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Exams were going on at school so during lunch they pushed all students to one side and left half of the cafeteria empty. Meaning that Nagito and Kokichi had lost their precious spot which was away from the freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors. 

During lunch, Nagito looked everywhere in the cafeteria for his purple-haired friend. But it was difficult with all of the colors. He sighed as he looked deeper to the crowd, frozen. He saw a pale hand go up and it was Kokichi. He stumbled over saying a small hello. 

There was the emo looking kid from Netta. They both froze and pointed at each other, "Oh, it's you," 

Kokichi kind of sat there confused. With a stupid look on his face. They've already met? Guess im not needed after all when it comes to people. God, bless me once more. 

Kokichi felt four pairs of eyes on him, they both looked concerned about Kokichi who looked very strange. "How long?"

"6 minutes,"

"Kill me now," Kokichi smacked his hands to his face in embarrassment. 6 MINUTES? 

Shuichi chuckled, getting interested in the small boy even more. He wanted to know a lot more than his albino friend which was quite tall.  

"Im Shuichi Saihara, nice to meet you," He took his hand out for a handshake. 

"Nagito Komaeda, nice to meet you too. Maybe you should look happier when your working. Maybe more emotion," 

"Says the insane bagel buyer," Shuichi muttered under his breath. Nagito slammed his hands on the table with a stern look paired up with a smile. 

"Excuse me what?" 

"Nothing, mind your beeswax." Shuichi crossed his arms over his chest and huffed. Enjoying messing with the albino. Acting like a 6-year-old. Nagito groaned and took a seat in front of Shuichi forgetting about Kokichi. 

 The two kept on fighting and Kokichi just hopped in at the interesting parts then left the conversation. He smiled though, these two didn't seem that bad of a mix... right?

"Is this seat taken?" Kokichi looked up and saw a wary Hajime which was eyeing the two kids fighting. 

"Oh no no no. Come sit with me, those are too busy and i want company," Kokichi smiled to Hajime which was only holding a book. It was a blue book with two guys as the cover looking up. And the side had yellow text, Hajime noticed and hid it away. 

"Anyways, those two are idiots." Kokichi sighed pointing at them.

Hajime chuckled, "From the looks of it yes, they do look like idiots." Kokichi was shocked, the serious Hajime was gone. Kokichi then thought to himself, during school he's professional. I wonder how he's at home then? Maybe he has a dog... Nagito had a cute dog once. 

Kokichi laughed, "They didn't even notice us. They're stuck in their own world." They started to talk about annoying things like siblings. After everyone was done eating lunch they all decided to go outside. 

Both Hajime and Kokichi sat outside basically suntanning. Well, Kokichi was covering most if skin saying that he burns easily and gets a flushed face from being in the sun for too long. Which Shuichi also related with and joined them. 

Hajime then left those two to go to Nagito which was swinging on a swing next to the sea. Their school was located right next to the sea which meant that they saw a lot of boats every day. Nagito was using his own body to make it swing, he looked so peaceful as his white hair fluttered in the wind. 

He looked like a model which was posing for something sad. "Hi," Hajime said with a tiny bit of confidence, then he thought to himself im a senior and I'm scared to say hi to a senior... what has my life come too. Wait, was there a voice crack?

Nagito looked at Hajime and hopped off the swing and stopped it and with a smile said, "Wanna hop on for a ride?" Hajime gladly agreed and sat down. And felt the extra weight and saw Nagito on the other side, their backs were touching.

"Come on then! We need to start flying," Nagito nudged Hajime with his spine and dug it into Hajimes back. 

"Okay! Okay!" Hajime laughed and lunged forward for power and pulled back, Nagito did the same. After about three minutes they were going really high and very fast but they were having the time of their life. Nagito was free, with his wings spread wide. He couldn't ask for more, he loved being with Hajime. 

"I really like you Hajime." Nagito said as he looked at the clear sea. Hajime was shocked by the confession, "I know its been two days since we met but i feel like we fit like puzzle pieces. Like we are each other's medication."

"It's not a love confession right?" Hajime slowly asked looking at the seagulls squawking and flying around.  

Nagito laughed, "It would be weird if it was. It'd be a bit too early Hajime. What you want a love confession, you have girls lining up for you," Hajime was randomly popular with the girls from the school. 

"I don't care about them. I care for my friends, wait. We are a friend group, right? I feel bad that i just popped in," Hajime nervously told Nagito, it felt so easy to talk to Nagito. Maybe its because they're not facing each other. 

Nagito held onto the edges and whacked Hajime in the head, "Of course we are, idiot." Nagito said idiot in a different language. Making Hajime confused, Nagito smirked. 

"I said idiot in Norwegian. It sounds ruder," 

It was silent, you heard the others chattering. 

"Oh my god Nagito..." Hajime shook his head with a smile. "I really wanna get down now. Im kind of afraid of heights at the moment." 

"I kind of agree. You could just hop into the sea." Nagito agreed and slowed down the swing by pushing force on it and hopped off so he could stop it for real. When the swing was about still Hajime hopped off the swing and huffed. 

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