09: convenience store

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day: 22



The school finally ended. Today was such a tiring day for Chaewol. After the pool accident, she was avoiding seeing everyone and skipped lunchtime because she was so embarrassed about her looks. Her hair was messing up, her uniform got soak and she just wearing an oversized white t-shirt with long green pants that she keep in her locker. Her classmates were just watching her, holding their laughter to see her in that look. that's why she wanted to avoid others. she couldn't even bear listening to people criticized her.

Chaewol took a glance at Sunoo who was packing up his things and immediately walked out of the building like he wanted to go somewhere else. Chaewol packed up her things too and chased him from behind while holding a red bean bread in her hand. She wanted to give it to him as a sign of thank you for helping her earlier, so she ran towards him as fast as she could before he lost her vision.

"Sunoo, wait for me." She called him, ignoring some students who were also walking through the same hallway as her. Sunoo didn't even hear her because he was listening to music by his earpods, just fastening his steps towards the gate.

"Sunoo, please wait." She gasped for breathing and stopped, lowering her body and placing her palm on her knee. As she was about to chase for him again, he already lost her vision.

She looked around the place and sighed when she saw him get into the taxi, heading to somewhere else other than his academy.

She fake a smile when she realized that he probably wants to see that girl he loved, the one he carried on his back. She looked at the red bean bread in her hand for a long time and just it in her bag before walking home to change her clothes.

Chaewol finally found a job after a long time of searching for it. Her shift was going to start in less than an hour, so she needed to change her clothes as soon as possible and take a taxi to the convenience store where she worked.


"That one."

Chaewol looked at the multiple types of cigarettes blankly, had no idea where the customer pointed his finger at. The customer messed his hair as he got mad and crossed his arm, "You stupid lady. You shouldn't work here if you don't know anything."

Chaewol bowed as apologized and handed the cigarettes to him but he suddenly pushed her hand away. "Not that one!" He scolded her angrily causing other customers to look at them surprisingly. Chaewol almost lost her mind seeing some customers leave the store because the man keep finding trouble with her.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry."She bowed again.

"What a bad service. I will never come here again." He stumbled his feet and left the store without apologizing. Chaewol watched the man leaving and sighed, pinching her head when she felt so dizzy. It's the first day of her working here and it is already being a whole mess. She knows that it was her fault for being so slow and numb, and it honestly made her feel so scared if the manager finds out about this.

Chaewol tucked her hair behind her ear and arranged the stock after she has done serving the customers. She arranged the alcohol drinks carefully and immediately went to the counter when another customer came into the store.

She went to the counter to greet the customer and slowly lowered her head when she realized that it was Sunoo. He was surprised to see her there but he didn't say anything, just minding his business.

The door opened widely meaning other customers came. Chaewol greet the customer with a warm smile and bit her lips when it was Saebyeol.

Saebyeol approached Sunoo who was choosing ice creams and asked him if he wants anything else but he didn't allow her to find the items and just asked her to stay in the taxi because she was still sick.

Chaewol went silent and wiped her sweats as it suddenly felt so hot to be there.

After a few minutes of choosing what to buy, Sunoo finally went to the counter. He fixed his eyes on Chaewol, just watching her scanning the items without saying anything. Chaewol was just doing her works, pretending like she didn't know him because she was so embarrassed to let him see her this way.

Saebyeol came next to Sunoo and put more items.

"Chaewol," Saebyeol spoke up and smiled, slowly waving her hand.

"It's been a long time since we didn't meet. Do you still remember me?"

Chaewol smiled and nodded.

"Do you know her?" Sunoo asked Saebyeol
curiously and she nodded.

"We met at the hospital."

"Hospital...?" Sunoo raised his eyebrows and looked at Chaewol, hoping for an explanation.

"We both have a treatment--"

Chaewol cut her off, "It's 10000 won."
She put the items in the bag and hand them to Sunoo.

Sunoo just nodded and paid for the item by using his card. Saebyeol chuckled again,
"It feels so great to see you again. I hope we can meet in school. I'm working at the cafeteria, so you can ask me for more food."

Chaewol chuckled too and nodded,
"Alright, Saebyeol. I will meet you at the cafeteria tomorrow."

Saebyeol left the store, just leaving Sunoo with Chaewol.

Sunoo went to the counter again and took out something from the bag while Chaewol was just looking at him in confusion.

"Eat this. Don't work too hard."He handed a snack to her and gave her a warm smile.

Chaewol lowered her head, holding herself from being emotional because she felt so hurt after seeing him with the girl he loved- she wiped her face and pretended to be okay before looking at him straight in his eyes,

"Thank you."She said and smiled.

Chaewol slowly reached her hand to him and felt more emotional when his hand was so cold. She then held his hand gently, and let tears roll on her cheeks,

"Your hand is so cold..." She muttered while holding her tears again.

"I don't like seeing you get cold.."
She continued and held his hand tighter to make him warm.

Chaewol took out a hot pack from her bag and put it on his palm, "Take care, Sunoo."
She bit her lips to hold herself from sobbing more.

"Take care too, Chaewol."

Sunoo let go of her hand gently and left the store after taking a glance at her for the last time.


thank you for reading! 💓💓 hope you guys like it hohoho <333 don't forget to vote and comment! ^~^ gonna read it everyday >~<
I love you! have a great day and eat well!

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