6 - Ill Fated One

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Reasons Why I Hate Kai #6 : He knows exactly how to tease me

  "Does your brother like comic books?" Kai asked.

  We were sitting at one of those metal tables by an icecream truck. Both eating matching drumsticks.

  "yeah." I licked the vanilla part.

  Kai peeled some chocolate off with his teeth. "What's his name?"


"like the plant?"

"It's spelt L-E-I-F." I looked up at him. He nodded.

  "That's a cool name."

  I nodded. "His original name was Tobias but Pops and Dad didn't really think it was unique enough. They wanted him to have something a little different. So Tobias became his middle name and his first name was now Leif."

  Kai blinked. "That's sort of cool." Silence. "What about you?"

I paused mid lick. "What?"

"What's your middle name?"

  I made a face of disgust. "You don't wanna know."

  His eyes sparkled. "Now I kind of do."

  He poked me. "Come on, what is it?"

  Suddenly I shoved my icecream in his face, he blinked in surprise. I snapped a picture.

  "There. Now I have a bargaining chip so you chat blackmail me." I said happily.

He wiped the icecream from his nose. "That wasn't necessary."

  "Oh it was." I said gravely.

  "So what is it?" Kai leaned forward.

  I sighed. "My full name is...Isla Desdemona Gladys James."

  "That's not so bad." Kai frowned.

  I winced. "Wait until you learn what Desdemona means."

  "What does it mean?"

  "Of the devil." I sighed. "Misery. And she was murmured by her husband in a Shakespeare play."

  Kai choked down a laugh. "Oh." He snorted.

  I glared at him. "I still have my bargaining chip." I waved my phone around.

He raised his hands in surrender. "Alright, alright! But just so you know, I look hot in every picture."

  I stared at him. Before I smashed my ice cream into his head. He yelped out in protest as I worked it into his hair.

  "How about now?" I smirked. The white vanilla goodness was sticking his brown perfect hair.

  His jaw dropped. "I can't believe you just did that Isla Desdemona Gladys James!"

  "Hey!" I protested at the use of my full name. Suddenly ice cream was flying at me. I promptly shoved my chair back and ducked. But Kai managed to grab me in an iron grip before smashing the ice cream into my face. I gasped at the cold treat narrowly missed my eye and slid down my cheek.

I was breathless with laughter as I sunk onto the dirty gravel ground.

"So..." I wiped some of the peanut shavings off of my face. "About the tutoring."

  Kai sighed. "Right."

  "Is there a specific thing you don't understand or is it because you sleep in class?" I raised an eyebrow.

  "It's a power nap, gets my brain working." Kai mumbled.

  "Mmhm. Sure." I got up and grabbed some napkins from the dispenser. Kai followed along.

  "I just need to know why I'm working with." I glanced over at him.

  Kai ran his hand through his ice cream covered hair. "I guess my brain just gets all muddled and I can't really focus on the words and...then suddenly I'm asleep."

  I pondered that for a moment. But then suddenly a giant mech crashed through the buildings. I looked up in alarm to see Garmadon directing his shark mech forward with an evil laugh.

  "oh my god." I breathed.

  "General number three, send some crab men down Emit avenue." He yelled.

Emit avenue. I suddenly comprehended his words. "Leif." I whispered.

Kai suddenly tackled me down as the mech swung its leg forward and kicked the ice cream truck. I wiggled from Kai's grasp and ran for it, getting in Kai's car and stealing the keys he had left stupidly in the cup holder.

  Kai raced after me. "Get in the car." I growled.

  He looked caught. His eyes darting up at the mech.

  "Isla I need the car. I have go...get somewhere . Can you please just go hide somewhere safe?" He pleaded.

  "Ehhhh wrongs answer." I put it in reverse and he yelled out when I went driving down the street. I floored the gas and served around people. I had to make sure my brother was okay. Suddenly I was aware of feet appearing on the dashboard.

  I looked up to see the fire ninja balanced on the dash.

  " take me to the old warehouse by the beach?" Fire ninja sounded angry.

I spun the wheel, he barely managed to stay on as I turned.

  "Look, I know people are selfish and want to look after themselves but I need to get to my mech." Fire snapped.

  "That's what you think this is? Well news for you fire ninja I have a heart!" I retorted.

  "Then why did you drive away and leave m-that boy?" He clung to the window.

  "I need to get to my brother before the crab men do." I told him, giving the ninja a glare.

  "Can't you let the ninja handle it?"

  "Well I don't see you stopping that puffer fish lady!" I waved my hands at the general currently in the middle of dangling a person off of the overpass by a kite.

He cursed. After a brief fight in my mind I spun the wheel again but this time back towards the general. I zoomed by the general and Fire quickly drew his Katana. He leaped off and knocked over the general and managed to catch the kite before the kid fell. He let the kid down on the side of the road as I skidded to a stop.

  "Look, I'll go find your brother if you bring me to the warehouse." He promised.

  "You take the car." I hopped out and handed him the keys. "I'll take that guy's motorcycle."

  Fire looked exasperated. "That's not safe, you need to find a safe spot. Duck and cover and all that."

  I hopped on the motorcycle. Taking the keys from the shaking man.

  "You go get your mech. I'm going to get my brother." I took off. I never drove a motorcycle really before. Only once when my dad taught me on his old Vespa. This was a real step up.

  But I needed to get to Leif so I let that thought drive me faster as I weaved around the generals and debris towards home.

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