Chapter 1: Spring Broken

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Here we see you and the girls at the beach and you are resting on a beach blanket with Mantis to watch over you while you get a tan.

(Y/N): "Ah ain't nothing like doing nothing that's what I always say."*to Mantis*"Right Mantis?"

Mantis: "Agreed (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "Feel free to take a nap."

Mantis: "Thank you."

(Y/N): " Anytime."

Just then you spot something under the bridge. They looked like people but they were very unusual.

(Y/N): "Uh Clover, can I ask you something?"

Clover: "Sure what is it?"

(Y/N): "Are humans supposed to have horns and red skin?"

Clover: "No, unless they wear costumes."

(Y/N): "Well those guys are wearing very convincing costumes, I'm gonna have a chat with them."

You then went over to the bridge walk, where you saw them and what looked to be a female bipedal wolf.

(Y/N): "Hi there, what are you four doing?"

Moxxie: " Aw crumbs, a human!"

(Y/N): "Um, actually I look like a human but I'm not, I'm actually a planet. This is just a small-scale avatar of myself."

Millie: "Wait so you're not human?"

(Y/N): "Nope, and what are you four doing here? And what's with that list?"

Blitzø: "None of your business!"

(Y/N): "Alright, I'm gonna get back to my tan now."

You then head off where you see a girl with gray hair in A punk outfit going off with some random guy as you decide to follow them. There you saw them in the alley way as you looked up to see Blitzo, Millie and Moxxie up there ready to shoot him as you then saw him fire the gun as you then pushed the guy out of the way.

Loona: "What the? What are you doing here?"

(Y/N): "Me? That guy was about to be killed."

Random Guy: "Wait what?!"

Blitzo: "That's our job! We get paid from people in Hell to off people like that guy."

(Y/N): "But why do you wanna kill this guy, what did he do?"

Blitzo: "Well the guy hired us said he burned down his fraternity house and his frat bros."

(Y/N): "Oh in that case."

You shoot a burst of energy from your hand to punch through the guy's body and kill him instantly.

(Y/N): "I'm guessing that's what the list is for right? To kill off a bunch of people who were killed by the people who hired you."

Moxxie: "Yes, our boss is in a bet with Verosika."

(Y/N): "Wait Verosika? How do you four know Verosika?"

Millie: "She's Blitzo's ex-girlfriend."

(Y/N): "What happened between you two?"

Blitzo: "I'm not gonna tell you fat ass!"

Moxxie: "Sir, maybe he can help us with our bet."

(Y/N): "Hey I'm not that fat, I have been laying off the planet buffet for awhile."

Millie: " Planet buffet?"

(Y/N): "You know asteroids, planets with no signs of life, already ruined planets, stars. That kind of stuff"

You and the others then hear music being played.

(Y/N): "Hey it's Verosika."

Blitzø: "What?!"

You and the others then turn to see Verosika playing on stage as you saw the audience being aroused.

(Y/N): "Uh what's happening to the audience?"

Millie: "Verosika and her crew are succubi and incubi except for Vortex he's a Hellhound like Loona."

(Y/N): "So that means, oh no the girls."

You then rush back to the beach as you bring the spies and Mantis away from the beach as you put some headsets on them.

Sam: *snaps out of it*"Woah uh, what happened?"

Clover: "The last thing I remember was a guy walking up to me and winking at me and then I blanked out."

Moxxie: " Those guys are incubi and succubi and you 4 are caught in our bet between us and Verosika."

Sam: "Wait bet?"

(Y/N): "It's a long story, for now try to keep these headsets on."

We see you head back to the beach and you turn to see Verosika on stage singing but surprisingly you're not affected by this.

Loona: "Hey how come you're not affected?"

(Y/N): "The real me is still in orbit."

Moxxie: "Oh yeah, you're a planet."

Verosika: *holds up her flask*"Now who wants the piece of this?"

You then head into the crowd as the imps get back to work as you saw Verosika toss her flask as people tried to catch it only for it to end up in the ocean where the belzebub juice leaks out and infects a fish as the fish then mutates into a monster as we it rise out of the ocean and the people see it along with Verosika and her crew.

Sam: *sees the fish monster*"Oh that is not good."

You then release a powerful burst of energy and destroy the mutated fish with a single shot as Verosika and her crew saw it happen.

Kiki: "Unholy satan!"

Apple: "Yeah, that guy just blew up that thing."

Later, after the music festival, we see both Blitzo's and Verosika's groups in one place as you, the spies, and Mantis were listening to their conversation.

Blitzo: "Oh perfect. That must be the whores!"

Verosika: "That was handled rather... obvious, don't you think?"

Millie: "I don't think this belonged to any of us."

Millie tosses the flask back to Verosika and she catches it, then drop-passes it to Milky.

Millie: "Would be a shame if anyone found out you guys were behind a giant monster fish in the human world."

Moxxie: *Laughs* "Oh Satan! You all be so... fucked!" *Continues laughing*

Verosika: "Yeah, well you three nasty ass gremlins will be in shit for not being in disguises."

Moxxie: *faceplants*"A human called me a possum. I am not a possum!"

Blitzo: "You know, we could keep this little Bee movie scene on the down low if you agree to let us use that parking space."

Verosika: "...Fine."

Blitzo: "We fucking won!"

(Y/N): "Wait all of this over a parking space?"

Millie: "Yeah why?"

Sam: "You could have just chosen another parking space?"

Blitzø: " Hey, it's our parking space."

Verosika: *Scoffs* "Come on, let's get out of here. Tex!"

Vortex: "Well, guess it's time to bounce, but hey, if you're ever down to party, I'll give you a ring sometime."

Loona: "Really? I mean, heh, yeah. Yeah."

Vortex: "Yeah. My girlfriend throws a ton of crazy hound parties."

Loona: *dejected*"Nice. Can't wait for my first one."

Vortex: *Chuckles*"Let's get you some friends, girl."

Vortex gives her a playful punch before following Verosika. Loona looks downcast at seeing Vortex leave and being reminded of her confrontation with Blitzo as well as the reveal her crush already has a partner.

Blitzo: "Come on, Loonie Tooney! Let's go back and park our fat fucking car in our fat fucking space!"

I.M.P go through the portal. Loona falls through the portal backwards.

Blitzo mockingly gives Verosika double middle fingers through the portal, making her growl in anger.

Verosika and her gang huddle together in fear as guns are aimed at them, surrounded by the police, a clown, and a mine robot.

Police: "Put your hands up, you sick deviants!"

(Y/N): *gets in front of Verosika*"Relax, they haven't done anything wrong."

Police: "I said put your hands up!"

(Y/N): "And what if I don't want to?"

The police then start shooting at you and swiss cheese you as you were still outstanding and you repair your avatar quite easily.

(Y/N): "Cute, but let's see how you like it."

You then release a strong form of energy and destroy all the police officers in the area on the molecular level.

Sam: "Woah, (Y/N) wasn't that bit much?"

Alex: "Yeah you bbq'd those cops."

(Y/N): " They were never true officers of the law."

Clover: "What do you mean?"

(Y/N): "All of them we're corrupt cops from the beginning using their own power to their advantage and arresting anyone because they wanted to."

Mantis: "He's right, when I first came to this planet. These humans arrested me just to pull on my antenna."

Clover: "Yikes, that must've hurt."

Mantis: "It was an uncomfortable experience."

(Y/N): *turn to Verosika*"Hey Verosika, how did you and Blitzo break up?"

Verosika: "Well he maxed out my credit card on shity horse riding lessons, joy ride with my car around the three rings, and left me the check!"

Clover: "Yikes, now that's totally selfish."

(Y/N): "Well I hope you find someone better than him."

Verosika: " Thanks uh...."

(Y/N): "(Y/N) the Living Planet."

Verosika: "Living Planet?"

Mantis: "You're merely talking to a smaller avatar of his true self."

Milky: "So this guy isn't here but up there?"

Mantis: "He can be up there and right here, he has the power to interact with anyone who is much smaller than himself."

Kiki: "Dang."

(Y/N): "It's called multitasking. This avatar has all the inner workings of an actual human, and that includes a penis."

Verosika: "Really now~."

(Y/N): "Hey if you're a living planet and you're curious on how the human body works you got to understand them yourself."

Verosika: "Oh uh, about that we're not exactly human."

Verosika and her crew transform into their real forms.

Sam: " Woah, so that's what you all look like?"

Verosika: "Yeah."

Alex: "Wow, did not see that coming."

(Y/N): "Also the reason why your magic didn't work on me is because I'm actually in orbit right now."

Apple: "But you're right here."

Kiki: "Apple, that's just his avatar thingy, remember?"

Apple: "Oh yeah."

(Y/N): "Well, do you all have some place to live?"

Verosika: "Well we do, but I get the feeling that other demons might take it over."

(Y/N): "Well you can live on my planet if you want."

You then summon your ship and it opens itself as Verosika's crew turns to it.

(Y/N): "You can take my ship and get to my planet in no time."

Verosika: "Thanks, you really know how to treat guests."

(Y/N): "Thanks."

Verosika and her crew then head to the ship and off to your planet.

(Y/N): "It's a good thing I made a spare ship, which reminds me I need to get back to the planet to recharge."

Sam: "Gonna take another nap?"

(Y/N): "Yeah."

Mantis: "It was nice to spend Spring Break with you three."

(Y/N): "Yeah, well I have to go, before I shrivel up and die. And believe me that is not a pretty site to see."

Later, we see you and Mantis return to your planet and you see Verosika's crew looking at the sight of your planet in awe.

(Y/N): "Hey everyone, how's the planet?"

Kiki: "Did you make all of this stuff?"

(Y/N): "Yep."

Vortex: "Dang, not bad planet man."

(Y/N): "Thanks, *yawns* Now if you'll excuse me I'm gonna go take my nap, and whatever you do don't wake me up, I get cranky when I don't get my rest, and you won't like me when I'm cranky."

Verosika: "Can me and the other succubi sleep with you?"

(Y/N): " Hm, sure, I only sleep for 24 earth hours."

Mantis: "As your advisor (Y/N), I must be near you to ensure your sleep."

Apple: "Feel free to join in on the action Mantis."

We then see you heading to bed as we see the succubi and Mantis at your bed.

Verosika: "Say Mantis, are you (Y/N)"s first hookup or something?"

Mantis: " I am his advisor and I help him go to sleep."

Verosika: "So where do you sleep?"

Mantis: "My room is across from his room."

Kiki: "Well if you want to join in on the fun you know where his bed is."

Mantis: "Of course."

(Y/N): "Alright, I need some sleep."

You then head to bed as Mantis places a hand on your forehead and puts you to sleep.

Verosika: " Woah, how did you do that?"

Mantis: "I have empathic abilities and I can put people to sleep as well either by their permission or by force."

Verosika: "Huh, not bad Mantis."

Mantis: "Thank you, but may we go to bed, we do not want to make (Y/N) cranky."

Milky: "Alright, let's get to bed."

We see Mantis and the others get to bed as you get some sleep.

Next: Chapter 2: Amazonian Reunion

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