5 - What About Trust?

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Reasons Why I Hate Kai #5 : He had an ant hill in grade nine and he used it against me

"You're tutoring Kai Smith?" Harry laughed. "That is hi-" he coughed at my death glare. "Really unfortunate. Yup, that is very bad. Bad indeed."

I sighed and twirled my Granny Smith Apple on my finger. "I guess I'm desperate. I'm tired of Leif always having to be so kind and innocent. We can't have desert because we don't have the extra money, he's okay with it. We can't go to the movies, he's still happy. I just...want to give him what he deserves."

Harry smiled. "You're a really great person, you know that right?"

"Argh, you've learned my deepest darkest secret. I'm actually a fairy unicorn who grants wishes." I rolled my eyes.

"Pictured more of a demon."

I stuck out my tongue and took a bite of my apple. My phone dinged and my brows furrowed when I took it out.

Hey, it's Kai.

I stared at it for awhile. Then I slipped my phone back in my pocket.

"You aren't going to answer him?" Harry asked.

I groaned. "Do I have to?"

Harry shrugged. "No, but he probably saw that you read it."

I huffed and swiped the screen before replying.

Hey Jerk face.

"There I replied." I said triumphantly.

  Can we meet up after school? To talk about the party and tutoring?

  I sighed. My thumbs flying across the screen.

  Can't. Movie night, remember?


  I know your dinner is at six and the movies at eight.

  My brows knit together. How'd he know that? I whipped my head up to glare at Harry. He paused he cleaning.

  "What'd I do?"

  "Did you tell him my movie night schedule?"

  Harry snorted. "No, he rarely talks to me, to busy be tardy for class."

  Jay. I growled in my head.

I had his text from one of our projects and I speedily texted him.

I know what you did.

His reply came fast.

How'd you know it was me?

I'm not stupid. I texted back.

Sighing I forced myself to go back to Kai.

Fine, you got me. Where will we meet?

Front steps. Five minutes after the bell make that ten since I usually lose something in my locker.

I'll meet you at your locker.

I shut off my phone. Sighing and taking another chomp of my apple.


  The end of the day rolled in and I made my way to Kai's locker. I knew where it was and his combination-12345- from the numerous pranks I pulled on him freshman year.

  I found him digging around in his locker. Unfortunately Cole was there to. And Lloyd. And Jay. And Zane. And Nya. Great.

  "Did you seriously lose your phone?" Cole laughed out loud. Slipping his headphones onto his neck.

  "It's not funny!" Kai snapped as he threw random objects like shoes and chewed up pencils from his locker.

  "Eh....kind of is." I spoke up, leaning arms crossed on the locker beside them.

  They all glanced at me. I jerked my head at Jay. "I got a bone to pick with you Walker."

  He shrunk back. Before making a run for it.

  I snickered, taking out my phone. "To easy." I sent him a quick death sentence before shutting off my phone.

  Brock, one of Lloyd's biggest haters walked around the corner had Lloyd quickly excused himself. Zane and Cole going with him for numbers.

  "I'll see you later Bro." Nya hopped on her motorcycle. "I'll call you when your turn for patrol starts." Then she zoomed off.

  "ooh patrol. Fancy" I raised an eyebrow.

  He ignored me, searching through a pencil case.

  I stuck my head around the door and wrinkled my nose. "Ew, it smells even worse than before."

  "You smelt my locker?" Kai asked curiously.

  "Uh yeah, who else would've put a skunk in there?"

His jaw dropped. "I thought that was Nya!"

  "Nope." I reached my hand in and pulled his phone out of a small compartment for pens. I tossed it at him. "There ya go."

  I stepped back and motioned at his monstrosity. "All this." I wrinkled my nose for effect. "Needs some serious organization."

  "Whatever. " he slammed his locker shut. "Let's go."

  I followed him out of the school, waving at Harry before arriving at a frick'n red fancy car something or other. (I don't know cars okay but it looks expensive.)

  I gaped at it. "What the heck?"

  He climbed inside. "My buddy Lloyd made it."

  "Lloyd made this?" I got in the passenger seat, setting my bag at my feet. "That is.....interesting."

  "Interesting?" Kai asked incredulously. "My best friend makes a car from scraps and you call it interesting?"

  "Hey, that's as good as the complements are gonna get with you Smith. Maybe next time have Lloyd come around and I'll drop an awesome dude."

  He rolled his eyes and switched quickly into reverse, whipping it around like a psychopath. I stayed tense and kept my stone facade on even though my insides were screaming.

  When he finally smoothed out and began driving at a leisurely pace I slowly turned to look at him.

  "You drive worse than my aunt. And that's saying something."

  "Is your aunt that blonde women?" Kai ignored my jab.

  I nodded. "Huh, saw her once bring in like a whole bag just full of gummy worms and asparagus." Kai recalled.

  "That's Aunt Helen." The affection was full in my voice. Kai glanced at me, not used to me using a tone that wasn't sarcasm.

  "You don't talk much about anything personal." Kai commented.


  "Just saying it's nice to know that people are legit." Kai flicked on the train signal.

  "Where are we even going..." I muttered.

  I glanced at him. "I just don't talk much to people about personal stuff okay?"

  "Well talk with me now."

  "Are you serious?"

  "Oh yeah I'm serious. "

  He saw the look on my face. "It doesn't have to be anything big. Just..I don't know your favourite candy or something."

  I sighed. "are we there yet?"

  Kai pulled up and parked. "Yup, now talk."

"Why are we doing this? Let's talk about tutoring, how much did you get on that test?"

His gaze never wavered. "Isla..."

I threw my hands in the air. "Kai...."

Kai sighed. "Why won't you talk to me?"

  "I am talking, I just don't like talking about personal stuff."

  He pressed his lips in a thing line. Face tight with frustration. "You know what? Whatever. Be like that. That's just frick'n perfect." He got out and slammed the car door. Stomping onto the side walk.

I watched him go. He took a deep breathe, putting his hands on his head. His face exasperated.

  Why didn't I talk about anything personal? Favourite colour? Food? Those were easy questions.

  But I've always had trust issues.

And maybe I wasn't ready to trust Kai.

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