22| You're It

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Frankly, Tanami had no clue as to who exactly yelled out the word but that did not stop her from forcing her body into a sprint. The specific place where they were going to play tag in was a maze. A well-constructed maze that had been built in one of the zones at Mizu and was not small in the slightest.

As she rushed forward, she pulled away from her classmates. They did the same, scattering as their leaders had informed them to do. Not long after, she was by herself. Her leg muscles were beginning to burn but that did not make her stop running. For some odd reason, the girl fit the gas mask over her mouth and nose.

The moment her foot hit the ground, Tanami skidded to a halt. Forcing herself to a defensive position, she curled her hand into a fist and began to visualize a red crystal in my mind. The scarlet glow formed in front of her. Her eyes narrowed and she held back a groan. Just her luck.

"Yo, pretty girl, you seem lost."

Balancing on top of the maze wall on his toes, a familiar olive-haired adolescent hovered above Tanami's stilled figure. The crystal swiped her arm outward, forcing the ruby wall in front of her to crumble into shards. At her command, the shards floated protectively around her as she stared intently at her opponent.

"C'mon, pretty girl, we can make this quick and let me tag you." the boy who she had encountered at the lunch line earlier gave her a smirk. "I don't want to hurt that pretty face of yours."

"You know I would prefer a pickup line right about now. At least that had some flare even if it was cheesy." Tanami retorted. Even with the gas mask covering the lower half of her face, her voice filtered out crystal clear without any sign of muffling. She slowly reached to unclip the silver canister shoved in one of her belt's pouches.

If she memorized the layout of her costume correctly, the canister in that specific spot would be a smoke bomb. Granted if used it, she would give her possession away for others from Team Beta to tag her, but that would be a later problem.

"First you don't like it but now you want one? Talk about picky, pretty girl. Decide on what you want." The teen propped an elbow on his bent knee and shook his head in confusion. "What's your name, pretty girl?"

"Tanami Mochizuki." She peered around herself, slowing backing down the corridor to create some distance between the two.

"Mamoru Shimada. Now, I honestly wouldn't want to harm someone like yourself but-" Rolling his shoulders back with a sly grin, jagged pieces of white- no perhaps beige- suddenly sprouted from his back. "I don't like losing, Mochizuki."

With elongated and claw-like nails, his hand drew behind him and, for lack of a better word, quite literally sunk his nails into the strong structure that sprouted out of him and broke it off without a flinch. Pulling his arm back, he lunged forward to throw the object that came from his spine. The moment the thing left his grasp, Tanami brought both arms up and slammed her gloved palms together. The ruby shards slammed together to create a crystal barrier once more. The object collided with the wall, the sharp point of it getting lodged in the gemstone.

Jumping off the top of the maze wall, Shimada easily landed on the ground as if it was the easiest thing in the world. He did not waste a second as he bolted forward, yanked the bone shard from the wall of ruby, and settled a concentrated glare on the girl.

Gritting her teeth, the female kicked off her feet just in time for the Shimada to swipe the sharp weapon across her body. Unfortunately for him, Tanami managed to jump away from the piece of bone tearing across her abdomen. Curling her body back, she effortlessly pulled off a backflip to evade Shimada's attack. The soles of her black heavy-duty boots slammed against the concrete before she steadied her stance to side-shuffle away from another swipe.

Behind the gas mask, her lips pursed together as the two decided to play a game of cat and mouse. Being the rodent in this situation, the only thing Tanami could do was make sure she was not caught. Her fighting skills were adequate, much more developed than Akihiko's at least. Between the two of them, she was better at fighting and he was better at planning things. Tomohiro only taught them simple and nothing terribly difficult. Right now, well, she hoped that those lessons would kick in.

Tanami raised her left arm in a defensive position, forcing her Quirk to materialize euclase on the outer part of her forearm. The weapon made of bone collided with the cerulean and clear crystal which made a loud clunk. Cracks ran across the crystal-like a spider webbing its thread with intricacy. At the same time the two objects connected, the female raised her knee and slammed her heel into the boy's abdomen. He sputtered, hunching over to grasp his stomach.

Just as she was about to pull her leg back, Shimada curled an arm around her shin and tugged her forward. Since she did not expect that, Tanami stumbled and lost her balance as she fell forward. The olive-haired boy released his hold, latched both hands on her armored shoulders, and allowed his body to fall backward. He tucked his body inward and effortlessly tossed Tanami over him.

A gasp of shock and pain left the girl's lips as her spine crashed into the solidness of the ground. The air was knocked out of her lungs and she wheezed from the lack of oxygen. Not one willing to give up so easily, she pressed her palms to the concrete and tried to force herself back on her feet. Unfortunately, Shimada was one step quicker. The honey-eyed boy did not waste a single second to dig his right knee into the empty cavity above her abdomen and pin both her wrists above her head. His nails lightly dug into the fabric of her gloves.

"You put up a pretty good fight, Mochizuki. I should have expected your Quirk dealing with crystals considering your hair is modeled by one." Shimada grinned, tightening his group slightly. "I guess by the amount of shine in your hair, I should say that you light up my world."

Struggling to breathe a bit, Tanami wheezed, "d-do yo...you on-only spe...ak in pic-k up l...ines...?"

"If I did I would have a million yen from the number of girls that would have slapped me." the boy replied as he unhooked the metal handcuffs from his belt. "Now let yourself get caught, pretty girl."

The moment one cuff was about to latch around her wrist, Tanami curled her fingers into a weak fist and a flash of dark green materialized. Shards of malachite encased the cuff and did not allow it to snap shut. The gemstone crept closer to Shimada's hands and out of instinct, he pulled his arm away.

Slamming her palm against the ground, a pillar of howlite erupted from the concrete. The white and grey material collided forcefully with Shimada's chest. Stunned by the sudden emergence of the crystallic pillar, the olive-haired boy was unwillingly thrown off of Tanami's body. Shimada's figure hit the wall of the corridor and he slumped forward a bit.

"Ow," he murmured with a painful wheeze.

While she scrambled to get to her feet, her hand made its way to the metal canister on her belt. She unhooked it, flicked the tiny lock, and hurled it at the ground. The moment the canister met the floor, the lid popped open and smoke erupted from inside. The smoke flooded the corridor and created a veil of fog that coated the area surrounding the two teenagers.

Shimada's hand flew to his chest. His finger pressed a button that was settled between his collarbones. In an instant, a gas mask coated his mouth and nose as he began to stand up. Meanwhile, Tanami froze up. Which way was she supposed to run?

Shimada is in front of me but there's a wall behind me. Do I run left or right? Tanami thought in a panic. I should have taken a look around before tossing that stupid gas canister! Agh!

Looking around frantically, she was met with nothing but wisps of smoke. She gnawed on her lip and whipped her head around. I'll just... run to the left?

"Don't even think about running that way."

What the-?

That sentence made the girl tense up and her finger pressed onto the black earpiece. "Shimi?"

"Run right. Shinsha and Mei are fighting someone from Team Beta if you run left. Engage with another person from Beta with that one you are fighting and you're asking to get captured in a three-way fight." Yoshimi's voice filtered a bit statically from her earpiece.

Breaking out into a sprint to her right, Tanami kept a steady pace until she made it out of the smoke. Once she was, she forced her legs to move faster. "Any chance you know where the exit is?"

"Nope. Junpei managed to connect the communication device to one of the broken towers in the maze so that's why I can see your locations and communicate with you. I don't know where Team Beta is but if someone stays in the same place for too long, I'm just assuming that they're engaged in a fight with someone. I think Kohei-san put something up to interfere with my Quirk so that I can't see Team Beta's locations."

"I was fighting someone with a bone Quirk. He almost handcuffed me." Tanami said breathlessly as she rounded a corner. She tossed a glance over her shoulder and did not catch sight of a teenager with honey-colored irises.

"If I were you, I'd-"

Tanami skidded to a halt just in time to see someone get thrown over the wall. Hurled into the concrete wall was a familiar streak of magenta. Yua's body smacked into it and she plopped onto the ground. A groan spilled from her lips as she pressed her palms to the ground and forced herself to get up. She was a bit unsteady on her feet, body swaying from the impact she took. She huffed, blowing a curled strand of dark pink away from her face. She glared furiously at the top of the wall, cheeks a bit puffed as she waited for whatever tossed her to reveal themselves.

"For fuck's sake, get over here!" Yua screamed in frustration.

On cue, a thin, scrawny male clobbered up to the top of the wall. His body swayed at the top, legs struggling to keep his body upright. He nearly fell off the top and Tanami lurched forward to catch him in case he did take a tumble. A mask was firmly placed on the boy's face except it had a tube connected to it which trailed back a metal box that hung heavily from his bony shoulders. Lemon-colored locks fell onto the boy's face.

Tanami squinted, forcing her eyesight to look at the male. His movements were more than just strange. The air lodged itself in the amethyst-haired girl's throat. The boy's eyes were closed. He was sleeping. Sleeping.

The boy's neck suddenly craned and a crack emitted from his bone. In a whirlwind of mauve mist, the fog condensed into a curious shape. It shifted and smashed together before finally dispersing to reveal a lilac and black peppered leopard. The animal's slit pupils stared at them from on top of the wall, tail swishing dangerously as it began to stalk the two females like they were prey.

The boy spazzed suddenly, limbs jerking out of nowhere. The moment the boy's body shifted like that, the leopard purred viciously, chest vibrating as it leaped from the wall. Claws emerged from its paws as it dove down with outstretched limbs to maul them.

Swiping an arm in front of her, Tanami allowed a streak of yellow to flow from her open palm. The illumination crashed a foot in front of Yua and built a wall made of zircon. Clicking her tongue against the roof of her mouth, the magenta-haired girl dove out of the way just in time for the purple leopard to crash full force into the barrier made of crystal. Yua tucked herself into a roll before spinning back up onto her feet.

Both girls stared wide-eyed at the leopard who easily broke through the barrier. The animal slid on its four paws and crouched in a hunting position. It snarled angrily, eyes blazing with fury. It began to move toward them, maw hanging open to reveal its sharp, glinting fangs.

"Oh! You ran into Nakayama! Man, this makes this capturing thing a whole lot easier!"

Whirling around on their feet, the two females narrowly dodged the two curved and sharpened pieces of bone that were thrown in their direction. The tips embedded themselves into the concrete, a few cracks running through the ground from the amount of force they were thrown with. Walking with a slight skip in his step, Shimada laughed lightly as he placed himself a few feet away from the two of Team Alpha.

"Weird huh? Nakayama's asleep and yet his Quirk is still working?" Shimada gasped in fake disbelief. He rolled his shoulders and three small shards of bone cracked out of his spine and skin. "It only works when he's asleep. He's on anesthesia right now."

"Damn, so when is he gonna wake up?" Tanami inquired as she pressed her palms together. She was already beginning to form ruby if she needed it.

"That depends, to be honest," his honey eyes slowly trailed up to Yua. His lips tilted up into a mocking type of smirk. "Nomura-chan is the one who can wake him."

Nomura-chan? Tanami blinked in surprise. She turned to Yua and one of her crystals slapping the mask she adorned. "Isn't Nomura your last name? Aren't you an only child?"

Yua's eyebrow twitched and her purple eyes peered at one of the bones lodged in the ground. Through clenched teeth, she managed to lowly force out a sentence for only Tanami to hear. "My father knocked up another woman."

Well, that was not the answer that Tanami thought she was going to get. Opening her mouth to say- actually, Tanami had no idea what she was going to say, she would probably say something stupid- she was cut off by a loud squeal filled with excitement.

"Nee-san! Are you down there?!" Scurrying over to Nakayama's side, a petite female with magenta curls tied up into twin pigtails grabbed onto the boy's wobbly form. Her eyes were a vibrant green and filled with excitement as she peered over the wall. Instantly, she broke out into a big smile and clasped her hands together with a squeal. "It is!"

Breathing in deeply, Yua's fingers curled into fists that were firmly planted at her sides. However, she seemed to not care at this point as she said through gritted teeth. "Oh, fuck me."

The amethyst-haired teenager scanned the appearance of the other Nomura. Minus the eye color and the body types, they looked exactly the same with magenta hair and tan skin. Yua was taller, had a fuller build with taut muscles, and seemed to be able to pull her own weight in a fight. Nomura was small, smaller than Tanami and she was already short. She was thin and appeared to look like glass that could break any second.

Nomura sat down on the ledge and jumped off. She landed with a bit of struggle, brushed off the nonexistent dust from her navy blue leggings, and scampered over to Yua. She grabbed ahold of Yua's hand. "You are! I was wondering where you were! This maze is so big and I have to take care of Nakayama-kun because of his Quirk! I'm the only one who can wake him up instantly!"

"Go screw someone else!" Yua spat as she roughly pulled away from Nomura's grasp. Rubbing her palm, Yua glared at the girl through slits as she drew closer to Tanami.

Nomura pouted and slumped forward in slight defeat. "Aww, nee-san, don't be so rude! This is why mama loves me soooo much more than you?!"

Tanami felt her stomach clench at those words. It made her mad, furious even that Nomura could easily allow that sentence to roll off her tongue. Taking a step forward, Tanami brought her arm back, curled her fingers into a fist, and slammed her knuckles into Nomura's nose. A small crunch was heard as Nomura's head flung back. The girl stumbled back, falling onto her bottom. Her thin hands flew to cover her nose and mouth. Tears welled up in her eyes.

"Ack!" Nomura released a pained noise. She blinked a few times, a tear slipping from her eye. "Huh? Wha- how could you!"

Bringing her arm back, it was only then that Tanami noticed that glinting ruby coating her knuckles. Frankly, she had no clue that she even materialized ruby on her fingers. She moved automatically and her brain functioned on her own. The deed is already done so...

"Your voice is very, very annoying. Like nails on a chalkboard! Shut up!" the periwinkle-eyed girl yelled as she angrily shook her head.

Tanami was about to continue her little spiel but a chuckle full of what seemed to be relief entered her eardrums. Peering over her, the crystal noticed that Yua's chest rumbled a bit as she effortlessly plucked the two pieces of bone from the ground. She examined them, a small smirk slipping on her lips as she twirled one. Maneuvering her way to Tanami, Yua's elbow lightly swept across the twin's back.

In response, Tanami felt her body tense up suddenly. Her fingers twitched for a moment before the odd feeling she felt was swept away. The crystal bit down on her lip and dismissed the odd sensation.

"You joined a Hero school, Emika. Don't cry over a simple exercise or punch. You're supposed to capture us. Not cry about it when someone defends themself." Yua informed as she pivoted on her heel and swung the piece of bone at the side of Shimada's head.

He raised an arm instantly, bone shooting through his skin and tearing throwing his clothes. The bone curved around the outside of his forearm just in time for the one in Yua's grasp to hit it. Shimada's jaw clenched, a bead of sweat rolling down his cheek.

Yua swung her other arm, aiming the other piece of bone at his abdomen. Clenching his teeth, Shimada kicked off his feet. He thrust an arm forward, grabbing a hold of the girl's wrist. He did not expect the next thing for Yua to do was nail him in the stomach with the flat of her foot. He stumbled back a bit, feet struggling to keep him upright.

"Woah, you kick hard. Not to be rude but I thought you would be as weak as Nomura-chan." Shimada observed the bone that had tore through his arm. His skin was bleeding a bit but he had no choice. He curled and uncurled his fingers to stop the tingling sensation from running through them.

"Don't compare me to her. We may share the same father and looks, but we are nothing alike." Yua retorted. She tossed the bone pieces aside. They landed with awkward thuds against the concrete.

Reaching into one of the pouches on her belt, Yua pulled out the short metal cylinder. Pressing the button in the center, the object elongated into a bo staff. She twirled it experimentally, almost testing out its weight. It threaded through her fingers softly as she admired it with glee.

The sole of her boot slammed against the ground at the same time the end of the bo staff collided with Shimada's side. He wheezed. He had not expected her to dash forward let alone smack him with something that was heavier than he expected. Shimada did not even have time to think before the metal pole bashed his calves. The next thing he knew was that he was weightless for a moment before his back collided with the ground.

"If I was a tagger, I would have captured you easily. You're all talk." Yua spat as she pointed the end of the bo staff at his chest.

"You're a tougher opponent than Mochizuki over there that's for sure. It didn't take long to pin her down." Shimada responded.

"The girl could beat your ass if she was in the right mindset. Don't underestimate someone. You're just asking to get killed." Yua threw a cautious look over her shoulder.

Glittering, multicolored crystal encased the purple leopard into a glorified prison. The animal was frozen in an attacking position, eager to sink its fangs into Tanami if she was one second late. The girl herself was breathing heavily, perspiration layering her skin. She slipped a capsule between her lips, the sugar pill if Yua recalled correctly.

Tanami's expression contorted into disgust for one second before it relaxed. Purple eyes shifted to the crystal. Now Yua was not an expert on the Mohs scale or even what crystals made good use for jewelry, but she knew that the gemstone prison was made of pure diamond.

People would kill to get their hands on that much diamond. Who knows how much that large chunk of diamond would go for? Tens of thousands? Maybe even hundreds of thousands?

"Oh my!" Nomura squealed in disbelief. Her jade eyes widened, sparking with- was that amazement or... greed? "You made pure crystal, didn't you! You did! Why are you aiming to be a Hero when you can just sell this?! It seems like a wasted opportunity!"

Yua's attention shifted. The moment that those words left Emika's mouth, Tanami's fingers curled into tight fists. If she was not wearing gloves, Yua was certain that her knuckles would be crisp white. Noticing the person underneath her shift, the purple-eyed girl twirled the bo staff above her and brought it down. It connected with Shimada's shoulder and he gasped in pain.

She was debating mentally whether or not she should try to knock him out. She was a hunted, not a tagger but Kohei-san did not say that they could not. Yua readjusted the staff in her grasp, the fabric of her glove crinkling. When she finally came to a decision, her peripheral vision caught sight of a vermillion glow behind her. A shriek followed soon after.

Swinging the bo staff in a large arc, the end slammed into the side of Shimada's head. His eyes widened for a second before his eyelids fluttered shut. His head tilted slightly, his muscles relaxed, and his breathing fell into a steady rhythm.

Twisting around, Yua barely caught the sight of Tanami flinging a couple of rounds of sharpened red spinel at Nakayama and Emika. However, the girl's arm was twitching every so often. Tanami's right hand and arm were encased in the spinel she was throwing. Looking closer, Yua noticed that her classmate's lips had pulled into a deep frown.

An unsettling feeling settled in the depths of her stomach. Yua took a careful step forward before her body stilled in realization. Her mind instantly repeated the image of when her elbow brushed against Tanami's back.

Shit was the only word that formalized in Yua's mind.

Bolting forward, the magenta-haired girl hooked both arms underneath Tanami's armpits, hands locking on the staff. Tanami's hands flew to scratch at the bar pressed up to her throat. Thin lines decorated the metal, the crystal's hands engulfed in jagged shards of red spinel. Sweeping the amethyst-haired girl's legs, Yua let gravity pull the girl down.

Just as Yua was about to dive down to restrain the other female, the familiar luminance of cardinal erupted from the ground. The gemstone was structured in what seemed to be a rose-like design except the constructed petals were spiked. Yua bent back, flipping as elegantly as one could when almost getting gutted by an expensive stone.

She readjusted her stance, bo staff held tightly in her hands. She pointed the bar at Tanami, shuffling back to gain some space between the two of them. A curl fell into her sight but she did not bother to move it.

"Oi, Team Beta, get out of here," she said swiftly.

Tanami stood awkwardly, knees bent as she hunched over slightly. Picking her head up, she glared daggers at the other female. Instead of the usual periwinkle irises and diamond pupils, Tanami's eyes were a dull shade of crimson. Scarlet was painted around her lashes, contrasting the girl's pale skin tone. The teenager's face was rid of any emotion. Her expression was calm and unmoving.

Knitting her eyebrows together, Yua silently muttered, "that's not the usual look."

"Huh? What? Why?! We have to capture you!" Emika huffed, clenching her fists. A large gash trailed across her left arm, a few broken shards lingering inside. Another piece of sharped spinel was lodged in her left thigh. On top of that, her nose was turning a light shade of lavender and red was dripping from her nostrils from when Tanami punched her earlier.

"I swear there's nothing in the head but air," Yua muttered underneath her breath as she slowly stalked back. Amplifying her voice a bit higher, she instructed, "my Quirk activated and your idiotic self knows nothing about fighting. Move it or you're going to end up like that guy over there!"

Emika stomped her fault like a child would and shook her head. "I don't have to listen to you! And who cares about your Quirk?!"

Yua felt whatever self-restraint she had left went down the drain. Breathing in deeply and taking a glance at Tanami, she swung the bo staff to fling the shards of crystal back at her. Spinning on her heel, Yua lunged forward with the intention to knock Emika upside the head. The purple-eyed girl dug her heels into the concrete, forcing her body's momentum to stop.

She evaded the sweep of lavender smoke that lashed out at her. Clicking her tongue, Yua twirled the staff behind her before thrusting it into the smoke. She pulled back her arm and her eyes widened. Yua forced her arms to her left, banging the staff against the wall as Nakayama's Quirk formulated a python. The snake had wrapped around the pole and to be honest, she had no clue as to whether or not this reptile was poisonous or not. It quivered at the constant slamming against the wall. One more slam and the reptile slipped off.

Hard, jagged objects pricked Yua's back. She hissed in pain, the points digging through her clothes and into her skin. She stumbled as another round hit her shoulder blades. The magenta-haired girl was going to turn to dodge the assault of crystals heading her way but the purple smoke curling around her ankles tore her attention away.

Pounding the tip of the bo staff against the ground, she popped off one half and used the one still on the floor as a step stool. Pushing herself off the bar, she jumped just high enough for her hand to latch onto the wall's ledge. She forced herself to scramble to the top. Panting, Yua pressed her earpiece. "I need Daiki over here now."

Static filled the other side momentarily. "Why do you need me? I'm trying to find the exit."

Swallowing her pride, Yua jumped when lapis lazuli shot out of the wall's ledge. "I activated my Quirk on Tanami by accident. It's three against one. I'll lose no doubt."

"What do you mean you accidentally used your Quirk?" Yoshimi inquired. Heavy breaths came from his line.

"My Quirk is a combination of two: Psychometric Movements and Feral Unbound. If I get too nervous or angered, I unconsciously activate it through touch. I brushed against Tanami and my Quirk is working-" Yua fell into a front flip when the smoke clawed at her. "-I need to knock her unconscious but I can't get close since her Quirk works long and short-range."

"What gemstone did Tanami create last?" Kagemi questioned.

Yua spared a look before dodging the blue with golden specks racing toward her. "Lapis lazuli."

"That's a five on the Mohs scale. The less sugar in her body, the less dense are the crystals. If she gets to talc, that means there is no more sugar in her body and she'll either pass out from that or blood loss. Whichever comes first."

"Blood loss?" Yua blinked.

"Okay, but why do you need me?" Daiki sputtered.

"A guy from Team Beta's Quirk works while he sleeps. He's on anesthesia."

"Yeah, I have no clue what happens if you inject modafinil into someone when they're dead asleep on anesthesia."

"Modafinil?" Yua threw herself to dodge more crystals.

"It's used for narcolepsy and it keeps the person awake throughout the day. Usually, it takes about two hours to kick in. If you want him to wake up immediately, I have to adjust the dosage and again, I have no idea what it would do if you combine these." Daiki explained.

Yua grunted. A shard hit her ankle and tore her leggings and skin open. "Anything else you can use?"

"Off the top of my head? No. And I ain't giving the dude a drug that stops and restarts his heart."

The female nearly tripped over her own two feet when Daiki muttered those words "Get over here."

"I'm going, I'm going."

Dazzling blue crystal encased Yua's left foot. Stunned by its emergence, she did not have time to stop herself from falling. She hit the ground, saliva flying from her mouth. The female tugged at her foot, trying her best to free her limb. Cracks spread around the gemstone and another tug managed to release her foot.

She scampered up only for the mauve fog to curl around both ankles. She tried to get her legs to move upward but her body refused to comply. With a stern pull, Nakayama's smoke converted into thick rope and her feet were swept underneath her. Yua was yanked off the top of the wall. The back of her head collided with the ledge as she was pulled down.

Her eyesight instantly went from clear to blurry. She barely made out the feeling of wetness clinging to her scalp and hair. Yua wanted to bring a hand to the back of her skull but her arm decided to be useless. Pressing the soles of her boots to the ground, the magenta-haired girl tried to get up. She managed to do so but her lower limbs were trembling. The female had no idea when but she knew her legs would give out sooner than later.

"...fuck," Yua uttered slowly.

Her left fingers curled into a fist in frustration. The two pieces of her staff were who knows where, her classmate was very well being controlled by her Quirk, and her idiotic sister and Nakayama were trying to capture her. The back of her head was bleeding and pounding, her body refused to listen, and she was honestly tired.

Why did her Quirk have to activate, and why did it activate on Tanami?

She did not know. All she knew was that her vision was beginning to blacken and her mind was no longer processing.

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Author's Note:

What do you think is going to happen next?

Obviously, this game of tag took a turn to the worse real quick. I hope nothing else goes wrong.

This is what the basic costume is supposed the look like minus the few diamond designs. 

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