Chapter 7

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Hoshi started at her mother, silently gripping her tea cup. Ever since the day she pleaded for Regef to go unpunished rumors had spread throughout the kingdom. Word around being that the prince found someone he'd forever have an interest in. Even the servants were giggling about the rumors calling her a saint that'd quell an upset and raging Regef whenever she stepped into the room or her voice calls him. "You've been making a name for yourself my dear, how surprised I was when rumors reached me!"Lotte smiled setting her tea cup down, albeit roughly. Hoshi flinched visibly, her eyes wide. She already knew what her mother had thought. Her mother had thought she'd do something that either got her killed, sent home or exiled but she was thriving in the palace with the prince still alive and well. "I heard....that his highness got in trouble for you because you were poisoned.."Lotte says looking curious. Hoshi flinched a second time, getting close to breaking the cup a second time.

"Duchess Lotte." Her duchess perked up looking shocked. Hoshi stood up, setting her tea cup down. "Please leave if you are here to start some drama, I am not in the mood to let a sour poor excuse of a duchess ruin my day with Regef.."Hoshi says her face holding home to no expression. "I was lucky enough to get permission from Esteban for us to go out." Lotte stared at her looking stunned, no doubt alarmed that she was calling the emperor by his name. "YOU DISGRACEFUL CHILD!" A slap echoed, Hoshi sitting on her knees stunned as she touched her cheek, her body trembling. "YOU THINK YOU'RE SPECIAL! YOU'RE STILL A USELESS GIRL WITH NO PLACE IN THE WORLD!!"Lotte snapped lifting her hand. "What are you doing?" Regef stood there, Jannon right behind him. He made his way over, passing the startled woman and kneeling down beside the girl on the floor.  "Let me see..."Regef commands his eyes narrowed. She moved her hand away, revealing her reddening cheek.

She winced when he touched it, noticing a bit of a bruise was forming in the center of her reddened cheek. His gaze snapped to the duchess, glaring at her pure rage starting to spread across his face. Hands grabbed his sleeve, stopping him before he made a move, his eyes darting back to Hoshi finding her staring up at him. Regef sighed and stood up, glaring at the woman in front of him doing his best to keep his temper under control. "Leave the palace and do not return or else I won't be as merciful this time"Regef commands two guards coming in. The guards grabbed Lotte, dragging the yelling and protesting woman out of the room. He took her hands, helping her stand and pressed a kiss to her cheek causing her face to burn red. "Have a maid bring something for her cheek"Regef orders Jannon bowing his head then leaving. He sat her down, frowning as he eyed her cheek but he relaxed when noticing the concerned look on her face. "She won't come back, I'll make sure of it"Regef swears. "Thanks"Hoshi smiled.


Hoshi beamed wearing a sunhat as she looked at the sky, Regef wearing a cloak behind her that covered his hair. She held his hand, looking around with a wide smile, her eyes sparkling. "Where should we go first?"Regef asks grabbing his hood when a rough breeze blew. She pulled Regef after her, laughter coming from the prince as she looked through one of the windows. "Oh!"Hoshi beamed gushing over the yipping puppies. A gasp came from her when the hat blew off, a hand instantly catching it. Regef placed it back onto her head, giving her a small smile. "Careful"Regef teased tapping her nose. She giggled and looked away flustered then grabbed his hand. "Let's go over there!"Hoshi beamed pulling him after her. He followed her into a shop, smiling when she went to try on accessories. Hoshi smiled staring in the mirror as she tried on a few hair clips and bracelets. "Anything catches your eyes?"Regef asks placing his hands on her waist, pulling her close.

"I like a lot of these bu-"Hoshi begins taking off the bow hair clip. "We'll take the accessories from here to there"Regef says pointing to one side then to the other side. She stared at him in shock, the store owner doing the same before they bowed their head and rushed around to get everything packed. "There"Regef smiled turning to her. "Th-Thank you"Hoshi chuckled feeling a bit embarrassed. He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close. "Don't I get a reward for fixing the problem"Regef chuckled looking cheeky. She smiled, and pulled him down pressing a kiss to his lips. He pulled away, running his thumb across her bottom lip. "Should we go to a bakery?"Regef asks smiling down at her. She nodded, her eyes sparkling. "Have those delivered to the royal palace"Regef orders glaring at the shop owner. "Don't let a single one go missing." She walked out beside him, looking around with a wide smile. Regef started down at her, then leaned close looking curious. "Have you ever thought about children?"Regef asks.

She perked up in surprise, then laughed. "I have actually! I was imagining having a small family far away from the kingdom and my mother, raising my child with as much love and care I could muster up and shower them with"Hoshi smiled her expression softening. She looked down, Edel flashing in her mind for a moment. She missed him and she hoped he was doing okay without her. She took a deep breath in and let it out, smiling again. "Did you think up any names?" She laughed at his question, noticing the genuine curiosity on his face. "Elaine for a girl and Aaron for a boy"Hoshi smiled looking fond of the names as she touched her stomach. Regef smiled slightly, looking forward. "Why'd you ask?"Hoshi asks looking up at him. "I was just curious, it's been on my mind ever since I saw you with those kids"Regef answers pressing a kiss to her cheek. A hand suddenly grabbed her wrist, her eyes wide as she was snatched away into the bustling crowd, Regef's eyes widening as he looked towards her. "REGEF!" "HOSHI!!"

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