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Here we see astronomers on Earth found a new planet in orbit around their sun at the far end of the solar system in their observatory.

Astronomer: "Is that a new planet?"*to the other scientists*"Get NASA on the line! Call the president! Call anyone!"

Scientist: "Yes sir!"

One of the scientists then sees the planet in an immobile state.

Scientist: "Sir, it's in an immobile state. We need to investigate that planet!"

Astronomer: "It will take years and resources to build a rocket to that planet and back, it's in an orbit beyond Pluto's."

We see a woman in disguise walking out of the observatory and it's revealed to be Olivia Mandell.

Olivia: "Hmm, a new planet eh?"

Later, at the Center, we see her working on rebuilding a manticore skeleton as we see 3 people come into her office. The first one was a guy with blond hair wearing a red and yellow shirt, the second was a girl, and the last one looked to be a caveman.

Martin: "Hey M.O.M., what's the mission? And what's that?"

Olivia: "1, don't touch it, and 2 the mission is this."

Olivia then shows Martin a newspaper about a new planet in the solar system.

Martin: "Wait a new planet?"*gasps*"Are we gonna get invaded by aliens who use planets as their ships!? Or is the planet alive!?"

Diana: "Ugh, planets can't be alive like us!"

Olivia: "As for your planets used for ships theory it's highly unlikely because using a planet as a means of transportation has been banned ever since the Galactic Journey Expo incident in the Andromeda Galaxy."

Diana: *makes a smug face at Martin*

Olivia: "However the Living Planet theory is not too far off, Agent Mystery."

Diana: "What?! You can't be serious, a planet can't be alive and behave like a human!"

Olivia: "There are alien species that existed even before the Big Bang, so it would be possible if there is a form of life that takes the form of a planet."

Java: "Java and friends going to space?"

Olivia: "It's the only way to know for sure the planet is sentient."

Martin: "Sounds like Martin Mystery is going to space!"

Martin then raises his hands in the air as he accidentally knocks the manticore skeleton down to the floor and falls to pieces.

Olivia: *groans in frustration* *sarcastically*"Thank you agent mystery, it took me months to rebuild that skeleton."

We later see Martin and his friends getting ready for the trip to space as they see Billy with the ship.

Billy: "Alright right guys, the ship is ready. It has enough fuel to get to the planet and back. Oh and M.O.M. wants me to tell you 3 that you're getting 3 extra passengers."

Diana: "Three extra passengers?"

Martin: "Ugh, it better not be Marvin."

Billy: " Actually, it's 3 agents from WOOHP, apparently they said they spotted the unknown planet first by complete accident."

Martin: "Aw man, I thought we were first ones."*realizes*"Wait three WOOHP agents that means-"

???: "Martin?"

Martin and the other Center agents turn to 3 girls that have catsuits with colors similar to traffic lights and their names are Sam, Clover, and Alex.

Clover: "Oh great, a mission with Martin."

Sam: *sees Diana and Java*"So you must be Martin's teammates, I'm Sam, this is Alex and Clover."

Diana: "Nice to meet you too."

Diana: "How did you three discover the planet by accident?"

Sam: "I started a new hobby, Astrology, I bought a telescope and when I looked into it. I found a new planet in an orbit behind Pluto's."

Martin: "Well if it's behind Pluto then I guess it's not really a planet."

Billy: "I don't know Martin, we sent cameras to take pictures of the planet and it's much bigger than Pluto and in fact it's 260,643,000 miles in diameter."

Sam: "Which is why we should go to that planet."

Clover: "To see if the inhabitants are total hotties?"

Everyone then turns to Clover with confused looks.

Clover: "What? Maybe the Planet is populated."

Martin: "Only one way to find out."

We see everyone head into the ship and take off through the atmosphere. Later, we see the ship landing on the surface of the planet and the door to the ship is opened as we see the agents come out of the ship. They see a pleasant field with plant life, fresh water, and statues of and cities that are reminiscent of Earth from different eras of it's time such as Malibu University, a 700 foot statue of Pac-Man, an island that was built by Amazons, and more to come. They see no signs of populations on the planet until they spot a woman with a green outfit and a pair of antennae, her name was Mantis.

Martin: "Hello gorgeous~."

Mantis: *confused*"Who is this gorgeous you speak of, my name is Mantis."

Diana: *wacks Martin on the back of his head*"I am so sorry about my brother, he's an idiot, are you a native to this planet?"

Mantis: "Oh no I'm not a native of this planet, but the person who created this planet is. Or should I say he is the planet."

Sam: "He?"

Diana: "Wait wait, someone made this planet?"

Mantis: "Yes, and I believe he is trustworthy. Unlike Ego, when he first discovered life, he wants to experience life."

Clover: "Okay seriously who's this he you keep talking about and where can we find him?"

Mantis: "He is everywhere and I believe you will be shocked by what I am about to say."

Sam: " Why?"

Mantis: "I believe you are standing on him."

???: "BOO!!!"

Everyone then jumps out of fear as they turn around and see you.

Clover: "Ah!"

(Y/N): *laughs*"Man that was awesome."

Sam: "So you live on this planet too?"

(Y/N): "Live on the planet? I am this planet."

Diana: "Wow, ego much?"

Mantis: "He is right, Non-believer, I believe he will explain everything to you."

(Y/N): "Uh Mantis, you can stop with saying I believe in every sentence, we talked about this."

Mantis: "My apologies force of habit."

(Y/N): "Anyways, follow me."

We see you head to a palace that is not made from any building on Earth as everyone including Mantis follows you. We see you and the others in the palace and they see large spheres that show your origins.

(Y/N): "Many eons ago, I started out with a small little rock with a face on it. Over time I ate some materials and over time I learned how to control my powers and I became what I am today."

Sam: "Wait a second, if you're the planet itself and how are you standing on.... yourself?"

(Y/N): "I'm not, this is just a projection of myself. It's all flesh and bone."

Clover: "Really?"*Feels your bicep*"Oh your right it is real."

(Y/N): "Yeah, so what are you guys doing on me? And yes I'm well aware of how wrong that sounds."

Diana: "We just came here to find out what's up with this planet. Why did you come to our solar system?"

(Y/N): "Oh every several centuries or so I come to Earth and live out as a human."

Martin: "Do you have a penis?"

Clover/Diana: "Martin!"

Mantis: "Why in the stars would you ask that you Non-believer?!"

Martin: "He's a planet, if he gets down with a girl he might crush her or something."

(Y/N): "Yep, I have a penis."

Mantis: *blushes*"(Y/N)! Why would you answer this human's question?!"

(Y/N): "It's human nature to be curious."

Sam: " Okay aside from Martin's.... question, is there another reason why you're in our solar system?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, to get away from Ego. Ugh that guy really hates all life."

Clover: "Ego who's Ego?"

???(Ego): "I am Ego!"

You and everyone looked in the sky to see Ego himself.

Sam: *sees Ego* "Is-is that another planet?!"

Clover: "With a face on it?!"

Mantis: " Yes, this is Ego."

(Y/N): "I told you Ego, I'm not that kind of planet! I do not want to do the expansion man! I just want to nap for 30 thousand years jeez!"


(Y/N): "I am not! I'm just tired and cranky!"

You then make a hand gesture as a large hand formed from the western hemisphere of your planet and punch Ego in the face so hard that he was sent flying to the other end of the universe.

(Y/N): "Man, I hate that guy, he is so annoying."

Clover: "Wow, and here I thought Mandy had a big ego."

Mantis: "Who is this 'Mandy' you speak of?"

Clover: "The most annoying human on Earth."

Sam: "Wait, (Y/N) did you say something about a 30 thousand year nap?"

(Y/N): "Hey just because I'm a planet doesn't mean I get to sleep too. That is why Mantis is here, to help me sleep."

Diana: "How does she help?"

Mantis: "I have empathic abilities, when I touch someone I can feel their emotions as well as I can put them to sleep."

Mantis then places a hand on Martin as her antennae glows and Martin falls asleep and falls to the floor.

Diana: "Wow, it suddenly got more quiet here."

(Y/N): "Yeah, well anyways it's time for my 30 thousand year nap."

Sam: "So you're just gonna sleep here?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, what else is there to do? Besides, if I stay away from my planet for too long I'll shrivel up and die."

Alex: "Yikes, but why would you want to sleep for 30 thousand years."

(Y/N): "It's like a 1 hour nap for you guys."

Sam: "But isn't there anything else you'd like to do?"

(Y/N): "Look I haven't slept in forever since Ego was chasing me all over the universe, so I'm a bit tired and a bit cranky."

You then head to bed and sit on it.

(Y/N): " Good night, and don't make me cranky, you won't like me when I'm cranky."

We see you put a pillow on your head as Mantis places a hand on your forehead and gets you to fall asleep.

Mantis: "(Y/N) is now asleep, I advise you all to leave now."

Alex: "Alright, hope to see him in 30 thousand years."

Sam: "Yeah, same here."

Diana: "We might be dead by then."

Later, on Earth, we see Diana giving a full report on your planet to Olivia.

Diana: "And that's what we found on the planet, M.O.M."

Olivia: "Hm, I see."

Martin: "So what's the next step?"

Olivia: "Well for now we make sure that (Y/N) doesn't get disturbed."

Java: "Because planet man gets cranky?"

Olivia: " Exactly, so as of now no one is going to that planet, that means you, Agent Mystery."

Martin: "Noted."

Olivia: "I mean it Agent Mystery, do not go to that planet."

Martin: "Alright I heard you the first time, I promise."

Olivia: "Agent Mystery."

Martin: "Hey I may annoy people sometimes but annoy a planet, that's dumb even for me."

Olivia: "Alright, as for everyone else who is trying to build a ship and place a flag on (Y/N)'s planet, we'll make sure to try to keep him asleep."

Diana: "Good, the last thing we want is a cranky planet."

Later, we see the spies in the pool at their own penthouse at Malibu University.

Clover: "You think (Y/N) will ever visit Earth?"

Sam: "In about 30 thousand years or so."

Alex: "Wow, that's a long time for a nap."

Sam: "Well he is a planet, so it's normal for a planet."

Clover: "Maybe our descendants will have fun with him?"

Sam: "Really Clover?"

Clover: "Hey, we won't stay young forever you know. 30 thousand years is a long time."

Sam: "Not unless Jerry ever finds a way to make us stay young forever."

Clover: You think he'd do that?"

Alex: "Guys, we can't do that. Remember what happened last time when Jerry made a chemical that makes things age backwards? We fought Bertha just to cure her and get the chemical back."

Clover: "Oh yeah, good point."

Later after 24 hours, we see the spies get up in the morning and they see you and Mantis in the kitchen eating pancakes.

(Y/N): "Hey."

Clover: "(Y/N), why are you here?"

(Y/N): "Well my nap is done, 30 thousand year is in planet years. From my point of view I'm 65 million years old and I'm 18 in human years. I only slept for 24 Earth hours."

Sam: "24 hours?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, that's how long I sleep."

Clover: "So will you be staying with us?"

(Y/N): "Hm, sure I can keep my planet at an orbit nearby and live here."

Mantis: "I too can live here as well."

Alex: " Um but what about your antennas?"

Mantis: "Oh right."*puts on a sun hat*"This would do so nicely."

Clover: "Okay that'll work."

(Y/N): "Yep, Spring Break will be coming up soon."

Sam: "Awesome."

Clover: *gasps*"You know who else who'll be on Spring Break."

Mantis: "Who?"

Clover: "Verosika Mayday, the famous pop star."

(Y/N): "Who's Verosika?"

Alex: "She's a pop star that we have on Earth. Say (Y/N) have you met anyone famous or any celebrities you know?"

(Y/N): "I met Queen Hippolyta."

Sam: "Who?"

Mantis: "She's the queen of the Amazons, (Y/N) first met her when she was a princess during the times of ancient Greece."

Clover: "Cool."

(Y/N): "For some reason she always trips on her own feet every time I'm near her, she giggles a lot for some reason, her face gets bright red and I don't know why."

Spies: *in their heads*"He can't be serious right?"

(Y/N): "Welp spring break is almost here and I can't wait to go to my first music festival."

Sam: "And we'll have so much fun there. I wonder what kind of swimsuit I'm gonna wear?"

Alex: "Yeah me too."

(Y/N): "Wait, is the festival taking place at a beach?"

Clover: " Yeah, that's usually where spring break parties are held."

(Y/N): "Oh cool."

Meanwhile, we see some succubi and incubi getting ready for spring break.

Verosika: "Alright ladies and guys you ready to win this demon duel."

Kiki: "Yeah we are."

Verosika: "Okay, let's do it."

Next: Chapter 1: Spring Broken

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