17: second options

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Day: 14


"I heard about it."

Sunoo lifted his head to see Taeyoung who has just arrived at the classroom. Taeyoung took out his books and continue doing his homework. Sunoo was just looking at him in confusion and shaking his head before reading a book again.

"I heard that you were going out with Saebyeol last night. You were watching the fireworks show and also---" Taeyoung paused.

"having a great moment with her."

"Is it true?"

Sunoo put his pen down and brushed his hair out of his face, "It's true..."

Taeyoung sighed heavily, "Are you getting back with her?"

"She doesn't want that to happen."

Taeyoung nodded and looked around the classroom, focused on the empty desk which was supposed to be for Chaewol. He then took out his phone, called her just to ask if she is good. Sunoo stopped writing as he saw that and just waiting for Chaewol to answer the call.

"Why didn't she pick up the phone?" Taeyoung muttered and called her again.

Sunoo took out his phone too and widened his eyes when he just saw the texts from Chaewol. He remained silent, reading them one by one and sighing as he realized that he messed up again. The text was sent last night, and it was too late to ask about what was happening to her. He scrolled the conversation, realized that she deleted a lot of texts.

he was curious.

keep thinking about what was she wanted to say.

he looked at the screen for a long time and messed his hair when he realized that he ignored the text as soon as the fireworks started.

he could feel that it was something bad.

Chaewol was having a hard time,

he could feel that

but he was too late.

Sunoo called her a few times and was frustrated when she didn't answer him. He turned off the phone, stood up from his seat before heading towards the door to leave the place but he stopped when the homeroom teacher came.

The teacher came into the classroom and greeted the students.

Sunoo came back to his seat, still feeling uneasy about Chaewol.

"Before we start the lesson."

"I have something to say to everyone."

Sunoo and Taeyoung tilted their heads and focused on the teacher.

"Jung Chaewol has decided to drop out of school."

"Her uncle just talked about this to the director and after a long time of discussing and processing, the school accepted the decision."

"We were so confused about the sudden decision from her. A lot of questions crossed our mind and we couldn't help but ask her uncle the reason she wanted to drop out of school."

"But her uncle didn't want to tell us the reason. We couldn't say anything and just respect him as the guardian."

"I hope she will be happy and successful in the future. Let's pray the best for her."

The students exchanged glances with each other and accidentally chuckled causing the teacher to be confused about her reaction to the sad news.

The other students laughed too,
"It's better without her."

"I can't believe this is happening."

"Finally, there will be no more stupid girl in our classroom."

They laughed and immediately shut their mouths when the teacher scolded them for being rude.

Sunoo texted Chaewol secretly, asking her some questions but she didn't even respond to him.
He looked at her desk, and shook his head, telling himself that everything will be okay.

Taeyoung took a glance at her desk too and muttered slowly, "Please don't say that your condition is getting worst..."

Sunoo looked at Taeyoung in confusion,
"What did you just say?"

"Nothing." Taeyoung quickly responds and continues focusing on the lesson.


"Why didn't you come to the academy?"

Sunoo didn't respond to the text and turned off his phone as soon as the taxi stopped him by the playground. Without any hesitation, he got off of the car and ran to the playground to see if she was there.

He bit his lips when she wasn't there.

He went to the slide, wondering if she was sleeping inside the slide again but he was wrong. He went to her favorite swing and gasped for breathing when she wasn't there too.

Sunoo looked at his watch and realized that it was almost 9 pm. So, he decided to wait on the swing, keep looking around the place to see if she walked past the playground.

He waited for her, turning on his phone and texting her again.

He looked at the texts he sent to him this morning and sighed when she didn't reply to any of them.

Sunoo shut his eyes, wishing for her to be here.

He waited for her longer because he know that she will be there. Chaewol loves spending her time here, climbing on the slide with a little bag pack on her back. She will lay on the slide while reading a comic, she will sleep on the slide every time she feels so sleepy while waiting for him. Chaewol will always be sat on the swing while writing her diary.

Sunoo believes that she will come.

she always waits for him at the playground.

she will never leave the place even though he asks her to.

she will never miss her chance to go to the playground,

he knows that she will come.

it's her favorite place.

it's rare to see her wasn't at the playground every time it is 9 pm.

Sunoo looked at the watch.
"It's 9 pm. She will be here."

"Sunoo, will you come tonight?" Sunoo looked at the text he received from Saebyeol.

He bit his lips, had no idea how to respond.

"I'm hurting... It's killing me slowly..."

"I don't want to have the treatment anymore, Sunoo. I just want to go with the flow of life."

"I want to leave but why am I so scared to die?"

"I am so coward."

"I'm so scared."

"Will you come to me tonight...?"

"I know that I keep burdening you. I'm sorry for that. I'm sorry for being like this, Sunoo."

"But this time, I need your help so much."

"I'm sorry for being so selfish."

"But Kim Sunoo, I need you."

"I'm scared."

Sunoo turned off the phone and messed his hair as he was so confused. He pinched his head and sighed.

"What should I do...?" He muttered.

"Cookies?" A mascot stood in front of him causing him to lift his head to look at them.
Sunoo slowly fixed his eyes on the cookies that the mascot offered to him.

The mascot grabbed his palm,
and put two packets of cookies on it.

The mascot took a step backward,
suddenly dancing in front of him to entertain him but he was just watching them without saying anything.

The mascot massaged their head, thinking how to entertain Sunoo. They approached Sunoo, gently held his shoulder before massaging it.

Sunoo took a step away from the mascot and pushed them causing them to almost fall.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to push you that hard." He spoke up and approached the mascot, asking them if they are good.

The mascot nodded happily.

Sunoo let out a relief,
"Thank you for the cookies. I will eat them later."

The mascot nodded again and approached Sunoo anxiously,

"What's wrong with that sad face?"

Sunoo shook his head, "I was so confused."

"I was supposed to search for my friend here."

"She loves spending her time here."

"I was waiting for her for a long time."

"I was so guilty and anxious about her. I forgot to reply to her texts last night. I could feel that she need my help."

"I'm late."

"So, I waited for her here."

"But she wasn't coming."

"I want to wait."

"But at the same time, a girl needs my help too."

"she wants me to come to her."

"she wants me to be with her."

"What should I do? I still haven't met the playground girl who loves reading her comic here."

The mascot suddenly hugged Sunoo tightly and patted his back.

"If you need to choose one of two options in your life."

"choose the second option."

"if you truly want the first option,

the second option will never exist."

"Just choose the second option..."

"I bet it will make you happier."

"So, go to the girl that waited for you right now."

"Don't worry about the first girl."

"She will be okay."

"She will be strong."

"She will be good."

"Don't worry."

The mascot patted his back again and held his hand, "Why are you so cold?"

Sunoo looked at the mascot for a long time and was surprised when the mascot gave a hot pack to him.

"Don't catch a cold!" The mascot said and brought a basket of cookies with them, taking a step to leave the place.

The mascot turned their body to face him
again and slowly waved their hand to him,

Sunoo stood there, watching the mascot without saying anything.

Chaewol quickly ran to the narrow hallway, hiding as she didn't want Sunoo to recognize her.

She took off the mascot head and sat on the ground with sweats on her body.

She then hugged herself tightly and cried when she keep thinking of him.

"This is hurting me..."

She cried harder,
"How long is this going to happen?"

"I can't even bear seeing him that way."

"he was hurting me."

"But I keep taking care of him."

"I'm such a fool."


thank you for reading ~ ^>^ hope you like it! I'm so sorry if this chapter disappoints you! I will work harder next time! have a great day!

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