16: something I love

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•bad words

day: 15


"What do you mean by you didn't have any money with you?"

Chaewol cried and shook her head while telling her uncle to let go of her. She took a step backward and gasped when she accidentally bumped into the wall causing her to lose and have no way to run away. Her uncle suddenly grabbed her hair aggressively and pushed her on the couch before grabbing her collar.

"I was letting you live here for several years and I never ask for anything! is it so hard to help me, Jung Chaewol?"

"I got so mad after getting fired today. I need alcohol."

"Give me money. All of your money!"

"To repay my kindness." He grabbed her collar causing her to not be able to breathe properly.

He pulled her hair again making her cry harder and tried to take her purse from the pocket. "Where did you put all of your money, dummy?"

He suddenly took off her clothes and searched for her purse. As he found it, Chaewol quickly grabbed his arm and tried to take the purse from him. Unexpectedly, he harshly grabbed her body and pushed her causing her head to bump into the table and fall on the ground.

"You have a lot of money, girl." Her uncle muttered evilly and took all of her money from the purse.


"No..."Chaewol cried and forced herself to stand up even though she was so weak. She ran towards him, knee on the floor, and hugged his leg, telling him to give the money back.

"Chill. It's for alcohol!"

"Don't take all of them please..."She begged more and hugged his legs.
"Please, Mr. Chihoo."

"This is to pay for my kindness, Chaewol." He replied angrily.

"Let go of me."

"No....please give them to me."

"You're so fucking annoying."

"Mr.Chihoo, I need them."

"This fucking kid makes me mad." He grabbed her hair again and put her down on the floor. He then suddenly slapped her face as a way to stop her from fighting him back causing Chaewol to surprise and cry nonstop because it was so painful.

But, Mr.Chihoo didn't stop.

He let her suffer by slapping her a few times and pulling her hair.

Chaewol became so weak and finally stopped. She lay down on the floor while looking at the ceiling with tears rolling on her cheeks. She watched Mr.Chihoo put all of the money in his wallet and leave the house without taking a glance at her.

"It's for my surgery..."She muttered weakly and groaned in pain.


It was almost midnight and glad that Mr.Chihoo wasn't home. Chaewol went to the room properly, still felt so weak after getting beaten earlier.

She looked at herself through the camera of her phone and got emotional when her face was filled with bruises and wounds.

"I'm so ugly..."

"I'm such an ugly..."

Chaewol cleared her throat and groaned in pain when she accidentally touched the swollen on her arm.

"Sunoo..." She shut her eyes and lay on the bed again.

"Sunoo, where are you?"

"I miss you so much."

"I need you so much."

"Where are you?"

"Is everything good...?"

She muttered slowly.

After a long time of hesitating, Chaewol finally decided to text him,

"Kim Sunoo..."

"Do you have plenty of time? I was having a hard time in this house. I can't bear living here, Sunoo. I was hurting."

"Kim Sunoo, I'm hurting."

"Can you come to me right now?"

"Can you at least show up in front of my house now?"

"Or can you at least listen to me now?"

"This is so hurtful, Sunoo."

"I was treated cruelly by my uncle. He got fired for always making trouble. He lost his money and suddenly abused me by hitting me and pulling my scalps until it got bleeding."

"I was so hurting. I was so scared to seek help from people around me."

"I was so scared to seek help from police."

"He will treat me cruelly and abuse me more."

"Sunoo, can you let me stay with you?"

"For a while?"

"I can't live here."

"This is like a hell to me."

"Kim Sunoo, can you listen to me? I'm so at my lowest right now."

"Kim Sunoo, you're the only one I have."

"You will save me. You will make me stronger."

"Sunoo, can you help me?"

"Can you save me?"

"I'm begging you."

"I will never ask for this again."

"This will be the last time I ask for you to help me."

"Kim Sunoo..."

"Please stay with me."

Chaewol looked at the phone for a long time,
waiting for him to reply as the text sent to him.

so she waited...

waited until he gives a response...

Chaewol looked at the screen of her phone again and started to be uneasy with what she was doing.

Chaewol shook her head, "No... it's okay... he will reply."

Chaewol smiled, putting the phone next to her while waiting for a notification to pop up on the phone.

20 minutes passed,

but he still doesn't give any response.

Chaewol shut her eyes when she started to understand what was going on.

She slowly patted her chest, smiling to hide her pain away.

15 minutes passed,

Chaewol fake a smile,

"He must be with Saebyeol right now..."

She muttered.

"This is not the right time to seek help from him."

"Let him enjoy his time with Saebyeol."

"He is having a great time with her. I can't stop him and ask him to come to me."

"It's selfish..."

"It's okay..."

"Maybe next time..."

"Next time, he will help me..."

Chaewol took her phone and looked at the texts she sent to him.

She selected all of the text,




Chaewol smiled with tears rolled on her cheeks, "It's okay..."

"He must be busy..."

"He has a girl he needs to look after."

"I don't want to be selfish..."

Chaewol nodded,
"I will be good if he is good."

Chaewol texted him again,

"Sunoo, I'm sorry if I'm bothering you again."

"Don't mind me, Sunoo."

"Don't reply to me. It's okay."

"You don't need to reply to me."

"You can see this text, but please don't block my number."

"But if you're enough of me."

"You can do that."

"I'm sorry."

"Alright, Sunoo."

"I'm going to sleep first."

"I love you, Sunoo."




It was almost 2 in the morning but Chaewol couldn't sleep peacefully because she felt so sick after getting beaten by her uncle earlier. She stood in front of the mirror, sighed heavily when she looks so weak. She touched the wound, groaned when it still hurt her.
Chaewol opened the drawer, closet, and everything to search for bandages and medicine but it was nowhere to be found.

Since Mr.Chihoo wasn't home at this time, she decided to go to the 24 hours convenience store to buy a lot of things that she needed by using the money that she kept in the drawer secretly.

Chaewol was so blank after she was losing all of her money for the surgery.

She was wondering what else should she do to earn the money again.

her efforts to pay for the surgery were useless now and it made her feel so weak but she pretended to be good and think positively, just to make herself didn't feel any burden.

Chaewol then wore a jacket, covered her face with the mask, and walked out of the house to buy the medicine and bandage.

She walked through the hallway while looking at the sky and smiled when Sunoo crossed her mind.

Thinking of Sunoo, she realized that he still didn't respond to her text earlier. Chaewol took out her phone and looked at the texts again.

Chaewol started to get anxious,
"Is he okay? Why didn't use his kakaotalk?"

"It's strange."

"He is doing good, right?"

Chaewol muttered and texted him again, asking him if he was good.

"Caecae, why didn't you sleep yet?" Chaewol smiled when Caecae approached her as soon as she arrived at the playground. Caecae leaned her head to her, asking for pats and jumping in happiness when Chaewol patted her gently.

"Did you see Kim Sunoo?"

"I'm worried about him, Caecae."

"Please tell me that he is doing good."

At the same time, she received a text from someone. Chaewol took out her phone from the pocket and raised her eyebrows in confusion when it was a text from Jeho, her classmate along with Sunoo and Taeyoung.


"Yes, Jeho?"

"Do you want to see something great?"

"What is it? Is it something that I love?"

"Yes, I guess."

"Then show me."

Her smile faded away when Jeho sent a picture of Sunoo and Saebyeol at the park, enjoying the fireworks that were sparking in the sky.

She bit her lips and blink her eyes several times, making sure her vision didn't
lie to her.

"Fireworks..." She muttered.

"He watched fireworks with her...." She looked

She muttered again,

"Watching fireworks..."

"That's my wish..."

"We supposed to watch that together..."

"But why...."

She held her tears and,

This time, Jeho sent a picture of Sunoo was kissing Saebyeol.

"What is this...."

Chaewol tucked her lips to hold her sobs,

she doesn't want to cry...

but later then,

she broke into tears.


^o^ thank you for reading! Don't forget to vote and comment!

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