18: The Bunny's First Love

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Day 13


      "Have of taste of these cookies!"

"Hello, do you want to taste this cookie?"

"Hello, can you---"

"Go away." A man pushed Chaewol away causing her to fall to the ground. The man didn't even apologize to her and just keep walking while talking on the phone. Chaewol was just tucking her lips, lowering her head when people looked at her with a glare. She collected the cookies one by one before promoting them again to people who walked past by the streets.

"Hello! If you love cookies, you can come to me and have a taste of my homemade cookies!"
Chaewol spoke up happily and waved to some kids who were waving to her as they were happy to see her in the mascot.

"This cookie has a lot of chocolate chips that will immediately melt in your mouth as soon as you bit it!"

"This cookies--" Chaewol paused and wiped her sweats, "This cookie is the most delicious cookie in the world!"

"These cookies will be your favorite cookies ever!"

"So, don't miss your chance!"

Chaewol cleared her throat and gasped for breathing as she was out of breath again. She patted her chest, continue promoting the cookies when people kept passing the streets.

"Do you like cookies? Do you want to taste mine?"

"I'm pretty sure your kid will like it."

"Have a taste--"

Chaewol lowered her head when no one them mind her. She stood in the middle of the street, watching people who were avoiding her.

Chaewol sighed, "I just want to pay for my surgery..."

She went to the bus stop to take a rest and sat on the bench while zoning out as she was so exhausted from working too hard today. She took off the mascot head and let out a relief when she finally could breathe properly. Chaewol wiped the sweats on her neck and apologized to some people who were sitting next to her because she was so smelly.

"I'm sorry." She muttered softly and bowed to them when they avoided her.

"I'm sorry..."

A kid suddenly sat next to Chaewol and asked for cookies for free.

Chaewol smiled, patting the kid's head and giving the cookies to him.

"Thank you."

The kid nodded, "You're a cute sister."

Chaewol chuckled, "Thank you, little boy."

"Am I not smelly?"Chaewol asked the kid curiously but he just shook his head,
"You were working so hard under the hot sun."

"Of course you would be smelly." He chuckled.

"But it didn't bother me."

Chaewol patted the kid's head again.

"That's the bus. Are you going with me, big sister?" The kid asked curiously.

"No. I'm just resting here. Go to your mother, okay? Have a safe journey." She replied to him and gave more cookies to him.

"I will go first." He waved at her and went on the bus with his mother.

Chaewol watched him until he got onto the bus and widened her eyes when she saw Sunoo was getting off the bus. She quickly wore the head mascot again and stood up from her seat, thinking how to run away.

Sunoo got off the bus alone and fixed his eyes on Chaewol who was in the mascot.

He slowly gazed at the basket of cookies that she held, "Are you selling cookies?"

Chaewol nodded.

"How much is it?"

"1000 won..."

Sunoo grabbed the basket of cookies from her,
"I will buy them."

Chaewol lifted her head to see him surprisingly, couldn't believe what he just said.

Sunoo double the paid and went to the bench, leaving Chaewol who was so speechless.

She took a glance at him and stared at him who was eating the cookies that she made while scrolling on his phone. Chaewol was so amazed to see him without realizing that the guy caught her behavior. Sunoo turned off his phone and looked at her who gave the same vibes as someone he know.

He stood up from the bench and slowly approached her. He reached his head to her head, patted it gently with his eyes fixed on her.
Chaewol was just looking at him and lowering her head when he leaned his face closer to her while cupping her face.

"Why do you keep reminding of someone?"
He tilted her jaw. "Who are you?"

Sunoo fixed his eyes on her again and shook his head, "I got the wrong person."

He took a step away.

"Do you remember me?" Chaewol spoke up.

Sunoo turned his body to face her,

He nodded, "You were the one who give the cookies to me last night."

Chaewol nodded.

"How about last night...?"

Sunoo raised his eyebrows in confusion.

"The two options."

"What was your last choice...?"

Sunoo showed the cookies to her,

"Thank you for the cookies." He changed the topic and bid her goodbye before leaving her in the hallway.


"Taeyoung, could you pass me the notes that the teacher gave yesterday?" Sunoo talked on the phone with Taeyoung while walking out from the academy building. He talked longer with his friend and was surprised when it was raining heavily.

"What the hell..."

"I didn't bring an umbrella with me."

Taeyoung laughed on the phone,
"I think you will be sleeping there tonight."

Sunoo rolled his eyes and ended the call. He looked at the sky, slowly reached his hand to the pouring rain, and shut his eyes, just enjoying the sound of rain as it was so peaceful.

Sunoo opened his eyes and was confused when he saw a mascot was running toward him while holding an umbrella in her hand.

it was Chaewol.

He had no idea that it was her.

Chaewol stood in front of him, letting herself get soaked by the rain and handing the umbrella to him. Sunoo was just looking at her who was gasping for breathing, didn't even take the umbrella from her hand because he was so confused to see her here. He was wondering why did the mascot be still here even though he has already bought all of the cookies that she sold earlier.

He took the umbrella from her and quickly stopped her from running away by holding her hand tightly,

Chaewol stopped on her way and looked at him nervously.

"Why are you still here? It's already 9 pm."
Sunoo spoke up after a minute of making eye contact with her.

She shook her head, didn't want to respond as she just wanted to leave.

"Look at you now..."

"You got soak..."

"Why did you do this to yourself...?"

He opened the umbrella and used it to protect her from the rain. He pulled the girl closer to him and held her hand causing Chaewol to look at him in confusion,

"Let's go."

Chaewol blink her eyes,

"You lived nearby the playground, right?"

"So, we lived in the same neighborhood then."

"Let's go home together."

Chaewol shook her head.
"I still want to stay here..."

Sunoo held her tighter,

"How can I let you stay here without your umbrella?"

Chaewol let go of his hand from her and quickly ran away, letting herself get soaked by the rain.

She took a glance at him again and waved her hand to him before leaving for real.


Day 12

  After a few hours of having the treatment in the hospital, Chaewol finally got to go home.
As soon as she got into the taxi, Chaewol was just pinching her head and shutting her eyes because she felt so dizzy.

Chaewol got sick after running through the rain last night.

She keeps sneezing and losing her balance. Her body was getting weak due to her heart problem, her face and lips looks so pale like she haven't eaten for a long time.

She looked at the blue sky, smile appeared on her face when she suddenly thought of Sunoo.
Chaewol was so proud of herself for doing everything to protect him. Even though she got hurt, she never feel any regret doing kind things to him.

She fell too deep.
like if his love was a forest.
she would be the one who ended up lost, had no idea how to escape.

"How long is this going to happen?"

"What happens if I'm giving up on him?"

"Will everything be okay?"

"Will I be okay with out him?"

"I can't even bear seeing him get hurt."

"I can't even bear seeing him alone."

"Even if we meet for one time a month, I will always fall hard on him."

"I'm truly in love with him."

"It's been several years, and yet I'm still with him."

"I always told you that I will be waiting for you."

"I never know the reason I'm waiting for you."

"What am I waiting for?"

"I don't know."

"Am I waiting for you to return my feeling? I don't want it to happen because I know he has someone else in his pure heart."

"Am I waiting for you to watch the fireworks with me?"

"But I don't want to watch them anymore. I don't want to fulfill the wish anymore."

"I don't want to watch the fireworks anymore."

"What am I waiting for...?"

"Why did I am still here with him?"

"I know that I will never get the chance but why am I still here?"

"Am I just waiting for the day we could spend our time together before I'm leaving forever?"

"Am I waiting for my death?"

"Maybe it is the answer to my unanswered questions."

Chaewol saw the playground and asked the driver to stop her by. She chuckled when she spotted Caecae was playing with some kids at the playground.

Chaewol quickly approached them and greet them nicely.

They gathered around her and chuckled.

"We have a big sister here!"

"Where's the book?!"

"Where's the book?!"

Chaewol looked at them in confusion when they gathered in one place, taking out something from the cute froggy bag pack.

Chaewol giggled when they approached her with a book in their hand.

"Can you read this book for us? We are still lacking in reading." They looked at her full of hope causing Chaewol to laugh.

Chaewol then sat on the ground, put CaeCae on her lap, and asked the kids to sit around her.

"The Bunny's First Love."

"Once upon a time, there was a bunny who was playing with her friends. She was a little bunny compared to others and that means she was the weakest in the group of bunnies. So, the bunny always got lost in every game she played."

"The bunny was frustrated. She wanted to win so much. So, the bunny was hiding far from others while they were playing hide and seek."

"She got into the forest without any hesitation."


The kids laughed along with Chaewol.

At the same time, Sunoo walked past the playground with Taeyoung. They stopped at the street when they heard some kids were laughing.

Sunoo quickly approached the playground and let out a relief when he finally met Chaewol after a long time of searching for her.

Taeyoung was just taking a glance at Sunoo, curious about the guy's reaction when he finally saw the girl that he keep searching for.

he smiled as Sunoo was too obvious day by day.

He continue watching Chaewol who was telling the story to the group of kids.

Sunoo fixed her eyes on her, slowly hugging himself as he got interested in the story.

"The bunny was hiding for a long time. No one spotted her. She felt so proud of herself."

"But after a few minutes, she started to be uneasy."

"She searched for a way to leave the forest and end up lost. The bunny was anxious. She looked around the place and quickly hid behind the tree when she saw a group of tigers was walking around the place.

The bunny became so terrified. Her body was shaking."

The kids became scared too and leaned closer to each other.

"GASP!" The kids screamed.

"One of the tigers saw her! What should she do?"

"She will be dead. What should she do?"

The kids shook her head, "We should help her!"
One of them replied to Chaewol.

"The bunny became so scared to see the tiger."

"The tiger was waiting for the others to leave and just standing in front of the bunny."

"The tiger asked her, what are you doing here?"

"The bunny didn't speak. So, the tiger approached her and bend his body down causing the bunny to look at him in confusion."

"Guess what?" Chaewol smiled at the kids.

"The tiger was helping her to get out from the forest. He asked her to get on his back and after a long time of hesitating, she finally got on his back and tucked her head on his back causing the tiger to laugh at her."

"You little bunny, you shouldn't get into the forest."

"The bunny stay silent until they were out of the forest. The tiger put her down and smiled at her, reaching his paw to her head and patting it gently."

"Don't play around here anymore."

"The bunny thank the tiger and quickly ran away."

"The next day, the bunny went to the forest again with an apple in her mouth. She wanted to give an apple to the tiger that she met yesterday as a gift!"

"She waited there for a long time and finally saw the tiger."

"The tiger saw her too! He immediately went towards her and took the apple from her."

"Why don't you bring more? I'm so hungry."

The kids laughed.

"The tiger brought the bunny around the forest. He played with her. He taught her how to climb on the tree and also went into the lake with her to catch a fish."

"The bunny was so happy to spend her time with him."

"And the bunny realized that she was just falling in love with the tiger!"

The kids made the aww sound.

"Next day coming, she went to the forest to spend her time with a tiger."

"Everything went well until one day, the tiger didn't show up anymore."

"The bunny waited for him every day."

"The bunny brought a lot of food for him."

"She waited for him."

"Wait and wait."

"She was exhausted but she was still staying in the forest, just to see him.

"Because she knows, her day will become better just by seeing him."

"The bunny went back home and came in the next day."

"Where is the tiger?" One of the kids whined.

"After a long time of waiting, the bunny finally met the tiger!"

"She was so happy."

"She finally saw him again."

"But this time-" Chaewol paused and continue reading the book.

"But this time, he met his love."

"He got married to a female tiger.

"He has kids now."

"He was happily married to the female tiger."

"The bunny was just watching him and his family."

"She was so sad to see her first love got married with his choice."

"She wants him so much. She loves him so much. She waits for him for a long time."

"But what should she do?"

"No matter what happens, the tiger and the bunny couldn't be together because they are different."

"The bunny was meant to be with a bunny and the tiger was meant to be with a tiger."

"The tiger was her first love."

"But the bunny accepted everything now."

"The bunny was happy to see him happy with his choice."

"Even though it hurts her, she was still happy for him."

"The bunny said, I will be happy if he is happy."

"The tiger saw the bunny there and smiled at

"The bunny smiled at him too."

"Thank you for noticing me."

"The bunny said to him and bid him goodbye before leaving the forest forever."

"The End."

The kids whined as they couldn't accept the ending.

Chaewol closed the book. "How's the book?"

The kids raised their hands to ask a question,

"Why did the bunny give up on chasing him

Chaewol chuckled,
"Because she knows that they weren't meant to be."

"I hate the tiger!" They said.


"Because he made the bunny sad."

"Why didn't he choose the bunny at the end?"

"The bunny loves him a lot. Why can't he just get married to her?"

"Why did he choose someone else?"

Chaewol shook her head,
"He has his choice. He can choose whoever he wants to stay with."

"He can decide what he wants because it is his life."

"He loves the tiger. We can't hate him for rejecting the bunny."

"It's his feeling. We can't force someone to love us back just because we fall in love with them."

"It's selfish."

"We should be happy with their choice no matter how much it will affect us."

"That's a great choice."

"Why didn't the tiger notice her efforts?" The kid asked more.

"The tiger fell in love with the female tiger. Once they fall in love, they will never recognize anyone else other than their love."

"That's why the tiger didn't notice her efforts."

"Thank you for reading the book!"

The kids ran towards Chaewol and hugged her tightly. CaeCae who was on Chaewol's lap suddenly woke up from her deep sleeping because of the loud noise from the kids.

Chaewol laughed, hugging them one by one.

She looked around the place and her smile slowly faded away when she caught Sunoo who was smiling at her.

"Kim Sunoo..."



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