Chapter 43: The Goldenrod Contest pt 2

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"Great job guys!" Solidad complemented.

"Thank you!" May smiled.


"It's a good score, but not unbeatable. We'll get a 30 for sure!" Harley said confidently.

"We'll see about that," Drew smirked.


Drew was about to sit back down on the couch where he had sat earlier when Solidad suddenly stood up and put a hand on his shoulder.

"If you don't mind, I'd like to talk to Drew about something really quick! I'm only stealing him for a little bit so don't worry!" Solidad said as she winked at May.

Drew wanted to die.

Why was she so embarrassing!? She was so nosy, like an older sister, and while sometimes he appreciated that side of her, he was certainly not appreciating it now. He felt warmth flush to his cheeks and he turned his head slightly away to avoid May seeing.

"O-Oh, um, o-okay," May stuttered, most likely embarrassed by her display as well. "I was about to go to the bathroom anyway so..."

"WHAT? You guys are gonna leave me here alone?!" Harley exclaimed, very offended.

"Just for a few minutes Harley, we won't be long," Solidad promised. Harley huffed as Solidad steered him away from May and Harley.

"So let's cut to the chase, you know why I pulled you aside," Solidad said without a moment's hesitation once they were out of hearing range.

"Please don't say it," he groaned as he covered his eyes with his hand.

"So there's nothing going on with you two. Of course! so what I saw earlier was just a trick of the eye, a mistake?" Solidad said sarcastically. He wasn't able to bring himself to say anything. He couldn't deny it, but he couldn't say it either.

"So tell me, are you two in a secret relationship or something because if so you are doing a horrible job hiding it," Solidad snickered with her hand muffling her mouth.

"NO! That's not it! We aren't- it's not-" he tried to explain as his face heated up more, frantically stumbling on his words to try and convince her that nothing was happening. Solidad's laugh grew heartier as Drew's voice died out. Solidad was the only one who seemed to be able to pick him apart so easily with her little jabs and teasing. It was so frustrating. She ruffled his hair, to which he responded by trying to pry her hands off his head. Most definitely she was like an older annoying sister.

"Well then, tell me what's going on," she said, suddenly stern.

"We hardly ever talk about personal things! Why do you want to know so bad now?" He exclaimed, trying to protect himself from her.

"True, but this has got to do with May too, who is also my friend. And another thing, almost everybody knows you're partners and are speculating that you're more than friends. Why don't you stop hiding and just give me a straight answer? I'm your friend. If you want me to keep quiet, I will, but I'd much rather hear it from you than through the grapevine. I hope that you value me enough as a friend to just let me know what's going on!" Solidad said frustratedly. He sighed and looked away from her. He had never even considered telling anybody that he liked May. He had been trying to snuff it out and bury the feelings deep inside where nobody could find them. Apparently it seemed he sucked at trying to stop liking her, and he sucked at hiding it. He took a deep breath and faced Solidad.

"I like May," he admitted quietly.

"Well I like May too," Solidad smirked. He felt his cheeks grow warm again.

"I like her as more than a friend," he mumbled quieter. Solidad's smirk widened.

"That wasn't so hard was it?" Solidad asked rhetorically. He just glared at her in response. "So, why don't you tell her then?"

"I... can't," he said slowly.

"Hmmnn? Why not?" She asked. He couldn't tell her about how he wouldn't be a coordinator after that year's Grand Festival. He didn't have much time left to be with her.

"I'm not good enough for her," he said, which was the truth after all.

"Drew..." Solidad said, her playful mood dissolved into concern with his statement.

"You know it's true. She deserves somebody a lot better than me. I can be mean accidentally because I'm trying to protect myself from others. She deserves someone more open and happy, who will always put a smile on her face," he smiled bitterly.

"While it's true that May deserves someone incredible, she may want something else," Solidad said. He tried to block out the hopeful butterflies that began to stir inside him.

"Somebody may be all she could ever need, but there may be somebody else who is all she could ever want," Solidad said as she patted him on the shoulder. "Don't count yourself out of the game just yet," Solidad encouraged. It was good advice, it was just unfortunate that he couldn't take any of it. In fact, she might've just made his feelings worse for him, even though he was already drowning in them.

"Well, let's head back. Harley and I are probably much closer to our turn now," Solidad said.

"Right," he said as he followed her back.

"You guys took forever!" Harley complained once they reached them.

"Sorry Harley," Solidad apologized. May was sitting and awkward distance from Harley, which he didn't blame her for. As Solidad and Harley were bantering he walked towards her and sat down next to her. He left more space between them than earlier when they had maybe almost...

He was about to talk to May when Solidad plopped down between them.

"Sorry we took so long, he's a bit of a mess, but he's like a kid brother to me. Please take good care of him for me okay?" Solidad grinned mischievously.

"Shut up Solidad!" He grumbled.

"Never," she laughed. Just in the nick of time, the screen flashed to show that Solidad and Harley were on deck.

"Oh, too bad! See you when we get back!" Solidarity waved.

"Wish us luck! Not that we'll need it," Harley boasted as they walked away.

"We've reached the eye of Hurricane Solidad. We'll have peace for a few minutes," he sighed in relief.

"You're such a dork, oh my gosh!" May giggled at him.

"Come on! Not you too!" He exclaimed. May just laughed harder.

"It's just cute is all!" She laughed.




Hope you guys had an amazing holiday no matter what you celebrate! This chapter was not really supposed to exist but it kind of just happened. I didn't realize how long the conversation between Drew and Solidad was going to be. So what I was originally going to write for chapter 43 is now chapter 44 XD oops. I hope the writing is decent in this chapter too. Anyways I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Until next time,


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