08: pool

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day: 23



      Lunchtime finally reached the end and the other lesson was going to start in less than 15 minutes. Chaewol was just arrived at the classroom with a few comics on her arm and let out a relief when the teacher still wasn't there. She then looked at Sunoo, hoping for him to look at her back but he was too busy talking to Taeyoung causing him to not notice her existence. She smiled, went back to her seat, and prepared for the next lesson.

As she was about to sit, she got confused when people walked out of the classroom together. She wanted to ask Sunoo about what was going on but he already left. So, she just approached Taeyoung and stopped him from leaving by holding his sleeve making him look at her with a tiny smile on his face.

"Where is everyone going?"

"We have a swimming lesson. Don't you know about it?"

Chaewol widened her eyes and patted her chest, "What should I do, Taeyoung?"

"You should tell the teacher about it. I don't think you can stay in the pool for a long time. It's not good for your heart..."She nodded.

"I know but-- everyone will be so confused if they see me avoiding getting into the pool..."

Taeyoung hummed in response and wrapped his arm around her shoulder, dragging her to the teacher's room to talk about her sickness while the others were heading to the swimming pool. Sunoo who was waiting for Taeyoung in the hallway got so confused to see both of them together. Without any hesitation, he followed them from behind because he was curious about what was going on.

Taeyoung and Chaewol bowed to the teacher as a greeting and seems hesitant to speak up about it when the teacher was looking at them with a cold gaze.

"Why are you guys still here? Go change your uniform."The teacher spoke up.

Taeyoung poked Chaewol's shoulder, gave a sign to speak before the teacher lost his temper. "Mr.Wook, I can't attend the swimming class..."

Mr.Wook stood up and crossed his arm,
"Why? What kind of excuse that you will use this time?"

Chaewol took a glance at Taeyoung and looked down. "I just can't do it ...."

"Just tell him, Chaewol," Taeyoung whispered to her but she shook her head as she couldn't even speak up about it.

"I don't like it when people are avoiding attending my class. No excuse when it comes to my class. Go to the changing room, change your uniform and go to the swimming pool as soon as possible."

The teacher pushed them out from the room,
"But--- Mr.Wook---" Chaewol tried to speak up but already got kicked off from the teacher room with Taeyoung.

As soon as they left the room, their eyes widened when they saw Sunoo was leaning his back next to the door. He then put his hand on the pocket and looked at both of them with a cold gaze,

"What's going on?" He asked Taeyoung coldly.

"Did you guys hide something from me?" He asked again but this time, his pitch got lower, so deep meaning that he was so serious causing Chaewol to not be able to look at him straight in his eyes.

"Taeyoung, why didn't you reply to me?"

"You should ask Chaewol. I will go first."
Taeyoung patted Chaewol on her shoulder and left without hesitation. Chaewol bit her lips as a way to hold her anger and lowered her chin when Sunoo stood more closer to her.

"Why? Why are you avoiding attending the swimming class?"

Chaewol still shuts her mouth, too scared to face him because he looks so scary.

"Are you sick?"

Chaewol slowly shook her head.

"Then why?"

Chaewol toyed with her fingers, thinking of any ways to escape from this situation. She took a step backward and was about to run away but Sunoo quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her closer before bending his body to her height.

"Why are you running away?"

"You never being this silent when you're with me." He asked but this time, in a soft tone making she finally got to look at his eyes.

Chaewol smiled, "I'm on my period. That's why I can't get into the pool. That's all."

Sunoo sighed, and let go of her arm.

"It's okay, Sunoo. You should change your uniform. I want to talk about this to Mr.Wook."


  After talking about the true thing to Mr.Wook, he finally allowed her to not attend the swimming class until she got fully recovered. Glad that Mr.Wook understood her concern and decided to keep her sickness silent for her sake, so she could be comfortable just watching the lesson from far.

Chaewol stepped into the hall and was stunned to see Sunoo in his swimming suit. He was so mesmerizing with that look and it honestly melt her a lot. When their eyes met, Chaewol quickly broke it off and ran to search for seats as the teacher was going to start the lesson.

After an hour of having the lesson, the bell finally rang meaning the lesson reached an end. Every one of them got off from the swimming pool and rushed to the changing room to change their clothes, just leaving Sunoo, Taeyoung, and Chaewol in the hall.

Chaewol stood up from her seat, walked carefully as the floor was slippery while Sunoo and Taeyoung were heading out from the hall, talking to each other without waiting for Chaewol.

"Sunoo, wait for me." She called him but he was too far away from her. She then fastened her steps to chase for him but suddenly, she slipped and fell into the pool.

Sunoo stopped on his way as he heard her voice from the hall. He was about to ignore his thought but later then, he quickly went into the hall again, leaving Taeyoung who looks so clueless.

"Jung Chaewol, what's--"
He widened his eyes when she was still struggling to swim. He quickly jumped into the water, swam toward her, and brought her by wrapping his arm around her waist, pulling her closer to his embrace.

Chaewol was shaking and crying because of the panic attack- she wrapped her arm around his neck and tucked her head on his embrace, gasping for breathing aggressively.

"Jung Chaewol, back to your sense, "Sunoo spoke up but she didn't listen to him and cried even harder, still feeling so hard to breathe making her feel so sucked in her chest.

"Jung Chaewol, calm yourself."

"You're safe now."

"Don't cry. I am with you."

Chaewol shook her head for no reason. She also doesn't know why she reacts this way.

Sunoo suddenly cupped her face and titled her jaw making their eyes meet. The soft gaze in his eyes made Chaewol finally stop crying.

"You're safe now."He muttered to her.

"I want to live..."She spoke up and bit her lips,

She sniffed her nose, "I want to live, Sunoo."

"I want to live..."

"I don't want to die..."

"What's wrong with you, Chaewol--"

Chaewol hugged him,
"I don't want to die, Sunoo."

"Stay with me, please."


thank you for reading ! don't forget to vote and leave your comments~ 💓💓 have a great day! i love you!

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