Chapter 6

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Hoshi stared forward, Cayena glancing at her. "He nearly killed someone." She perked up, looking at the girl beside her surprised. Her gaze went forward again, her eyes narrowed. "Why.."Hoshi asks the guard carrying her glancing down. "You were so pale and your breathing was slowing, he nearly killed a guard in blind rage..."Cayena explains as they reach the emperor's room. Hoshi was set down on her feet, her hands trembling as she quickly threw the room doors open finding Regef kneeling down beside the emperor's bed. Both looked at her equally surprised to see her here. Hoshi fell to her hands and knees, bowing her head till it nearly touched the floor. "YOUR MAJESTY PLEASE FORGIVE REGEF FOR MY STUPIDITY!" Regef hurried over, his eyes wide. "Hoshi-"Regef begins startled. "IT'S MY FAULT FOR TRUSTING THINGS SO BLINDLY!! PLEASE FORGIVE HIM!"Hoshi yells keeping her head down. "You can raise your head, Hoshi."

She hesitated but raised her head slightly, Esteban smiling slightly. "I will not punish him this time but do well to be more careful"Esteban promises. "Thank you, your highness"Hoshi mutters relieved she made it in time. "I said you can call me by my name." She perked up, looking nervous. "Thank you, Esteban..."Hoshi mutters still confused about why he wished for her to call him by his name. Regef grabbed her arms and gently hauled her to her feet. "You came all this way for me"Regef smiled looking touched. She nodded, placing a hand on his cheek, jolting in surprise when he grabbed it and pressed a kiss to her palm. He picked her up princess carry, smiling at her. Her gaze quickly averted from his face, getting a chuckle of amusement as he carried her away. Her curiosity got the better of her, so she peeked over his shoulder, finding the emperor staring Regef down with a look she's never seen before. She quickly looked away, Regef passing Cayena by as he carried her back to his room.


Hoshi walked around, wearing a white knee length dress with purple and golden trimming around it making out heart patterns. Medium heeled white heels on her feet. Her hair up in a half up half down pigtail style, white bows holding her pigtails together. She looked around for Regef then heard a commotion come from outside the room. Her hands pushed the doors open, her eyes widening in surprise. Regef glared at the maid and chef on the ground, holding a sword between the two. "How dare you..."Regef scowled his eyes practically glowing with pure malice. "I should ki-"Regef begins coldly. Hands touched his arm, his eyes darting to the culprit. Hoshi started up at him, his eyes widening as his face flushed red. He dropped his sword and threw an arm around her waist, pulling her close to him, his hand gently gripping her wrist. His hand released her wrist, her face turning red when his thumb smoothed across her bottom lip. "Regef"Hoshi blinked looking curious.

Her eyes widened feeling his lips on hers. Her hands placed themselves on his cheek, his arm around her waist tightening. Regef moved back, staring down at her. "Re-"Hoshi begins stunned. He grabbed her, and lifted her up, carrying her away to his room. She stared in surprise, finding this a bit embarrassing. "Nobody enters my room for the rest of today"Regef says keeping his back to the stunned servants. The doors behind him closed, the prince setting her down on his bed. His hand grabbed hers, pressing a kiss to the back of it, trailing up till he pressed a kiss to her cheek. He wrapped an arm around her, holding her close. "You won't leave me right?" She perked up and lifted her gaze, finding him looking down at her with a blank but pleading expression. He leaned down and buried his face into her shoulder, his hand gripping her shoulder tight enough to leave behind a bruise. "Don't leave....I'll do whatever you want." Her eyes widened in surprise, looking worried.

"I'll buy you whatever you want, you can go wherever...just don't leave and always come back to me." She pressed a kiss to his cheek, causing the prince to raise his head. Her arms wrapped around him, one hand stroking his hair. Now she felt bad. Despite everything there as a bit of doubt that lingered in her mind. She was scared of him but she also liked being around him. "I won't leave...but promise me one thing"Hoshi swore placing her hands on his cheeks making him look at her. "Anything.."Regef mutters leaning into her touch. "You can't aimlessly hurt people and I want you to try and control your temper"Hoshi bargains. He nodded in response and rested his head on her chest, his arms wrapped around her waist as he sat on his knees. "I'll do whatever.."Regef promised looking up at her again. She sighed at his little repeat, running her fingers through his hair. He stood up and pulled her up after him, wrapping an arm around her waist as he pulled her into another kiss.


Hoshi brushed her hair, staring at the mirror in front of her. She set her brush down, then stood up and grabbed Regef's robes, wrapping them around herself. She grabbed the door knob and turned it, opening the door. "Hoshi?" Regef sat up in bed, looking at her with slightly wide eyes, his hand gripping the blanket. "I'll be right back, I want to take a quick walk in the garden, you can come with if you want"Hoshi smiled looking at him. He rose to his feet, and made his way over, taking her hand as the two left the room. Jannon scowled, watching the duo head outside. "Careful"Regef mutters smiling as he follows her around. She giggled, beaming up at him, a breeze blowing through their hair. She released his hand, smiling as she closed her eyes silently listening to the sounds around her. Arms wrapped around her waist, Regef standing close to her, a small smile on his face. "We can do this every night"Regef offers  getting a giggle from her. "I'd like that, thank you"Hoshi smiled.

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