03: puppy

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"Have you had dinner?"Mrs.Kim approached her son with a sweet smile and brushed Sunoo's hair out of his face gently causing him to chuckle.

"Not yet. I miss your cooking, mom. What did you cook tonight?"

"Just a stew. Do you want to eat? I will serve it for you."

Sunoo nodded and went to the kitchen to take a glass of water as his throat felt sore after talking too much with his friends earlier.
His mother came toward him again and took off his jacket to wash it but she stopped when the jacket was soaking at the chest part.

"Why is this the only part that got soaked?" His mother asked him curiously. Sunoo then looked at the jacket and bit his lips, thinking of any logical answer.

"A puppy threw up on my jacket when I was carrying her earlier."

"A puppy? Do our neighbor have a puppy?"

Sunoo shook his head, "That one puppy who lived at the playground. The noisy one."

"Is it cute? We should adopt her then."

Sunoo shut his mouth for a while,

"I want to take a shower. I will go down in a few minutes."


"That so sucked!"

Chaewol spilled the pills on the sink and quickly drank the water as she was about to throw up again. She leaned her head on the table, breathing in and out aggressively while messing her hair.

She patted her chest, but harder than usual just to hurt herself more. "What should I do..?"

"Why the hell is the surgery cost so so expensive? Where should I find the tons of money as soon as possible?"She knocked her head and bit her lips until it got bleeding as a way to let go of her anger.

"Don't wait for me at the playground anymore. I don't want to take any responsibility if something bad happens to you."- Sunoo

Chaewol read the text and shut her eyes,

"He is your medicine. Think of him when you feel so down and everything will be okay.
You will grow stronger."

Chaewol then fell asleep in that position, didn't even take her medicine properly, and without having her dinner. Just sleeping with her starving stomach.


The next day, Chaewol went to the small town to search for any jobs that is eligible for her. She went to some convenience stores, restaurants, stalls, and shops nearby but people kept rejecting her because of her age. It's been a few hours since she was walking around the town, but she still didn't find one that accept her.

Chaewol fell on the ground, suddenly felt so hurt in her chest as she out of breath-but no one gave a look at her and lend her help. They just looked at her with a glare, fastened their steps like nothing happened because they were too busy with their own business.

Chaewol opened her bag, searching for medicine, and sighed heavily when she realized that she didn't bring them with her.

"Jung Chaewol?" She didn't lift her head, still patting her chest because the pain was slowly getting worst.

"What the hell is wrong with you?"
The guy kneel on the ground and grabbed her shoulder causing her to look at him. Chaewol took a deep breath, and let it out heavily- still repeating the same thing.

"Taeyoung..." She muttered to him with her eyes almost shut close.

"What--- hey, what's wrong with you?"

"Hospital... Hospital..."

Taeyoung immediately nodded and carried her on his back, quickly stopped the taxi nearby, and went to the hospital as soon as possible.
Chaewol was just lying down on his laps, keep breathing aggressively, and hurt herself by punching her chest more while crying in sobbing.

"You better stop, "Taeyoung spoke up and grabbed her arm.

He then lost his words when she lost her consciousness.

"Speed up, please!"


Chaewol slowly opened her eyes and got confused when she realized that she was at the hospital. She then looked at herself, got emotional when she was wearing the hospital uniform. She shut her eyes, let the tear roll down on her cheeks, and carefully took off the oxygen mask.

Chaewol was about to run away but she stopped when Taeyoung suddenly went into the room with some snacks in his hand. He then looked away, sighed before handing the snacks to her.

"Thank you, Taeyoung--"

"Don't be."He replied without hesitation.

Chaewol looked down, had no idea what to say anymore as the moment suddenly became so awkward since both of them were not even close with each other.

She took out the snack and cut it in half
before handing it to Taeyoung.

"Just eat them all."

Chaewol slowly nodded.

"Is that why you want to watch the fireworks with Sunoo so much?" Taeyoung broke the silence causing Chaewol to stop eating.

"What are you talking about...? I don't understand you."

Taeyoung crossed his arms, "You have a poor heart condition and you need to face surgery as soon as possible before something bad happens to you."

"You have been suffering for a long time
ago but you keep it silent. The doctor told me everything."

"He told me that you didn't want to take the surgery and decide to just go on with the flow of life. You know that you will die, that's why you make a wish to Sunoo. So, you will never leave any regret--"

"If you were me, would you do the same thing?" Chaewol cut him off and wiped her tears.

"I just want to watch the fireworks with him. Is that wrong? I'm just waiting for the moment to happen. I don't want him to return my feeling because I know it will never happen. So, this is the only way to make me happy again. So, I will leave in happiness, never feel regret anymore."

"You're giving up on yourself. You have a chance to escape from this, but you decide to give up."Taeyoung replied angrily.

"Just if you get the surgery for a long time ago, maybe you will get to be with him forever. You will see him growing up, be with his family, and succeed in his life."

Chaewol threw the food away and cried more,
"How can I get the surgery when I don't have enough money to pay for it?"

"Do you think I desperately want to give up? I want to see him happy too. I want to see him living with his loved one. I want to see him be successful in his life too. I want to be with him forever but what should I do?"

"Do you think I have enough money to pay for the surgery? Just if I sell the small house of mine, it wouldn't be enough to pay for it."

"I'm working so hard right now. I'm desperately want to survive. So, I'm on my way to get the tons of money to pay for my surgery but Taeyoung--"

"Do I have enough time for that? My condition is getting worst right now."
She broke into tears again.

"I'm stuck between two situations either giving up or working so hard at this short of a lifetime."

Taeyoung took out his phone and called for Sunoo making Chaewol became so surprised. She moved her body closer to Taeyoung and tried to take the phone away, wanting to end the call because she doesn't want Sunoo to know about her condition.

"Sunoo, you better come to the hospital right now and listen to what Chaewol want to--"

Chaewol grabbed his phone and immediately ended the call.

"Are you crazy?"

Taeyoung brushed his hair out of his face,
"He should know before it's too late. So, he will never treat you like trash again-"

"No. Don't do that. Don't ever tell him about that."

"Oh my god, Chaewol. Why did you make the thing so complicated?"

"I don't want him to pity me. He will come to me and treat me better because he is pitiful of me. I don't want him to do that. It's not sincere at all."
Chaewol tucked her head on Taeyoung's chest, grabbing his uniform while telling him to understand her.

"I want him to come to me when he wants to. I want him to come to me when he accepts me."

"This is hurting me. I don't want to see his pity eyes on me."

Taeyoung cleared his throat and gently wrapped his arm around her shoulder, patting her back slowly. "Alright."

"All I want from you is to not give up easily.

"We don't know what will happen in the future. Miracle will happen and you will survive, I know that."

"So, don't give up."


taeyoung of cravity ~~

(≖͠ ͜ʖ)👌
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