11 - One Little Phone Call

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  Reason Why I Hate Kai #11 : he invites flirtatious ninja over

  "You didn't need to get cake on you because I already know you're sweet." He fire ninja glanced smugly at me as I used a wet cloth to get icing out of my hair.

  "Oh I'm sweet?" I raised an eyebrow.

  He nodded, the cool confident aura heavy around him. So I kneed him hard in the unmentionables.

  He grunted in pain and fell to his knees, his hands moving to his crotch.

  "Why would you do that?" He groaned.

  "Oh I'm sorry, guess I'm a little bittersweet." I smiled at him innocently.

I went to go get changed so mr. Fire ninja could clean off his mask.

When I went into the living space Leif was unwrapping gifts. He was chattering happily with gratitude lighting up his face. I smiled softly as he laughed brightly at the drawing that Mary-Katherine. He was right about her drawing skills. It wasn't perfect but it was very good for a little kid.

I became aware of Fire ninja watching me closely. He had sneaked up on me when I wasn't looking.

"What?" I glanced at him.

"Nothing." He said quickly.

"So, what did Kai have to to bribe you or something?" I asked.

He stiffened, rubbing his neck. "Wh-what do you mean?"

I rolled my eyes. "How did Kai get you to come to some random kids birthday."

He hesitated. "I...owed a favour."

I hummed unconvinced.

Fire gave me a look. "Maybe. Maybe I wanted to come."

I gave him a funny look. "Why would you want to come here?"

"Why wouldn't I?"

  I shrugged. "I don't know...I suppose you have other things to do than come to a tiny apartment to entertain."

"Is giving little kids hope and joy such a waste of time?"

  I looked to where Leif was laughing. He excitedly waved at the fire ninja as he unwrapped the toy Marco got him.

  My lips curved in a smile. "You really made his day."

"Well...I think I helped make it just a tiny bit better. I think he would be happy having a birthday in a gutter as long as you were there." Fire told me as Leif examined the playing card I had got him.

  "Maybe." I said. "But he deserves so much more."

As we talked the phone rang and I saw Pops pick it up. He frowned when he read the number and excused himself. I watched him carefully as he went into the hall, pressing his cellular device to his ear. He began talking in a harsh whisper and my eyes narrowed as he began waving his arms around the way he does when he's upset, and Pops doesn't get angry often.

I was aware of the fire ninja watching as well, eyes narrowed in concern.

I inched closer, trying not to draw to much attention to it but Leif was already watching himself with a small frown.

"You should of thought of that before you left." I could hear Pops hissing into the phone.

I stiffened. The fire ninja put his hand on my shoulder, looking at me questioningly.

"I'm not mad because you cheated on me, I'm mad because you left all of us." Pops ran his hand through his hair.

No. It was Dad. I glanced at Leif. His eyes were wide as he tried to get what was upsetting us.

Pops began to notice everyone watching and quickly gave a fake smile of reassurance before moving into the bedroom.

"Um...okay, why don't we all go and get ice cream?" Aunt Helen asked.

The kids cheered as the parents went to get shoes and coats.

"Uh...I'm good Aunt Helen thank you." My eyes were trained on the door Pops had locked closed.

"Mr....um fire ninja?"

Fire laughed and ruffled Leif's hair. "I would love some ice cream! Who's ready for some frozen sugar?"

"YAYYYYY!" Leif smiled, his concerns forgotten as everyone filed out. The fire ninja glanced back at me as I waved them out.

I gave him a warning look before walking over and shutting the door closed.

As soon as the door clicked shut I leaned against it, breathing heavily.

Dad. It had been so long since he had made any reach into our life. I slowly sunk to the ground as the tears pricked from the corners of my eyes.

I didn't cry much anymore.

But right then I cried.

The tears ran down my cheeks as I faced the utter truth. Steven wasn't ever going to call me back.

He had promised to stay in touch, I did as well. We spat on it.

But as I checked my phone for any messages, anything at all! I saw nothing. Nothing for quite a few months.

I swiped at my cheeks as I heard a knock. I looked up.

"Hey Lala." Dad leaned in. "You okay?"

I sniffed. "I'm fine." I mumbled.

He sat down beside me. "You know I never liked Steven anyways."

"Whatever." I looked away.

"Don't let a boy define your happiness Isla, remember that. You get to choose what makes you happy so don't go depending on someone not worth your time." Dad told me. I smiled.

"Thanks dad."

His phone dinged as he glanced at it quickly before setting it facedown. "I have to go sweetie, late work call."

"Right now?" I questioned.

He hesitated. "Yeah."

I have him a hug. "Okay, I'll save some popcorn for you."

He gave me a smile. "Thanks Lala."

Little did I know where he was actually going was on a date with someone who wasn't his husband.

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