04: the girl on his back

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day: 27


     "Is that why you keep absent from school these days?"

"Yes..."Chaewol shortly replied and shifted her gaze away when she made eye contact with Taeyoung. He was just clearing his throat and grabbed his things as it was already time to go home. The hospital only allowed the visitor to have a meeting with the patient until 8 pm, so he decided to leave 15 minutes earlier before the place got crowded.

"Don't tell about this to Sunoo, Taeyoung." He nodded and walked towards the door while Chaewol was just watching him without any reaction.

Chaewol spoke up again,
"Thank you."

"Yeah..."He replied without looking at her and finally left.


      "Can I go out?" Chaewol asked the nurse curiously after she was done having her breakfast. The nurse nodded and collected the dishes before helping her to get off the bed. Chaewol then took off the oxygen mask and decided to walk by herself without wanting any helps from others.

"Are you sure you can go out alone?"

"Yes. Don't worry. I will be careful."She replied politely and bowed to the nurse as a sign of thank you before leaving the building carefully.

She walked around the place, greeting the elders politely, and bowed to every doctor that she met there. As she was about to go to the cafeteria, her steps stopped when she caught a familiar figure walking in the same direction as her. She looked at the person for a long time and changed her position when he was getting closer to her.

"What is Sunoo doing here...?" Chaewol muttered to herself and lowered her head until Sunoo finally walked past her. She sighed in relief, glad that he didn't notice that she was there.

Chaewol stared at his back for a long time, didn't even call for him because she doesn't want Sunoo to know that she was hospitalized.

Chaewol finally felt so good again. Not a lie but she misses him so much.

She kept thinking of him ever since she got hospitalized, she was wondering if the guy doing good. she was wondering if Sunoo waits for her at the playground like she always did for him.

she misses him and wants to meet him so much. just seeing him today at the hospital already made her feel so good again. she felt relieved, knowing the guy was doing well. she could smile again, she could calm herself again because of his existence. thanks to Sunoo, he gave her more strength to be stronger again.

a little part of her was also curious about him coming here. she was wondering if he get sick or had a problem with himself. she was wondering and anxious about him more than herself.

Chaewol was so selfless when it comes to Sunoo again. She knows about it, but she keeps doing it even though she got hurt so many times.

Chaewol was just watching him, badly wants to approach him and ask him about his health but she held herself first and just listened to his conversation with a doctor.

"What does a person with leukemia looks like?" Sunoo asked the doctor curiously.

Chaewol raised her eyebrows in confusion,


"Is he sick?"


"Chaewol. Next appointment on next week. Remember that, okay?"

"And also think about the surgery. Please make a decision as soon as possible."

Chaewol nodded and bowed respectfully to the doctor before leaving the hospital room. After she was has done paying all of the bills, she quickly took a taxi to the house. She was just staring at the sky, smiling when Sunoo crossed her mind.

She couldn't wait to meet Sunoo again in school. It's been two days since she didn't see him, so she hopes he misses seeing her too. She was wondering if the guy ever stop at the playground just to see her if she was there when she wasn't around.

Does he feel so different when he didn't see me there? she mumbled to herself and fake a smile when she was hurting herself by thinking of something delusional again.

it's not that she is stupid. she knows everything, but she keeps thinking positively just to make herself feel so good because it's the only way to make her happy again.

Chaewol shut her eyes and shook her head, forcing a smile on her face. As soon as the car drove past the playground, she immediately told the driver to stop her nearby. It was almost 9 pm-- Sunoo will be there in a few minutes. So, she decided to wait for him there.

she wants to see how would he react when he sees her there. she wants to approach him and walk home with him even though she was still weak.

Chaewol went to the playground happily, ran around the place because she misses that place so much. Without any hesitation, she climbed on the slide and lay there like it was her bed.

"I miss this."She muttered and chuckled.

"I miss reading my comic here."

"Hey, slide. Do you miss me?"Chaewol asked happily and shut her eyes, feeling so happy to be here again.

"It's finally 9 pm. He will be here."Chaewol cupped her face, keep giggling because she felt so excited to see her love again.

"He is here."She mumbled in happiness.

Chaewol chuckled as soon as she saw his shadow. She carefully stood up on the slide, was preparing to call for him as loud as she could.

"Kim Sunoo!"

"It's me, Jung Chaewol!"

"I'm finally home!"

"Do you miss me--"

Chaewol immediately shut her mouth when she saw him with a girl on his back. Her eyes got widened, her hand got shaking and her heart was beating so fast again. She blinks her eyes, processing what was going on.

her world crashed down,

"Who..." She muttered to herself but stopped halfway as she felt so shocked.

"Lee Saebyeol, please don't be like this!"

"Lee Saebyeol, everything will be alright."

"Hang on there!"

"Saebyeol, do you hear me?"

"I know you're strong! please hang on!"

Chaewol lowered her gaze,
"Lee Saebyeol...?"

"Isn't she the girl--"

"Saebyeol, please stay with me."

Chaewol widened her eyes and got confused.
Everything around her stopped working, the whole moment was freezing and all she could see was Sunoo with the girl on his back, running through the hallway while searching for a taxi nearby.

She felt nothing else than pain.
the feeling is getting worst again which makes her heartfelt so much pain.
Chaewol bit her lips and clenched her fist while shutting her eyes to hold her tears.

she could feel that the world is laughing at her right now.
she felt so down again and again even though she told herself to pretend as nothing happen.


"I will always be with you."

"I will stay with you forever."

"I will stay with you."

"Let's go through this together."

"Please be strong. All we need to do is go to the hospital and have your treatment."

"Everything will be okay, my love."


how's this chapter?  hope you guys like it 😋
im sorry if I have ever disappointed you ❤️
I will work so hard next time 🌼🌼

(≖͠ ͜ʖ)👌
please leave a vote and comments :3

(>) thank you for reading

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