Chapter 6

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(Cecilia's POV)

I take deep breaths, as I hug my legs to my chest, rocking back and forth as I sit alone, in Velmont's room. He had continued to torture me, beating me, and saying horrible things.

It made me wish I had never shared my past with him, all those years ago. He was the reason before, that I disliked men, and didn't like being touched, why before, my heart had turned to stone, and I was cold. Maybe I was better off that way, at least then, no one could hurt you, if you didn't let them in to begin with.

I don't know how, if I ever make it back to Morgan, how I'll be able to face him. I don't want anyone to touch me, and I'm not the same. I don't know if I can be truly close with anyone again after this, and though Velmont didn't physically violate me again like he did all those years ago, emotionally, I'm a wreck, and I don't even know what I think anymore.

The door swings open, and I fight the urge to shudder, as Velmont's heavy footsteps get closer. "Had enough yet?" Velmont's cruel voice rings out, as he gets closer. He gets a sick form of pleasure from my pain, and seemingly can't get enough of my suffering.

                 I say nothing, and he violently pulls me up by my wrist, making me look at him. "Answer me bitch." He sneers, his sadistic grin wide as he looks at me. I shake my head, looking down, as I try to focus on breathing evenly, and not shaking.

He drops me to the ground, disgusted by my lack of reaction, before he begins kicking me. His foot hits me in the ribs, and I fight the urge to cry, as I gasp for air, wheezing as I roll to lay on my side.

"Pathetic." He spits, before kicking me again. His foot connects with my leg this time, as I try to scramble away, only for my back to hit the wall of the room, reminding me that there was nowhere for me to go.

                The door burst open, drawing our attention to the door, Velmont glaring at his crew member who dared to burst into the room, unannounced. "Captain the ship is under attack!" He yelled, before bolting from the room.

                Velmont turned his cold gaze on me, before running from the room, slamming the door behind him. The ship rocks slightly, as I try to stand up, looking for something to pick the locks with, in hopes of finally making my escape.

The door flies open again once more, startling me. Though when I turn around, I'm not met with Captain Velmont, but another pirate, that looked familiar, though it was someone that I hadn't seen in a long time.

Dark tan skin, and tall, standing a little above six foot, with short dark hair, in contrast to his bright blue eyes. He still carried a saber, and unless you knew he was a captain, you might not have been able to tell, for he didn't wear the normal captains hat, and tended to prefer to blend in with his crew. "Cecilia." He says, walking towards me.

I flinch out of habit, backing away slightly. His blue eyes soften, as he tries again, taking careful steps towards me. "Cecilia, Morgan sent word he's been looking for you. I'm here to take you back to the Sirius okay?" He says gently, though his eyes widen as he takes in my bruised and scared state.

I nod, finally finding my voice. "Captain Funto?" I ask, taking a hesitant step towards him.

He smiles slightly. "That's right. I'm going to get you out of here okay?" He slowly makes his way over, seeming to know that if he made any sudden movements I'd flinch out of habit now, as he carefully gets the cuffs off of me, before taking my hand in his as he begins to lead me out of the room.

               We reach the deck soon after, and we're met with the sound of swords clanging, as well as some of his gifted crew using their gifts. One was transporting around, taking enemies by surprise, while another was setting people on fire. Funto quickly guides me through, though captain Velmont steps in his way, drawing his sword.

                Funto draws his saber, his blue eyes hardening at the sight of the Captain of the Notre Dame. "You'll not be running off with her boy." Velmont spits, as he swings his sword, only to be blocked, and met with Funto's saber.

               "You're wrong." Funto replies calmly, as his saber continues to clash with Velmont's sword.

"You've no right to take her." Velmont growls, looking pissed.

"You've no right to keep her here" Funto says simply, as he continues to fight Velmont. They continue to parry, and though Velmont may have been older, and had been fighting longer, Funto was faster, and a skilled fencer.

Funto gets his opportunity, and takes it, knocking Velmont's sword from his hand, before quickly leading me through the crowd again. We quickly board the Fenrir, and the rest of Funto's crew starts to board again as well.

"We'll get you cleaned up in the infirmary okay?" He says gently, walking with me to the infirmary. I nod, following quietly. "I'm... I'm so sorry Cecilia.. I can't even imagine.. " He adds, scratching the back of his neck.

We reach the infirmary, where I meet a young woman, close to our age, with long dirty blonde hair, and bright green eyes. She was tall and lean, slightly tan from being outside. "Cecilia, this is Elizabeth, she will help you out okay?" Funto says, introducing the young woman.

"Hi Cecilia, call me Liz." She smiles at me kindly, before gesturing for me to take a seat.

"Do you have any extra clothes she could borrow Liz?" Funto asks, glancing at her.

Liz shakes her head, blushing slightly. "Most of my stuff is being washed, or needs to be washed. Try Em though, I think she finished her laundry." Liz answers sheepishly, looking slightly embarrassed.

Funto nods, leaving the room. Liz starts carefully cleaning my wounds, though I flinch slightly from the peroxide burning. "Sorry." Liz mutters, before continuing. "Is there anywhere that hurts?" She asks, her green eyes meeting my gaze.

"My ribs are kinda sore." I answer quietly, and she nods.

"I'll mention it to Captain when he comes back." She says, and I furrow my brows, confused.

She notices, and elaborates. "Captain, part of his gift is healing. You'll see.." She explains. We're interrupted by a knock on the door. "Come in." Liz yells, and the door opens, to reveal Funto, who was carrying a small pile of clothes, along with an extra sword.

"I know you prefer a whip, for your weapon, but, I hope this works for now." He says, offering me the pile of clothes and the sword.

"Thanks.." I mutter quietly.

"Her ribs are bothering her, could you maybe?" Liz asks, and he nods, taking a step forward.

"May I?" He asks, motioning towards my ribs.

I nod hesitantly, and he walks over. "Okay, lay down." He instructs, and I do so. He holds a hand over my ribs, his eyes narrowing as he concentrates, before a blue light emits from his hands.

I feel a light tingling sensation, though it isn't painful, and before I know it, he's done, and my ribs don't hurt anymore. "Okay. I hope that helped. I'll have you room with Liz tonight, and tomorrow we have one more stop to make before we meet with your crew. We're going for the dead man's chest."

(Arabella's POV)

              "Just leave her the hell alone dammit!" Nadia yells, distracting Johnny, making him change directions, walking over to her, instead of me.

                 With a loud SMACK, his hand connects with Nadia's face, slapping her. "Now you talk back too huh?" He sneers, glaring at her with his cool brown eyes.

              "Don't you have something better to do with your time?" She smirks, fire in her silvery grey eyes as she defiantly meets Johnny's gaze.

               He clenches his fist, as he brings his arm back, before punching her in the ribs. Nadia gasps, clutching her side, but she doesn't go down. "That all you got asshole?" She snarls gritting her teeth, as she glares at him.

"You stupid bitch." He growls, as he grabs her wrist, slamming her into the wall, before he starts trailing his hand down her side, slowly approaching her thigh, in a perverted caress.

"Leave her the fuck alone!" I manage to stammer, bringing Johnny's attention back to me. He stares at me for a minute, not saying anything. "You heard me. Don't touch her asshole." I say, and he backs away from Nadia, and heads over to me.

I brace myself, as I fight the urge to shudder, as his fist connects with my face. My head hits the wall, and black dots start to dance on the edges of my vision, as I try to remain standing. "I'm tired of you being defiant." He adds, glaring at me.

"Prick." I manage to mutter, and I catch a flash of something silver, as he draws a dagger, before plunging it into my shoulder. I bite my lip, trying not to cry, but I can't hold it in anymore, as I start sobbing. I feel my tears spill over, as they run down my cheeks.

He grins sadistically, as he takes hold of the dagger, twisting it around, making me sob even harder. "Dumb bitch." He says, before shoving the dagger in even farther, and I hear the sound of metal scraping the wall, as my legs give out, and I collapse onto the floor.

Johnny bends down, before taking hold of the dagger once more, ripping it out of my shoulder, and I clutch my shoulder sobbing, as I feel the blood dripping down my arm, though I can't bring myself to look, knowing the dagger had gone all the way through my shoulder, hence the sound of metal scraping the wall.

"Leave her alone you sick bastard!" Nadia screams, and everything starts to go blurry, as I try to look over at her.

"Arabella! Arabella! Hang on! Shit." Nadia screams at me, and that's the last thing I hear before everything goes black.

                     (Morgan's POV)

               I eye the Flying Dutchman warily, wondering what the hell Jones could possibly want. They pull up right next to us, and I could see the cursed man himself, and looking at him it was hard to tell, that he had once been human, for he resembled a sea creature now more than anything else.

Though he stood upright, his face resembled that of an octopus, tentacles where his beard should have been, his face taking on a slimy gleam, and his eyes that were once a normal blue, were now sunken into his face, the whites of his eyes now an aggravated red, the once bright blue of his eyes were dull and almost beady looking. His hand was a grotesque grey, and looked as slimy as his face, and the other hand, was now a claw, like that of a giant crab. Curses and the ocean did strange things to him.

"What do you want Jones?" I ask, glaring at the cursed pirate.

The rest of the crew joined me, to get a look at Jones, and some of his crew that were on the deck. "Curious how things are goin. Sorry to hear about your wife being taken." He grins, narrowing his beady eyes at me.

"Asshole." I hear Russell growl, and the rest of the crew seems to agree.

"I've already re negotiated the deal with Black Beard. We still have a few days." I say firmly, letting him know his visit wasn't welcome.

Jones eyes our crew, glancing at everyone. Most of them were standing next to me, in their usual pairs, though Thomas, and Allison were a little farther behind us, with little Dee, who seemed to be hiding behind Alli, while she observed what was going on.

"Seems like you've got some new members since I saw you last, though I had heard about the new additions." He grins, his tentacles twitching as he speaks. "I've got a few new members myself." He chuckles darkly, gesturing to a few who step forward. Unlike some of the older crew members, they still looked normal, very human.

Penelope gasps, running forward, gripping the rails of the ship as she leans toward the Flying Dutchman. A young man on the Flying Dutchman runs forward as well. He was tall, lean, yet muscular, with multiple tattoos, and slightly tanned. He had short messy dark brown hair, and the same sparkling emerald green eyes as Penelope. "Zac!" She screams, and Eduardo quickly runs up, wrapping his arms around her waist as he pulls her back.

"Penelope!" Zac yells, his eyes wide in surprise at seeing his older sister. "Let her go! I wanna see her!" He yells at Ed, who keeps pulling her back, though Penelope struggles, trying to break free of the embrace.

"Penelope, you need to calm down. He wants a reaction out of you. This is what he wants, don't give it to him, please. Calm down." Eduardo says gently, trying to calm his clearly upset fiancé.

"Is that all you wanted Jones? To come upset my crew? Give the boy over." I demand, though I know Jones has no intentions of doing so, and that this was all for his own sick amusement.

"You of all people know it's not that easy Morgan." He scoffs.

"Give him back!" Penelope screams, trying to rush forward once more. Ed pulls her back though, knowing no matter what, Jones won't let him go.

"Penelope. He won't. No matter what you say, it won't appeal to him." He tells her quietly.

"You sick bastard!" Kris yells, drawing her pistol, and aiming it at Jones, who merely laughs.

"Quite the spirited crew you have." He adds, still laughing. "Take your best shot my dear, but that won't kill me." He sneers at Kris, who glares, but doesn't bother shooting at him.

"Fuck you!" Penelope screams, still pissed, and Jones merely shrugs it off, before returning inside of his ship, and the Flying Dutchman starts to sail away.

I turn to Penelope, sorry that there was nothing we could do, yet. "Penelope... I'm sorry, but he had no intentions of letting him go. And even if we fought him, your brother would be cursed, and wouldn't be able to set foot off of the Flying Dutchman for long. It's part of their contract and deal. He can't survive very long away from the ship. Only the captain of the Flying Dutchman can release him, and void that contract." I explain, and she nods quietly.

"So we can bargain when we have the dead man's chest?" She asks hopefully, and I nod.

"That seems to be the best chance we have yes." I agree.

                  We all go return to our normal daily tasks, setting sail for the thieves guild once more, where we were to meet up with Captain Funto, who was to bring us Cecilia, and the dead man's chest.

A/n: well.. That's chapter 6. Cece is free!!!! But how will she feel seeing everyone again next chapter? And a few days left... Hopefully we don't run out of time... ;p. So should we bring Velmont back later so everyone can take a crack at him? Hmm. ^_^. Thanks for reading! ^_^


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