23| Bittersweet Results

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Luminescent screens were plastered against the wall, various figures flickering and moving across the monitors. Sometimes the screens would switch to a different video before going back to the one playing beforehand. Settled in the two seats in the middle of the room were Kohei and Yuuma Endomoto, or better known as Impression.

Kohei was not one to back down from any friendly competition. Granted that may have developed from his long-standing rivalry... friendship... complicated relationship with Tomohiro. Even if they were three years apart, Tomohiro never failed to be a challenging person to be with and he greatly appreciated that part of him. Although they may argue more than normal people, Kohei could gladly say that they had each other's back.

However, it was unusual for Kohei to accept such a request so soon into the year. He spent the first few days on quick thinking and possibilities in certain situations. He then was forced to scarcely work on teaching how to fight because of the bet made. His lesson plans usually withheld the same material for the three years students studied at Mizu. First was working on detective work, then it would be Quirk analysis, and finally, combat. In that order every single year without a hiccup, minus the fact that it would get harder. This bet threw a wrench in his lesson plans.

The only one who really had fighting experience was Yua who was limber and strong. That was due to her Quirk but her fighting forms were nearly perfect. She had some ups and downs but nothing major to work on besides the words she chose to speak.

Quirk wise, Ichigo, Mei, and Tanami had the upper hand as they easily mastered their powers from a young age. However, they have only scraped the tip of the iceberg. They could always do better with some training. Kagemi and Shinsha knew how to fight although their knowledge was limited. Their Quirks were not combat ready material. The ones who had barely any experience were Daiki, Junpei, and Yoshimi. Those three had to rely on smarts, not strength. Which could prove to be problematic in the near future.

Fingertips thumped against the styrofoam cup in a steady rhythm as Kohei propped his elbow onto the armchair. "My kids are winning this round, just so you know."

Endomoto readjusted his position in the office chair while laughing quietly. He swirled the cream in his coffee with a stirring stick. "I do not concur, Metallic. As far as I know, I began by teaching my students how to use their Quirks wisely. You have been giving your students cases."

The blond shrugged and shook his head. His eyes flickered to the monitor. A smirk slipped onto his lips. "Well, my kid just knocked yours out."

On one of the screens, it displayed Ichigo's form hovering above one of Beta's students. She leaned forward, yellow wings stabilizing her balance as she held a hand to the fallen girl's mouth. She tilted her head and sighed with relief. Releasing her Quirk, the wings dispersed and she took off running in the direction away from the unconscious student. She wore a semi guilty look.

"Ha!" Kohei grunted pridefully.

So far, only one from Alpha has been captured which was Junpei who gladly handed himself over to the leader of Beta. Knowing the teenager though, he most likely let himself be captured with a plan in mind. That or he did not feel like participating in this exercise today. However, Kohei was leaning toward the former. Or more like he was hoping it was the former. Two from Beta were knocked out, Shimada and Taichi. No one from Alpha has found the exit of the maze.

Narrowing his eyes at a specific screen, Impression took a sip from the caramelized coffee. "Kohei, the girl with crystal hair, do you have any idea why she actively avoids me?"

The taste of mocha lingered on Kohei's tongue. "Avoiding you?"

"Yes," Endomoto settled a hand on his thigh. "Every time I walk down a hallway with her in it, she either turns around or presses herself into her friend's side."

Kohei hummed as he pondered over the sentence. He instantly perked up in his. "Tanami was on team thirty-one with Yoshimi Ikeda during the entrance exams. She had you as the evaluator."

The look of bewilderment and disbelief on the other teacher's face made Kohei raise an eyebrow. "Did you forget or-"

"Between eleven and twelve during the exams, my memory is fuzzy. I faced three teams of two and I do not recall almost anything of it." Endomoto stated bluntly without sparing a breath. "It was around the time I was blacking out."

"Right," Kohei's nose scrunched up. "Kura and many specialists could not figure out what was wrong with you. Then it just stopped all of a sudden a month before Mizu opened for the new school year."

"Yes. Kura theorized that it was the aftereffect of a Villain's Quirk that had just taken effect."

"You would blankly stare at something with no real purpose. Even move at times. It was really creepy."

Endomoto rubbed the creases decorating his forehead. "I think it would be best to consult Kura once more. How has Inscribe been?"

"Still on temporary leave," Kohei replied quickly. Not many Heroes knew about Tomohiro's injury or the reason he was on leave. Only a few underground Heroes knew about it. For all they knew is that Inscribe decided to take a 'vacation' and left the rest of his team in charge of his agency.

"I wonder when he's going to retu- oh, your student just lit a flare."

"So that's what he was going to do with that. I thought he was going to fire it at someone."

"That would have been a grave problem."

"I know."

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Tanami was not thrilled one bit. Her frustration was steadily increasing. However, there was one thing she knew clearly without a doubt and that was the fact that Yua's Quirk activated on her. One second she was in control of her body and the next she was throwing crystals by the batch.

Yua's Quirk was strange, to say the least. Psychometric Ferality was a combination of two Quirks: Psychometric Movements and Feral Unbound. Although calling them a combination was a stretch since the two were nothing related. Psychometrics meant that Yua could copy the movements or actions of anyone after seeing it performed once. Ferality tapped into a person's primal and rage instincts and raises their strength and senses. However, the drawback is that it is very hard to control and the person affected will have bouts of memory loss while it is in use.

Both of those last statements were very, very true. It was like Tanami was falling unconscious at times before awakening. She was sometimes witnessing the scene playing in front of her and then blackout for a few moments- minutes? Whatever. Needless to say, her memory was not going to be complete. At the moment, she could barely make out the spinel encasing both of her arms. She could feel the ends of her skin beginning to tear open from overuse.

Tanami wished she could grit her teeth but her hand just swept across her body to release a flurry of lapis lazuli. Wait, lapis lazuli? That is a five on the Mohs scale.

That meant that she was losing sugar rapidly. If the last thing she created was talc, then she would collapse soon after. Talc was a one on the Mohs scale and the sugar in her body would be nonexistent. She was not going to look forward to the massive wave of nausea afterward though.

She just hoped that Yua lasted long enough for her to use up all her sugar.

That was just a fruitless wish. Although she did not want it to occur, Tanami's palm opened, and atop of the maze wall sprouted a stem of lapis lazuli. Even if the crystal did not capture the magenta-haired teen, the emergence and sudden ray of bright blue stunned her. Yua's feet collided, causing her to lose balance. Gravity pulled her down just as mauve mist along with lapis gemstone capturing her foot.

The back of Yua's head collided with the ledge of the maze and Tanami wanted to lunge forward to catch the girl. Yua yanked her leg, cracks running up the expensive rock. She freed herself from her solid cage before fog latched itself onto her ankles.

It looked as if the teenager from Alpha wanted to keep fighting but the head collision and exhaustion were beginning to catch up to her. Tanami watched in silence as Yua's eyelids fluttered shut as consciousness left her.

And then Tanami felt the invisible strings that puppeteered her body vanish as the user was no longer in command. So that is how Yua's Quirk canceled out. A grin stretched on the crystal's lips.

She owed her classmate an apology and maybe mochi as an 'I'm sorry' gift for attacking her. But she was not exactly in the right mind so...

The first thing that Tanami did when she regained full control of her body was to take in a deep breath of oxygen. The air filtered through the mask with ease. She wrung her fingers, trying to get her joints free from their stiffness of the spinel. The red crystal collapsed, hitting the ground in thunks. Once she did, she instantly sprinted over to Yua's collapsed figure. The girl knew she did not have much sugar left in her body.

Slamming her palm against the ground, a hemisphere made of fluorite sprouted from concrete. The barrier was jagged and extremely thin but it is not like she had much strength left. In response to this, her body lurched forward as her balance was thrown off. The world was beginning to spin. Her hand met the cooled surface of the dome. Tanami breathed out heavily. Drops of sweat were trickling down the sides of her forehead.

"You might as well give up now!' Emika crossed her arms across her chest. She held her head high while she stalked up to the crystal. "Seriously, give up. It's not like you have a chance at winning. Just let yourself get captured. It's not like you're going to win."

Despite her head spinning, the amethyst-haired girl took a step forward to meet Emika. Although she was hunched over a bit and she was inhaling and exhaling roughly, she exhaustedly stared up at the green-eyed female. "You're a real piece of work, you know?"

"Oh?" the cheerful twinkle in her eyes diminished. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"You act like a goody two-shoes and say you're helping that one over there." Tanami laughed quietly. Gosh, that curly magenta hair was beginning to look a lot like copper wire. "But you keep looking at everyone like you're above them. What are we, insects to you?"

Emika's eyes narrowed into slits and her jaw stiffened. She glared at the crystal, almost as if this conversation was a nuisance. Tanami grinned in response. "What? Cat got your tongue?"

"If you don't have a response, then that means I'm right. So I guess I won't feel so bad after I do this!"

Meanwhile, in another part of the maze, someone was scurrying across the confusing place.

Now Daiki had no clue how dangerous or how good of an idea it is taking out your own blood from your body while running. The crimson liquid trickled down the thin tube. However the moment it settled itself into the cylinder, the blood had turned into a clear liquid. He finally removed the needle once the container was filled and pocketed it in one of the pouches on his belt. Taking another needle from his bag midrun, he placed it at the top of the container by screwing it in.

Content with the result, the pink-haired male gripped it tight in his hand. "Shimi, you got any idea as to where I'm running?"

"Keep going straight. There are only two dots that are close together. Everyone else is scattered."

"Got it. That sleeping guy... I don't feel comfortable jolting him awake with drugs. I don't know how much is in his system- man I should have requested one of the alcohol detection tests that cops use except for different drugs. Ugh, I do need to make a request to the support course." Daiki mumbled to himself at the end. "Probably need to look at possible side-effects when two drugs that do the opposite combine."

"Focus now, complain later."

"Yeah, yeah," he responded while rolling his eyes.

It took about five minutes for Daiki to arrive at the spot where Tanami and Yua were with Yoshimi's instructions. When he arrived, he was met with a strange and unexpected sight. The two from Team Beta were the opposite of what seemed to be Tanami with an aquamarine hemisphere behind her.

The first thing he noticed was Tanami's chest heaving, inhales and exhales erratic as her lungs burned from the exhaustion her body had taken on. Sweat was dripping off the sides of her face. Her leg muscles burned, tensing and screaming for a chance to rest. She ignored the sensation in his lower limbs and forced her body to continue moving with what little strength she had left. Fingers tightened around half of what seemed to be Yua's bo staff.

Her eyes trailed upward until she saw him standing a couple of feet behind Emika and Nakayama. Her lips pursed together and Daiki assumed that she did not want him to reveal his presence yet. Although he could not see them directly, the girl from Beta strangely had the same curled magenta hair as Yua while the boy had light blond hair with a mask on. Lavender smoke curled around all of their ankles.

"Come on! Let yourself be captured! You can't even fight anymore!" the magenta-haired girl whined like a toddler. Seriously her voice sounded like a cheese grater. If that made any sense.

Tanami laughed heartily in response despite her face dripping with exhaustion. She wheezed, finding it hard to balance on her shaking legs. Given her trembling movements, Daiki assumed that she was running low on sugar.

"Do... Do you only shout orders? Like... what's even- y-your Quirk?" the crystal heaved.

The magenta-haired girl swung her arms at the side like she was hitting the air. "It's called Instinct Psychometrics!"

"Yeah, okay, and...?"

"Oh my gosh, you're infuriating!"


Leaning on the bo staff, Tanami repositioned her stance into one that would not allow her to fall. The two kept throwing insults and quips at each other. At the same time, Daiki was beginning to slowly creep toward Nakayama. He was wary of the mist, picking up his feet carefully so the fog would not pick up his presence in an instant.

The bo staff clinked against the ground unexpectedly.

Taking a deep breath, Daiki pursed his lips together and broke out into a run. He jumped, tackling Nakayama with the entirety of his body weight and allowed gravity to pull them toward the ground. Both of their bodies slammed against the concrete. Although he was asleep, deep lines of confusion and frustration were painted across Nakayama's forehead. In an instant, the lavender smoke spazzed angrily. It curled, shooting toward both males.

Daiki did not have much time. Opting for the split-second decision, he hooked his fingers underneath the mask and the strap that looped around Nakayama's head and yanked it off his face. Throwing himself off of the blond, Daiki forcefully pulled the tube leading to the backpack off. It took a strong pull for the backpack to recognize that someone was attempting to pull it and a small beep was heard from it. If it was still releasing anesthesia, that shut it off.

Tossing the tube plus mask aside, he sprinted over to the crystal dome. He pressed a gloved hand to the dome and knocked on it. As expected, the hemisphere crumbled. The crystals nearly collided with the concrete before they stilled. With a swipe of her arm, Tanami commanded the shards to shoot toward Emika. The magenta-haired female brought both arms up to shield her face. A piece collided with her damaged nose and she hissed from the pain.

A glass cylinder was pinched between Daiki's fingers as he swiftly attached the tube with a needle. He sunk the sharp point into his skin and waited for his blood to flow out. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed that the smoke was shooting towards the two. It was slowly materializing into a shape and it was headed straight at him. Instinctively, Daiki screwed his eyes shut, waiting for whatever was created to slam his body.

Except it did not.

Cracking an eye open hesitantly, he caught sight of a half molded tiger frozen in place by glistening cinnabar encasing it in a shiny prison. Liquid silver was dripping off it in some places. That looks absolutely nightmare-inducing. It was mere inches from tearing his face off. Oh, he is glad he actually had someone around him who could deal with this guy's Quirk. The pink-haired teenager blinked, scouring the area to see that the lavender fog had converted into red crystal. Tanami had already broken out into a run, swinging one half of the bo staff with the intention of smacking the Yua look alike across the head.

Emika narrowly dodged the weapon swung at her. Skidding back, the girl clenched her teeth. She threw her head behind her shoulder, ready to bark an order at Nakayama. Her eyes widened. Cinnabar sprouted from the ground like a sharp flower blooming its petals and encased Nakayama in a glimmering rock with no dripping silver coming from it. The boy was still fast asleep, trapped in his prison, and unable to release any more of his smoke.

Tanami shot a grin at the girl before she lost her footing. Without anything to support her, the crystal fell to the floor with a thud. Her eyelids had fluttered shut.

Swallowing the saliva built in his throat, Daiki did not waste a second to jab an unused needle into Yua's arm. The dosage of morphine entered her arm effortlessly as it drained from the cylinder. That should keep the pain from getting worse if Yua was still semi-conscious.

He threw a glance toward Tanami before gazing at the angry face of Emika. Sighing in defeat while his shoulders sagged, Daiki said, "fine. We lose."

The teenager held both arms out in surrender. "I'll let you capture us only because these two need medical attention and I'm not that experienced in that area."

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Everything hurts, was Tanami's first thought.

There was a loud ringing sound assaulting her ears when she began to regain consciousness. She felt like she had been asleep for a long time and that she attempted to tread through tar because her body felt heavy. Her eyelids were heavy, much too heavy. She struggled to use the last bits of energy to open them. She blinked weakly three times to try and shake the blurriness away from vision. It worked for a bit.

Everything was tittering and flowing like waves with two or three afterimages following close behind. She shut her eyes once she felt a dreadful pain spiking up in her temples. A groan escaped her throat as the pain escalated in her head. Tanami unconsciously curled her fingers into a fist.

She forced herself to crack her eyes open and she forced herself to concentrate on the ringing blaring in her ears. With a stronger jolt of pain striking her temples, she gazed downward. A few stray droplets trickled down the corners of her eyes, freeing themselves from her tear line. She assumed a few minutes ticked by as she waited for her vision to focus.

Once they did, her lips parted open in surprise. A mess of magenta curls were sprawled across what seemed to be a cot? Fragments of crystal clung to their locks. Despite the painful throbbing piercing of her temples, it did not take long for Tanami to figure out their identity.

"Yua..?" the words left her mouth in a raspy, almost inaudible tone. She furrowed her eyebrows together in confusion.

A multitude of questions swarmed in her head. Each one only made the female's head hurt even more. Suddenly, she saw a faint twitch come from Yua's body, and a few moments after a groan arose from her body. The girl picked her head up slowly, eyes narrowed as the sleepiness left her irises. She stayed like that for a few seconds, her brain slowly processing where she was. Finally, her violet eyes connected with periwinkle ones.

"And here I was thinking that the frontline teams were the ones to worry about." Sticking his head into one of the many infirmary rooms, Kura, the nurse, frowned. "But no, the equidistant teams are the ones I should worry about as well."

"What? Were we bad?" Tanami croaked as she pushed herself into a sitting position.

"On the contrary," Kura handed Tanami a chocolate shake and Yua a drinkable strawberry yogurt. "Team Alpha and Team Beta successfully knocked out six team members from each team."

The chocolate drink went down the wrong pipe and Tanami was thrown into a fit of coughs. Oh, that feels terrible when the world is spinning. "W-what?"

If Yua was baffled by the statement, she did not show it. She readjusted herself on the cot and unscrewed the lid of the yogurt. "Did we win?"

Kura retaliated by pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration. "Kohei and Endomoto called it a tie as two members from Alpha escaped and three were captured. Mochizuki, Nomura, and Ono were captured. Ikeda and Sayori escaped."

Tanami swirled the liquid in the plastic bottle. Well, that is embarrassing. She was one of three to get captured and she was unconscious? That just sucks. Her fingers curled tightly around the drink. At least the chocolate was super sweet and it could lift her mood and sugar levels. Her ears were still buzzing and the world shifted a bit but the chocolate made it better.

Walking backward, the white-haired nurse adjusted his glove. He peeked out the door and into the hallways, a frown slipping on his lips. "You can leave when you feel better. I don't want to see either of you for the rest of the time this foolish bet lasts."

"Yes, Kura-san." Both girls said simultaneously.

Once they responded, Kura nodded before excusing himself. He most likely left to take care of other students who fell unconscious. A heavy silence fell between the two girls as they decided to make themselves comfortable in the infirmary. They were both still in their costumes minus the gas mask and belts. Those were carefully placed on the bedside tables.

Leaning the drink on her thigh, Tanami began to remove the cuffs on her wrists. They were lightweight but she did not feel like having them cling onto her any longer. She dropped them onto the cot just as the person across from her spoke up.

"What happened after I passed out?"

Tanami picked her head up in surprise. She thought that they would stay simmering in their own silence until either one of them felt well enough to leave.

"Your Quirk deactivated." the crystal stated bluntly. She huffed quietly in a self sustained victory after ripping the four cuffs off her arms.

"It... deactivated?" Yua halted midway, struggling with a knot in her hair after shaking the crystals off. Suddenly she hopped off the bed and grabbed Tanami by both shoulders. The periwinkle-eyed girl stiffened in shock from the unexpected action. "How did it feel when you were under its influence?"

After the shock wore off a few seconds later, Tanami shook off the female's hands from her arms. Her lips pressed together. "Frustrating to be honest. I would fall unconscious every few minutes before waking. My body wouldn't respond to me and it was moving on my own. You sure you don't have a brainwashing Quirk?"

Yua placed her hands on her hips and a thoughtful yet frustrated look painted over her features. "No, Feral Unbound activates a person's inner anger and channels it into strength. Downfall is the memory loss and the inability to think correctly. You were strangely and terrifyingly calm."

"I could think clearly though when I was awake. I just couldn't control my body. You sure you got that second part correct?" Tanami shifted, moving her legs into a criss-cross position. She placed her hands on her bent knees.

"Are you certain?" the magenta-haired girl said expectantly. Tanami could not figure out if she looked hopeful or dreadful.

"Yeah, I'm certain. It sounds like you've never even used that Quirk before when you ask that." the crystal sputtered out with no real thought put into those sentences.

So when Yua evaded Tanami's eyes, the amethyst-haired girl blinked in confusion. Finally, it dawned on her. Leaning forward, Tanami nearly fell off the cot. "You've never used your second Quirk before?!"

The said teenager in question tilted her head and shrugged. She spun around on her heel, footsteps echoing in the small room. "...I've used it twice before when I was four. I have to activate it while touching someone. I touched you and I didn't think to activate it. Why did it activate it on you? I was pissed but even that shouldn't have done anything. What pissed you off?"

"Your shitty excuse of a sister." The words flowed out of Tanami's mouth before she could process them. Once she realized what she voiced, her gloved hands instantly slammed against her lips. She laughed awkwardly before fixing her sentence to something more appropriate. "I mean your greedy sister. What's her deal? And I know it's not my place to pry but you mentioned how your father- um, screwed another woman...?"

Now it was not her place to get into other people's business but she was slightly intrigued. The sentence spoken earlier during the game of tag was so strange. Emika and Yua were not twins even if they were around the same age. Tanami was going to take a gamble in asking. The worst that could happen was a rejection and frankly, she is not a stranger to those. Kiyoko and Souta made that very clear all those years ago.

But that did not change the fact that this was a selfish request. If someone asked her why she was not living with her birth parents, she would instantly become defensive and try to end the conversation right then and there.

She should probably take back the inquiry. It is rude and selfish and not her place to ask. Why did she even ask in the first place? Akihiko would have flicked her before the thought would have even crossed her mind...

The only thing she could do was look away shamefully. Opening her mouth to take back the question, Tanami was unfortunately cut off.

Yua swirled on her feet, plopping her back at the ledge of the cot. The bed squeaked a bit from the sudden force dropped on it. She mulled over a thought for half a second before rolling her eyes. "Ehh, I could give less of a shit about Madam Psyche's reputation and you and your brother say less than what you show anyway. Don't give me that look, I know that your brother did not randomly fall sick. He had a panic attack."

That caught the crystal's intention more than the previous thing. Straightening, Tanami raised an eyebrow. "How did yo-?"

The violet-eyed teenager took a swig of the yogurt. She mindlessly tapped on her arm with her fingers. "I found him gasping in the basement and I don't know what to do in those situations. I know your long time friend might, so I called him. You were nowhere in sight and I didn't know your location and Kagemi was closer to where I was at the time."

A breath escaped Tanami. Her hand had found its way to her chest, tightening into a fist. Unexpectedly, it felt like the tension was lifted from her muscles. She slumped forward a bit and allowed a slow laugh to leave her chest. She was beginning to feel the exhaustion from earlier seep into her bones. "Thank you. It's been a long time since Akihiko's had a panic attack. My dad and I were shocked and scared. I'm the one who usually has them."

"Yeah, yeah," Yua rolled her shoulders back. A couple of pops were heard coming from her spine. Although she disregarded the 'thank you', the twitching of her lips were betraying that action. She placed a hand on her forehead. "Ugh... how do I say this? Ah, whatever. Long story short, my father is a manwhore. He's married to Madam Psyche and Emika is her daughter. I'm the child of a woman my father had a one night stand. Wasn't the last one either. I think I have six step-siblings...? I'm still confused on whether the four-year-old is or not. He kind of just appeared. Out of nowhere. On the doorstep."

Tanami was officially taken aback. There were so many things wrong with that one paragraph said that she did not know where to start. Seriously, where do you start questioning the wrong? There were so many options to choose and there really should not be that many options.

She released a long breath. Might as well go with the obvious one. "How has Madam Psyche not divorced your father?"

In response, Yua looked in disinterest inside the yogurt bottle. "I've been trying to figure that out since I was five."

Well, that was not the response Tanami wanted. Then again, what was she expecting? That love prevails over all mistakes? That was straight out of a storybook.

"I don't know what to say... I'm sorry doesn't really cut it." The cap of the chocolate drink seemed highly fun to play with at the moment. She was beginning to fight the urge to screw it off and screw it back on.

"I could care less. Both my birth parents think I don't exist and Madam Psyche only gives me the time of day because of my Quirk combination. It's better than Emika's in resourcefulness." A smug expression was plastered on Yua's face once she said that last sentence. Clearly, she was prideful of that.

The expression fell soon afterward. "Though you broke her nose so I think I might not be allowed home today. She'll spin the story and make herself the victim."

"So she does do a goody-two-shoes act!" Tanami pounded before palms together when she yelled. She absolutely knew it!

Then the second sentence was beginning to process in her brain. "Uh, about not being allowed home?"

"Madam Psyche treasures Emika and the girl can do no wrong," Yua informed with a bit of venom lacing her words.

A feeling of emptiness and pity swirled in the depths of Tanami's stomach. Those words from earlier reminded her of when she and Akihiko were homeless for about a month. She knew Yua was more capable than two five-year-olds that knew nothing about the world but she could not help but feel melancholic.

Her fingers curled into fists. "Do you want to sleep at my house, maybe...?"

✧ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ✦✧✦ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ✧

Author's Note:

And that ends the first round of tag.

Do you like tag? I never truly enjoyed tag because I always ended up tripping over air for some reason. I don't know. Maybe I was super clumsy when I was younger.

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