Chapter 7

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(Morgan's POV)

I pace restlessly, back and forth across the deck, glancing out towards the ocean. We weren't far off from the thieves guild, but we were expecting the Fenrir, and to meet with Captain Funto, who had been kind enough to help us. He sent word that he had the dead man's chest, as well as Cecilia. God, I missed Cecilia.

"Captain there's a ship coming our way!" Little Dee shouted from her spot on the crows nest, where she was currently with Russell.

Sure enough, I could see a ship in the distance, heading our way, and it appeared to be the Fenrir. Russell climbed down, helping little Dee, to make sure she didn't fall.

The rest of the crew joined us on the deck, restless to see Cecilia again. We had just gotten Luna back, and after Cecilia joined us, we would only have one crew member left to get back.

The Fenrir pulled up beside us, and I could hardly contain my excitement, at the thought of seeing Cecilia. Captain Funto boarded first, followed by a very familiar blonde. Cecilia. She was slightly pale, and bruised, her blue eyes constantly scanning her surroundings. I know the entire crew was anxious to see her, but they held back for my sake.

Funto stepped aside so I could see her, while he carried a chest, placing it on the deck. I ran towards my wife, arms open to embrace her, but as I got closer she backed away, her body going rigid, as she flinched, shaking her head for me not to come any closer.

My heart broke, and though part of me understood, I couldn't hide the hurt I felt at it, which I'm sure was clear as day on my face. I fought the urge to cry, at not being allowed to go any closer to her, and swallowing the lump that had formed in my throat, I approached her more carefully, before speaking. "Cecilia... I'm... Im sorry." I started, my voice cracking slightly as I spoke.

Her blue eyes met my gaze, and though I was looking at Cece, I could see she wasn't the same woman I had known. "I'm so sorry Cecilia... I can't even begin to imagine what you must have been through... And I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough to prevent this from happening, that I wasn't strong enough to save you, to protect you.." I said, not looking away from her. "I- i understand.... And I hope one day, you can find it in your heart to forgive me. I hope you can find it in your heart to be open with me again..." I trail off, the sense of guilt and dread consuming me. I had not been able to protect the woman I love, and she suffered because of it. Though I found no anger or hostility in her eyes, I saw a wariness, and though she might not have been mad at me, she was hesitant, and needed her space. I removed her whip from my belt, holding it out to her. "Here. Your whip."

She hesitantly took it from me, looking like she was at a loss for words. "I'll wait Cecilia. No matter how long it takes for you to be close to me again. I'll wait. In the meantime, take our room, and I'll take the spare bed in the infirmary, until you're ready." I finished, sighing as I try to regain my composure. She needed space, and it wasn't her fault.

I slowly walk back over to the rest of the crew, who all shot me looks of pity. Penelope was the first to move, carefully approaching Cece, the rest of the girls, and little Dee not far behind. The boys hung back, watching, and I found myself next to Eduardo, and Nathan.

Eduardo placed a hand on my shoulder, squeezing it. "She will come around with time Cap. Just you watch, before you know it, she will be slapping you and calling you a bish again." He added, smiling slightly.

"Thanks Ed." I nodded at the navigator, knowing he meant well.

"She's strong. She will snap out of it, given time." Nathan added quietly, as he watched the girls carefully gather around Cecilia.

Cecilia was a little less hesitant with the girls, but not much. Though she seemed to have taken to little Dee quite well, and the child seemed to soften Cecilia for a moment, as she talked to her.

I glance at Nathan, who studies the group, before glancing at me. He hesitated a moment before speaking. "Do you think.... Do you think she will be like that too...?" He asked me quietly, and I caught a hint of sadness in the chef's brown eyes. I knew what he was wondering, as he watched Cecilia. Would his wife be just as hesitant around people after we find her? I couldn't say for certain.

"I'm honestly not sure Nate. Though, hopefully she won't be." I answer him honestly, not wanting to lie.

He nods quietly, taking a deep breath. "I don't know if... I don't know how I'd take that... I'm so used to... I couldn't stand it if she...." Nathan stuttered over his words, looking slightly frustrated.

"It hurts. I won't lie about that. The distance hurts Nate. But in the end, you have to do what's best for her, and give her time if she needs it. Like I have to give Cecilia space, and time to heal, no matter how much it pains me to be at a distance from her." I admit, before walking away. I go find Funto, for there was something I wanted to discuss with him.

"Can I have a word Captain?" I ask Funto.

"Of course Morgan." He answers simply, as I motioned for him to follow me back to the navigation room. There was something I needed to talk to him about, that unfortunately I had to keep from my crew for now.

(Nathan's POV)

I watch the two Captains leave to talk in private, curious, but letting them be. I get closer to the group of girls, careful to keep some distance, but close enough to hear the girls chatting.

"I'm so glad you're with us again Cecilia." Penelope says, smiling slightly at her friend. Cecilia smiles back slightly, nodding. But the usual spark isn't in her blue eyes, and her usual gentle smile doesn't reach her eyes.

"I'm glad you're safe now. I'm sorry for what you've been through, it must have been rough." Luna chimes in next, and I can tell the girls are having a hard time not all swarming her at once to hug her.

"We've been worried.. Sorry it took so long." Allison says softly, her silvery grey eyes softening as she meets Cecilia's gaze.

"We'll get that bastard later Cece.." Kris declares, angry about what had happened to Cecilia.

"It's good to be back..." Cecilia says quietly, looking at all the girls.

"Would you play with me later?" Dee asks cutely, tilting her face as she looks up at Cecilia.

Cecilia's gaze softened as she looked at the little girl, smiling. "I would be glad to Dee." Cecilia agreed, and for just a moment, Cecilia seems like herself as she talks to the little girl.

The girls continue chatting, and Cecilia looks around at them, when it looks like she realizes something. She looks over the girls, then she glances my way, meeting my gaze suddenly, before looking at the girls again. "Arabella?" I hear her ask quietly, and the girls all stop talking at once.

"We haven't gotten her yet. We're going to get her later." Penelope breaks the silence, and Cecilia glances my way again. I nod, confirming this, and she goes back to listening to the girls chat.

I walk back inside, heading to the kitchen. I run into Ed on the way, and he stops me. "We'll get her back. You know that right?" Eduardo tells me, trying to reassure me.

"The question is, will she still be her?" I ask, glancing back towards the deck, as I answer him.

He follows my gaze, knowing what I'm getting at. "I don't know, but if anyone can bring her back to normal, you can. Besides, she's stubborn, I doubt that's changed." Ed snorts, trying to make me feel a little better.

I nod. "Yea... She is... Thanks Ed." I tell him, before heading for the kitchen once more.

                   I brace myself, as I walk into the unusually quiet kitchen, to prep food for later. It felt empty, and too still. The fucked up thing was, I could almost hear her, as I started chopping vegetables. I knew she wasn't there, but I couldn't help but remember, so used to her being in here. I remember when I still wasn't used to her in here.

                "Why so serious? You're always quiet. Don't ya ever talk?" Arabella teased, glancing at me as she chopped vegetables. She was a strange girl, always chatting away, seeming like she wasn't big on the quiet.

                   "Tch. You're always talkin. Don't you ever shut up?" I asked, and she shot me a glare, narrowing her eyes at me. I turned back around, before feeling something small pelt me in the back. I whirl around, to find her snickering, though she was trying not to. "What the hell woman?" I asked, rolling my eyes. I couldn't help but laugh slightly at her antics.

                 "Oi, lighten up. Stop being so serious all the time." She said, shaking her head. I smiled at her, shaking my head. She's so weird.

                "You should smile more. Looks good on ya." She added, winking at me before returning her attention back to the vegetables.

                "You're so weird." I chuckled, shaking my head at her.

                "Eh. Who wants to be normal anyway? Least I'll keep ya entertained." She shrugged it off, smiling at me.

                 "Dammit." I mutter, as I finish the prep. A knock sounds on the door, bringing me from my thoughts.

"Get ready, were gonna go in." Russell announced, so I nod, quickly stashing everything in the fridge before going to get ready.

(Russell's POV)

About thirty minutes after I told Nate to get ready, the crew plus Dee gathers on the deck. We sail beside the Fenrir, as we approach shore. We were going in kinda blind, but we had no choice. Arabella was the last crew member missing, and we never left a crew member behind.

We debated about bringing Dee with us, though we didn't want to leave her alone. Though where we were going was dangerous, Dee insisted that she couldn't get hurt anyway, so it wasn't an issue, and if anything, she could slip by areas easier. Though I was pretty sure there wasn't going to be anything stealthy about our approach.

We dock on shore, and captain gathers the two crews. "Alright crew. We get in, get her out as fast as we can. We don't know how many people are in there, so we want to be quick." Captain announces, and we all nod.

"Don't hold back, use your gifts when you need to, we know they will be using theirs." Funto calmly addressed his crew, and everyone left the ship, approaching the thieves guild.

"It looks kinda like the red fang hide out remember?" Penelope chimes in, looking at the huge building in front of us. It was a large older building, almost like a small castle, but still pretty large for a building.

"It does doesn't it. Wow." Luna says, as she walks next to Chris. The two had been attached at the hip ever since we got Luna back. They were always close, but after we got her back, Chris always seemed to be by her.

"Place is fucking huge." Kris muttered next to me.

"Yea." I muse out loud. We finally reach the entrance to the building, and we break the door open, announcing our arrival. Obviously, we weren't going for subtlety.

                A group of people rushed us, swords drawn, while a few headed the other direction, probably letting the rest know they had intruders.

              We immediately jump into the fray, our crew, and the Fenrir mixing together. I spot Ed firing off shots, with Penelope fighting fiercely beside him, along with a girl from the Fenrir, taking care of any gifted around them. She had lightning crackling along her hands, and would shoot it at enemies. She even shot at a few swords, electrocuting the swords wielder. Eduardo shot with deadly precision, and Penelope stabbed enemies through the chest quickly, blood spattering as she removed her katana, before moving on to the next enemy.

                Luna threw daggers, taking out as many as she could, before flipping open her fighting fans, taking out thieves left and right. Chris had donned a sword for this fight, his sword clanging with thieves, as he kept an eye on Luna. He was more protective of her, after she had gotten taken. I know he had no intentions of letting that happen again. God help the poor bastard that ever tried to mess with Luna again.

                It was the young man with the ability to transport, from the Fenrir that stuck close by Chris and Luna, taking out any gifted as fast as he could. He carried a sword, appearing behind his enemies, and stabbing them from behind, before moving on to the next one.

                   Captain wielded two swords this time, quickly disarming his enemies, before stabbing them, and moving on to the next. He kept not that far from Cecilia, though she was quieter than usual, the loud crack of her whip could still be heard. Morgan hovered by her, but left a decent amount of space between them. One of the Fenrir girls fought beside Cecilia, and it seemed like Cece knew her a little. The girl fought with water, similar to Allison, though it didn't appear like she froze anything like Alli could.

               Allison fought beside Thomas, and kept little Dee right behind her. They had given Dee Thomas's wooden sword, while Thomas wielded a real one, but Allison did her best to keep anyone away from little Dee. Allison faced off with a fire user, freezing him, before drawing her bow. Thomas fought fiercely with his sword, not holding back, or hesitating to stab anyone that tried to attack him, Alli, or Dee.

              Nathan worked with Captain Funto, much to everyone's amusement, Funto wielding a saber, while also shooting blue light from his hands. Nathan swung his sickle and chain, taking out as many as he could, though we knew he was looking for an opening to go find Arabella.

                  I fought next to Kris, who just like the day I met her, was fighting with her sword and pistol, amazingly fierce and impressive, firing off shots while wielding her sword. She didn't hesitate either, everyone seeming to have no qualms about stabbing or slicing through anyone that got in our way. I flinched slightly watching her lob off one guy's head, but it was either kill or be killed this time. I sliced my way through a few as well, and the fire wielding young man that we had met a long time ago, fought next to us, quickly burning any gifted that came near me or Kris. It was one of the bloodiest battles we had ever fought, the ground stained with blood, and our weapons coated in it, but we continued fighting as hard as we could, no matter how many more enemies came out.

I caught sight of Funto and Nathan breaking away, working in sync to make an opening so they could try to go find Arabella.

(Nathan's POV)

               "If we're going to go, it should be now." Funto called out to me, taking down another man quickly with his saber.

                "Okay." I agreed, knocking down a few more men as we slowly started to make our way farther into the building. I glance back at the crew, everyone still fighting as hard as they could. I flinch slightly at the sight of the girls not holding back. Luna flicks her fan, cutting through a man's neck, before moving onto someone else. Cecilia, with the crack of her whip, wrapped it around someone's neck before pulling hard, taking them down, her and the girl from the Fenrir working together.

                     The crew seems to be holding their own well enough, so I follow Captain Funto, as we start searching rooms. "They probably hold any prisoners in the basement." Funto quietly observed as we continue our search.

                After another fifteen minutes or so we finally find the basement, and start searching rooms. The sound of a woman yelling catches our attention, and we start running towards the sound, hoping it was the right room.

                "Haven't you done enough!" A young woman's voice screams, and we fling open the door, bursting into the room. My blood boils at the sight of Johnny, who I recognized from the navy prison, as he beats a lavender haired girl, who was chained to the wall.

Funto moves first, knocking him unconscious with the hilt of his saber, before he tries to calm the lavender haired girl, who was the spitting image of Allison. She flinched at the contact, and Funto moved slowly, removing her cuffs and chains. "It's okay.. It's over now. We're here to get you out." He told her softly, and the girl seemed to visibly relax at his words.

"She hasn't moved since yesterday... I don't know.. I don't know... If... If..." The girl continues to stutter, gesturing to the other side of the room, and my blood ran cold, my heart dropping as I walk over, getting a closer look at the still body curled up on the floor.

Blood stained the floor, and her clothes, her brown hair matted and stuck to her face, mixed with dried blood. Arabella. "No... No... No... No..." I mutter, as I try to stop my hands from shaking, as I quickly undo the cuffs, and move the chains away from her. She was too pale, and bruised, dried blood around her shoulder and thigh. I pick her up, hoping with everything I got that she was still breathing, that there was a pulse.

"Dammit.. You can't leave me woman... You can't." I start muttering to myself, as I put my head to her chest, listening for a heart beat. Her chest moves slightly, up and down, continuously. She's breathing. Thank fuck.

"She breathing?" Funto asks quietly, concern in his blue eyes as he walks over, and I nod, relived.

"Barely. But she's hanging on. Still breathing." I answer him, my voice cracking slightly. The sound of hands and feet scraping the floor, draw my attention to Johnny getting back up. I carefully set Arabella back down, pissed.

                 I run up to him, swinging my arm forward as hard as I can, my fist connecting with his face, before I pull him up by the front of his shirt. "You fucking bastard!" I yell in his face, consumed with my anger. He almost killed her. He almost killed her, and this other girl who I'm pretty sure was Alli's sister.

Johnny merely grins, his cold cruel brown eyes narrowing, and I could tell he found the fact that I I was pissed, amusing. "That bitch still alive? I'm surprised... Thought she was dead. Damn." He sighed, disappointed that he hadn't finished her off.

"She is, but you won't be." I growl, throwing him on the ground before I grab my chain, getting ready to swing it. Johnny flings his hand up quickly, shooting a stream of fire at me. I jump back, barely avoiding it. He narrows his cruel eyes at me, before glancing at Arabella. He grins, shooting another stream, aimed at her. "Shit." I curse, running, hoping I can reach her to block it.

                 I'm not fast enough, but before the fire hits her, another stream of fire meets the one aimed for Arabella. The fire pushes the first stream back, and makes it change directions, moving it away from Arabella. I look over shocked, to see the lavender haired girl, clenching her teeth, her arm outstretched, fire shooting from her hand. She collapses to the ground, gasping. She smiles slightly, and she doesn't pass out, but she looked slightly worn out, like that took a lot of energy.

                     Funto's blue eyes harden as he looks at Johnny. I get ready to attack him again, but Funto stops me. "She needs help. We need to get them back to the ship. Looks like Ara doesn't have much time. We can deal with him later." He explains calmly, and as much as I hated to admit it, he was right. We needed to get the girls to Christopher. Funto shoots a stream of blue light at Johnny, knocking him out once more, before carefully picking up Allison's sister.

                  I pick up Arabella, and we leave the room, heading for the ship. "Thank you." I say to Allison's sister, and she smiles weakly, nodding.

                  "Nadia, my names Nadia." She introduces herself. "You're the Sirius right? Arabella told me the crew would come eventually... She was right.." She asked, and I nod.

                  "I'm from the Sirius. Another crew is helping us, the Fenrir. Actually, that's Captain Funto, of the Fenrir, and I'm Nate." I tell her and she smiles slightly.

                  "Thank you, Nate, and Funto. So you know Allison then?" She adds, glancing at me. She smiles warmly at Funto, as I resist the urge to laugh, watching the captain blush slightly at the girl in his arms.

(Russell's POV)

We continue fighting, hoping to catch sight of Nate and Funto, so we can start wrapping this up. A door burst open, and we spot Nate and Funto both running, Arabella passed out in Nate's arms, and Funto carrying a girl that looked exactly like Allison. What the hell? "Christopher! Christopher!" Nathan screams, making a beeline for the ship.

Christopher and Luna rush towards him, trying to help him and Funto get to the Sirius. "Go help clear the way, I got this." Kris tells me, motioning towards the small group headed for the ship.

I run off, taking down as many as I can so they can reach the ship. When they are close enough I start fighting my way back to Kris, but our attention is drawn to an explosion, a giant burst of fire, coming out of the door way from the building. A man is completely engulfed in flames, wielding a sword. Allison shoots water at him, dousing the flames quickly, but the man still looks pissed, and oddly familiar.

                  He starts shooting streams of fire, as well as stabbing his way through people with his sword. I quickly try I make my way to Kris, as my heart drops, when I see her sword clash with Johnny's. He tries to burn her, but she quickly dodges, while still managing to hold him off with her sword. She fought fiercely, but others tried to attack her at the same time as well. She knocks a few men aside, taking her eyes off Johnny for a moment, as I try to get to her.

                 It was like I saw everything in slow motion, my heart dropping at the sight, as she knocked another man down, but Johnny moved behind her, quickly, as his sword pierced through her chest from behind, going all the way through, before he wrenched his sword out, blood splattering everywhere out of her chest. "Kris!!" I scream, as I watch in horror as she collapses on the ground, dropping her sword as she covers her chest, but there's blood everywhere.

                 I sprint over to her, my heart breaking, as I look at her. I grab her sword, anger consuming me as I look at Johnny. Allison runs over crying, as she freezes Johnny's legs to the ground, giving me a chance to get him. I grab Kris's sword, swinging it as hard as I can, aiming for his neck. The sword meets some resistance, and though I had to swing again, I finally managed to cut all the way through, blood going everywhere as his head rolls to the ground, his body still standing, his legs still frozen to the ground.

               I gently pick up Kris, and sprint for the Sirius. "Chris! Chris! Goddammit." I curse, not even bothering to stop the tears as I start crying, trying to run as I call out for our doctor.

                "Hey...  Shh.. Calm down." I feel a hand on my cheek, as I look down at Kris, who smiles slightly, though I know she's in pain. Blood continues to flow out of her chest, though her blood covered hands were still trying to stop the bleeding. "It's gonna be okay." She adds, coughing slightly. She spits out blood as she coughs, though she tries to hide it, wiping her mouth quickly.

                A lump forms in my throat at the sight, though I find my words. "It's not okay. Dammit it's not." I manage to choke out, my voice cracking.

                "There's nothing you can do Russ. Just stay with me okay?" She asks weakly, as she starts to loose color, the blood draining from her face.

              My heart broke. She was trying to comfort me, even though she was the one that was dying. I felt helpless, watching the woman I loved dying in my arms, and there was nothing I could do about it. "We were supposed to get married..." I trail off sobbing as we finally reach the infirmary.

                Chris and Luna spring into action, helping me set her down on the bed, as Luna tried to stop the bleeding. Chris looked flustered, and Luna was crying as she tried to help stop the bleeding.

                "After we get married.. How many kids did you want?" Kris asks quietly, as she meets my gaze. Her beautiful hazel eyes studying me, as I try to memorize her, the features of her face, her smile, how she looked at me. God.

                "I don't know. A couple at least." I answer, as I try not to sob. I humor her, and she smiles slightly nodding.

                 "I want a little girl that looks just like you." I tell her, my voice cracking as try to talk without crying.

                 She smiles slightly at that, and I continue. "She'd be beautiful, but not as beautiful as her mother." I add, and Kris coughs again, wincing, as Christopher and Luna try to stitch her up, but from the grim look on Christopher's face, I know it's hopeless. Funto tried to help, but even his healing abilities have their limits.

                  "We'd spend our lives together, watching our kids grow up, and maybe even be grandparents." She adds, still talking about a future that we didn't have.

                  "Would our kids be pirates?" I ask, even though I know there won't be any kids, and my chest hurts at the thought of her gone.

                 "Fucking hell yes..." She says, making me smile. Her smile, however falters. "I-.... I love you Russell... I'm so sorry... I don't want to leave you... I don't want to die." She starts openly sobbing now, tears streaming down her face. And I hug her to me, crying at her words.

"I love you Kris. I- I don't want you to go either love." I manage to stutter, and I openly cry, as she weeps in my arms, the blood not slowing down enough. I pull her into my lap, before I grip her hand tightly, and though she squeezes my hand, gripping it just as tightly, eventually her grip loosens, making me cry even harder. I clutch her to me, not wanting to let her go.

A/n: *hides and waits for riot to start. * well.. Anyway... >_<. That's the next chapter.. The feels... >_< thanks for reading. Try not to hate me too much. ^_^. *throws cookies and hides*


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