again maybe."
The boy thrust his Flounder plushy out to the god. "You can have Founder," Percy yawned, rubbing his half-lid eyes.

Triton felt weirdly honored as he took the toy while Percy fell asleep. After a few minutes of watching the boy sleep, he slowly left his brother.


Triton was busy afterward. He assigned a cyclops to spy on Percy at school. He ordered water nymphs to watch over the young boy when they could.
When his father was choosing a cyclops to help Percy, Triton suggested the newest, Tyson, a kind soul among the burly cyclops.

The Flounder toy was hidden under the god's bed (because he would not be humiliated by a toy.)
When Finding Nemo came out, Triton sent Percy an anonymous Nemo plushy in return, despite his age.

Because Percy was an innocent boy.

They could hate each other later.


Next will be a Charlena fic because I love that ship and I can't find many...

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