15 - Eavesdropping

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Reasons Why I Hate Kai #15 : He stalks his sister

  "The library closes early today." Kai said after he bribed me with dumplings to get me to sit with him. I didn't know who this Koko was but she made good dumplings.

  "So?" I asked pinching the yummy food with my chopsticks and sticking it successfully in my mouth.

  "Well...we won't have time to get there with play practise after school today." Kai explained.

  "Then come to my house." I said simply, drinking some water.

  Kai's eyes widened. "Really?"

  The rest of the group snickered as I gave him an odd look. "Uh, yeah?"

  "Oh..okay. Great...yeah." He stumbled. I raised an eyebrow.

  "Is there a problem Smith?"

  "No!" He said go quickly, shoving some food in his mouth and avoiding my gaze.

  "Uh huh." I sent the others a look and twirled a finger around my temple making Lloyd choke on his milk.

  "Wow Isla, I always thought you were weird but hanging out with the dork squad?" Chen said snarkily as he marched by with his Pom poms.

  Lloyd rolled his eyes and I looked at Chen before giving him the finger.

  "Get out of my face Ben."

  "It's Chen!" He corrected.

  "I literally don't care."

  He scowled and stomped off as I gathered my things, stealing one last dumpling from Lloyd before leaving.

  "No bye bye for your best friend?" Kai called.

I whacked him hard in the head with my book. "See ya Jerk-face."


  I stared at the script. "I'm not exactly sure I should have such a...inspirational role." I said carefully. "I'm more of a sarcastic character."

  "And that is exactly why I gave you the role of Ari." Cecilia said with a smile. "You need to challenge yourself and sometimes when you do you can learn a little something from the character."

  "Ooh. Is that Cecilia's subtle way of telling you to be nicer?" Kai snorted.

  "And you get to be Bay." Cecilia handed him his script.

"Uh there's a dude called Kai in here, I wanna be him." Kai pointed at the list of roles.

"Somewhat stupid humour from Bay really fits yourself." Cecilia said cheerfully, like it wasn't offensive.

Kai scowled. "Don't you what me to broaden my acting horizons like Isla?"

"Suck it up Kai." I told him as I highlighted my parts.

"Okay, let's do a quick read through." Cecilia picked up her own script.

We all sat in a circle. "Location; a room used for quiz teams. At rise; three teams are scattered across the room. Ari is late for meeting." Cecilia read aloud. "Everyone chatting, scattered."

Paul began his first line. "Where's Ari? We need to start."


"That wasn't so bad was it?" Kai asked smugly as we made our way to my house.

I rolled my eyes and shifted my bag, it 'accidentally' thwacked him in the side.

"Where's Nya?" I asked as he groaned in pain.

"At Jay's." He said it sourly.

I laughed. "What? Are they getting to comfortable for you?"

"No!" Kai snapped. "They're just doing homework and watching a movie."

"Sounds like a dating couple. Give her my congrats, Kay?"

Kai's eyes widened as he whipped out his phone and began aggressively texting.

I snorted as my own phone dinged a few second later.

Can you ask Kai to stop freaking out? -Nya

She must've been using Jay's phone.

In a minute, he's so focused on being a papa bear that he's going to run into a bench.

I replied.

"OW!" Kai yelled as he ran into the bench, the seat knocking into his knees causing him to fall over.

I snorted loudly and began laughing hard as he slid to the ground with a wince.

"It's not funny!"

I snapped a picture and sent it to Jay before texting Nya again.

I'll talk to him.

"Yo Jerk-face, stop being a loser and leave them alone." I called over my shoulder as I went into our building.

Kai followed me inside, limping a little with a whine as I pulled out my keys.

"Oh you big baby." I teased, sticking out my bottom lip in a pout as I unlocked the door and pushed inside with a snicker.

"That is not funny, I could've seriously hurt myself and yet you-" his paused whine he spotted my whole family staring at him from the couch.

Pops gave me a questioning look.

"Guys, this is Kai from next door. You remember him right?" I asked as Aunt Helen slowly began to grin like the Cheshire Cat.

"Aw! I'm that memorable?" Kai said and threw an arm around me.

"Don't touch me or I'll snap your finger in half." I warned as I grabbed an apple an cut it up. "You're only memorable because you're so darn whiny."

Pops stood, crossing his arms across his chest and observing us. "So why are you here Kai?"

Kai moved and gave him a smile. "Oh, Isla's tutoring me Mr. James."

"You can call me Ethan." Pops stuck out his hand. "That's Helen and Leif."

He nodded. "Yeah, I've seen you around." He bent to see Leif who was staring at him like he wasn't sure if he was a bunny or a killer jaguar. "Hey buddy, Isla talks a lot about you."

I snorted as I gave the apples to my little brother, ruffling his hair fondly.

"Well compared to how much I try not to talk about you, yes it is a lot." I mused.

Aunt Helen began making motions behind Kai. Mouthing words like 'hottie' and 'boyfriend'. I gave her an angry look like I was about to tear her head off and steered Kai by the shoulders to my room.

"That's enough family time for today." I grumbled, turning to give a knock-it-off signal by slicing my hand over my neck in a jerk.

We entered and I sighed, dropping my bag by my bed and giving Kai the old beanbag of hello kitty.

Kai studied the symbol with interest before flopping into it.

  "How about we don't do work and instead try and eavesdrop on my sister using the Audio recorder I planted in there." He suggested, waving his phone.

  "Ugh, you are so creepy, why do people like you so much? I swear that girl totally fainted when you literally just asked her if she could give you the bathroom pass." I grouse.

  Kai smirked, leaning back in the bean bag and placing his hands lazily behind his head. "What can I say? I'm charismatic."

  "You're also the school heartbreaker." I reminded him. "You made about twenty percent of the school's population totally cry over you. It's quite frankly disgusting."

  He gasped. "How is it disgusting?"

I rolled my eyes. "Get out your textbook."

He crossed his arms. "No!" He said defiantly.

"Jeezus, just take out the damn textbook Smith!" I huffed.

  "I will....if we eavesdrop on Nya a little." Kai gave me a puppy dog look. I held his gaze, emotionless as his eyes began to water.

  Finally he blinked. "Dammit, that usually works." He muttered.

  "Ha!" I raised my hands in victory.

  "To bad, I always get what I want!" Kai said smugly as he took his phone and turned on the audio. He motioned for me to be quiet so they couldn't hear us on the other end.

  I rolled my eyes but I love eavesdropping so I squeezed beside him on the beanbag and leaned in next to where he had it poised right by his ear.

  It was faint and I could see Kai's eyes widen as I shimmied closer.

  "Kai is super annoying." Said Nya's voice.

  Kai scowled. "He's so protective all the time. It gets clingy and weird."

"Maybe it's just who he is."Jay's awkward tone replied.

  "Maybe that's who he is." Kai mouthed, mockingly.

  "You know, I think he's just trying to keep you close because of your parents, you know? He doesn't want to lose you too." Jay continued. I looked at Kai questioningly. He was quiet, a new look of respect as Nya agreed. A smile in her voice as she continued.

"He's always been there for me."

Kai smiled a little, tears in his eyes.

"Uh...Nya...I've wanted to ask you this for awhile...." Jay began. Kai sat up, his eyes wide.

  "Will you be my-"

"NOPE! NO! Not happening! Get your slimy little lips away from my sister Walker!" Kai yelled into the phone.

  There was a rustle as we heard the crackle of the device being picked up.

  "Kai, you jerk! Sneaky little creep!" Nya screamed into the microphone. "I can't believe you would out I freaking microphone to eavesdrop on us!"

  "Well it's a good thing I did because Jay's making a move on you! " Kai snapped.


  Kai's gaped. "Why would you what that?"

"Do you even care what I want? I'm done! Do you hear me? I'm going to find every little bug you placed around here and smash it to pieces! I'm staying at Jay's tonight so don't bother coming looking for me you freak!" Nya yelled as there was aloud smashing sound when the line went dead.

  Kai stared at the phone in shock-frozen.

  "So...." I said awkwardly. "Want to go get some cheap food from money sucking chain restaurant?"


I posted a book where you are free to take some fun posters and other things such as a Steeper Wisdom menu I made myself! They aren't perfect but you should go check them out!

LuckyBugBooks 🐞


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