Extra #1: The Raid

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So before I redid the outline for this book when it first started out, this was one of the chapters I wrote. It was suppose to go after Crystallized Phantoms. However, I scratched this part of an arc since the book would have dragged out way too long for my liking.

I'm publishing this now for fun because July 11th is the one year anniversary of Plus Minus One! Yeah, I totally forgot until two days before.

Just so you know I never edited this chapter so forgive me for any mistakes or errors. This is just a small tidbit of what could have been. Enjoy!

Also, at the bottom I'll show some random pieces of artwork I've done. Finished and unfinished.

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The stench of alcohol filled Inscribe’s nostrils as he held the pistol firmly in his gloved hand. His nose wrinkled in disgust, feeling a tad bit lightheaded by the pungent scent of strong liquor. Gosh, he never understood why people loved drinking alcohol. However, the case may be because he cannot hold his liquor and he cannot stand the burning sensation that ran down his esophagus.

Nonetheless, how could anyone inhabit this bar with such a strong smell? It absolutely reeked as the scent penetrated the floor, the walls, the ceiling, and any furniture that littered the area. How much does one need to drink or keep in such a place for it to smell like this? His teeth clenched down together in displeasure at the realization of a thought and his grip tightened on the pistol. 

The muzzle was pressed against the skull of the lavender-haired woman who was on her knees. Unlike the normal reaction of one when they are held at gunpoint, this woman did not show one ounce of fear or worry. In fact, the lighting only brought out her contorted expression of anger even more.

Above them, the fluorescent lights gave off a dim glow. Although the bar did not have much illumination, it gave off enough brilliance that Inscribe was able to see without forcing his eyesight. The glass bottles of alcohol were lined up across the wooden shelves behind the bar. He recognized a few as some expensive brands that Metallic would gush about. Stools with red seats were lined up in the front of the bar and settled on top of the surface of the wooden panels. A few vermillion sofas were pressed up against the walls with small round tables in front of them for patrons. All in all, it would appear like a relaxing and fine business if it was not an underground bar which was a well-known establishment to gain intel for Villains.

He shifted his attention. Beneath him, the woman glared fiercely at Inscribe, aqua eyes glowing with a mixture of confusion, fury, and resentment. Her body was adorned with a tight-fitting navy blue dress that was adorned with what seemed to be oval shards of lapis lazuli. The specks of amber that were dotted across the gemstones were a clear indication of it. 

Quite nice and fitting for the establishment. Quite disgusting from where they were produced. Inscribe had to bite down on his tongue to keep himself from sneering in revulsion. Breathing in deeply in an attempt to calm his slightly racing heart, Inscribe stroked the trigger with his thumb. He was not going to pull it. He dared to but he would not. Stay calm, stay calm. 

The woman shifted her head slightly and puffy curls of purple ringlets fell into her line of sight. Crimson scratches and angry maroon were painted across her knees from the amount of time she was kneeling on the floor. Wrapped around her wrists were bulky and heavy wrists that were made of faint silver and bright cerulean. Any chance of her Quirk coming to life was closer to none as the cuffs canceled her powers out.

Like the woman, many others were forced upon their knees with Quirk canceling cuffs latched around their wrists. Most of them wore a look of sorrowfulness and disbelief. They did not speak nor did they make much movement since they could not do much anyway. That thing would not let them anyway.

A few feet away from Inscribe was a small obsidian thing that appeared to take the shape of a dog. A shiba inu to be more specific, except something was off about it. Instead of a fur coating, the dog was made solely of jet black ink. Its eyes, part of its muzzle, and its underside were all stark white. The shiba inu settled itself on top of one of the tables, standing proudly as its tail wagged. If one of the Villains even tried to move, the ink dog would growl and bare its nonexistent teeth. 

Right next to the woman was her husband who wore the same furious expression his wife sported. Locks of deep onyx fell into his eyes but specs of his periwinkle eyes revealed his anger without a fault. His nails were digging crescents into his palms.

“You aren’t allowed to do this!” the woman seethed while her fists balled in her lap. Her knuckles were beginning to turn into a nice shade of white. “For one, you need a warrant!”

Inscribe shrugged. The woman’s words were nothing to him. “When you're number five in the Japanese Hero Charts, Heroes can bypass a lot of procedures. This is one, Kiyoko and Souta Yama.”

When it comes to being a Pro Hero, there are many, many benefits. The advantages of this job can include, but are not limited to: revoking parental rights if the Hero deemed it fit, bypassing a lot of procedures that concern adoption, and convincing many higher-ups as to why a Hero needed to raid a specific place without proper investigation done thoroughly beforehand. 

“So what right do you have to invade a business?!” Souta exclaimed.

“On the case of child neglect, child abuse, aiding in Villain cases, running an illegal and underground bar, exploiting Quirk usages, and hiring two Villains to retrieve two children by force.” Inscribe listed off as his thumb flicked off the safety trigger on the pistol. He raised a brow as if he was amused. “Do the names Akihiko and Tanami Yama ring a bell?”

Slipping his hand into one of the pouches on his belt, the male slipped something out. Pinched between his fingers, he presented an image to the two. The photo displayed two kids with what seemed to be chunks of amethyst as hair with their bangs being strips of fiberglass that curled at the ends. Their gemstone hair illuminated their nearly white skin and periwinkle eyes. Both children stared at the camera with frowns and with a bit of fear held in their irises. Neither looked thrilled to have their picture taken.

Both adults momentarily froze, processing the words spoken by the Hero as well as the image presented. Kiyoko was the first to react. “What about those children?! They ran away! We are their parents! We have a right to use and exploit them! It was only right that we get them back!”

Inscribe clicked the roof of his mouth with his tongue, although that was an attempt to shadow that growl that wanted to rip out of his throat. Even if he had a gun pointed at this woman’s skull, he would not dare press it unless it was absolutely necessary. Just because he was a Pro did not mean he had permission to steal another person's life without a valid reason. Although in his eyes, he deemed that anyone who hurt and exploited children as a good reason, the Hero Commission would not. He was not in the mood to have his license revoked.

Even with that reasoning in his mind, the ink-haired male could not help the thought that crossed his mind. Too bad he could not follow through as he wanted. The consequences outweighed the benefits, unfortunately. However, that did not mean he could not do something by going a different route. He chuckled lightly as he shook his head to rid himself of those pesky thoughts. Those could be carried out later. "You have no right, and you won't. For a very long time that is." 

His left hand shifted to press a small button from an object that hung from his belt. The moment he did, the doors that lead into the underground bar burst open with police coming down the concrete stairway. In no time, the two alongside other villains that inhabited the place when his agency rushed in were ushered out into the depths of the alleyways. 

He pocketed the pistol, reinstating the safety so the weapon would not fire by accident. That would be anything but good if it fired. 

“Phantom,” Inscribe called out as he swiped a drop of ink that freed itself from his hair off of his cheek. “I need you to escort the police just in case something goes wrong.

At the sound of her Hero name, a young woman with wispy purple hair materialized into existence. Her body was floating in the air as her waist-length cape curled around her torso. Her shoes thumped against the panels as she placed herself on the ground. Her blue eyes flicked at the final policeman escorting the last Villain. She nodded while she tapped the black, round thing in her ear. “I’ll… communicate with you if something goes wrong.”

Once that Inscribe was certain that Phantom had caught up with the police officers, he swerved on his heel. There were two doors in this room that lead to different places in the underground. His other two teammates, Charm and Puppeteer, had ventured forth to find any evidence or people lingering around in the shadows. Taking in a deep breath, Inscribe resisted the urge to gag from the horrendous smell of alcohol. Oh, how strong and utterly disgusting it was.

A frown tugged at his lips. How on earth did those two children even spend most of their days here? Unconsciously, his fingers curled into a tight fist. He was going to use every connection he had to make sure those two ‘parents’ would stay behind bars for a long time. He was going to make sure of it. 


Blinking twice, Inscribe snapped out of his thoughts from the static voice entering his ear. He raised a hand to press the small button on the earpiece. “Yes, Charm?”

“Puppeteer and I found something you might be interested in. Enter the door near the bar and take two lefts and then a right.” 

“Okay,” he responded swiftly. 

A sigh left his lips as he rubbed his right temple with his hand. He was beginning to feel the pricking sensation of a headache slowly developing. Inscribe shut his eyes for a few moments to release the tension in his muscles. “Just a little while longer.”

Snapping his fingers once, he motioned for the shiba inu to follow him. "Come on, Shishi."

Shishi barked quietly in affirmation. It leaped off the table and landed on the wooden floor with ease. It quickly ran over to his side, rubbing up against the Hero's leg. This brought a smile to Inscribe’s face as a chuckle rumbled his chest. Inscribe knelt down and lightly rubbed the side of the dog's ear. Shishi yipped in glee while it wagged its tail. This dog always knew how to make him feel better.

Inscribe straightened him and gestured to Shishi. He followed the instructions given to him by Charm. He moved at a careful pace and kept his guard up at all times. Even though his Hero team thoroughly swept through the area, there still could be the possibility that someone could surprise them from the shadows. Precaution was the one thing he wanted to make sure of it. He cannot afford to get injured. Not now at least, and not anytime soon either.

Finally, he arrived at the door where Charm and Puppeteer were. He rested his hand on the doorknob but did not turn it. For some reason, he was hesitating. The image of those children flashed in his mind. The most prominent feature of those two was the amethyst that made up their hair. Their Quirks made them even more special but in a way, he could not believe another human being could use them. 

He shook his head. Why was he hesitating so much? Without wasting another second, Inscribe twisted the doorknob to allow himself and Shishi inside the room. The moment he stepped inside, an array of sparkling hues nearly blinded him. He raised a hand to shield himself from the amount of brilliance given off the gemstones. He blinked a couple of times to readjust his eyesight. Once he could see again, he wished he could not.

Dozens of crates filled to the brim with racks of various crystals littered the room. Hairpieces made of emerald, necklaces made of opal, rings made of diamond, bracelets made of amber and citrine, and so, so much more. The assortment of beautifully crafted and decorative crystals were absolutely stunning. Probably every gemstone under the sun was in there. 

His fingers slipped underneath one piece of jewelry. It was a ring made of ruby. All of a sudden, Inscribe curled his fingers into a tight fist. He could feel the ring cracking under the pressure he applied. 

"I want anything that could be evidence to be recorded. Any reports that could say where these were sold as well." 

Inscribe was going to make sure Kiyoko and Souta Yama would be behind bars for life. Whatever it took, he was going to make it happened.

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Random picture time:

This was my year-old sketch of Yoshimi. I never liked it because he looked older than I wanted so I just forgot about it.😅

Old image of Ukiyo

Old image of Tomo. This is dated on September 3rd. Gosh I'm glad his new one looks so much better.

My second attempt at Tomo and Kohei. Yeah idk. Dated in December.

The newest cover

New Tomo. I love this one. The other two were whack.

Unfinished Kohei. I got to his hair and gave up because I couldn't figure it out. Wish I had the strength to finish because I'm proud of those hands. 😅

Akihiko and Kagemi

Tanami and Yua which is unfinished.

And baby twins catching fish

That's all for now. Maybe I'll do another one of these extras once Plus Minus One is complete.

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