Chapter 42: The Goldenrod Contest pt 1

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"Oh, we are most definitely gonna talk about this another day so don't think you've won!" She warned him.

"Shut up," he mumbled, turning his head away from her, his hand covering his cheeks and mouth. He was so cute when he was embarrassed.


Ever since he and May got to Goldenrod, they had been practicing almost nonstop. May did however insist on showing him all the famous places when they breaked so he had been dragged through the department store, to the radio tower, and the game corner. While it was cool to see what the big city had to offer, he argued that they could see all the sights after the contest. She begrudgingly agreed and the last day before the contest was spent trying to perfect their routine.

Even though they had practiced a lot, he felt more nervous for this contest than the other three. Perhaps it was because of the competition of Solidad and Harley creating the pressure. He didn't want to let May down, which was strange because he then began to wonder just when it was he had started seeing her as an equal. He remembered thinking she had no talent, but he wasn't sure when he had switched gears. It was easy to forget where she had started from.

Finally, it was the long awaited day of the contest. Once they got checked in, they headed back to the coordinators' room backstage. May had seemed fine all morning, but he could tell the reality of it set in once they had checked in. They were going up against their main rivals, and suddenly it seemed his anxiety withered away. Replacing it was excitement and determination. He hadn't felt that worked up for a contest battle in a while. It was bound to be a tough one.

May though seemed to be getting worse. She twiddled her thumbs in her lap, and bit her bottom lip. He nudged her gently in the arm with his elbow and she was startled by him. She must have been daydreaming. She looked up at him.

"We're going to win this," he said confidently with a smile. She released her lip as she broke into a grin.

"Yeah, we will," she said as she looked into his eyes. A heavy feeling sunk over him once she looked into his eyes. He felt trapped in them, as if he couldn't look away. He didn't even want to either. She had ensnared him in this moment, and it might have just been his imagination, but she appeared to lean slightly towards him, tilting her head up at him. He started to lean in as well, as if caught in a trance before the moment was shattered in an instant.

"There you two are!" Harley's loud obnoxious voice cut through their moment. May leaned back to her position before, her head slightly tilted down. He leaned back as well and caught eyes with Solidad as she and Harley closed in on the distance between them. She suggestively raised her eyebrows at him. So she had seen whatever just happened. Was he about to kiss her? He wondered if nothing had stopped him if he would have done it.

It was irresponsible. They were in public and it would confirm the rumors about them that weren't true. That meant it was only getting worse. The longing he felt, how bad he wanted to be with her. It was almost tormenting. She was his relief, yet at the same time, she was his curse. He was most definitely doomed.

"You guys better be ready because we aren't going to go easy on you!" Solidad said, snapping him out of his trance.

"We wouldn't have it any other way!" May said.

"All the sweeter the victory when we win," He smirked.

"We'll see about that," Harley scoffed.

"When are you guys performing?" May asked as the pair sat down next to them.

"We're towards the end," Solidad said as she crossed her legs.

"Drew and I are at the very beginning," May said.

"We're gonna set the bar high," Drew warned.

"Can't wait. Let's see what you got," Solidad smiled but her tone was challenging. They talked idly together for about 10 minutes until he and May were called on standby.

"Good luck you two," Soledad said as she waved them off.

"Thanks!" May smiled and waved back.

"Up next are coordinators May and Drew!" Adrian announced as they stepped onto the stage. The crowd cheered loudly at their appearance.

"Blaziken! Take the stage!" May called as she let out the fire fighting type.

"Let's go Roselia!" He said at the same time, letting out his partner as well.

"Use magical leaf Roselia!"

"Blakizen! Fire spin!"

Roselia began to spin in a circle with its arms raised, letting out streams of leaves. When Blaziken let out its fire spin, the attack swirled around roselia and the leaves like ropes of fire. They twirled in a vortex around Roselia like streaming ribbons.

"That's enough Blaziken!" May called off the attack as Roselia stood in front of Blaziken.

"Sky uppercut!" May called as Roselia jumped in the air and was propelled higher by the attack.

"Petal dance!" He called as Rosie began to spin, releasing a veil of pink flowers.

"Overheat!" May called slightly after his attack to lag it. The fire attack went in all directions, burning the petals before they could fall to the ground. Roselia landed down back in front of Blaziken to complete the routine. The crowd roared with applause as Adrian addressed the judges.

"That last combo was remarkable!" Mr. Sukizo complemented. He gave them a score of 9.7

"This was a well perfected routine, to be able to pull this off takes a lot of skill!" Mr. Contesta said. The score from him was a 10.

"The combination of the rugged Blaziken and delicate Roselia was quite cool to see! The routine was stunning!" Goldenrod City's Nurse Joy said. She gave them a 9.9.

"Wow! A 29.6! That's the highest score we've had yet today! Contestants May and Drew have certainly set the bar high for those to come!" Adrian commentated as the crowd cheered them on. They bowed quickly before head backstage again. They found Solidad and Harley where they had left them.

"Great job guys!" Solidad complemented.

"Thank you!" May smiled.


"It's a good score, but not unbeatable. We'll get a 30 for sure!" Harley said confidently.

"We'll see about that," Drew smirked.



Oh my gosh, I didn't realize I would be writing this chapter this week. I was not prepared. These next few chapters are hugely important and I never thought I'd actually get to them so now that I'm here I don't know what to do! I tried to be more descriptive because I feel like my writing has been lackluster recently. Choppy and doesn't paint a picture. I hope this chapter was a lot nicer to read than some of my other ones. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Until next time!


PS I will still be posting next Friday even though it's Christmas. It'll be normal time mostly likely, which is actually Saturday for a lot of you.

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