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i take the train and i wish i had friends to go to the train station... im so lonely. Then theres my sister and brother who have friends to walk with. 


It was a rainy day with thunderstorms. Did they ever cancel school? No, it was a nightmare for all of the students who don't get driven to school. For many reasons why their guardians don't take them, for example. They could hate driving, they couldn't care less or they'll say this.

"I still went to school when it was hailing and the snow reached above my waistline."

"Hi Nagito!" Kokichi waved to Nagito as he got off the train. They had been texting whilst both of them were on the train. But Kokichi had fewer stops to go so he arrived first and waited for Nagito's train to arrive. 

"Oh, i thought you would've left by now," Nagito chuckled walking up to Kokichi and checking out.

"Why would i leave you, you have an umbrella mister. And i do not," Kokcihi huffed starting to walk down the stairs with Nagito. Smiling at each other until the reached outside. Kokichi swore on his eyes the moment they got down it started to pour down like a shower.

Nagito opened up his umbrella and let his small friend under. "Good thing that im short," Kokichi sighed as they started to walk on cigarettes all over the sidewalk. 

But making matters worse the place they lived in is popular for their cyclist and there were still people cycling outside. And don't get me started for the people that had their scooters with them. 

"I saw the best sale yesterday. And it was for bagels. I got a lot of bagels yesterday. Didn't finish them so i brought them with me for lunch." Nagito told Kokichi as they crossed a street. Starting to sprint over not wanting to get stuck in the middle.


They both were soaked in the end. During the peaceful walk, someone decided to bump into them on purpose and took the umbrella. Kokichi was gonna fight back but Nagito held him back. 

They both walked into the massive school and separated to get their indoor shoes on. Because rules are rules. Kokichi walked over to his section that he was assigned. And walked to his locker number, 183. Opening it with his code. 

"I swear I'll find those underclassmen and fight them." Kokichi sighed has he switched into his indoor shoes. Talking to himself, looking up he saw Hajime next to him.

"Oh, sorry! I'll scoot over," Kokichi apologized seeing that he was trying to get into his locker. Hopping to the right. 

"Thank you," Hajime bowed his head to Kokichi removing his shoes. And Hajime told himself that it would be good to get some friends, so he started a conversation. 

"So, how are you today? I like your..." Hajime awkwardly stopped. He couldn't randomly compliment his outfit because everyone is wearing uniforms. His hair didn't look so good at the moment it was soaked. He could say hands but that's a bit weird. 

"Im fine, expect the fact that some underclassmen stole our umbrella!" Kokichi whined in a childish tone. Hajime chuckled. But then asked.


"I know right! Arent, they supposed to treat us with respect. I mean we are graduating class. If i were them i'd be too scared to go near them." Kokichi rambled on, putting his shoes into the locker. "Well, I've got to get to class. I'll see you there," 

Hajime sighed and muttered, "So much of making a friend." Closing his locker and picked up his bag walking away. Well, he was kind of following Kokichi because they were in the same homeroom. 

Yawning as he walked up to the tiring stairs with were quiet randomly wood. Looking at the TV screen to see what blocks there were for the day and the news, and their positive Thursday quote. 

Hajime entered the classroom and took his seat in the back and started to unpack his bag for the day, his laptop, pencil case and whatever folder he needed for class. To be honest, always going back to your locker to get your things was a tiring thing so Hajime decided to bring a bag with him. 

And now he just sat there and waited, but where did Kokichi go? "Wasnt i basically following him on the way here. Then where did he disappear to?" Hajime muttered to himself and got very focused on his thoughts not aware of his surroundings.

"So rainy today, geez." Hajime looked up to see an emo kid. Who did not look at all pleased with the weather, "Why don't they ever cancel school? I heard in Britain they canceled school for a bit of snow," (sorry)

Hajime chuckled at the comment, "Because it started to snow a lot more, besides its just rain." 

"And thunder and lightning. Just wait until a student gets hurt." He replied and scoffed. 

"Im Hajime Hinata, and please don't jinx that." Hajime held out a hand for the kid. 

"Shuichi Saihara and ill probably jinx that," He sighed and shook Hajimes hand. Hajime noticed that his hand was very cold and very pale. Kind of like Kokichis skin, why are they so pale?

Shuichi noticed that Hajime was staring at his skin and snatched his hand away and walked over to his seat which was right in the front. Sighing. 

"Why does everyone seem bored?" Hajime asked out loud. 

"Because this school sucks. They pretend that their students get fun and very well educated. Were basically goldfish. Have you seen the playground for the young kids? There's no dirt nor trees at all. Its all concrete, and its so plain. Remember my time in primary school where there were bushes that we all climbed and got in trouble for. Bigger swings that fit four kids, and overall it was more fun. The old building is way better than this crap." Shuichi rambled to Hajime about the old school building which did sound way better. 

"And the food was more fun and exciting. It was kind of like junk food but all young children want that. They don't want some healthy lunch which is 35 kr for each meal. Also, the school is just so plain and boring. No one looks happy, and the teachers are there and don't care." Shuichi continued but stopped at that when he noticed more people were coming in the room. 


have a great week! 17 mai is two days away, luckily my mom said that we dont have to do the train. 

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